How to wash carp caviar at home. How to fry carp caviar

Carp caviar: beneficial properties of carp caviar

Of all the cheap varieties of caviar, this caviar is most often counterfeited - after all, despite its low cost, it is considered a delicacy.
Both fresh and salted carp caviar is used for culinary purposes. A delicious casserole is prepared from fresh caviar with lemon juice and eggs. And punchy salted caviar is often added to sour cream and cream sauces served with fish, or filled with sandwiches.

In general, carp caviar

You can salt it at home (you get lightly salted caviar) or fry it. It goes great with mashed potatoes and green onions!


All the properties of carp caviar listed below refer to a fresh, not a salted product! Remember that the high salt content in fish caviar has a negative effect on the body, especially in case of specific diseases! 1. Raw broken carp caviar contains 17.5 g of protein, 2 g of fat and 88 kcal. Salted caviar contains 26 g of protein, 3 g of fat and 131 kcal.

2. Carp caviar is rich in vitamins A, C, D, E, PP and group B. In addition, it contains phosphorus, iron, potassium, calcium, zinc, selenium, sulfur, magnesium, iodine, and ash.

3. The protein contained in carp caviar is absorbed by the body much easier than meat protein.

4. Carp caviar is useful for people who have suffered serious illnesses or are experiencing serious physical exertion.

5. Unsalted carp caviar is useful to eat for hypertension and low hemoglobin levels.

6. Carp caviar (in the form of masks, as well as as a tasty dish) is indicated for consumption for aging and weakened skin.

7. Carp caviar is beneficial for the human body due to the vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids and lecithin it contains.

8. Carp caviar can be considered a dietary food product.


1. Individual intolerance to carp caviar is possible.
2. It is better to avoid eating carp caviar if you have allergic reactions and high cholesterol levels.

Carp is a large freshwater fish of the carp family. It lives in the basins of the Azov, Aral, Caspian, Black Seas, and in the Amur River. In addition to tasty meat, carp has nutritious caviar, rich in nutrients. But it is not a popular product, despite the fact that it has unique beneficial properties for the human body.

Advice from professionals

Caviar, according to many, is a sign of wealth and prosperity. Some people find it too salty, but this is because they have never tried the real thing, freshly prepared.

First of all, it needs to be prepared from freshly caught pink salmon. Only such caviar will have a unique taste and aroma. If after catching the fish you do not plan to cook it immediately, then you should put the delicacy in bags in a cool place, that is, the refrigerator. Only in this form will the eggs remain moist and fresh inside. But you cannot delay the process too much, because then the final product will not have the same taste.

Before you start, you need to make the brine. Most professionals use 4 parts water, 1 part salt. The salt must be real: rock or sea, and not table salt, since its composition is not the same. Caviar made with table salt can be very upsetting.

The brine must be boiled until the salt is completely dissolved, and then cooled. Under no circumstances should bags of caviar be placed in boiling water, as they will simply cook there. It will take a lot of time, so the brine is prepared in advance. When it's ready and cooled, it's time to separate the eggs from the film. Fill the bags with liquid and wait five minutes, then remove the film.

On an industrial scale, caviar is sifted and “filtered” depending on size, then thoroughly cleaned and rinsed. You shouldn’t do this at home, but it doesn’t hurt to rinse it under running water to eliminate the possibility of the membrane getting in.

There is no need to use metal utensils when making caviar. Wooden spoons and glass bowls are best as they do not oxidize the delicacy. In addition, whenever possible, filtered water is used to clean and process pink salmon caviar. Fish eggs react to unfiltered water through a process of osmosis, so even the quality of the water can affect the taste of the final product.

If you use a colander or any other device with holes, before starting work you should check whether the eggs will pass through the holes, otherwise you may simply ruin part of the valuable product. It is not always necessary to boil the brine; you can simply pour hot water from the tap, but through a filter. A temperature of 60 degrees will be enough to separate the membrane from the eggs. The last impurities are removed using tweezers.

