Fishing in the Urals - where to fish and what bait to use


Since the Ural Mountains are located at the junction of two plains, the climate in the east and west is very different. If in the west the atmosphere is continental and quite soft due to the air masses brought from the East European Plain, then in the west it is primarily due to the Ural Mountains.

Much less precipitation falls and serves as a barrier to light darkness, and the change of seasons is felt much more strongly, which indicates a strong or even severe continental climate.

Also, the amount of precipitation varies greatly in the south and north of the Urals. The Arctic Ocean significantly softens the climate and contributes to good maintenance of humidity in the north, in contrast to the south of the Urals, where the semi-desert and desert climate of Kazakhstan is more influential.

Location of reservoirs

Due to the geographical and climatic features of the area, it is quite logical to conclude that the most productive fishing in general is in the north and north-west of the Urals, where there is a milder climate and sufficient humidity and a balanced temperature regime necessary for the progressive growth of fish.

However, in the south there are many anthropological reservoirs in the form of ponds and reservoirs, where, due to imported fish, while maintaining the necessary water quality conditions, you can catch very valuable and large trophies.

Spring river fishing

The best time for fishing is undoubtedly spring. There is abundant fish spawning, which stops in the summer. There are restrictions in place due to the presence of rare fish species in the river, so you can only fish with a bottom and float rod, in the amount of a maximum of two fish per person. At this time of year, fishing from a steamboat is popular, since this large river has a source that can only be reached in this way.

At the beginning of spring, the fish remains inactive, so playing along with a jig has no results. In this case, the most effective way is to slowly raise and lower the bait. Also, according to the advice of experienced fishermen, you should not use sweet smells or a high-calorie base; take a closer look at ordinary earthworms.

In places with fast currents, the priority is fishing with a retrieve, spinning rod and jigging in a calmer current, as well as quok fishing when catching catfish. Winter fishing is also popular, when grayling fish come to spawn. The downside is the small number of places with strong enough ice for winter fishing. Today, the article discussed all the nuances and features of fishing on the Ural River.

Predator Hunt

In the Subpolar Urals, hunting for large predators in the form of pikes and perches is most effective, since they have all the conditions for reproduction here: good nutrition, small temperature fluctuations, distance from many populated areas.

I would especially like to highlight the Lyapin River, where, with due diligence, you can not only enjoy a good bite, but also catch fishing trophies and add them to your collection. In addition to pike, the river also contains perches and ides, which are often caught when fishing with a spinning rod. The most common metal spoons are suitable as bait for large predators. You can even trace a pattern on the river - the more complex and sophisticated the fishing method, the less opportunity to catch trophy specimens.

Staroutkinsky Pond, located in the Sverdlovsk region, is also considered an equally catchy place for catching predators, where you are given access to fishing for a small fee. Fishing competitions are often held at this pond, where you can compete with rivals in the level of fishing skill.

Fishing in the Urals

Flowing through the territories of the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan, the Ural River ends its movement in the Caspian Sea. The Ural is inferior in length to such great rivers as the Volga and Danube, being the 3rd largest river in Europe. The river originates in the Ural Mountains. At first this river was called Yaik, and in 1775 Catherine the Second, by decree, changed this name to the Ural. The Ural River is longer in size than the Dnieper - 2428.5 km. The richest food resources of the Urals attract many fishermen here. Moreover, in this river you can find beluga, white fish, sturgeon, and stellate sturgeon.

Semi-anadromous fish include carp, bream, roach, and you can also catch zander. Species of fish that live permanently, as well as semi-passing ones, include pike, dace, ide, asp, and rudd. Chub, roach, bleak, silver bream, bream, carp, burbot, and bull can also be found here. In the upper reaches of the Ural River you can find taimen, grayling, and brook trout.

In some places on the river there are several reservoirs, and very large ones. Thus, the upper Urals and the lower reaches of the river will differ in fishing. Thus, the reservoir, which is located in the upper Urals (Verkhneuralskoye), is rich in pike and bream. You can also get hold of pike perch and perch. Pike in this reservoir are caught using a spinning rod. You can fish from the shore or drift on a boat. But pike perch mainly go for bait.

Catching catfish is the most long-awaited catch for Ural fishermen. You can catch a 15-kilogram “piglet”, and even heavier. In the spring, crucian carp become active and come here to spawn. After the crucian carp has fulfilled its obligations to procreate, it returns. And then, starting in June, on the Verkhneuralsk reservoir, hunting for crucian carp is carried out using an underwater gun. At this time, schools of crucian carp live in aquatic vegetation near the shore, or in snags. But in spring the water is still very cold, and spearfishing becomes impossible. One may wonder why and why the Ural River attracts fishermen?

