Haddock, what kind of fish, benefits and harm to the body, research

What kind of fish

Haddock is a fish of the cod family. It lives in the salty waters of the Arctic and Atlantic oceans. This is not a river, but a marine representative of aquatic fauna. The largest numbers are observed in the North, Barents and Norwegian Seas. There is information that it can also be found in the Black Sea, but scientists say it is a representative of the genus of whiting.

Haddock has an elongated silver body with a black stripe and dark spots along the body. The British call it St. Peter's fish, whose fingerprints are left on its sides.

Industrial catch

Lives in a school, feeds on crustaceans, worms, and mollusks. Mature individuals have a length of 50-75 cm, an average weight of 2-3 kg. It is curious that the rate of maturation is affected by the habitat; for example, in the North Sea, fish grow twice as fast as in the Barents Sea.

Spawning lasts from April to June. The instinct of reproduction encourages the fish to migrate to the warmer waters of the Norwegian Sea to the shores of the Lofoten Islands. One female lays from 170 thousand to 1.84 million eggs, but only a few of them will survive.

Despite the fact that haddock has been given the status of a protected species by the International Union for the Conservation of Animals, people continue to catch it en masse.

Where do they catch haddock?

Recreational and sport cod fishing is widely practiced along the northeastern borders of Russia. In the Baltic and the White Sea coast, preference is given to local subspecies of Atlantic cod; in the Barents Sea, haddock is caught, for example, at Cape Kanin Nos (Nenets Autonomous Okrug) or Nemetsky (Murmansk Region). This activity is popular in Norway, Canada, Scotland, Ireland, and Iceland, where fish migrate for food from the North Sea, which does not wash the territory of Russia.

To catch haddock, you don’t need to move very far from the shore, just sail on a boat (boat) at 500-2000 m and find a place with moderate depths. Fishing is good in the morning and evening. The frequency of bites is favorably influenced by the presence of tide.

Beneficial properties for the human body

  1. Enriches the body with proteins, fats, vitamins and microelements.
  2. Product for a balanced diet.
  3. Reduces bad cholesterol levels.
  4. Activates mental processes.
  5. Positively affects mental state.
  6. Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  7. Natural source of vitamin D.
  8. Reduces the risk of developing diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis.
  9. Supports visual acuity.
  10. Helps you look younger.

For children

Haddock is a low-fat fish, so it is useful for children of any age. It is with this that you can start fish feeding for infants from 9-10 months.

Beneficial properties for a growing child's body:

  • promotes normal growth and development;
  • strengthens immune defense;
  • improves hand-eye coordination;
  • supports intellectual processes - memory, attention, thinking and imagination;
  • helps normalize sleep and wakefulness phases;
  • strengthens bones and teeth, which is especially useful during growth spurts.

According to research, the body’s digestibility of protein from haddock and other fish is 93-98%, meat protein is 88%, so it is easier for a child to digest it.

Composition, calorie content per 100 g, nutritional and energy value

Haddock belongs to the group of fish with moderate calorie content: 70–72 kcal per 100-gram serving . The absence of fat (less than 200 mg) makes dishes from this seafood a dietary product, and the impressive concentration of healthy protein (17.1 mg - 33% of the daily value) makes it a nutritious food at the same time.

The greatest amount of useful substances (mg per 100 g):

  • potassium - 300;
  • phosphorus - 180;
  • magnesium - 35;
  • zinc - 0.4;
  • phosphoric acid - 3;
  • vitamin B2 - 0.15.

Other important substances and vitamins have lower concentrations (relative to the daily dose): iron, molybdenum, selenium, cobalt, sodium, glutamic acid, leucine, manganese, serine, histidine.

The glycemic index here is close to zero , so even after heavy consumption of this fish, there is no increase in blood sugar levels.

Despite the impressive amount of phosphorus, the representative of the deep sea does not hold a record for the content of this element: tuna and cod overtake haddock, having 260 and 203 mg of phosphorus, respectively.

Fact. Haddock contains a significant amount of iodine, which is not always found in sufficient quantities in the meat of other fish.

Recommendations from nutritionists for losing weight

In the absence of contraindications, nutritionists advise including seafood in the diet of a person losing weight. In this case, the beneficial low-calorie properties identified in haddock allow us to recommend it as a dietary product.

The calorie content of this fish varies from 87 to 230 kcal per 100 grams of fillet. For those who want to lose weight, it is best to cook and bake haddock without oil. And adding fiber in the form of a vegetable salad will make the diet balanced according to KBJU.

Features of use for diseases

Haddock is a good source of nutrients for various diseases. The main thing is to prepare it correctly and eat it no more than 2-3 times a week.

