Carp stuffed with cabbage and caviar

Culinary experts claim that carp baked in the oven has a superior taste to many types of fish. The main secret is in choosing it correctly and following the recipe. Carp meat is very dense and juicy, contains a small amount of bones. In terms of usefulness, it is not inferior to other individuals. The composition contains vitamins A, B, PP, C, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids. Carp is low in sodium and low in calories, so fish dishes are great for eating in different diets.

Tips before cooking fish

To make the dish tasty, it is important to properly prepare the seafood. Recommendations:

  1. The main rule is that for baking it is recommended to take fresh carp with red gills. This means the product is fresh. Despite the fact that the fish belongs to the carp family, there are few small bones in it.
  2. When cutting a carcass, you do not need to cut off the head. An individual cooked whole looks more advantageous and beautiful.
  3. The most unpleasant thing when cutting is to clean off the scales. There are two ways to do this. Remove it along with the skin or make many cuts with the tip of a knife and then remove it.
  4. It is recommended to remove scales from large fish in the bathroom under running water or in a basin. The skin will not fly in all directions.
  5. Since carp is a river inhabitant, it is characterized by a peculiar aroma of mud. To remove it, you can soak the carcass in milk for 1 hour, then roll it in salt and leave for 50 minutes. Another way is to take 3 lemons and some water. Soak in the solution for 3 hours. The third method is to place it in a mixture of vinegar and water. Proportions – 2 tbsp. l. per liter of liquid. And the last one is to leave it in a strong saline solution for half an hour.
  6. Don't forget about spices. Coriander, a mixture of peppers, and suneli hops are perfect. But the main thing is not to overdo it. The winning mixture is lemon and salt. With it, any fish will become exquisite.
  7. It is better to take coarse sea salt. It is healthier than usual.

Coating for stuffed carp

Many people are afraid of various coatings for fish because they also take time to prepare. To cheer you up at this stage, I will say that when baking stuffed carp in a coating, you will more than compensate for the time spent on its preparation.

  • Separate the yolks from the whites.
  • Mix them with a glass of sour cream.
  • Add a tablespoon of sifted flour.

Coat one side of the carp with this mixture, sprinkle with 1/3 grated cheese and 1/3 breadcrumbs. Turn over and place on a baking sheet.

Spread the remaining coating evenly over the surface of the fish. Sprinkle the carp with the remaining cheese and breadcrumbs. Stuffed carp is baked in the oven, heated to 160-180 degrees. Baking time 30-40 minutes. Please note that the baking time depends on the size of the fish and the features of your oven. I bake the fish until it is golden brown. Don't worry, the coating will prevent the fish from drying out. Moreover, you don't have to douse the fish with broths or sauces. In addition, while the fish is cooking, you can easily wash all the dishes.

When the carp is ready, carefully place the baked fish on a plate. Cut the fish into the pieces you like. And look, the carp didn’t burn on the bottom. Despite the fact that it was coated and sprinkled with cheese and breadcrumbs. Believe me, carp stuffed with sauerkraut will not disappoint you!

Fish up your sleeve


  • carp – 1 pc.,
  • garlic - a few cloves to taste,
  • salt,
  • spices,
  • dill.

Step-by-step recipe:

  1. The carcass is cleaned of scales, the entrails are removed, and the gills are cut out.
  2. The seafood is washed, rubbed with salt and seasonings.
  3. Small cuts are made on the sides and garlic slices are placed in them.
  4. Dill is placed in the belly.
  5. The carcass is carefully placed in a sleeve, tied and placed on a baking sheet.
  6. Place in the oven at 170 degrees.
  7. The fish in the sleeve will cook for about an hour.

Preparing carp for baking in the oven

Carp is the best fish for a big feast. It can reach 20 kilograms, which means it won’t be difficult to find a specimen large enough to feed all the guests. There is a lot of meat in carp, but few bones, and it is very easy to cook. Let's take a fish weighing about 2-2.5 kilograms - it will easily fit in a standard oven.

In this recipe for carp baked in the oven, we need the whole fish, with head and tail. Therefore, preparation is greatly simplified: we scald the carp with boiling water to make the scales easier to remove, and remove the gills and giblets. After this, the fish must be thoroughly washed inside and out in cold running water so that all small films, scales, and remaining entrails are washed away. On the back, every 2 centimeters we make deep cuts to the ridge.

Rub the prepared carp with coarse salt and freshly ground black pepper. Suitable spices for baked carp include thyme, nutmeg, dried dill or marjoram. If you are not sure about the choice and proportions, buy a ready-made fish spice mixture - it will definitely work. We rub the inside and outside with spices - now the carp can rest for about an hour - during this time it will be salted, and we will prepare the filling.