On an industrial scale, both manual labor and special equipment are used. In this case, the percentage of loss of egg integrity is only 10%. There are several reasons why a delicacy prepared at home is much better:

  • salt concentration is lower;
  • fresh;
  • tastes better.

Lightly salted products are always of high quality, they have a delicate aroma and a small amount of salt used. This method was invented by fishermen primarily to ensure that the product did not have time to deteriorate before they brought it to the shore. You can’t help but feel a special taste of freshness if you try and compare the product from the store and your own production.

Experts on this product say that good, high-quality caviar needs little salt, while low-quality caviar needs more. In home production, salt ranges from 3.5 to 5 percent per serving of a quality lightly salted product. This is exactly the delicacy that true gourmets prefer.

The basic principles of storage have changed over the years. Today, thanks to refrigeration technology, it has been possible to reduce the salt content in caviar, but a few decades ago it had to be salted very heavily so as not to spoil, but this, of course, significantly deteriorated the quality of the product.

After the fish roe has been cleared of the film, it will need to be washed again. After which the delicacy is poured into a container with gauze, a bag folded in several layers is tightened, and hung out so that the liquid drains and the caviar dries for further salting. If done correctly, the finished product will have an amazing texture. You can feel each egg on your tongue, but at the same time they remain quite hard to burst and release juice when chewed. Caviar is an extremely perishable product, so it must be stored in the refrigerator until consumed.

Read How to choose telescopic spinning rods according to parameters

This chic and expensive snack just needs to be salted. It is considered premium when it does not contain bromine or other preservatives.

You will learn how to clean pink salmon caviar from the film in the next video.

Benefits and harms

As you know, eggs contain a lot of useful substances, for example, vitamins A, B, C, D, E, PP. Carp caviar supplies the body with essential minerals: phosphorus, iron, calcium, iodine, potassium, zinc, magnesium, selenium. This product also contains polyunsaturated fatty acids and lecithin, therefore it helps reduce cholesterol, strengthens the immune system, improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, normalizes metabolic processes, the condition of the skin and bones.

Consumption of the product is recommended for anemia, hypertension, skin diseases, nervous disorders, during the postoperative period and after infectious diseases. This dietary product can be included in children's menus after 3 years; it is also useful for older people.

Carp caviar is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the product. You should not eat it if you have allergic reactions.

Product selection

To choose the right quality caviar, you need to pay attention to the following signs:

  • it is preferable to buy caviar along with the fresh fish in which it is found;
  • real carp caviar is grayish or reddish in color, and a brighter color indicates artificial coloring;
  • The eggs of this fish are very small in size;
  • the product is characterized by high density;
  • To buy a fresh product, consider the fact that this type of fish spawns from April to June.

Fresh and salted caviar of this fish is used in cooking. Fresh ones are often made into a casserole with eggs and lemon juice or fried. Salted caviar is used in sour cream and cream sauces, made into pates for sandwiches, and filling for tartlets. It is indispensable as a decoration for dishes on the holiday table.

Before you start pickling, carefully read the following useful recommendations from experts.

Recipes for salting carp caviar

There are several options for salting caviar at home. They differ in the level of complexity and number of ingredients. Try one of the following methods:

Method one

Prepare the saline solution. Dissolve the salt in water and heat on the stove until it boils. At this time, remove the caviar from the film, place it in a colander and immerse it in a boiling salt solution for several minutes. Then we take sterile glass jars and pack the caviar into them. Place a piece of melted butter on top of each jar. Close the jars tightly and put them in the refrigerator for 24 hours. After a day, the product can be eaten.

Method two

Its peculiarity is to use it when pickling spices. You need to prepare the following products:

  • carp caviar – 600 grams;
  • water – 1.4 liters;
  • salt – 110 grams;
  • vegetable oil – 80 grams;
  • bay leaf – 2 pieces;
  • peppercorns – 4 pieces.

