How to catch bream in July



Many anglers like to catch bream regardless of the time of year. Bream fishing in July is also good because it is at this time of year that you can catch large bream. This fish is not picky about the bait used - bream mainly feeds on worms, bread, peas, pearl barley, bloodworms, maggots, dough, etc. You can read below about what is special about bream fishing in July, where to catch bream in July and how. Information on how to prepare bait for catching bream in July will be useful.

What kind of fish is bream?

Bream belongs to the carp family. You can catch it all year round. The body is wide and compressed at the sides. The body color is different in each body of water, but the basic patterns are the same in all fish. It depends on the quality of water, feed, and ecology.

Most individuals adapt to the color of their environment for camouflage. Hormones take part in this process. The bream receives most of its color upon reaching maturity. During mating and spawning, the color acquires bright shades and becomes more intense. This is most pronounced in males. With a lack of food or illness, the color fades and becomes lighter. The habitat also affects the color of the fish. In the south, in warm waters, the color is brighter and more saturated.

On the sides, young and healthy individuals have gray scales with a silvery sheen, and light gray fins. In mature individuals, the color is darker and has a bronze or yellow tint, and the fins are dark gray and may appear black from a distance. Medium-sized head, small eyes and mouth, narrow and high dorsal fin. The tail is well developed, but its lower fin is slightly longer than the upper one.

Large individuals have a wide body and an incongruous small head, which creates a transition that looks like a hump. When viewed from the side, the curve of the back is clearly visible, which is absent in other types of fish. It can be used to distinguish bream from other caught specimens. Young breams do not yet have such a hump, and it can be mistaken for a silver bream or white-eye. These species are relatives of bream, but their size does not exceed 30 cm.

This is interesting: Bream fishing in July

? Habitats

Although, there are still exceptions, but first things first. Deep places attract bream in open reservoirs; bream prefers to avoid places where the water gets very warm in shallow water. Most large and wide rivers fall into this category.

As well as small and medium-sized rivers that do not have coastal lines of reeds or other vegetation that can create shade. In small rivers, bream tries to hide from the hot rays of the sun in pools or among algae, reeds or cattails. If there are shaded areas in shallow water you can try success there.

The bottom topography and the characteristics of the water soil can play a big role in catching bream. During the current, you need to look for fish among the sandy or clay bottom - there it rests, and goes to shallow and muddy places to feed. And since bream feeds mainly at dawn, this is considered the best time.

Therefore, you need to look for bream in the morning and evening in shallow water, at the first rays of sun in the shade, among reeds, cattails, in “windows” among algae. When the sun starts to get hot, you need to move to deeper places.

The angler may be upset by the fact that the bite of bream in rainy or cloudy weather in the summer practically stops, the reason for this is unknown, but it is quite rare for an angler to catch it on the hook at such a time.

Bream fishing in July and August - choosing a place and time

Fishing for bream in the summer during a particularly hot period gives good results only if you choose the right place for it. A fisherman who has caught this fish at least once knows very well that prey cannot be found in its usual habitats. In such cases, the advantage will be with the catcher who knows the topography of the bottom of the reservoir well. It will be easiest for him to find the place where the fish sits.

Bream changes its usual habitats in June, when the summer sun begins to intensely heat the ground and water bodies, and forces the fish to seek shelter.

To catch bream in August, June or July, you first need to find out where it prefers to rest and feed. Most of the time it is found in pits at great depths. He leaves them only to find food for himself.

If a large river has been chosen as a place for fishing, then it is better to find deep areas with minimal current, a hard sandy-pebble or sandy bottom.

Such areas can be easily identified by external signs, namely changes in the topography of the coast and the direction of the river bed.

In small rivers, bream concentrates in the deepest places, whirlpools, and also where there is underwater vegetation, reeds, and cattails.

Fishing for bream in the summer in smaller areas of a reservoir also pays off if there is shade from trees growing on the shore.