Baked steaks in foil


  • carp – 1 pc.,
  • onions – 3 heads.,
  • mayonnaise,
  • salt.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. The carcass is cleaned, the entrails are removed, and the black film is washed under water.
  2. Wipe with a paper towel and cut into pieces.
  3. Salt them, sprinkle with spices and mix gently to distribute them evenly.
  4. Place in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  5. Meanwhile, cut the onion into half rings, squeeze out the mayonnaise and stir.
  6. Cover a baking sheet with foil and spread the onion-mayonnaise mixture in an even layer.
  7. Fish from the refrigerator is placed on top, and onions are placed on it.
  8. Cover the dish with a sheet of foil.
  9. Place on a baking sheet and place in the oven at 200 degrees. Cooking time – 25 minutes.
  10. Remove the sheet, coat the pieces with mayonnaise and bake without foil for another 10 minutes.

The delicious carp in foil is ready. You can serve with a salad of fresh vegetables or boiled rice.

Carp stuffed with onions and carrots

Grocery list:

  • fish – 1 pc.,
  • onions – 2 pcs.,
  • carrots – 2 pcs.,
  • cheese – 100 gr.,
  • milk,
  • mayonnaise.

How to cook:

  1. The fish is gutted, scales are removed, and washed.
  2. Small cuts are made on the sides.
  3. The product is immersed in milk for half an hour to remove the smell of mud.
  4. Cut the onion into cubes, pour boiling water over it and salt it.
  5. The carrots are grated on a coarse grater and mixed with mayonnaise and spices.
  6. The seafood is wiped and stuffed with layers of prepared vegetables. First the onion, then the mayonnaise mixture.
  7. When the filling is completely placed, take toothpicks and fasten the carcasses together.
  8. The fish is carefully placed on a baking sheet and placed in the oven at 180 degrees.
  9. When a crust appears on the fish, take it out and coat it with a little mayonnaise. Bake again for 5 minutes.

For the filling, you can take any vegetables - bell peppers, cabbage, zucchini.

Carp with vegetables in foil

What you will need:

  • carp – 1 carcass,
  • potatoes - 3 tubers,
  • onion – 1 pc.,
  • garlic – 2 cloves,
  • mayonnaise,
  • lemon acid,
  • salt.

Step by step recipe:

  1. The seafood is removed from the entrails, the fins are removed, and washed under water.
  2. Potatoes, onions and garlic are peeled.
  3. The onion is cut into half rings, the garlic is passed through a garlic press. Combine them and squeeze out a little mayonnaise.
  4. Cut the potatoes into thin strips, add seasonings, add 1 tbsp. l. mayonnaise, mix.
  5. The carcass is rubbed with spices, mayonnaise and stuffing begins.
  6. First, the onion mass is placed inside, then the potato mass.
  7. The fish is wrapped in foil and placed on a baking sheet. Let stand for 20 minutes to soak.
  8. Then put in the oven at 180 degrees.
  9. You need to cook for 45 minutes.
  10. After the time has passed, the stuffed fish is taken out, brushed with sour cream and left for 5 minutes.

Carp baked with potatoes is an independent dish. There is no need to serve it with an additional side dish. You can bake already cooked fillet. Then the dish will be without seeds.

Carp with cabbage

Rrrfish! Four!

I saw this recipe on TV a long time ago. There was once a cooking program on the local channel Don TR, about 20 years ago. She was driven by a handsome uncle. Everything was so modest, homely. Filming took place right in his home in the kitchen. The kitchenette is quite small. But all the recipes were so homemade that I just wanted to repeat them. This recipe is old. I just had to make this recipe again. Everything is as simple as always. The original requires bream. But I overslept the bream. Previously, you had to come to the market. Therefore, a carp was bought. You can also use carp, but in my opinion carps are fatter and are mostly from ponds. And the Don carp. And I still love carp more. I got a carp like this - 1.6 kg. It was cleaned there at the market.

What a mustache he has!

At home, I gutted it, cut off its fins and tail.

You also need sauerkraut, 400 grams. Parsley and dill, a couple of sprigs each. And two medium onions.

The fish must be washed well and dried. Then season well with salt and pepper inside and outside. And let him lie there, rest and salt himself. Meanwhile, lightly fried the cabbage in vegetable oil. We stuff a couple of sprigs of dill and parsley into the belly of the carp.

And our stewed cabbage too. To prevent our minced meat from falling out, I secure the belly with toothpicks.