Prepare the saline solution. Dissolve 20 grams of table salt in 260 milliliters of water and boil. Next, without clearing the caviar from the film, fill it with boiling brine. Then we grind the eggs in a colander to separate the film. Let's make another solution. To do this, dissolve the remaining salt in water, add bay leaf and pepper. Boil the resulting solution. Then cool it and pour in the product passed through a colander. Place in sterile jars and place in the refrigerator for 24 hours. After a day, pour out the brine and add oil to the caviar.

Method three

He is the most original and fastest.

The list of ingredients is:

  • carp caviar – 600 grams;
  • onions – 2 pieces;
  • sunflower oil – 70 milliliters;
  • salt – 40 grams;
  • lemon – 1 piece.

Free the caviar from the film. Add fine table salt to it and mix. Place in the refrigerator for 6 hours. Then take it out, add oil and mix. Take a mixer and thoroughly mix the caviar and oil. Beat the mixture until foam forms. Next, chop the onion, grind it in a blender and add to the resulting mass. Mix everything thoroughly again. After this, the product can be eaten.

Salted caviar can be stored for a very long time. This healthy and tasty product is worth including it in your diet more often.

To learn how to pickle carp caviar, watch the video below.

Carp caviar is considered a gourmet food that will be appropriate on any table. In addition to its taste, the product also contains many useful substances that are so necessary for good nutrition.

Carp caviar can be prepared in various variations, based on personal preferences and your menu. In addition, caviar dishes are always very original, and you can surprise both guests and family with them.

How to separate caviar from film

There are several ways to do this, but first we extract the caviar from the fish. Often, fresh pink salmon is used for salting caviar. But you can take frozen fish and first defrost it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. It doesn’t matter what kind of fish, valuable species: salmon, sturgeon, river or ordinary red pink salmon, the process of extracting caviar from it is the same.

  1. First of all, we cut the abdomen, pointing the knife away from the head and moving it with even movements along the abdomen towards the tail. We make a shallow incision to preserve the integrity of the eggs and avoid the gall bladder.
  2. The eggs, as you know, are located inside the fish between the other entrails in the egg. To remove it, carefully move the bags of caviar away from the walls of the fish. We separate it easily and quickly using a knife, or by feeling with your fingers the junction of the fish carcass with the fish carcass.
  3. We remove the extracted caviar from the entrails and wash it. If bile leaks out during work, wash the removed bags thoroughly under cold water, otherwise the caviar will be bitter.

You can cook fish soup from the tail and head; fish fillets are suitable for preparing main courses and baking salmon steaks in the oven. We prepare the caviar freed from the female fish for cleaning from the egg.

Fried carp caviar: recipe


  • Carp caviar – 500 g
  • Flour - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable fat - 100 g
  • Spices, salt


  • Wash the caviar, see if any fish waste has gotten into it, remove it. Cut the product into pieces, salt and pepper. Then put it in the refrigerator for several hours, as it needs to be thoroughly soaked in salt and spices.
  • Roll each piece in flour and fry in hot vegetable fat until golden brown and crispy. This dish goes well with mashed potatoes and sour cream sauce.

How to pickle carp caviar?

At home, you can salt any type of fish; only sturgeon will not work, since salting them requires special skills and special culinary equipment. The recipe for salting carp caviar will be the same for salting the caviar of any river fish. This dish does not take long to prepare - about 20 minutes.


  • Sunflower oil
  • Preparation:

    You can salt fish gifts in two different ways.

