Carp and carp - what's the difference? Differences + photo

a brief description of

There is a version that the carp was bred through selection, that is, it is a domesticated variety of wild fish called “carp”. However, this statement is fundamentally incorrect, since from the point of view of ichthyology, wild and common carp belong to the same species. Initially, there were two varieties, due to different habitats, differing in the shape and size of the body, which were mistakenly taken for different types of fish - carp and carp.

What does it look like?

Carps are large, with a fleshy, moderately elongated body, which widens from the side of the head and narrows slightly towards the tail. The scales are large, golden or light brown in color with a dark edging. The belly is light and wide. The head is large, the eyes are large, high-set, with a golden-greenish iris. The mouth is large and can extend forward in the shape of a tube. The fins are olive in color with a gray tint. © body is covered with mucus.

Dimensions and weight

In the wild, carp can grow to a maximum size of one and a half meters in length and weighing more than 55 kg.

However, usually young individuals are caught, whose weight ranges from 1 to 5 kg and length from 15 to 30 cm.

Is this a sea, lake or river fish?

There are two types of carp: those that live in rivers and those that live in lakes with stagnant waters. In any case, carp is a freshwater fish that is not found in salt water. Some individuals can swim into the marine environment, but do not stay there for long and do not reproduce.

Where is it found?

Carp is found in the reservoirs of Europe, Russia, Asia and the Far East. You can meet it in the basins of the Black Sea, as well as the Azov, Japanese and Baltic Seas. The fish's habitat is still water or lakes with weak currents, as well as ponds and canals with a clay or sandy bottom. In addition, you can catch carp in canals and abandoned reservoirs.

Is this a bony fish?

Carp (carp) is one of the bony freshwater fish, the meat of which contains many small bones that do not soften during cooking and need to be removed.

Fat content of carp

The fat content of carp meat is 5.3 g per 100 g, that is, it can be classified as a low-fat fish.


The young specimen has a delicate, slightly sweet taste. The meat is soft in structure and tolerates any heat treatment well without losing its characteristic sweet aftertaste.


The fish has a characteristic delicate river aroma without harsh or caustic notes. The smell is pleasant and unobtrusive, unable to drown out other flavors in the dish.

Are there many bones in a mirror carp?

Carp is an unpretentious freshwater fish, bred through selection from carp.
It is found in almost all “quiet” reservoirs of the Baltic, Azov, and Black Seas. If there is a food supply, the fish lives up to 35 years, reaching 75-100 cm in length. At the same time, the weight of one large adult individual varies from 15 to 20 kg. Carp meat has a delicate structure and a sweetish taste, which is why it is actively used in cooking. Despite the large number of bones, it is suitable for preparing fish soup, cutlets, aspic, side dishes and canned food. In addition, carp fillet is an excellent source of easily digestible protein, unsaturated fatty acids, micro- and macroelements. Interestingly, in terms of nutritional value, this product competes with salmon, trout and chicken.

Thanks to its rich ingredient composition, carp has a healing effect on the body. Namely: it normalizes energy exchange in cells, neutralizes oxidative stress, stimulates hormone synthesis, reduces myocardial excitability, improves nitrogen metabolism, and increases blood circulation.

Types of carp

There are many varieties of carp in nature, which can be divided into 3 main types:

  1. Scalyfish are a type of fish whose body is completely covered with small scales. Individuals are able to adapt well to the environment and take root well in new places. They live mainly in small closed reservoirs, as well as in deep-sea quarries.

  2. Mirror - this type of fish is characterized by an increased size of scales covering the body along the dorsal vertebra, due to which, when looking at the carp under sunlight, it creates the effect of a mirror surface. These fish are picky eaters and only eat grains or shellfish. They are found mainly in shallow water, moving deeper into the reservoir only when danger approaches.

  3. Naked are a type of carp characterized by the absence of scales. Sometimes the presence of several scales is visible near the tail, gills or dorsal fin. Naked carp are bred mainly for amateur or sport hunting, since without a hard cover the fish often suffer from parasites and die.

You can also distinguish a type of carp such as koi, which appeared as a result of the crossing of carp and crucian carp. The fish are miniature in size, have the body constitution of a carp, but are distinguished by their bright spotted color, which can be orange, red, as well as pink and white.

How is it different from other types of fish?

Fish belonging to the carp family differ from others not only in the structure of the body and the color of the scales, but also in taste.

From grass carp

Individuals of grass carp have a uniformly elongated body, which is covered with dense, medium-sized scales. Reach a meter in length. The head is low, there is no hump characteristic of carp. The fins on the tail and along the back are dark.

Cupid meat is less bony than carp and more sweet. Also, grass carp have fattier meat, making them a delicacy.

From crucian carp

A fish such as crucian carp is distinguished by the absence of a mustache above the oral cavity, as well as a high, compressed body that lacks flexibility. The surface is covered with small light-colored scales. The size of crucian carp is much smaller than carp.

The taste of carp meat is slightly sweeter than that of crucian carp. The fiber structure of both fish is soft and tender, but carp is a little juicier and meatier.

From bream

The bream fish is distinguished by a rounded body compressed at the sides with gold or brown colored sides, a yellow belly and gray fins. The head is small, the eyes are large, the mouth is small and retractable. The scales are small, cover the entire body, and have a silvery tint. Bream are smaller in size than carp. Their weight reaches a maximum of 7 kg, and their length is up to 45 cm. On average, bream weighing up to 700 g are found on sale.