Covered a baking sheet with parchment. Purely out of mercantile interest. Make sure you don’t wash the pan afterwards (I’m so thoughtful, yeah!). I grease the baking sheet with vegetable oil. And I add chopped onions. Onions for flavor, and so that the fish does not stick to the parchment (this is observed in my oven).

I coat the fish well with rich sour cream on all sides. And onto the baking sheet.

Bake for about 50 minutes at 200 degrees. Here you need to look at the time and oven. For my oven, this is the time. About 35 minutes later I mixed a spoonful of sour cream with a spoonful of soybean. I greased the fish and put it back into the oven. And now he is a carp in finished form. I think the Cossacks on the Don ate this kind of fish, cutting it into large pieces and never mind if it fell apart. I tried to carefully cut it off and serve it with a couple of stunted dill branches.

What can I tell you, for that fish?
Delicious! I have never been a fish eater, but I ate both fish and cabbage with pleasure. Don carp, it’s already sweet and moderately fatty. In short, I recommend it! They also bake carp and bream with millet on the Don. But that is another story. Eat, get better!!!!! © Granny

More good recipes:

  1. Fried carp from Sushef
  2. Pork stewed with sauerkraut
  3. Chinese fried buns with meat and cabbage

Whole in the oven

What you will need:

  • fish – 1 carcass,
  • onion – 2 pcs.,
  • butter – 100 gr.,
  • dill - 1 bunch.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. The seafood is cleaned, washed, and dried with a towel.
  2. Rub with salt and seasonings.
  3. Onions are cut into rings.
  4. Line a baking dish with a sheet of foil.
  5. Onions are placed in the fish belly.
  6. Cut the butter and place it on top of the carcass.
  7. Cover with foil and place in the oven at 190 degrees for 45 minutes.

The baked dish turns out delicious. The butter melted inside gives the fish incredible juiciness and aroma.

Carp stuffed with buckwheat


  • fish – 1 pc.,
  • buckwheat – 1 tbsp.,
  • onion – 1 pc.,
  • parsley – 1 bunch,
  • salt,
  • paprika – 1 tsp,
  • oil for frying.


  1. The cereal is washed several times, cold water is poured in, and salt is added. Cook until done.
  2. The onion is peeled, cut into strips and sauteed in a frying pan with heated oil until transparent.
  3. When the water from the pan has evaporated, turn off the gas and let it stand under the lid for 30 minutes.
  4. The buckwheat has cooled down, now you can add vegetables to it.
  5. The greens are finely chopped and added to the filling.
  6. The oven is heated to 200 degrees.
  7. The mass is placed tightly into the abdomen and pricked with toothpicks or tied with thick thread.
  8. To obtain a tender dish, use a baking sleeve. Then the seafood and filling will be steamed and baked at the same time.
  9. The top of the carcass is coated with sour cream and placed in a sleeve, tying the ends tightly.
  10. Place in the oven for one hour.

Finished fish with buckwheat is decorated with cranberries or lemon slices.

IMPORTANT: It is believed that stuffed fish belongs to Jewish cuisine. But the recipe with buckwheat is originally Russian, which our ancestors prepared in the oven.

You can serve any greens with the fish - onions, dill, parsley, cilantro

Buckwheat with salmon


  • buckwheat - one glass;
  • fish fillet - 300 grams;
  • onion - one piece;
  • butter - two tablespoons;
  • pepper, salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. First you need to sort out the buckwheat, rinse and boil.
  2. Then you need to cut the salmon fillet into cubes.
  3. After this, finely chop the onion.
  4. Next, you need to heat the butter in a frying pan.
  5. The next step is to sauté the onion until transparent.
  6. Then add salmon to it and fry it for several minutes.
  7. The last thing to add to the frying pan is well-boiled crumbly buckwheat.
  8. After this, the dish must be salted, peppered and kept on the fire for a few more minutes.
  9. Next, the fish and buckwheat can be placed on plates and served.

This dish is prepared in 30-40 minutes. It will be an excellent option for a quick lunch or dinner.


Baking carp is not difficult. The dish turns out great. Simple, tasty, fast and healthy. Fish has beneficial properties. You need to eat it at least 2 times a week.

There is no shame in serving carp for a festive feast. It can be filled with herbs and washed down with red wine. True sophistication. The dish is decorated with lemon slices and fresh herbs. It would be great to serve mashed potatoes and rice as a side dish. Experienced chefs recommend warming up the oven thoroughly before baking so that the meat does not turn out dry. If the fish is cooked on the grill, then you need to add sprigs of rosemary.

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