In order for bream fishing in the summer to bring maximum pleasure and a large amount of catch, you also need to choose the right time when the bite is most active.

It is best caught in the morning, when the sun is just beginning to rise (about 4 o’clock) and before 8 o’clock, when the July sun begins to heat up more intensely. During this period, the water has cooled down sufficiently, and the bream, lazy due to the heat, becomes more active and comes out to feed in smaller areas, leaving the deep holes.

In the daytime, the fish again swims to the holes and rests, so you may not see a bite all day long. During periods of very intense heat, it can return to feed in the upper layers of the reservoir.

After the sun sets and the heat of the day subsides, the fish become a little more active, but bite much less than in the morning, at the peak of their activity.

July is not the best month for fishing because of insects, which are especially annoying and create a lot of inconvenience. And many people believe that fishing for bream in August is more enjoyable and productive.

Bream fishing gear

If we talk about fishing gear used when catching bream in July, then a lot depends on the conditions and time of fishing. This can be either a regular float rod or a fisherman’s favorite feeder, equipped with a feeder. Experienced fishermen prefer to have several types of gear in stock at once, for example, a spinning rod, a donkey and a float rod. In addition, it makes sense to take care of a variety of baits for fish, as well as baits and lures that provide a bite.

Read the description of sea bream.


One of the most popular fishing gear among specialists is the English bottom fishing rod - feeder. It is convenient because the feeder mounted to it allows you to deliver complementary food to the bottom of the selected place without washing out. A tempting cloud of bait forms in the right place and can attract a large number of fish. For summer fishing, it is better to get a feeder with a rod length of 3–3.5 m.

This is the optimal length for easy fishing from the shore. When choosing a feeder mounted to the bottom, it is better to opt for a specimen whose weight is approximately 120 g. Such a feeder will easily and reliably be installed on the flat bottom of the reservoir. The correct equipment of the feeder, designed for the conditions of a particular reservoir, is also important. Thus, in rivers with strong currents, the following types of equipment should be used:

  • helicopter;
  • asymmetrical loop.

Find out the difference between bream and silver bream.

In reservoirs with standing water or weak currents the following have proven themselves to be effective:

  • symmetrical loop;
  • paternoster;
  • harvester

As for the hooks, they must match the specific type of bait or attachment. For the most part, fishermen choose specimens No. 9–14.

Video: lessons on catching bream on a feeder

Float rod

Bream bites well in summer even on ordinary float gear. For daytime fishing from a boat, fishermen use a float rod with a long rod and thin equipment. For fishing from the shore, a Bolognese fishing rod is suitable, suitable for any body of water. Previously, such fishing tackle was considered a rather heavy fishing tool, but in recent years, manufacturers have begun to make fishing rods from ultra-light materials.

Important! When going fishing, you need to monitor the atmospheric pressure for several days. With sudden changes in the barometer, you can’t count on a good catch.

Such a fishing rod can be equipped with various floats, which should be selected based on fishing conditions:

  • In shallow water, a float with low resistance has proven itself well. For example, in the form of a shortened feather.
  • For fishing in calm weather, a feather-shaped float with high sensitivity would be an excellent choice.
  • In light winds, it is better to use a barrel, which will lie on its side at the slightest bite.

If we talk about the width of the fishing line used for catching bream, then you don’t have to worry too much here, since well-fed fish pay little attention to the fishing line. Thus, the optimal option is considered to be a durable monofilament measuring 0.16–0.18 mm. It is quite thin, but at the same time quite strong, which is important when fishing at night, especially in areas with a rocky bottom or overgrown with underwater vegetation.

When going fishing at night, you should take care of proper lighting and sound signals. So, the latter can be a bell or more modern sound devices that signal a bite. For a light source, a lit fire or a headlamp mounted on the fisherman’s head is suitable.

Fishing for bream in July on a feeder. Important information for your success!