Bream meat tastes fresher and drier, while carp is meatier and has a pleasant taste. In addition, both fish are bony and therefore require careful processing before cooking.

From carp

These are the same fish, only the people called carp the larger individuals that are found in lakes, and carp is the small fish that grows in small rivers or canals.

From silver carp

They are distinguished by the presence of a wide forehead and eyes located in the lower part of the head, which is why the forehead appears even larger. The body is oblong, evenly elongated.

To taste, silver carp meat is fattier and juicier than that of carp. The bonyness of these fish is the same.

How to choose?

It is better to purchase fresh or chilled fish, since meat that has not been frozen will retain more useful elements and natural flavors after heat treatment.

When purchasing chilled carp, you should choose a carcass that has:

  • gills red or bright pink, moist but not sticky;
  • the eyes are transparent, without cloudiness, the gaze is directed straight;
  • the surface is moist, non-sticky;
  • characteristic river aroma without foreign odors;
  • there are no mechanical damage, traces of blood or dirt;
  • the body is dense and elastic.

If the carp is frozen, then:

  • the carcass should be covered with a thin and uniform layer of ice that is not cloudy;
  • there should be no multi-colored stains on the surface of the ice;
  • the carcass must be intact and without mechanical damage;
  • there should be no spots of a different color, inclusions or bruises on the surface of the fish.

After dry freezing, there is no ice on the surface of the carcasses, but the carp should look like a dry stone with a uniform color without any growths or cracks.

How to deliciously cook boneless carp in the oven

Carp is considered a very bony fish; it especially has a lot of small bones, which cause a lot of inconvenience when eaten. But the meat is very tender, sweet and juicy. But to get rid of the bones, it is enough to spend some time during cooking to remove them.

It is recommended to use large fish, approximately 2 kilograms. It is much easier to pick out all the bones from a large carcass.

Boneless carp made according to this recipe turns out incredibly tasty. The main thing is to prepare all the components in the proportions indicated in the recipe. For preparation you will need the following ingredients:

  • fresh carp, preferably live, weighing at least two kilograms;
  • spices and seasonings intended for fish - 30-40 grams;
  • 450-500 grams of premium wheat flour;
  • to add a pleasant aroma, you can add ground black pepper; half a tablespoon will be enough;
  • two heads of onions;
  • potato tubers – 4-5 pieces;
  • two fresh lemons;
  • 380 ml vegetable oil;
  • a glass of sour cream, it is better to use natural, rustic sour cream. If you use store-bought, it is better to take one with a high fat content, at least 20%;
  • a piece of cheese (hard) per 100 grams;
  • dried dill.

It is important to strictly follow the recipe; this will help you make a delicious treat for a family dinner or for a holiday table. For this reason, the first step is to properly clean the fish. First you need to use a sharp knife to remove all the scales. Also, do not miss the areas under the fins, because there are also small scales there. After removing the scales, rinse the fish thoroughly under cool water.

Next, we proceed to clean out the insides and carefully cut the abdomen. We carefully remove the giblets with our hands. After removing the entrails, rinse the carcass again. When washing, we pay special attention to the inside; it is imperative to remove all the dark film, otherwise the taste of the carp may deteriorate greatly.

Cooking features

Once the carp is cleared of scales and entrails, you can begin cooking. It is better to cut off the head, fins and tail; these parts will not be required. If you still decide to leave the head, then the recipe recommends removing the gills, because they can spoil the carp taste.

It is not necessary to remove the bones. To prevent them from being felt, it is enough to make cross-shaped cuts on the surface of the carcass. They are recommended to be performed on both sides. When baking, the bones will simply dissolve.

After the fish is cut, it needs to be rubbed with salt on top and inside. Place the carcass in a large cup. We wash the lemons and squeeze the juice out of one. Pour lemon juice over the carp and leave to marinate for about 15 minutes, but more often the recipe recommends leaving it in the marinade for half an hour.

While the carp is marinating, prepare the remaining ingredients:

  • peel the onion, it is better to rinse it with cold water, cut the heads into thin circles;
  • a piece of cheese must be rubbed through a grater with a large grid;
  • pour flour into a cup, add fish spices, dill, add vegetable oil and stir so that the spices are evenly distributed throughout the mixture;
  • the result should be a thick flour paste;
  • peel the potato tubers, wash them well, the peeled potatoes can be placed in cold water so that there are no dark spots on the surface;
  • Cut the remaining lemon into thin slices.

Forming and baking

After all the ingredients are ready and the carp is marinated, you can begin to form the dish and bake it. The baking dish or baking sheet must be thoroughly coated with vegetable oil on all sides.

The formation process is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • Divide the flour mixture into two parts, place one part on the bottom of the mold in an even layer;
  • place the chopped onion slices on top of the flour base, they should completely cover it;
  • Place lemon slices in a thick layer on top of the onion; they will add additional flavor and juice to the fish;
  • Next we make a mixture for rubbing the carp. Sour cream needs to be mixed with vegetable oil; 70 ml of oil will be enough for a glass of sour cream;
  • marinated carp should be rubbed on all sides and inside with sour cream sauce;
  • place the fish on a tray, spread the remaining sauce;
  • peeled potatoes must be cut into small slices with a thickness of no more than 3 mm;
  • place potato pieces on top of the fish;
  • The potatoes should cover the carp in an even layer.