    Method one

  • Carefully cut the fish so that the bile does not stain the caviar, otherwise it will become bitter and tasteless. Then dip the eggs with caviar into boiled water for cleaning.
  • Take a deep saucepan and pour salt about a centimeter thick on the bottom. Place the eggs on the salt in even rows.
  • Sprinkle the top of the caviar with salt as well. Calculate its amount correctly; salt should occupy about 12-15% of the total weight of the fish delicacy.
  • Place the pan with caviar in a cool, dark place. The dish will be salted for 3-5 days.
  • When the time is up, drain the resulting brine from the pan. Remove the eggs and rinse them twice in boiled warm water, then place them in jars suitable for pickling. Glass ones, previously scalded with boiling water, are suitable. Roll up the jars tightly and place in a cool, dark place.
  • Method two

  • Place carp caviar in a bowl. Take a knife with a narrow sharp blade and cut the films on the fish product.
  • Now you need to prepare a saturated salt solution - brine. To do this, take 100 g of salt per liter of water and boil in a saucepan. As soon as the brine boils, do not cool it, but immediately pour this solution over the fish delicacy.
  • For about three minutes, continuously stir the eggs with a fork to cut another whole film. Drain the brine solution. Then prepare a new brine and pour it over the carp caviar.
  • Stir the eggs and brine again for about three minutes. The films will wrap themselves around the fork.
  • Drain the brine. Dark balls will appear in the mass - this is a curled film. Select and delete it.
  • Then prepare the brine again and pour in the caviar one last time. Mix the caviar thoroughly. Usually the third time the brine will be much more transparent and cleaner.
  • Place the fish gift on a fine strainer and leave for 15 minutes, allowing excess water to drain.
  • Take a glass liter jar and scald with boiling water. Pour 2 tbsp into it. l. sunflower oil.
  • Fill the jar about 3/4 full with caviar, pour a teaspoon of salt on it (topped) and stir.
  • Then add caviar to the very top of the jar and pour sunflower oil on top. You should get a layer of about 5 mm.
  • Cover the jar with a plastic lid and place in the refrigerator overnight. After this, the dish can be eaten.
  • Salting caviar

    That's all!
    As you can see, there is not much hassle with caviar, and the work does not require a lot of time. In this sense, red fish can be an excellent “springboard” for getting your feet wet in the business of preparing fish caviar at home, so that you can then move on to more complex cases - for example, pike caviar. Salting is a completely simple process. Typically, about 1–1.5 teaspoons of coarse salt are used for 200 grams of caviar.

    To make sure that there is not too much salt and not too little, you can taste the caviar with salt right during salting.

    We transfer the salted product into gauze, collect it in a bag and hang it over a small tray for about an hour to remove excess moisture.

    Bon appetit!

    Carp caviar cutlets

    When there is a lot of fish product, cutlets can be made from it.


    • Carp caviar or milk - 500 g
    • Breadcrumbs - 3 tbsp. l.
    • Eggs - 2 pcs.
    • Onions - 1 pc.
    • Fresh thyme - to taste
    • A pinch of ground cloves
    • Fresh finely chopped dill
    • Tomato paste
    • Vegetable oil for frying
    • Ground black pepper, salt to taste.


  • If you have milk, cut it as finely as possible and mix with caviar.
  • Beat the eggs thoroughly using a mixer or blender, then mix them with the caviar. Then add breadcrumbs and mix everything properly.
  • Now you can do the herbs. Chop the dill and thyme as finely as possible and add to the mixture, seasoning it all with salt and ground black pepper. Mix the resulting minced meat evenly.
  • The fish delicacy is fried in the same way as meat cutlets. Preheat the frying pan in vegetable oil and place the fish cutlets using a tablespoon or spatula. Fry the cutlets until golden brown.
  • Then prepare the tomato sauce. Cut the onion into small cubes and simmer it in a hot frying pan for about 10 minutes over low heat. At the same time, do not forget to stir the onion, as it should not fry too much.
  • While the onions are cooking, dissolve a few tablespoons of tomato paste and add it to the onions. Continue sautéing the onion for about 5 more minutes. Then season everything with spices and salt.
  • Turn off the heat and while the tomato sauce is infusing, finely chop the dill and then mix it with the sauce. Place the fried cutlets on a baking sheet and pour the gravy over them evenly, distributing it so that there is no free space between them. Now preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the cutlets for 10-15 minutes.
  • The fish delicacy cutlets are ready. The process does not take much time and effort, and the result is impressive - they become juicy, and the sauce gives them a piquant flavor.
  • When you take the cutlets out of the oven, do not rush to eat them, let them sit for about 10 minutes. Just before serving, sprinkle them with tarragon or rosemary.
  • By the way, carp caviar is often sold not only with fish, but also separately. You probably won’t find it in regular stores, but it may well be in specialized fish departments or at the market.

