Catching crucian carp in summer with a float rod

Crucian carp in July, features of fish behavior

Fishing for crucian carp in July, as well as at any time of the fishing season, can bring a successful catch. Let me give you an example - my grandfather was a passionate fan of crucian carp, he went to them every day, starting from spring and ending in late autumn.

He lived in a rural area; not far from his house there were several small lakes and rivers. And I want to note that he never returned without a catch in the form of crucian carp. I always brought at least a few pieces. He even taught the cat to go fishing with him, feeding it small crucian carp.

Therefore, it should be concluded that crucian carp can be caught in almost any weather, time of day in spring, summer and autumn. And those who talk about some periods when crucian carp are inactive are simply ignoramuses in this type of fishing.

In July, crucian carp not only do not reduce their activity, but also significantly increase it. Even in extreme heat, while on vacation at the lake, I tried to cast a bamboo fishing rod with a worm on the hook; the crucian carp would definitely bite, you just had to wait. Yes, when it’s hot, crucian carp can burrow into the silt layer of lakes, but as they say, hunger is no problem, that’s why our crucian carp scour in search of food, and although crucian carp are not predators in the literal sense of the word, they are absolutely omnivorous.

So the behavior of this fish is no different from its behavior and lifestyle at other times of the year - the main task of crucian carp is to eat a lot and tasty.

How to catch crucian carp in summer

Throughout the summer, the behavior of crucian carp changes, which is due to weather changes and the lifestyle of the fish.


June is considered the most favorable month for catching crucian carp. The weather stabilizes, the fish finish spawning and begin to actively feed. Considering that the water temperature is rising, the best times for fishing are morning and evening hours. At this time, it stays at depths of 0.5-1.5 meters, trying to avoid shallow water.

At the beginning of summer, you can catch with equal success with various baits of animal and plant origin. If everything is clear with baits, then as for vegetable baits, it is recommended to definitely try canned corn, dough, bread and pearl barley.

As for bait, they mainly use a mixture consisting exclusively of plant components. Crucian carp especially loves mixtures with the addition of cake and sweet ingredients like cinnamon and vanilla.

Any tackle can be used; many fishermen choose a float rod.


In July, crucian carp is most active in the morning, from about 4-5 to 9 o'clock, in the evening - from 19 to 22. In the heat, it prefers to stay at depth and practically does not move around the reservoir. It is better to fish in bodies of water with a current, where there is more oxygen. Therefore, most anglers switch to spot fishing in places where it can hide from the heat of the day. Or they fish at a considerable distance from the shore, using appropriate gear.

The bite stabilizes in cloudy weather, especially if there is light rain. In inclement weather or after a thunderstorm and heavy short-term downpour, the activity of crucian carp increases significantly, but it does not like prolonged rains.

It is recommended to use dough or mash as bait, preparing them with various additives, such as sunflower seeds, potatoes, garlic, honey. Pearl barley and wheat, individually and in combination, show good results.

When it comes to bait, it is better to use store-bought, low-calorie, finely ground varieties.


In August, the behavior of crucian carp begins to change dramatically. The reason is primarily a decrease in temperature, when the intense heat subsides and fish activity can continue throughout the day. In sunny weather it is caught from 7-8 in the morning until noon; in the evening the bite is shorter. In cloudy weather it can be caught from noon to evening.

At this time, interest in plant baits decreases - crucian carp reacts to a greater extent to animal baits. The exception is that if the weather is warm for several days in a row and the water has time to warm up, then the dough and corn continue to work.

Feeding should be done in advance - we also focus on the weather. If it stays warm, summer mixtures are acceptable; as it gets colder, we switch to all kinds of nutritious cereals.

Choosing a fishing spot in July

Of course, you should fish for crucian carp in July either at early dawn or at sunset; at this time, crucian carp, and indeed any other fish, show their greatest appetite.

Around ten o'clock in the morning, the crucian carp begins to wander throughout the reservoir, looking for more appetizing areas of the reservoir in terms of food. In the mornings or evenings, crucian carp prefer to be closer to the shoreline of the reservoir. Feel free to throw bait into small openings of clear water among the thickets of vegetation in the reservoir.

When the heat is very strong, crucian carp can go under the shade of bushes or trees, but will also continue to bite, the main thing is to find bait that it will like, and of course, to taste.

In general, when fishing for crucian carp in July, you should try to catch the entire body of water, no matter whether it is shore fishing or from a boat. Do not forget that during the daytime crucian carp begin to actively move throughout the reservoir. Although, you can sit in one place and just wait, the crucian carp will definitely return.

What is the best way to bite crucian carp in July?

I read the advice of experienced fishermen, and was simply horrified - I advise you to buy ready-made bait for crucian carp in stores, well, this is pure advertising, or just the nonsense of an ignorant person. What the hell, store-bought bait, do you know what they are made from? Crucian carp, like any fish, loves natural food.

For a long time it was fed with simple grain, or all sorts of cereals were cooked - peas, oats, millet, rice, etc. And they just caught them with cars. Or that all these new fishermen know better than our ancestors all the habits of fish that have been developed over thousands of years. Please note that our ancestors needed fishing for food, and not for fishing sport.

You should feed crucian carp only with natural products, and you have to cook them yourself, otherwise, what kind of fishing is this? You can just as easily come and sit next to another fisherman on the lake and just watch the process of catching crucian carp in July. Feeding must be done at least two hours before fishing.