After everything is ready for baking, you need to preheat the oven; the recipe advises preheating it to 180 degrees. Place the pan in the preheated oven and leave to bake.

Cook using this recipe for 30-40 minutes, and regularly monitor the condition of the fish. After the juice appears, you need to pour it over the carp.

Approximately 10 minutes before cooking, sprinkle grated cheese on top. During the baking process, an appetizing and aromatic cheese crust will appear on the surface of the fish. Then you can remove the pan from the oven, after 5 minutes you can put the carp with the rest of the ingredients on plates.

How to store?

If the fish was bought fresh, then it is best to start cooking immediately. In cases where this is not possible, the following recommendations regarding the storage conditions and periods of carp should be followed.


Freshly purchased fresh carp should be washed, peeled and gutted, and then placed in a glass container, covered with cling film and refrigerated.

Live fish can be released into a bowl or bath of water at room temperature until the time of cooking.

If the carcass needs to be stored for a long time, then the carp should be cleaned of scales, gutted the belly, if necessary, cut the carcass into pieces, rinsed, dried, packaged in plastic bags and put in the freezer.

Dried carp is stored in containers with side holes or in boxes to allow air circulation. You can cover the fish with a thin cloth, but not with a plastic bag, to prevent a musty smell.


Fresh carp can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 12 hours. To increase the shelf life to up to a day, it is recommended to marinate the cleaned carcass in spices and lemon juice.

Carp should not be left at room temperature for more than 2-3 hours, as the fish will spoil. You cannot store unpeeled carp, as the carcass will begin to deteriorate much faster.

Cleaned carp can remain in the freezer for 2 to 3 months. The shelf life of frozen dried carcass reaches 12 months.

Recipe for baked carp in the oven with vegetables

The carp must be scaled, the head cut off, gutted, and washed under cold water. Squeeze the juice of one lemon and marinate the carp in it for 15-20 minutes. While the fish is marinating, prepare a cast-iron dish or baking sheet in which you will bake the fish, greasing it well with vegetable oil. The onion should be cut into rings, grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Mix wheat flour with fish spices, dill and vegetable oil until a thick paste forms. If the seasoning does not contain salt, add to taste. Divide the prepared mixture equally. Spread one part in an even layer over the bottom of the baking dish. In this case, the vegetable oil should completely cover the pulp. Place the onion rings on top in a thick, even layer to cover the flour base. Cut the second lemon that is left into even slices and place it on top of the onion rings. All this will give the carp an additional appetizing aroma.

Turn on the oven to preheat. The carp has already been marinated and has changed color a little. Now you need to rub it on both sides with sour cream, which must first be mixed with sunflower oil in a ratio of 1:3. Place the cooked fish on a baking sheet with a lemon-onion bed. Gently brush the top of the fish and the fragrant pillow with the remaining flour mixture. Wash the potatoes, peel and cut into slices no more than 3mm thick. Place in an even layer on top of the fish. Place the dish in the oven. The carp should cook for 30-40 minutes. At the same time, monitor the process of cooking fish from time to time. When the boiling juice begins to release, pour it over the carp several times. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, sprinkle generously with grated cheese.

Remove the finished dish from the oven. Wait a couple of minutes until the juice in the pan stops boiling. Now you can divide the fish and side dish into portions and serve to your guests.

Frying fish is generally a simple task, but you still need to know some points in order to end up with a tasty dish. Today we will fry a whole carp in a frying pan and prepare a wonderful dinner for all lovers of fish dishes. Of the many fish varieties, not every housewife pays attention to fresh carp, but in vain. By giving preference only to frozen sea fish, you deprive yourself of the pleasure of tasting aromatic river fish. Yes, it has one drawback, the presence of seeds. But by buying large specimens of river fish, which have fewer bones, you can truly enjoy the taste of fried or baked fish. Today's choice fell on carp.

Fried carp is a healthy fish and, by and large, affordable. Having bought a carcass weighing 1 kg or more, you can fry or bake it whole, serving an appetizing dish to the table. Also, a carp weighing 1-1.5 kg will easily fit in a large frying pan, and you can cook it perfectly so that the meat is fried and the result is what you need. You can learn how to fry boneless carp in a frying pan from our recipe with photos.

When choosing carp at a market supply or in a supermarket, pay attention to the integrity of the cover, the shine of the scales, the transparent eyes and pink gills. If possible, you can smell the fish. The smell of fresh fish is always pleasant and does not stink. It is better to cook purchased fresh carp immediately and not freeze it, then the meat will turn out juicy and tender.

For those who are afraid of bones, today we will tell you how, using small tricks, to reduce the number of bones in carp or any other river fish.


  • fresh carp – 1-1.2 kg;
  • flour for breading - 2-3 tables. l.;
  • vegetable oil for frying – 40-50 grams;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

How to prepare?

Before cooking, carp must be cleaned of scales, internal organs and dark film in the abdominal cavity so that the meat does not become bitter.

How to quickly remove scales?

If the carp is still alive, then the fish must be killed before starting the procedure. To do this, just hit the carp on the head with the handle of a knife.