    Do not forget that dishes made from carp caviar differ not only in their taste, they are also very healthy. They contain a lot of vitamins, lecithin and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

    2015-12-04T08:20:03+00:00 admin useful tips

    Carp caviar is considered a gourmet food that will be appropriate on any table. In addition to its taste, the product also contains many useful substances that are so necessary for good nutrition. Carp caviar can be prepared in various variations, based on personal preferences and your menu. In addition, caviar dishes are always very original,…

    Administrator Feast-online

    True seafood connoisseurs know how delicious fish caviar can be prepared. The offal is steamed, baked, fried. The results are delicious and nutritious dishes.

    Today we will discuss how to cook carp caviar. The caviar of this fish is incredibly beneficial for the human body and has excellent taste.

    Carp caviar pancakes: traditional recipe

    By analogy, almost any caviar of sea or river fish is prepared. Of course, before heat treatment, the fish by-product must be thoroughly prepared, in particular, washed with running water.

    There are many different recipes for preparing fish caviar. Fried caviar will be an excellent addition to mashed potatoes. You can add various ingredients, but we will try to prepare caviar pancakes only with spices and herbs.

    The advantage of this dish is the following: carp fish roe retains all its beneficial properties.

    On a note! Carp caviar is the leader in protein content. 100 g of serving contains approximately 30 g of natural protein, which is known to be responsible for the structure of muscle tissue.


    • 0.8 kg of carp caviar;
    • dried herbs and ground allspice to taste;
    • sea ​​salt to taste.


    1. We cut up the carp carcass and remove the caviar. As you can see, it is in a film shell. We cut the film on one side and rinse the caviar thoroughly under running water.

    2. There is a film left on the opposite side; we will try to carefully cut it off with scissors or a knife.

    3. Add a little dried garlic, marjoram, a mixture of herbs and allspice to the table sea salt.

    4. Mix these ingredients and sprinkle the caviar with them.

    5. Pour water into the multicooker container.

    6. Place a stand on top for steaming dishes. We spread fish eggs.

    7. Close the lid of the kitchen appliance and select the “Steam” cooking mode. Set the timer for 18-20 minutes.

    8. During heat treatment, carp caviar will lighten. The sausages will become dense and will not fall apart when slicing.

    9. Cool slightly and cut the fish roe into portions. This fish dish tastes perfectly in harmony with mashed potatoes.

    Fried fish roe - today's dish

    Many housewives prepare fish roe and most often this offal is fried. It turns out to be a tasty and original dish. It will take you only a quarter of an hour to cook. To eliminate the annoying fishy smell, you can sprinkle the caviar with freshly squeezed lemon juice. Write down how to fry carp caviar.


    • carp caviar – 0.5 kg;
    • premium wheat flour – 1.5 tbsp. l.;
    • 50 ml refined sunflower oil;
    • sea ​​salt and a mixture of peppers to taste.


    1. Wash the caviar carefully and very well with filtered water.
    2. Using scissors or a knife, remove the film shell.
    3. Cut the caviar into portions 30 mm thick.
    4. Place the caviar in a deep bowl, season with sea salt and pepper mixture.
    5. Place the caviar in the refrigerator for one hour to marinate.
    6. Sift the wheat flour.
    7. Pour refined sunflower seed oil into a frying pan and heat it.
    8. We take the carp caviar out of the refrigerator. Each piece is breaded in flour and fried in oil.
    9. Fry over medium heat evenly until golden brown.