  • If you have coronary heart disease, you can eat haddock boiled and baked without fat. Sometimes you can add a small amount of coconut, corn, or flaxseed oil to it. Preference should be given to fillets; caviar should be limited.
  • For pancreatitis, doctors recommend boiling, steaming in the form of a whole piece or cutlets. Fish soup is contraindicated as it contains extractive substances that irritate the gastrointestinal tract. Fried, smoked, and canned fish are prohibited for patients with pancreatitis.
  • According to the glycemic index and calorie content, it is suitable for nutrition for type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Preference is given to boiled, stewed fish, as well as cooked in the oven or slow cooker. This product allows you to avoid surges in blood glucose and saturate the body with useful substances.

Potential dangers, contraindications, diet and diseases

A traditional contraindication is intolerance to fish food (food allergy). If allergic reactions have been noticed in the past, then the risk of itching and redness is high. There are no more restrictions on its intake, which makes it possible to include a representative of the cod family in the list of products with the lowest health risk.

If there are chronic diseases, it does not lead to a worsening of the patient’s condition. Patients with diabetes can consume a member of the cod family without restrictions due to its low glycemic index.

For people on a diet, haddock is suitable for creating a low-calorie menu, but only when steaming the fillet (white rice is chosen as a side dish). Fried fillet is definitely not suitable as a dietary option.

Chemical composition and calorie content

Averaged data on chemical composition and calorie content were taken from the official website of the US Agricultural Research Service.

Chemical composition of haddock fillet per 100 g:

  • water – 83 g;
  • proteins – 16 g;
  • nitrogen – 2.6 g;
  • fats – 0.45 g (cholesterol – 54 mg);
  • carbohydrates – 0;
  • microelements: Ca – 11 mg, Fe – 0.17 mg, Mg – 21.1 mg, P – 227 mg, K – 286 mg, Na – 213 mg, Zn – 0.32 mg, Cu – 0.021 mg, Mn – 0.011 mg, I – 150 µg, Se – 25.9 µg;
  • vitamins: thiamine - 0.02 mg, riboflavin - 0.057 mg, niacin - 3.36 mg, pantothenic acid - 0.403 mg, vitamin B-6 - 0.281 mg, B-12 - 1.83 mcg, A - 17 mcg, E – 0.45 mg, D – 0.5 µg, K – 0.1 µg.

The protein composition is represented by various amino acids:

  • essential – tryptophan, threonine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, cysteine, phenylalanine, tyrosine, valine;
  • replaceable - arginine, histidine, alanine, glycine, proline, serine, aspartic and glutamic acids.

Fatty acid content: saturated – 0.091 g, monounsaturated – 0.061 g, polyunsaturated – 0.166 g.

The amount of calories depends on the habitat of the fish. Thus, raw wild haddock has a calorie content of 80-88 kcal/100g, and farmed haddock has a calorie content of 72-73 kcal/100g.

The cooking method also affects the amount of kcal/100g:

  • boiled – 87-93;
  • baked without adding oil – 94;
  • fried without oil – 142;
  • in batter – 195-230.

What are the benefits of haddock?

All cod have a rich biochemical composition, but at the same time contain a low percentage of fat (<0.5%) due to its localization in the liver. This natural mechanism allows fish to go without food for a long time, quickly adapt to environmental conditions and remain active in cold water. White haddock meat has a delicate taste, is low in calories (75-80 kcal), is easily absorbed by the body, and does not contain insoluble protein elastin and cholesterol, which can provoke atherosclerotic disorders.

Other beneficial properties of haddock include the natural enrichment of the body with substances important to it. 100 g of quality product contains:

  • proteinogenic amino acids methionine and cysteine ​​(780 mg);
  • vitamin C (800 mcg), PP (600 mcg), E (300 mcg), B2 (150 mcg), A (10 mcg);
  • potassium (300 mg), phosphorus (180 mg), magnesium (35 mg), iodine (0.32 mg);
  • aspartic acid (1610 mg);
  • building and sewing proteins (17200 mg);
  • ash (1200 mg), leucine (1370 mg), proline (1110 mg)
  • glutamic acid (2320 mg).

Haddock is ideal for both regular and dietary or rehabilitation diets. Eating products from this fish allows you to normalize weight, speed up metabolism, strengthen the immune system, eliminate inflammatory processes, and improve the condition of the skin.