You can remove scales from the surface of the carp using a knife or vegetable peeler. To speed up and make cleaning fish at home easier, it is recommended to immerse the carcass in boiling water for 1-2 minutes.

Then the carp should be thoroughly washed and scales should be removed immediately while the surface of the fish is wet: this will speed up the process. You can perform the procedure in a container of water, in a sink, or on a cutting board.

Before starting cleaning, it is advisable to cut off the sharp fins so as not to injure your hand while performing forward movements from the tail to the head of the carp.

How to cut it correctly?

After the scales have been removed, it is necessary to make an incision along the entire abdominal cavity, remove the insides and remove the dark film from the inner walls of the stomach. Next, you need to cut off all the fins, and then thoroughly rinse the carcass under running water.

Further cutting depends on the cooking method:

  1. Carp for baking can be left whole, including the head, but the gills must be removed. This can be done using a thin knife. The gills need to be cut in a circle and then pulled out of the skull with your hands.
  2. To fry, you need to cut off the head of the carcass and cut the body itself into portions of any size.
  3. To form carp cutlets, you need to cut them correctly: fillet them, then remove the thick skin from the halves, remove all the bones and grind the meat into minced meat.
  4. To boil a whole carp, it is necessary to rid the head not only of the gills, but also of the eyes, since otherwise the broth will turn out cloudy.

Fish filleting occurs by separating the meat from the backbone. To cut it, you need to lay the carcass on its side, make oblique cuts to cut off the head with a minimum amount of meat, then cut the spine and separate it. Afterwards, you need to make a deep cut along the entire back, holding the carp with one hand and pressing the carcass to the cutting board. The knife must be moved slowly along the ridge along the line of the rib bones. The fillet must be separated immediately along the entire surface of the fish, starting from the denser part and lowering the blade to the tail. Next, you need to turn the carp over and cut off the second fillet in the same way, without cutting the ribs, but following their curve with the blade.

How to remove bones?

Removal of bones occurs after thinning. To do this, you need to place the pieces skin side down and use tweezers to pluck out all the bones. Then run your fingertips over the pulp to determine where there are still bones left and, if necessary, repeat the procedure again.

Carp is a very bony fish, so the process of plucking out the bones is long and labor-intensive, but quite doable if you do everything slowly.

An alternative method for removing bones can be seen in the video.

How to cut?

It is better to cook small individuals whole, and cut large carcasses into portions. The backbone of the carp is very dense and strong, so it is recommended to first cut the fish meat on both sides, and then break the bone by hitting the handle of the knife with your palm.

The inch above the caudal fin is the bony part of the carcass, so it should be cut off and not used for cooking.

How to remove the smell?

If river carp has an unpleasant smell of mud, acquired due to its habitat and feeding habits, then it can be eliminated by soaking the fish for 15-20 minutes.

After cleaning the scales, cutting off the fins and gutting the abdominal cavity, the carcass should be placed in a container of water so that the entire fish is covered with liquid. The water should first be diluted with 1 tbsp. l. bite or lemon juice. Then the carp should be washed well - and you can start cooking.

How to defrost?

A frozen carcass must be defrosted naturally, since in this case most of the beneficial elements are retained in the meat. The fish must be removed from the freezer, placed in a container and placed in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf overnight.

You can speed up defrosting by immersing the carp in cold water, but the carcass should be tightly wrapped in a plastic bag so as not to become saturated with external liquid. The water needs to be changed every 20-30 minutes, and it is better to leave the tap on so that a cold stream of water flows over the fish all the time. Defrosting time depends on the size of the carcass.

How to marinate?

To make carp meat more juicy and tasty, the whole or cut into pieces carcass must be marinated before heat treatment.

The marinade recipe is simple and suitable for both baking fish in the oven and frying it in a pan. To do this, just wipe the carp with salt and pepper (inside and outside), and sprinkle lemon juice on top. Then you need to leave the fish for 20-30 minutes so that it is saturated with spices, and you can continue cooking.

The marinade for preparing fish kebab on the grill or barbecue, as well as for regular frying of carp over the hot coals of a fire, is similar to the previous one. To prepare it, you need to rub the cut and cleaned carcass with salt and pepper, grease with tomato paste, sour cream or mayonnaise, sprinkle ripe lemon juice on top and leave for half an hour.

Before you start smoking, carp must be marinated in aromatic oil, for the preparation of which you need to mix 0.5 tsp. salt, black pepper, and coriander with vegetable oil. Then you should thoroughly wipe the cleaned and dried carp with this mixture on all sides and put it in the refrigerator to infuse for 3-4 hours.

How and what to stuff?

The filling for carp can be varied. The choice of minced meat depends on the taste preferences of the cook:

  • chopped and fried carrots, onions, mushrooms and spices;
  • any vegetables, sour cream and spices;
  • lard, mushrooms, onions, tomato paste, carrots, peanuts, herbs and seasonings;
  • rice porridge, sour cream, onions, mushrooms and spices;
  • buckwheat porridge, tomatoes, carrots, garlic, spices.

In addition, you can cook carp stuffed with meat. To do this, you need to carefully remove the skin from the whole carcass (without fins, scales and entrails) so that it remains intact. Then separate the meat from the bone, twist it into minced meat, add garlic, onion, egg and bread pulp soaked in milk, as well as spices. Mix everything thoroughly, stuff the skin with the filling and sew up the belly to keep its shape.