    Delicious treat

    On supermarket shelves you can find many types of canned fish caviar. This salty snack is used to make sandwiches, canapés, and tartlets. A real housewife knows a lot about saving. We buy a carp carcass and cook it according to a proprietary recipe, and use the caviar for salting. Take note of how to pickle carp caviar at home.


    • carp caviar – 0.5 kg;
    • 70 g coarse table salt;
    • 80 g melted butter;
    • 1 liter of filtered water.


    1. Pour 1 liter of filtered water into a thick-walled bowl.
    2. Add salt to the water and stir until completely dissolved.
    3. Place the pan on the fire and boil the water.
    4. While the brine is cooking, prepare the fish by-product as described in previous recipes.
    5. Place the carp caviar in a colander and literally lower the fish by-product into the boiling marinade for just a few minutes.
    6. Let's take small glass containers and sterilize them.
    7. Place the caviar in jars and add melted butter on top.
    8. Seal the jars hermetically and place them in the refrigerator for 24 hours.
    9. A day later you can conduct a tasting.

    On a note! There are other methods of pickling. For example, you can add bay leaf, onion, and black peppercorns to the marinade. Unpeeled caviar is kept in brine, then ground in a sieve to separate the eggs. Caviar is salted in brine for 24 hours. The brine is drained from the salted caviar, and the product is filled with refined vegetable oil.

    Dishes made from carp caviar that exist in the culinary world are varied. Each housewife will be able to choose the appropriate option for preparing fish caviar. The taste of the finished snack largely depends on the correct heat treatment of the offal. To add variety to your holiday menu, prepare caviar pancakes.


    • 0.25 kg of fish by-product;
    • onion – 1 pc.;
    • 1 carrot root;
    • egg – 1 pc.;
    • premium wheat flour – 2 tbsp. l.;
    • salt and pepper mixture to taste.


    1. Peel the vegetables and rinse them with water.
    2. We prepare carp caviar as described above.
    3. Then we pass the cleaned and washed caviar through a meat grinder.
    4. Grate the vegetables on a fine grater.
    5. In a deep bowl, combine chopped vegetables with fish by-product.
    6. Add seasonings and spices. Salt and mix well.
    7. Add the chicken egg and sifted wheat flour. Mix again.
    8. Place the frying pan on the fire and heat thoroughly.
    9. Add a little refined sunflower seed oil.
    10. Spoon out the caviar dough in portions.
    11. Fry the pancakes evenly until golden brown.
    12. This dish is recommended to be served with sour cream sauce.

    You can add variety to your usual everyday menu by adding just one ingredient - carp caviar. Delicious cutlets, pancakes, soups, omelettes and even souffles are prepared from it. To ensure a rich taste of the finished caviar, be sure to marinate the fish by-product in spices and herbs. Excessive addition of flour will make the caviar hard, so strictly follow the established recipe proportions. Bon appetit!

    You'll be licking your fingers - how to cook carp caviar? Calorie content and composition of the dish. Bright recipes with carp caviar.

    Carp is a very popular fish among fishermen and chefs. At the same time, you can eat not only nutritious meat, but also carp eggs. How to prepare carp caviar to surprise and delight guests and household members?

    The benefits and harms of carp caviar for the body. Calorie content

    Female carp are among the most prolific fish. One individual is capable of laying up to 1.5 million eggs. These grains have taken a strong place in the menu of gourmets. The calorie content of carp caviar is 179 kcal. The product is by no means considered dietary due to its high nutritional value and protein and fat content. It is these components that the growing bodies of teenagers and pregnant women need so much. 100 g of product contains:

    • Protein - 17.5 g
    • fat - 2 g
    • Vitamins A, B, C, D, E, PP

    Macro- and microelements: calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, sulfur, selenium, etc.

    All listed properties apply exclusively to fresh products. Caviar with a high salt content has a qualitatively different composition and can have a negative effect on the body.

    Like any other product, carp “eggs” can both harm the human body and have a positive effect.