The best bait for crucian carp at all times has been animal bait in the form of dung worms, grasshoppers, you can catch it with boiled corn or undercooked peas. An excellent bait is bloodworms, which experienced fishermen harvest in whole car trailers and then dry in the yard.

Features of crucian carp fishing in July

In general, crucian carp are quite easy to catch compared to other types of fish. Therefore, experienced fishermen recommend that novice fishing enthusiasts begin their fishing activities by fishing for crucian carp in July.

In my time, in rural areas, people started fishing from an early age, and therefore all the boys knew all the secrets of catching crucian carp and all freshwater fish from an early age. In the modern world of the Internet, the time will soon come when a person in the forest will simply die of hunger, because he does not know what kind of fish or grass to eat, what to catch and how.

There are no special features when fishing for crucian carp in July days. Crucian carp always behave the same way, they love to eat and therefore constantly explore the reservoir for the presence of food. You can catch crucian carp at any time of the day in the summer. In addition, for this fishing you only need a fishing line, a sinker, and a hook. You can make the float yourself on the spot from wood, and cut a rod for the fishing rod. Then put it all together, and the crucian carp will be caught perfectly.

Bait for crucian carp

What do crucian carp bite on in July? The dung worm has been and remains a universal bait for crucian carp. In second place in terms of attractiveness is maggot. However, in July, when the water temperature rises above 20 degrees, they often cease to be interested in this type of cyprinid. In the case of maggots, small things at this time of year will not allow worthy crucian carp specimens to approach the hook. Then you need to switch to plant attachments, namely:

  • pearl barley porridge, one or two grains per hook;
  • semolina made so that it has the properties of hard dough;
  • white or black bread;
  • wheat flour dough;
  • semolina chatter (only for a fly rod);
  • canned corn.

Tackle for catching crucian carp in July

At all times, the best tackle for catching crucian carp in July has been, and in the future will be, a regular float rod, but you can also use a spinning rod to catch crucian carp. It can be made at the fishing spot itself by cutting a suitable stick from almost any tree with a knife. All these modern fishing rods with various bells and whistles are simply useless, why spend a lot of money on all sorts of rubbish. Probably soon they will come up with a fishing rod that will catch fish itself, without the participation of a fisherman, or a robot that fishes instead of a person.

After all, crucian carp basically don’t care what kind of fishing rod the fisherman uses. Karas does not understand cool companies and bells and whistles. What matters most to him is what will be put on the hook itself. Therefore, you can safely take a simple bamboo fishing rod for crucian carp fishing; the quality of the bite will not suffer from this. The fishing line should not be taken in large sizes, nor should the hooks themselves.

It happens that boys catch crucian carp in July using ordinary hooks, which are a skein of fishing line to the end of which a sinker and a hook with bait are tied. Such gear is simply thrown from the shore, and then you can just expect a bite from the crucian carp. You can catch crucian carp from a boat using a regular donkey.

In addition, in July there are many holes with water and ravines where water remains after a spill. In such places you can catch crucian carp with simple hands. On lakes, along the edges of coastal areas, rather shallow areas of water form; in such places, crucian carp are caught using covers.

The influence of weather conditions: where to catch crucian carp in July

In July, the water level in rivers and lakes remains virtually unchanged; the spawning period is a thing of the past. Therefore, fishing for crucian carp at this time largely depends on the weather. In summer there are a lot of hot and windless days. Because of this, the oxygen level in the water decreases, and the crucian carp practically stops moving through the reservoir. It bites a little better on rivers or lakes with a slight current. After all, here the oxygen regime is much more stable.

On July days, catching crucian carp in a pond with stagnant water is quite difficult, especially when there is complete calm. In this case, you need to look for fish among the vegetation, because when swimming here, it touches tufts of grass or reeds. Therefore, small air bubbles float up from the sludge. It turns out that in such places there is a little more oxygen in the water, which has a positive effect on the bite of crucian carp.

When the air temperature exceeds 27-30°C in July, the fish tries to go deeper. Therefore, fishing with a float rod becomes less effective. It is better to switch to long-casting gear. You can successfully fish with a float only in bushes, snags or in the shade of trees. If there is no wind and the water is flat, then be guided by bubbles and small splashes. This is a clear sign that crucian carp are now active there.

For fishing in July, preference should be given to gear for long casting, because... due to the weather, crucian carp may go closer to the bottom

Fishing in July will definitely be successful if it’s cloudy or there’s a little rain outside. It's all about the oxygen regime again. In bad weather, the water is saturated with oxygen, prompting the crucian carp to actively search for food. Often the crazy bite begins during a thunderstorm. Whereas prolonged rains, lasting more than 2-3 hours, have a bad effect on it.

Techniques and tactics for catching crucian carp in July

When catching crucian carp, you should behave quite quietly so as not to spook the fish. You can fish for crucian carp with several fishing rods at the same time. You should also change the bait used more often, especially on hot days, because the bait may deteriorate or the fry may eat it.

When fishing for this fish, the crucian carp itself may initially show strong resistance to the angler; you should keep the equipment tense, not allowing the crucian carp to make jerks. Tips for catching crucian carp in July

Tips for beginner fishermen

  1. In July, it is better to go fishing for crucian carp for an hour at four in the morning.
  2. For bait you should use only natural products. Don't believe advertisements about the effectiveness of store-bought baits.
  3. Fishing for crucian carp should be done firmly, but evenly.
  4. Under no circumstances should you make excessive noise when fishing for crucian carp.
  5. The best baits are dung worms, bloodworms, grasshoppers, undercooked peas or corn.
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