How to clean it properly

There are several ways to quickly and without consequences in the form of scales scattered around a carp.

The first assumes the following sequence:

  1. Cover the kitchen table or any convenient surface with newspapers or thick paper.
  2. Put on rubber gloves and place the fish on the table.
  3. Use sharp kitchen scissors to cut off the fins.
  4. Press the head of the carp with your fingers and a knife (if you have one, you can use a scraper), clean off the scales diagonally, and when the main part is removed, continue from the tail to the head. The procedure must be performed dynamically, grabbing the scales and pulling them upward.
  5. Rinse the carcass under cold running water.

The following option will allow you to clean one fish in less than 2 minutes if you proceed as follows:

  1. Take a basin and fill it with running water - this way all the scales will not be scattered around, but will remain in the container.
  2. Place the fish in a container and lightly wet it.
  3. Take a spoon and, starting from the tail, pick up the scales and lead to the head, using force. This way the plates will be layered on the kitchen utensils, which will allow you to quickly clean the carp.
  4. Periodically wash off any remaining scales with water.
  5. Repeat the sequence on the other side of the carcass.
  6. Take a knife and also, from the caudal fin to the head, remove a thick layer of scales from the sternum.

If you can see uncleaned islands somewhere, just pour boiling water over them, wait a few seconds and remove them with a knife.
In addition to the methods described above, you can use:

  • with a special grater for cleaning fish, before placing the carcass in a basin or sink;
  • pour boiling water over it for 2–4 seconds, and then use a knife to remove it in a thin layer along with the skin;
  • Place in the freezer for 6-8 hours, then remove and place in the sink for 2 hours before cleaning;
  • using salt;
  • a grinder or a drill - the method is effective, but the entire interior around you will be covered in scales, which will take a very long time to remove.

Cooking methods

Fish can be fried in a frying pan or grill, baked in pieces, smoked, salted, and also cooked in a slow cooker or convection oven. Carp makes delicious shish kebab on the grill or barbecue.

How to bake in the oven?

It is more convenient to bake large carp cut into pieces, since in this case the meat is better cooked and soaked in spices, making the dish tastier. Small carcasses can be baked whole in foil.


In time, a whole carp carcass is baked in the oven for about 40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Before cooking, the carcass must be cleaned and removed from fins and giblets, then rinsed under running water and blotted with a napkin to remove any remaining moisture. Next, marinate in spices with lemon juice.

Afterwards, you need to cover a baking sheet with foil, pour a little vegetable oil on top, put onion rings and carp on them. Close the foil tightly and place the baking sheet in the oven.

10 minutes before the end of cooking, the wrapper needs to be unrolled so that an appetizing crust forms on the surface of the fish.


The fish cut into pieces should be baked in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees on one side for 20 minutes, and then turned over to the other side and baked for another 10 minutes, reducing the temperature to 180 degrees.

Place the pieces on a baking sheet lined with parchment and greased with vegetable oil.

You can put onion, lemon or other vegetables on top.

How to fry in a frying pan?

Small fish can be fried whole, but large carp should initially be cut into pieces 2 cm thick.

In order for a delicious golden crust to form on the surface of the fish, the carp must be properly fried, namely, in a hot frying pan, without removing the skin from the carcass.

You can use flour or crackers as a breading. You need to fry the fish over medium heat, in well-heated vegetable oil, for 5-7 minutes on one side. If the pieces are large, then after a crust has also appeared on the back side, you need to cover the pan with a lid, reduce the heat to low and hold the fish for another 2 minutes.

How to stew in a slow cooker?

Peeled and cut into pieces carp should be salted, peppered, marinated for 10 minutes, and then placed in a multicooker bowl on a bed of onions, chopped and greased with vegetable oil. Sprinkle the top of the fish with chopped herbs and pour sour cream and water so that the carp is covered with liquid.

Cook on the “Stew” mode for 30 minutes. When the program completes its work, the dish can be served.

How to cook in the microwave?

Using the microwave, you can cook small carp stuffed with vegetables. To do this you need:

  • clean the fish, remove fins and giblets, rinse and dry;
  • make small cuts on the surface and rub the carcass with salt and pepper, leave for 10 minutes;
  • fry chopped onion, grated carrots and garlic through a press in a frying pan, add salt and pepper;
  • stuff the fish with filling (if desired, the belly can be secured with a toothpick);
  • transfer the fish to a flat plate, the bottom of which is greased with vegetable oil;
  • put the container in the microwave for 15 minutes, setting the power to 600 W;
  • take out the fish, pour mayonnaise or sour cream on it;
  • put in the microwave for 5 minutes at 450 W.

After the specified time has passed, you need to leave the carp for another 5 minutes in a closed microwave so that the fish finishes cooking, and then you can taste the delicious dish.

How to make it in an air fryer?

To cook carp in an air fryer you need:

  • clean the fish, remove the head, fins and internal organs with black film, rinse the carcass and let it dry;
  • Rub the carp with salt and pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice and leave for 15 minutes;
  • coat the carcass with mayonnaise, put chopped white or red onion, pre-mixed with salt, in the middle;
  • wrap the carp in foil;
  • place in a convection oven;
  • set the time to 40 minutes and temperature to 260 degrees.