In central Russia, bream is synonymous with feeder fishing. It is for catching this fish that most gear and bait compositions are adapted; it is the hunt for large bream that many fishermen focus on, and they develop feeding and fishing tactics. In July, when the length of the night increases significantly and the water temperature begins to fall, the most favorable time comes for catching large bream. An amazing time is coming - the fish gather in large schools and begin to feed intensively, and they do this in classic summer places with shallow depths.


In July, when summer reigns supreme in nature, bream gather in large schools and feed intensively. Promising places for fishing do not differ from the classic summer ones, which provided fish in June and July. For river fishing, these are straight runs with a smooth current, formed at the exit from the pits. Such places are a real fish table, producing excellent catches not only of bream, but also of other large fish - silver bream, chub and ide. The entrances to pits are also excellent for fishing - in such places a large amount of food is collected, and fish await it here.

The bottom in such places has a broken relief with complex jets, which the fish like to take advantage of - much less energy is spent on movement than when moving against the main jet. Excellent catches showed places where the river stream, under the influence of a protruding bank, moves away from the angler, forming almost stagnant water, with a slight reverse flow. As a rule, in such places there is always sufficient depth, large fish are constantly kept in them. On many rivers, oxbow lakes adjacent to the main river showed excellent results. For the most part, they are quite shallow and warm up well, as a result of which there is a rapid growth of various microorganisms that fish like to feast on.

As for lake fishing, it is quite difficult to find catchable places unless we are talking about coastal fishing. It is on shallows overgrown with reeds that bream come out to feed. If the depth at the fishing spot reaches two meters, the chances of ending up with a good catch are quite high. If the lake is large enough, it should be tied to the bottom relief. As a rule, these are all kinds of channel edges, depth differences and banks. If, when you tap the bottom in such places, you feel the tip of the rod trembling, and light blows are heard in your hand, then there are either stones or a colony of shells in the fishing area. Both of these anomalies are promising and can reward the fisherman with a rich catch. It is necessary to fish such places first.

What is the best bait to use when fishing for bream in July?


Experienced bream fishermen know very well how to catch bream in July, but for beginners, here is the most basic list of bream baits:

  • — this fish is actively caught in July using dung worms;
  • - besides, bream really like all kinds of grasshoppers;
  • — this fish also really likes bloodworm bait;
  • — active bites of bream are observed when fishing with bait such as maggots;
  • — some fishermen use medium-sized pasta for bait;
  • — semolina mash is excellent for complementary feeding;
  • - in addition, you can use pea mush as a feeding agent;
  • - millet is also perfect for feeding this fish;
  • — you can catch bream using green peas, in any form;
  • — fishermen also actively use bait such as corn, either canned or boiled, although milk grains of this cereal can also be used.

Bream are very fond of all sorts of aromatic additives, both natural, such as dill, or cake mixture, and artificial ones, which are available for sale in stores for fishermen.

In addition, when catching bream in July, fishermen began to actively use all kinds of wobblers and other types of artificial bait. Artificial baits such as foam fish are actively used. Also, some fishermen manage to catch bream using a foam ball.

Bream in July, fish behavior characteristics

In July, smaller individuals of this type of fish, called breams, try to stay in small schools, actively carrying out their feeding processes, and they try not to move to the deep-water areas of the reservoir, staying somewhat close to the coastline. These breams, wandering into dense thickets of aquatic vegetation, can scatter and hunt for prey all alone.

Larger bream generally try to stay away from coastal areas, occasionally approaching grass thickets in the water to feed. These individuals most like to be at medium depths, actively located on the borders of clean areas of water and areas overgrown with dense vegetation.

When rivers flood, water floods large areas of meadows, and this is where there is great freedom for bream. Here they can be caught using nets, but this type of fishing is already prohibited in our country. Although the bream catches this way are simply off the charts.

? DIY float

They are best suited for catching bream. You can make it now, if, of course, you find a good-quality goose on the market. To do this, you need to remove all the feathers from the feather, leaving only the shaft. Trim it from the thin end at a distance where the diameter of the feather approximately converges with the diameter of the other end.