How to cook haddock

Due to their tender, dense, layered meat and low fat content, cod fish are excellent for canning and heat treatment. The most popular ways to cook haddock:

  • frying (in a frying pan, deep-frying, on the grill);
  • classic or dry salting;
  • baking (in a sleeve, foil, under a lid);
  • hot steam treatment or boiling;
  • drying and curing (preliminary wet salting under pressure for 4-5 days);
  • smoking (do not use alder, which imparts bitterness).

To learn more:

Vobla - what kind of fish, description and way of life

In dishes, haddock goes well with vegetables, sweet and sour dressings, hot and spicy spices. Cod fillet serves as a tasty and healthy base for making cutlets, pates, and filling for baked goods.

Which is better haddock, cod or pollock?

All three species of fish belong to the cod family. They are almost identical in composition, but cod is fattier (fat content 8%) than haddock and pollock (<4%).

As for taste, haddock is not inferior to cod, and in comparison with pollock, it has more tender and juicy meat.

According to US tests, the advantage of haddock is its high iodine content and lower infection with helminths.

All the fish presented above, like other cod representatives, are not bony.

Which is healthier: haddock or cod?

The question of which is healthier, haddock or cod, is not entirely correct. These are related fish that have almost the same properties. And if the content of iodine or cobalt in cod meat is approximately the same as that of haddock (in fact, a little less), then cod meat is significantly inferior in Omega-3 fatty acids (170 mg versus 260).

On the other hand, the Omega-3 content in cod liver is several times higher. And although liver is an offal, this fact should also be taken into account when analyzing the usefulness of fish.

Important! There are risks associated with eating haddock liver. This is explained by the fact that it has the ability to accumulate mercury to a much greater extent than cod liver.

The calorie content of the fish is approximately the same (69 kcal for cod and 71 for haddock).

How to choose and store correctly

In the store, haddock carcasses can be purchased chilled, frozen, or salted, with or without the head. To buy a good copy, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Smell. It should be marine for chilled fish and neutral for frozen fish.
  2. Eyes. Transparent, without turbidity. This sign indicates freshness.
  3. Gills. Normally pink with a reddish tint. Mucous coating, darkening, grayness, spots are a sign of stale goods.
  4. Ice crust. It should be uniform, without cracks or leaking blood.
  5. Carcass pose. Natural straight. Curvature indicates re-defrosting.

Haddock is a perishable product, so the cleaned carcass should be cooked or frozen immediately. The shelf life at a temperature of – 18℃ is 6 months.

How to choose

In order for haddock to reach the store, it must be transported. Often, regulated conditions are not observed during transportation. When purchasing, in order not to spoil the positive reviews about the taste of haddock meat and its benefits, you need to choose the right carcasses:

  • The fish has a characteristic marine smell. His absence should be alarming. It indicates the possible presence of haddock disease. It may have been frozen and thawed several times;
  • Like any fish, its eyes should be clean, transparent, and not cloudy. It rots from the head and first of all, it is the eyes that give away the process;
  • No spots or mucus on the gills. A light pink, reddish tint indicates freshness;
  • Dried fins also indicate repeated freezing and thawing of the product;
  • Freshness is expressed in the bright, white color of the fish fillet. The meat turns grayish as the caught haddock is stored (like any other fish).

Cooking haddock?

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The fish can be stored cleaned of entrails in the freezer for several months. At a temperature of -18 degrees, the shelf life reaches six months. Thawed and slightly cooled haddock is cooked immediately, as it begins to spoil quickly. You can store it in the refrigerator for no more than two days.

What products does it combine with?

Haddock meat consists of proteins and, to a lesser extent, fats, so it is not advisable to combine it with carbohydrates. This leads to stagnation of carbohydrate foods, fermentation, and bloating.

And also should not be consumed with fatty foods, as fats inhibit the secretion of gastric juice.
Fish protein will not be digested and may stagnate, which is manifested by pain and heaviness in the stomach. Compatibility table with other products

FineGhee, whey, greens, cabbage, carrots, beets, pickles, green vegetables
AcceptableRice, buckwheat, lemon, quinoa, tomatoes, butter, vegetable oil, pumpkin, eggplant, zucchini
BadlyMeat, poultry, eggs, mushrooms, cream, sour cream, lard, nuts, seeds, potatoes, dairy products, cheeses, feta cheese, wheat, rye, oats, bread, peas, chickpeas, mung beans, beans, beans, lentils,

Where is haddock found?

Most large species from the order Codfish can only live normally in highly salty, moderately cold and clean water. Such difficult requirements are met by fairly spacious but narrow oceanic areas located between Europe and North America. In Russia, haddock lives in the southern and eastern outskirts of the Barents Sea: the western coast of Novaya Zemlya, Cape Zhelaniya, Mezhdusharsky Island, Cape Sukhoi Nos. Cod are found near Kolguev Island, the Kanin and Rybachy peninsulas, and the Murmansk coast.