If the fish is small in size, then trimming the head is not necessary.

How to steam?

You can quickly cook a whole carp carcass in a double boiler, but it is recommended to marinate the fish first to make the meat more juicy.

Cooking steps:

  • clean the fish, gut the abdominal cavity, trim the fins and head, rinse the carcass and wipe with a paper napkin;
  • in a deep container, mix garlic, black pepper, ginger and coriander (to taste) passed through a press with soy sauce;
  • place the carcass in the preparation, roll in the sauce;
  • Cover the container with a lid and refrigerate for 1 hour;
  • place the carp on foil, make sides, pour sauce over the top of the fish, and place in a steamer;
  • Set the time to 25 minutes and cook with the lid closed.

After the time has passed, leave the fish untouched for 10 minutes so that it finishes cooking, and then you can serve the dish to the table.

How to cook?

Carp can be boiled whole or cut into pieces weighing up to 100 grams each (if the carcass is large).

To make the boiled meat tasty, it is recommended to soak the carp for half an hour in water with lemon juice before starting cooking, so that the smell of mud disappears from the fish.

How to cook carp correctly? The fish should be placed in cold water, after the liquid boils, you need to add bay leaf, salt and any spices to taste. A whole carcass weighing from 1 to 1.5 kg is cooked for 50-60 minutes. It is enough for the pieces to simmer for 15-20 minutes.

Uncleaned fish with giblets cannot be cooked, as the meat will be bitter and the broth will be cloudy. If you need to boil carp with its head, then you must remove the gills and eyes.

How to pickle?

To prepare 2 carps weighing 1 kg each, you will need 300 g of coarse sea salt, 6 bay leaves and peppercorns.

Salting stages:

  • clean the fish, remove offal, black film, head, and fins;
  • rinse the carcass thoroughly and dry;
  • cut each carp into 2 equal parts;
  • Pour half the salt into the bottom of a deep glass bowl, break 3 bay leaves and crumble the peppercorns;
  • lay out the pieces of fish, press down firmly so that they are immersed in the salt;
  • sprinkle the remaining salt and spices on top;
  • cover with a plate, put on the press;
  • Place the container in the refrigerator for 4 days.

After 4 days, you need to drain the resulting juice, remove the carp pieces and rinse under running water to get rid of excess salt.

How to dry and wilt?

Small carcasses can be dried whole, but carp weighing more than 1 kg should be cut into 2 fillets before drying.

Cooking steps:

  • clean the fish from scales and internal organs, remove fins and gills, rinse and wipe with a napkin;
  • rub the carcasses with coarse sea salt outside and inside;
  • prepare a warm salt solution, the volume of which depends on the amount of fish;
  • put the carp in the solution, press it down with a lid, place a weight on top;
  • after 2-3 days, drain the liquid and place the fish in the shade in a well-ventilated place for 30 days, turning it over periodically (if the carp is dried in the open air, then the carcasses should be covered with gauze).

To determine the correct consistency of the saline solution, you need to place a peeled raw potato or chicken egg in warm boiled water, and add salt gradually. When the selected product floats to the surface, the solution is ready.

How to smoke?

Carp carcasses can be smoked either hot or cold. In the first case, the fish will be ready for consumption in a couple of hours, in the second - in a few days.

Hot way

Before you start smoking carp, the fish must be cleaned, giblets removed, gills removed and fins cut off. Then rub the carcass with oil with added spices and salt and leave to marinate for 4 hours.

Place alder chips on the bottom of the smokehouse and sprinkle with a small amount of water. Then place the carcasses on the grill so that there is a small distance between them. You can put onion rings and pieces of garlic on top of the fish for flavor. Smoke at a temperature of about +120 degrees for 1.5-2 hours. After opening the smokehouse, let the fish sit for another 15-20 minutes - and you can serve.

Cold way

To prepare carp cold, you will need fish, coarse salt and a smoker.

Smoking stages:

  • clean the carp from scales, offal, black film on the walls of the stomach, fins and gills (large carcasses (more than 1.5 kg) are divided into 2 parts along the ridge);
  • pour salt into a glass or plastic bowl, place the fish, pressing down so that they are immersed in salt crystals, also sprinkle coarse salt on top so that the carp is completely covered;
  • cover the container with a lid and install the press, put in the refrigerator for 2 days;
  • drain the released liquid, rinse the carcasses from salt, dry (inside and out);
  • hang the carcasses outdoors for a day to dry a little (but not in direct sunlight!);
  • transfer the fish to a smokehouse with alder chips and cook for 2 days in low heat (up to 30-45 degrees).

After the specified time has passed, you should open the smokehouse, but do not remove the carps so that the carcasses cool gradually.

How to cook on the grill?

Carp can be deliciously cooked on the grill using skewers or a grill. To do this you need:

  • clean and gut the fish, remove the fins, head and black film from the belly walls, rinse;
  • cut the carcasses into steaks of equal thickness, divide the pieces into 2 equal parts;
  • marinate the fish in salt, pepper, lemon juice and tomato paste for half an hour;
  • Carefully place the pieces on a skewer so that they do not sag anywhere, or place them in one layer on a wire rack;
  • fry over coals over low heat for 7-10 minutes on each side.