    The protein contained in carp eggs is digested much easier than meatFish are indiscriminate in their food. Its prey includes worms, mollusks, and insect larvae. As a result, the fish’s body accumulates harmful substances that may have a detrimental effect on the quality of the eggs.
    “Fish eggs” are recommended to be included in the diet of people who have suffered serious illnesses or are engaged in physical labor.Caviar is not recommended for food for people suffering from allergies.
    The product is also useful from a cosmetological point of view. Masks and other products with this ingredient are useful for aging and weakened skin Elevated cholesterol levels in the body are also an “obstacle” to eating eggs
    Caviar is useful for low hemoglobin levels and hypertension (exclusively in unsalted form!)
    Vitamins, lecithin and fatty acids have an overall positive effect on the human body

    How to deliciously fry caviar in a frying pan

    Caviar can be served in almost any form and still enjoy its great taste. The fried version is considered very inexpensive, quick to prepare and tastes good. How to fry carp caviar in a frying pan? First you need to prepare the products:

    • caviar – 0.5 kg
    • flour -1.5 tbsp.
    • salt pepper
    • vegetable oil - 50 g
    • The eggs are washed to remove the film.

    Next, cut into pieces approximately 3 cm wide, salt, pepper and put in the refrigerator to “marinate”. After an hour, the pieces are taken out and rolled in flour. The pieces are fried in preheated oil. Continue frying until a crust forms.

    Cooking with dry salting

    You can prepare caviar almost without using brine, then its shelf life will significantly increase due to the fact that it will be stored directly in a natural preservative - salt.

    What you will need:

    • 250 g caviar;
    • 2 tbsp. salt;
    • 1 liter of water;
    • 0.5 tbsp. sunflower or olive oil.

    The eggs with caviar are removed from the fish and placed in a colander. Boil water in a saucepan, add 1.5 tbsp. salt. When the brine begins to boil, place a colander with caviar in there for about 20 seconds, no more, so that the eggs do not cook and burst.

    Then the eggs are pulled out, the eggs are taken out of the eggs and carefully transferred to a plastic or glass container. There they are leveled over the entire bottom with a wooden spoon and sprinkled with salt on top. After this, the caviar is carefully mixed to distribute it evenly over all the eggs.

    The finished product is packaged in a glass jar, refined vegetable oil is poured on top, the lid is tightly closed and placed in the refrigerator.

    How to pickle carp caviar at home

    Salted caviar is very much appreciated by fans. After all, this dish is almost universal - it can be spread on bread, added to salads, or simply eaten with a spoon. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to buy canned products from the store - you can quite easily make the dish with your own hands. How to pickle carp caviar at home? Ingredients:

    • caviar - 500 g
    • salt - 6 tbsp. l.
    • water - 4 glasses
    • Ghee - 80 g

    The salt must be completely dissolved in water. Place the solution over medium heat and bring to a boil. The caviar is washed, cleared of films, placed in a colander and dipped in a salt solution for 1 minute. Next, the product is placed in sterilized jars and covered with melted butter (you should get a whole layer). The containers are placed in the refrigerator. After 12 hours, the dish is considered fully prepared.

    How to quickly and effectively clean caviar from film

    We have already talked about the classic method of rubbing caviar through a sieve. Let's try other cleaning options.

    A whisk and boiling water will remove the film

    1. Pour cold water into a large saucepan.
    2. Bring to a boil and place 1 or 2 bags of caviar into the boiling water. But no more than two, despite the large volume.
    3. Gently stir the caviar with a whisk.
    4. Stirring the caviar with a whisk, we collect the welded parts of the egg on its blade. You need to stir until all the film is gathered on the whisk.
    5. Drain the water. The caviar is ready for salting.

    Remove films with a regular grater

    In addition to the whisk, you can use a kitchen grater for small caviar (pike, crucian carp, perch, trout caviar).