To a lesser extent, haddock is attracted to the northern regions of the White Sea with a salinity of 25-26%. And the fish does not enter the desalinated Baltic Sea at all (11-12%), completely losing primacy here to its unpretentious close relative - Atlantic cod. For the sake of a rich food supply, this species quickly adapted to unusual living conditions and is now considered one of the most valuable objects of trawl fishing in the Baltic.

Cooking secrets

Recipe No. 1 Haddock in tomato with onions and carrots


  • fish fillet – up to 1 kg;
  • carrots – 2-3 pcs.;
  • onions – 2 pcs. (average);
  • tomato juice or paste – up to 200 ml;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • spices - salt, sugar, pepper, seasoning for fish.


  1. Peel and chop the vegetables. Fry in vegetable oil until soft.
  2. Add the tomato, a pinch of salt, sugar and simmer over low heat for about 5 minutes.
  3. Cut the thawed haddock fillet into 4-6 cm pieces.
  4. Place the fish on a vegetable fryer. Season to taste. Add water to cover the pieces. After boiling, the fish should be simmered over low heat for 30-45 minutes.

Recipe No. 2 Haddock cutlets

For the dish you will need:

  • haddock meat – 1 kg;
  • onions – 2 pcs. (average);
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • egg – 2 pcs.;
  • bread (delicious with white) – 2 large slices;
  • milk for soaking bread;
  • flour – 2/3 cup;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • spices - salt and pepper.


  1. Grind fish meat and vegetables in a meat grinder. Soak the bread in milk.
  2. Add milk-squeezed bread, eggs, and seasonings to the resulting minced meat. Stir and beat to saturate the muscle fibers with liquid.
  3. Form cutlets, roll them in flour and fry in vegetable oil until cooked, 7-10 minutes on each side.

In the photo you can see what the finished fish cutlets look like. Fried foods are harmful for certain categories of people; in this case, it is recommended to steam them.

Smoked and dried haddock

Fish in this form is rarely found on store shelves. It is low-fat, so after smoking or drying it becomes quite dry. But this is a matter of taste!

This is how they smoke it in Scotland

Dried haddock

It should be remembered that smoked and dried salted fish are not allowed for people with pathologies of the digestive tract, urinary and cardiovascular systems.

Haddock fish: features

This fish is exclusively marine and lives mainly in North Atlantic waters and the Barents Sea. The largest individual of this fish can reach one meter in length and weigh 15 kilograms. However, most often the size of this fish does not exceed 50 centimeters, and the weight ranges from 3-5 kilograms.

Everyone who has tried haddock notes its similarity to cod, and this is not surprising, because it belongs to the cod fish species. It can be distinguished by characteristic oval spots on the sides of a dark color. The meat part of this fish is white and dense, and retains its elasticity well when cooked.

Its taste harmonizes well with many foods and spices. At the market, haddock can be found fresh, smoked, dried, but most often it comes frozen. Salting is also possible, then it acquires a special aroma.

Benefits of haddock

Most people understand that not only meat, but also fish can be tasty. It is distinguished by a large number of useful substances, microelements and vitamins. Haddock meat is very well digestible. This is because it does not contain a protein called elastin.

Haddock is well suited for a diet menu, as its meat is not very fatty. Therefore, people who want to lose weight can safely introduce it into their menu. Most of the fat is concentrated in fish liver (as well as in cod). In view of this, fat is rendered from the liver in industrial production.

It is used in medicine. Taking advantage of the value of liver, the manufacturer also produces canned food. They contain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Such fats have a very good effect on the functioning of the brain, have a positive effect on vision, and also reduce cholesterol in the blood. It should be noted that regular consumption of haddock saturates the body with selenium, which is needed for better absorption of substances.

The beneficial substances contained in any fish improve hair, nails, skin and all mucous membranes of a person. Haddock is no exception; its use is especially recommended for pregnant women and people weakened by illness.

Contraindications and harms of haddock

When consuming this fish, people who have food allergic reactions to seafood products should be careful. An acute allergic reaction, or anaphylactic shock, is a serious condition. A food allergy is a reaction of the body to a protein contained in some food. The immune system mistakenly perceives this protein as dangerous, and upon repeated use, an allergic reaction occurs.

Eating fish is not recommended for people with food intolerance. This problem occurs in people with digestive system problems, possibly due to a lack of certain enzymes. Unlike allergies, food intolerance can manifest itself upon initial consumption of the product.

It is worth considering that these eating disorders are very rare.

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