Before serving the kebab, it is recommended to sprinkle the fish with lemon juice.

How to cook over a fire?

You can cook fish over a fire immediately after catching it. To do this you need:

  • clean the carp from scales, remove the head and giblets, clean the abdominal cavity from the dark film, cut off the fins, wash the carcass;
  • cut the fish into medium pieces, cut out the backbone, divide the pieces into 2 halves;
  • rub the slices with salt, pepper and any spices that are nearby, leave for 15-30 minutes while the fire is lit;
  • wait until the logs burn out and there is only a slight heat from the fire;
  • place the fish on skewers and place over the fire;
  • fry on each side for 7-10 minutes (until golden brown).

Serve with fresh vegetables, sprinkle with lemon juice if possible.

How to cut carp

Having bought live fish, do not refuse the offer to clean it, but it is better to gut it yourself at home:

  • First you need to remove the dorsal fin, making shallow cuts on both sides along its entire length, then you need to pull the fin, wrapping it in a towel so as not to cut yourself, in the direction from the tail to the head;
  • Next, from head to tail, make a cut in the abdomen, carefully remove the liver and gall bladder (if it is torn, rub the places where the bile got in with salt or cut them out);
  • Remove the remaining entrails, gills and eyes of the fish; the film covering the vertebral bone must be cut lengthwise;
  • Rinse it with cold running water and then cut the fish depending on the cooking method.

How to clean carp from scales

If it is not possible to clean the carp right away in the store, then do not despair, you can easily do it yourself. Don’t be scared by the old grandfather’s methods when they cleaned it with a knife against scales and the whole kitchen was dirty. There is a simple, proven way to clean carp from scales.

  1. To do this, place the fish in a deep cup and pour boiling water over it for 30 seconds.
  2. Pour out the hot water and place the fish under running cold water so that it cools and does not cook from boiling water.
  3. Next, you don’t have to take the fish out of the cup of cold water, but by placing your hands in the water and running your fingers against the scales, it will easily separate.
  4. If the fish is large and the scales are very thick and difficult to separate, then you can pour boiling water again for 10-20 seconds, again under cold water. Now the scales will definitely come off easily.
  5. You can also help yourself separate the scales with a knife, but do it carefully so as not to cut the already steamed skin of the fish.

And now for the most interesting part:

How to cut up carp and get rid of small bones?

In China, the homeland of carp, its fillet, having been cleared of large bones, is simply ground into minced meat, and during the cooking process, the ground small bones soften and partially dissolve.

If the fish will be cooked whole, then even in this case you can deal with small bones: for this, before frying, stewing or baking, as well as steaming, deep cuts are made on the fish carcass from the back along its entire length, and they are made crosswise - the more frequent cuts you make, the more small seeds will be crushed and softened during the heat treatment.

In addition, this technique allows the fish meat to be better saturated with seasonings and spices and cook faster.

The following method for filleting carp will also help get rid of small bones.

How to fillet carp

  • cut off the head
  • cut the fish in half lengthwise into two halves along the ridge,
  • cut off the ridge, fin and small bones adjacent to it,
  • carefully cut out the rib bones in one layer,
  • use your fingers to feel the groove with sharp bones in the fillet, move 5 mm to the left from them and cut the fillet to the skin, holding the knife at an angle of 45 degrees,
  • do the same, stepping back from those bones 5mm to the right,
  • tear off the strip with bones from the skin,
  • also remove small bones in the tail part of the fish.

As you can see, if you are willing to take the time to cut up the carp and remove the bones, then turning a bony fish into a tender fillet is quite possible.

What spices and seasonings are suitable?

The main rule when choosing spices for fish dishes is that the spice should not overshadow the taste and aroma of the main product.

To prepare baked carp you can use:

  • Italian or Provençal herbs (mixture);
  • anise;
  • Melissa;
  • coriander;
  • marjoram;
  • black and allspice.

For boiled fish:

  • Bay leaf;
  • peppercorns;
  • parsley stems;
  • carnation;
  • dried garlic;
  • rosemary.

To steam carp:

  • any type of pepper;
  • tarragon;
  • mint;
  • rosemary;
  • parsley"
  • white mustard.

For fried carp:

  • white and black pepper;
  • coriander;
  • basil;
  • caraway;
  • garlic;
  • paprika;
  • thyme.

Also, during any heat treatment, you can add chopped fresh herbs and ripe lemon or lime juice.

What side dishes should I serve with?

In order not to make the dish too heavy for the stomach, it is necessary to choose the right side dish, thanks to which the taste will be balanced.

It is recommended to serve fried carp with:

  • boiled vegetables (potatoes, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, etc.);
  • mashed potatoes, green peas, etc.;
  • vegetable stew;
  • fresh vegetable salads dressed with oil.

Garnish for baked carp can be:

  • vegetable puree;
  • lentils;
  • various cereals;
  • fresh vegetables;
  • baked vegetables;
  • steamed vegetables.

You can serve boiled or steamed carp with:

  • baked potatoes;
  • stewed tomatoes with garlic;
  • stew or sauté;
  • a fresh vegetable salad;
  • various cereals;
  • boiled or roasted vegetables.

It is better to serve stewed fish with porridge, as well as baked vegetables, cut into large pieces or whole.