Then you just need to paint the smooth part of it in variegated, clearly visible colors, wait until the paint dries and that’s it - the float is ready! With such a float, you can easily see when the bream begins to swallow the bait - the float seems to jump out of the water, and then with a splash it falls on the water and remains in this position, then you need to hook it. But you don’t need to overdo it - the bream’s lips are too soft, they can be easily torn off.

This is interesting: Bream fishing in March: where to catch bream in March

Feeder installations

Feeder equipment for bream can be any of those used in this type of fishing. Which one to use often depends on the preferences of the fisherman himself, but you still need to adhere to the following rules: 1. The anti-twist tube greatly coarsens the tackle, so it is used mainly by beginners in feeder fishing.

2. An asymmetrical loop is ideal for flow; some difficulties in tying it at first are more than compensated for by sensitivity.

3. A symmetrical loop, on the contrary, works better in stagnant bodies of water.

4.Paternoster, or Gardner loop, and these are different equipment, are the most versatile and can be used in any conditions.

5. Inline is the only rig approved for use in competitions; when used, a blind hook will not in any way harm the fish caught on the hook.

6. Installation of a helicopter and two units in catching bottom fish, and bream is one of them, is practically not used. Still, it is more often used in catching pelagic fish: sabrefish, rudd, bleak.

Advice! To save time on the pond, tie a number of rigs at home in front of the TV in a quiet environment, and when fishing, simply attach it to the rig via carabiners or loops.

Choice of bait

As for the best baits that are sure to attract fish, in the summer the so-called “Salapinskaya” porridge is considered the most effective.

It consists of the following ingredients:

  • millet: 100 g;
  • barley grits: 100 g;
  • finely ground corn: 150 g;
  • pearl barley: 50 g;
  • water: 450 ml;
  • unrefined vegetable oil: 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • crushed sunflower kernels: 50 g;
  • vanilla sugar: 15 g;
  • or vanillin: 2 g.

It’s not difficult to prepare Salapin porridge. To do this you need:

  • Boil water, add pearl barley and cook over low heat until half cooked, until the grain becomes slightly transparent around the edges.
  • Add millet.
  • Boil the wheat grits for 3 minutes, then add butter and vanilla sugar or vanillin.
  • To stir thoroughly.
  • Simmer over low heat until the dish absorbs water.
  • Add barley grits and mix.
  • Add corn grits and seeds. Mix thoroughly and cool.

The dish should have good stickiness and at the same time crumble well in your hands. If the bait turns out to be too sticky, you need to add corn grits to it. If the porridge is too dry, steamed oatmeal will help add stickiness. In addition, fishermen call boiled or steamed pearl barley porridge in a thermos with added flavorings, pea puree with barley and corn grains, as well as boiled pasta as effective baits.

Did you know? Experienced fishermen claim that bream prefers red and yellow pasta.

Moreover, bream responds well to both store-bought pasta and home-cooked pasta. For homemade pasta, you will need to knead a stiff dough from wheat flour, eggs and water, add food coloring. Roll out the dough thinly and cut the pasta into the desired shape. The most convenient are those with a hole in the middle, which allow you to use them not only as bait, but also as a hook attachment. Cyprinids have a big sweet tooth, so they readily respond to appropriate flavorings.

The most popular scents are:

  • vanilla;
  • natural honey;
  • strawberry extract;
  • cinnamon aroma;
  • raspberry extract.

Aromatics such as dill and anise also work well.

Video: bait for bream

Bait for catching bream with a filler in July

Now bait manufacturers are trying to take into account the preferences of fish as accurately as possible, and therefore, having bought a couple of packages, you can go fishing.

Advice! In Warm Water, all carp, including bream, love sweet aromas: honey, raspberries, strawberries, tutti-fruti, etc.

Recipe for baiting bream in July at home

Plant components in bait will only complement it and increase fishing efficiency.