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The answer lies on the surface: there are a large number of graylings in the Northern and Subpolar Urals. And this fish is a desired trophy for many fishermen. The best grayling catch can be obtained in the summer, from mid-August to the end of September. During this period, graylings actively feed, gaining weight for the winter, so at this time representatives of this species are especially plump and large.

In winter, grayling is quite difficult to catch, since it is not so active and feeds sporadically. Any bait is of no interest to him. But some professionals manage, even in the dead of winter, at its height, to catch two buckets per fishing trip. Despite this, for ice fishing it is better to come here to catch grayling from the ice in April. At this time, grayling eats everything, gaining weight for spawning. Fishing in the Urals in winter has its own characteristics. Local fishermen cannot be scared by cold, frost and wind.

Starting from the end of February, fishing enthusiasts, both local and those coming from other places in our country, begin to come here. That’s when the Urals are covered with ice, and grayling goes to spawn. This fishing can be very dangerous, and therefore anglers carefully prepare for it. Fishing in winter is a real test of fortitude and character, and every man wants to test himself.

There are a large number of reservoirs on the Ural River in Orenburg and the region, and choosing a place for fishing will not be difficult. Here everyone, without exception, can indulge in their favorite pastime: both professionals and beginners.

Author: N.K

Silent white prey

There are more than enough white fish in the reservoirs of the Urals, especially the polar ones, but this does not stop ambitious fishermen from hunting for them. Here are the most frequently visited fishing spots where you can catch your record fish, for example: Isetskoye Reservoir, Lake Uelgi, Reftinskoye artificial sea, Beloyarskoye artificial sea, Karaguz reservoir.

Here, for a small entrance fee, you can not only catch your coveted trophy of white fish or catch whole bags of fish, but also have a good rest, compete in fishing and simply take part in fishing competitions while participating in fishing festivals.

As a rule, fishing in such reservoirs from a boat is allowed only in the summer, but if you have a strong desire and opportunity, you can also go fishing by boat. On Lake Uelgi and the Iset Reservoir.


The road, which had long seemed unbearable for shift work, finally ended. We landed in the foothills, near two adjacent lakes, near the bed of a large stream. Another stream flowing from the surrounding mountains flowed into the upper lake. The first reconnaissance showed indistinct bites on dry flies in quiet places in the fast channel between the lakes. Their character indicated that small fish were interested in the bait, but, hoping for the best, I placed the smallest imitation available with an Adams fly on hook No. 16, and three minnows were enticed in turn. The largest of them was almost the size of a palm. I didn’t find any fish on the rifts, despite all my efforts. I saw poachers on the lake. We didn’t manage to get acquainted, but the networks seem to be completely empty. In the evening I went to collect water for the group in the flowing stream. When I was brushing away the landed mosquitoes that were falling into the water, I noticed movement in the stream. Knocked a few more into the water and... when they swam half a meter away from me, I noticed a huge school of fish. The fastest minnows rose to the surface, grabbing fallen insects. Almost throughout the entire water area of ​​​​the stream there were countless hordes of this small voracious fish.

Read: Char fish. Types of loaches

Bait for catching whitefish

It differs from different reservoirs in different ways, but the most important element of catching large snow-white fish is considered to be complementary food, which, depending on the place of fishing, can have its own consistency and allows you to attract the main fish of the reservoir, which is most effective when fishing on the shore.

Just like groundbait, bait has a very important role in a good fishing outcome, and depending on the type of fish, your own bait can be used, but no one has canceled the universal earthworm.

What kind of fish is caught on the Ural River

There are especially many predatory fish in the Urals, most of them are made up of the following species:

It is preferable to fish with a spinning rod, but you also need to take at least one bottom and float gear with you. Several reasons explain this, such as fish activity in the early morning or late evening. For a constant catch, when the fish stop biting in water bodies, catch a small amount of bleak.

We cut the fish that we caught into small pieces for mounting on bottom tackle. This bait performs well when catching chub. However, situations in which there is virtually no bite cannot be ruled out. In this case, fishing from a boat will be an excellent solution, since the fish prefers secluded places in the form of snags and pitfalls, and such places are unlikely to be reached from the shore.

Now the question is what to fish with. Chub ide and asp are excellently caught on a spinner; here, the larger the size of the bait, the larger the fish and the less bite there will be. Chub and asp are those fish that prefer exclusively windy weather and fast river flows. Ide and perch have a different behavior pattern, the bite of which is possible only in extremely calm weather.

Pike, as the most common predator, is caught using live bait and lures. Most often, pike can be found in the habitat of crucian carp, since it is its main food. The tributaries of the Ural River have a large channel, the one that flows into the Urals brings with it a lot of fish. The most exciting fishing is for catfish.

The bite mainly occurs at night, and fishing gives the best results when using girders and bottom fishing rods. This fish grows to 50 kilograms and is the largest in this river. Catfish are caught using dung beetle larvae. The length of the Ural River is quite long, so you can find suitable places for fishing.

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