    1. Using a coarse grater, grate the caviar in the film. We try to act carefully so as not to crush the eggs.
    2. The peeled ashtick remains on the surface of the grater. We throw it away.
    3. Add 1 tbsp caviar. l. salt and add hot water.
    4. Stir and leave for 20 minutes.
    5. Strain through a fine sieve. If there are small particles of film left in the mixture, remove them with a fork.
    6. There is some liquid left in the caviar, so leave it in the sieve for 10 minutes to let the water drain.

    Read How to catch carp with boilies and prepare fishing equipment

    Video: Cleaning caviar with a grater

    Cleaning caviar using a mixer

    1. Place the bag of caviar in the pan.
    2. We set the mixer to the minimum speed setting.
    3. “Whip” the caviar without pressing the nozzle, carefully moving along the film.
    4. We clean off the remaining eggs on the eggshell with our hands or a fork.

    Removing the joint with a mixer

    Clean the caviar using cheesecloth and a fork

    1. Pour water into 2 pans. One is hot, the other is cold.
    2. We fold clean gauze into 2 layers and place caviar on it in a tray. We wrap the edges so that the caviar does not spill out.
    3. Place the gauze bag in boiling water and stir for 1 minute.
    4. Take it out and put it in a saucepan with cold water. The scalded hog will be easy to remove.
    5. We clean the caviar from the film with a regular fork.

    Another easy way to clean using gauze

    1. We lay out the gauze fabric on the board.
    2. We put caviar on it.
    3. Gently, without pressing, roll the caviar over the gauze.
    4. Yarn particles remain on the fabric.

    How to free caviar from film with gauze - video

    Removing jastyk in salt water

    1. Prepare a brine solution: dissolve salt in boiling water in the ratio: 100 grams per 1 liter.
    2. Place the unpeeled caviar in a separate bowl.
    3. Fill with brine, the film begins to curl.

    Caviar is ready for salting

    How to Clean Your Calf with a Badminton Racket

    If you don’t have a suitable colander or sieve at home, fishermen advise using a racket. The eggs easily slip through the large nylon mesh. The yastik itself remains on the fishing line.

    1. We take a clean racket; you can pre-rinse it in hot water.
    2. Place unpeeled caviar on the net.
    3. Wipe gently through the cells.
    4. The smallest particles of film that remain on some eggs can be removed with your hands or a fork.

    What dishes can be prepared from carp caviar

    The variety of dishes made from carp caviar is amazing. The following recipes are considered the most popular: Caviar cutlets
    Even delicious cutlets can be formed from carp caviar. Ingredients:

    • caviar – 600 g
    • semolina - 4 tbsp. l.
    • egg - 2 pcs.
    • onion - 0.5 heads
    • salt pepper
    • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l


    • prepare the eggs - rinse and remove the film
    • Add some salt
    • Add pepper, chopped onion, mix
    • add semolina and eggs to the mixture
    • Mix all ingredients
    • Form cutlets, fry on different sides
    • After frying, place the cutlets on napkins to remove excess oil.

    Delicate soufflé
    Caviar soufflé is another dish that is remarkable in its taste. To prepare it you will need:

    • caviar - 500 g
    • eggs - 2 pcs.
    • onion - 1 pc.
    • butter - 1 tbsp. l.
    • spices

    Cooking process:

    • Clean and rinse the caviar
    • Separate the whites and yolks, beat the latter.
    • Mix eggs with yolks and butter
    • Add thoroughly chopped onion.
    • Beat the egg whites in a separate container and add them to the mixture.
    • Grease a baking dish with oil, sprinkle with breadcrumbs, and place caviar mixture on top.
    • Place the pan in an oven preheated to 180 degrees, then bake for 20 minutes.

    Salty water

    There is another simple way to quickly free caviar from films. Let's figure out how to clean caviar from films at home using salted boiling water. In one of the methods, we threw the product into hot water, now we will fill it with it. We prepare boiling water in advance, to which we add table salt at the rate of one hundred grams per liter.

    Place caviar in bags in a separate container and fill with brine. Before your eyes, the films will begin to curl and separate from the caviar. Remember that it is important not to overexpose the product to salt water.

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