Here is one of the best recipes at home:

  1. Pearl barley 2 cups;
  2. Millet 1 cup;
  3. Unrefined sunflower oil 2 tablespoons;
  4. Vanillin 1 sachet;
  5. Barley groats 2 cups;
  6. Corn grits 2 cups;
  7. Semolina 1 cup.

Pour three glasses of water into a saucepan, boil, add pearl barley, stir and cook until swollen. Add millet, oil and vanillin. Cook this porridge until the millet has absorbed most of the water (holes will appear on the surface in which boiling water will bubble). Then turn off the stove and cover the porridge with a lid for half an hour until the millet absorbs the remaining water. Next, you need to transfer the porridge into a clean, dry container, add barley, corn and semolina and mix well.

When preparing bait at home, you need to remember the following things:

  • The aroma should be bright and rich;
  • Sweet taste is welcome;
  • Providing turbidity to quickly attract bream (add store-bought bait);
  • Finely fractionated particles;
  • Viscosity - wash out (on the river) from the feeder for no more than 1 minute. In lakes and reservoirs, crumble when immersed (depending on depth).
  • We add the used attachments and bait to the finished bait.


The feeder is selected by weight, as has been noted more than once above, most often depending on the strength of the current in the reservoir. Let us only add that products with a rectangular or triangular flow hold better at the bottom, but in still water you can also use round or square meshes.

To increase the casting distance, specially loaded bullet feeders are used. Their use allows you to gain an extra 10-15 meters of distance, which can sometimes become a decisive factor.

Leash with hook

We will finish equipping the feeder fishing rod with leashes and hooks. Depending on the fishing conditions and the baits used, hooks of different sizes and leaders of different lengths may be required. Therefore, at home you need to impose them in various combinations.

The length of leashes for catching bream should vary from 40 centimeters to more than a meter, the thickness of the fishing line should be used from 0.10 to 0.18 millimeters. This will allow you to quickly make changes to the equipment, depending on the situation:

  • If there are no bites, we reduce the thickness of the leash, but increase the length.
  • If the fish eats the bait and no bites are visible, shorten the leash and leave the thickness unchanged.
  • If the bite is good, and large specimens come across, increase the thickness of the fishing line without changing the length.

Collecting gear

In order to successfully catch bream on a feeder, you need to select and prepare the right gear and rigs. Their choice depends on the conditions of the reservoir where feeder fishing will take place. This is what the English donk for bream consists of:


The optimal fishing rod for a medium-sized river and reservoir without a current is a medium blank 3.30-3.90 meters long with a test weight of up to 90 grams. For a fast and deep river, the choice of test can be increased to 120-150. The main thing is that the feeder, sent to the desired distance with the selected rod, holds the bottom well.


The choice depends on the amount and thickness of the fishing line that will be wound on the spool. For an average feeder, we can recommend a reel with a size of 2500-3000 units according to the Shimanov classification with a straight, even metal spool.

fishing line

For feeder fishing, it is best to use braided wire, the thickness of which is selected depending on the weight of the feeder being thrown. A so-called shock leader, a piece of rigid monofilament fishing line 2-3 times the length of the rod, is tied to the end of the braid. The thickness of the shock leader is 0.25-0.27 mm. The shock leader helps to absorb the jerks of the fish when playing, in addition, it is easier to knit feeder rigs on it. And in addition to the sensitivity of the gear, braid allows the use of a smaller cross-section than that of monofilament, which reduces the load on it from the current.


In principle, almost all types of equipment installations are suitable for catching bream. The simplest and most frequently used is paternoster. One of the most sensitive for the river is undoubtedly the asymmetrical loop.


Its choice depends on the bait used and the fishing distance. For fine-grained mixtures in the current, it is better to use closed-type models, and when using cereals with large fractions, with pearl barley grains and similar ingredients, an open feeder is better suited.