Benefits and harm to the body

Eating this fish several times a week can have a beneficial effect on your health, since carp contains healthy fats, proteins, amino acids, as well as vitamins and minerals.

Benefits of eating carp meat:

  • the likelihood of developing anemia is reduced;
  • immunity is strengthened;
  • the functioning of the cardiovascular system improves;
  • the walls of blood vessels are strengthened;
  • toxins and waste are removed from the body;
  • the level of bad cholesterol decreases;
  • the functioning of the thyroid gland improves;
  • brain activity increases;
  • the bone skeleton is strengthened;
  • the likelihood of developing osteochondrosis is reduced;
  • the functioning of the nervous and digestive systems improves;
  • intestinal function is normalized.

Meat contains healthy fat, which strengthens nails, hair and teeth, and also speeds up metabolism and slows down the aging process.

Benefits of drinking milk:

  • the body’s ability to resist viruses and infections increases;
  • the process of tissue regeneration is accelerated;
  • hematopoiesis improves;
  • muscle tissue is strengthened.

However, only baked or stewed milk is beneficial, since after frying all the beneficial properties of the product disappear. Abuse of milk (more than 100-150 g per week) can lead to weight gain.

Pregnant women and mothers who are breastfeeding are recommended to introduce carp into their diet several times a week in portions of 100-150 g. In this case, it is better to steam or boil the fish.

Consumption of carp can harm the body of people suffering from allergies or individual intolerance to this product. Smoked and salted carp is contraindicated for people with problems with the kidneys, stomach and liver, as well as for pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Weight loss and diet

Carp is a fish with an average fat content, so it can be added to the diet during a diet aimed at losing weight, but no more than 2 times a week. The serving size should not exceed 200-250 g.

Thanks to the minerals and vitamins contained in fish, eating carp helps speed up metabolism, which will have a positive effect on your well-being and help you get rid of extra pounds.

It is also recommended to replace meat dishes with fish, as they are lower in calories and contain easily digestible protein and healthy fat.

In addition, it is necessary to increase the amount of physical activity and drink at least 1.5 liters of purified water per day.

Festive carp with raisins and almonds

  • 1 large carp
  • 50 gr. butter
  • 50 gr. almonds
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 50 gr. raisins
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground allspice
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon grated orange zest
  • salt
  • freshly ground black pepper

Clean the carp from scales and remove the entrails. Cut off the head and tail; they won't be needed. Cut the carcass into 4-5 steaks 3-4 cm thick.

Preheat oven to 200°C. Prepare 4-5 leaves of foil, grease them in the center with butter and place 1 steak at a time, salt and pepper.

Place the almonds in a saucepan, cover with boiling water and blanch for 3 minutes. Rinse with cold water and remove the skin. Cut the almonds in half.

Heat a frying pan with olive oil and butter and fry the almonds until golden brown. Add finely chopped garlic and raisins, add spices and orange zest and fry for another 2 minutes.

Place the filling on the fish and wrap the foil in envelopes. Transfer the envelopes to a baking sheet and place in the oven, bake for 25 minutes.

Unfold the envelopes with carp and serve.

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Carp with diseases

Carp is a not very fatty river fish that can be consumed by people with diabetes, gout, and pancreatitis, but in limited quantities. In addition, not all methods of heat treatment are suitable, so it is recommended to consult a doctor before introducing the dish into your diet.


People with diabetes can introduce carp into their diet, but in limited quantities and no more than 2 times a week. A serving should not exceed 250 g. In this case, you can only eat stewed, boiled (including steamed) and baked fish.


People with pancreatitis can eat river fish such as carp, but only for those who are in remission. Carp can be introduced into the diet no more than 2 times a week and in an amount of 150-200 g. During periods of exacerbation of the disease, carp should be excluded from the menu.


People with gout can eat carp only boiled or steamed without spices and with a small amount of salt.

Carp is a type of predatory freshwater fish, which is distinguished by its tender and slightly sweet meat, as well as an abundance of small and large bones. Fish can be subjected to almost any heat treatment, as it does not lose its taste. The main thing is not to oversaturate the dish with spices. It is better to immediately use fresh fish for cooking, as it will not only be easier to clean, but will also retain more nutrients in the meat.

Translation of the introduction from the editors of the fishing portal

If you want to get a big catch on every carp fishing trip, then it is logical to use only bait that this fish likes.
If a carp tries your bait (taste) and doesn’t like it, then it will simply spit it out. And, most likely, it will be ignored for a long time. And the worst case scenario is that he will “remember” your “branded” bait as unsuitable for food for the rest of the session. Naturally, such circumstances will not bring you good results! The carp’s “sense of taste,” which it uses to search for food and “taste” it in the mouth, is classified as vital! After all, it is thanks to its taste that this fish generally distinguishes edible food from inedible food. But that's not all! As Simon Scott assures, carps are gourmets who can filter food, separating it - even into “tasty” and “tasteless”. Of course, they spit out the last one right away!

So, if you have at least minimal information about how the taste senses of carp work “from the inside,” you will be able to achieve better results in your “hunt” for trophies. Don't believe me?! Then read (below) what Simon told us while answering the questions. We are confident that after reading this interview, many beginners (or even experienced anglers) will learn something new from the life of this fish. They will learn something that will allow them to slightly adjust their tactics and get a catch that they have never seen before!

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