The use of leashes camouflages the tackle and protects it from breaks during hooks. Their thickness for catching bream and bream ranges from 0.10 to 0.18. Bream, which considers itself the main one in the stream, is not afraid of such thickness, but it can scare off smaller fish.


The hook is selected not according to the size of the fish, but depending on the bait used. It’s stupid to put a worm on number 20, and a bloodworm on size 10. It is optimal to fish with hooks number 10-14. But their quality must be at the highest level; today many sports fishermen consider the products to be the best.

Additional equipment

Let's briefly look at the additional equipment that will be necessary for comfortable fishing. Don't forget to take to the pond:

  • a comfortable armchair or chair;
  • feeder stands;
  • landing net with a long handle;
  • a set of spare leads and accessories;
  • small tools: extractor, knife, pliers.

If you plan to fish in the dark, you will also need a flashlight, fireflies and bells.

? Baits and lures

But you need to catch bream using the most ordinary and familiar baits and baits for every angler. First of all, this is a red dung worm, or a bunch of the same worms. Bream and bloodworms do not go unnoticed; the fish, rummaging in the mud, often feed on them, and therefore grab the bait without fear.

Maggot is a desirable bait for bream in early spring, but he is not averse to eating it in the very middle of summer. A maggot killed with boiling water can become an alternative to a live insect if the latter is avoided by the bream. It bites well on boiled pasta, but the best bait, in the opinion of most fishermen, is semolina.

Baits and baits

In summer, bream become truly omnivorous. In addition to animal food, they willingly eat plant foods. It is unknown what will work on your next fishing trip, so it is better to take bait and attachments with you.

For your information! Bait is bait of animal origin, bait is of plant origin!

In summer, bream bites on the following baits and baits:

  • worm;
  • maggot;
  • bloodworms, if you find them and take them to the reservoir;
  • insect larvae;
  • pearl barley - shellfish;
  • pearl barley - porridge;
  • corn;
  • peas;
  • bread;
  • pasta;
  • dough.

In addition, you can tempt bream with variable sandwiches made from the above baits.

Best attachments

In July it is easy to choose baits for fishing, since in summer bream is omnivorous and quite voracious. The fish responds well to large, light-colored food.

You will be interested to know how to cook stuffed bream in the oven.

So, for example, carp fish are seduced by:

  • boiled corn kernels;
  • pearl barley;
  • colored pasta;
  • Styrofoam balls painted in bright colors.

If the bite is not as good as you would like, you can add bait of animal origin to the baits. Usually, bream bite well on improvised sandwiches consisting of corn and maggots, as well as pasta, chopped earthworms, pearl barley, and so on.

Video: the best baits for catching bream

Fishing in August

Bream fishing in August is not much different from July. The preferences of fish practically do not change, since most of this period is dominated by the same heat.

In August, bream prefers to stay in deep places with minimal current and a silty and clayey bottom.

The best time to catch bream in August is considered to be at night. After dusk and before dawn, as well as in bad weather, fish can approach the very shore of the reservoir.

You can catch bream in August using feeder gear. When choosing this method, it is recommended to use an asymmetrical loop as equipment.

Experienced fishermen find it the most effective. You can, of course, try other options, and perhaps you will find an even better one.

Although it’s good to catch bream on a feeder in August, you shouldn’t forget about float gear, which can give excellent results when the fish approaches the shore.

Be that as it may, fishing can be very productive if you prepare for it correctly. Then it will bring a good catch and a lot of pleasant sensations.

What to use to catch bream in July

There is an opinion that in the cold season, bream prefers animal baits such as worms, maggots and bloodworms, while in hot weather corn, peas, pearl barley and even semolina are better suited. But this trend may not work on all bodies of water, and it is better to take all possible baits with you.

Also, do not forget about high-quality feeder bait, which should disintegrate well on the bottom, have a good smell and not greatly saturate the fish. Ready-made feeder mixtures can be bought in a store, ordered online, or prepared yourself. For more information about feeder bait for catching bream, see the article at the link.

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