How many years can a carp fish live?

Types of carp with a description of appearance and size

Given their size, lake carp began to be bred in Chinese imperial ponds. Gradually, domesticated species spread throughout Eurasia. This has led to the development of hybrids and breeds that are bred for fishing.

Common river

This common species is often called scaly. River carp (Cyprinus carpio) is distinguished by numerous small, hard scales. They cover the entire rounded massive body, forming a dense shell. The main shade is brownish or golden.

Mirror carp

The description of one of the most beautiful massive species attracts attention. This is a mirror carp (Cyprinus rex cyprinorum). It is easily distinguished by its large scales. They resemble mirrors in shape and shine. They are located on the sides, upper part of the body, and the rest of the surface of the individual remains uncovered.

Mirror carp with large scales.

Carp crucian carp

The artificial species was bred by Russian breeders. Crucian carp adapt well to the conditions of different types of reservoirs; they are undemanding in terms of food supply, since they are omnivores.

They grow quickly, reaching a weight of 1.5-2 kg by the age of 2 years.

In an adult, the body resembles a carp, and the head resembles a crucian carp. The meat has a pleasant taste.

Crucian carp has tasty meat.

Japanese Koi

As a result of selective selection, about 80 ornamental species of brocade carp were bred in Japan. They are called koi and are grouped into 16 groups.

For example, Kohaku with an orange-red pattern on a white background. The snow-white representative of the group, Taise Sanseku, has black or red markings on his body.

Utsurimono is distinguished by its black tone with multi-colored spots. Kinginrin is characterized by different body shades with a golden or pearlescent decorative tint.

Kohaku has an orange-red pattern on his back.


This type of fish from the carp family is distinguished by an elongated body covered with longitudinal lateral stripes.

There is Jullien's golden carp (Probarbus jullieni). It is distinguished by characteristic ray fins. Habitat: freshwater bodies of water.

Golden carp are found in freshwater.


The weight of this large representative of cyprinids reaches 6.5-7 kg. It belongs to the commercial species caught in the Caspian basin.

It is found in fresh rivers, but can enter the salt water of the sea along with the current.


Its structure resembles a mirror carp. The royal delicacy differs from it in its larger size. Weight reaches 3-5 kg.

The scales on the body are located in separate fragments. There are holes on the sides that provide orientation for the fish.


There is no separate species with these characteristics. We caught a furry carp in a pond in the Tambov region.

The fish began to look fluffy due to particles of fur settling to the bottom, which gradually accumulated on the body of the individual. It is washed before processing at a cloth mill located on the shore of a reservoir.


This type of fish from the carp family was bred by Russian breeders. It is distinguished by its fertility and rapid development. With an abundance of food, it can reach a weight of 5.5-6 kg.

For crossing, they took Amur carp and domesticated carp. Found in reservoirs of central and southern Russia.

Parsky carp is found in the reservoirs of central Russia.

Carp range

Different types of fish live in fresh waters. But sometimes there is a sea migration of Danube and Caspian carp from rivers to the expanses of salty streams. Therefore, fishermen can catch large, valuable fish in the Black or Caspian Seas.

Analyzing where carp live, their wide range is noted. Various species are found in Asia, European territory, and the Far East.

They prefer slow-flowing rivers, ponds, lakes, and canals with a sandy or clay bottom. Individuals need shelter, so they choose places with thickets, snags, and holes. The habitat depth is 2.5-10 m.

Distribution and habitats

The range of carp covers Europe, Central and Western Asia, the Far East and most other territories within temperate and southern latitudes. In Russia, corop is found everywhere in fresh water bodies of the Black, Azov, Baltic, Caspian, Japanese and Okhotsk seas. Favorite habitat is stagnant or low-flow lakes, flooded quarries, ponds, canals and reservoirs with an abundance of vegetation and soft, clayey, sandy or moderately hard soil. The optimal living depth is 2-10 meters. Shelter is important for fish, so it ignores open reaches with a flat bottom, preferring areas with holes, thickets of higher or floating plants, snags, and submerged bushes.

To learn more:

Barbel fish: description, distribution and methods of fishing

Lifestyle and behavior

Young carp gather in schools. Gradually, maturing fish change their lifestyle. They are characterized by small-group and even solitary behavior.

Biological activity of cyprinids is observed from April to October. The feeding peak occurs in June. This is the time when hungry fish, having finished spawning, switch to a round-the-clock mode of eating food.

After hot weather sets in and the water is very hot, individuals can feed only at night. The period of increased nutrition is repeated in August-September, continuing until the last ten days of October.

The goal is to accumulate reserves for the cold season. It is carried out by representatives of cyprinids in large flocks in suspended animation at depth. They wake up when the water warms up to +8…+10 °C in spring.

Carp nutrition

Carp is an omnivorous species. The food supply for the young animals is aquatic plants and plankton.

The retractable mouth device ensures filtration of bottom sediments. Thick lips allow you to securely grasp solid food, and the pharyngeal teeth easily grind it.

What does carp eat:

  • plant shoots;
  • worms;
  • insects;
  • crustaceans;
  • algae;
  • shellfish;
  • leeches;
  • caviar of fish and amphibians;
  • larvae;
  • detritus;
  • flies;
  • tadpoles.

When artificially breeding different species of the carp family, the diet includes ready-made feed containing fats, fiber, and proteins. The fish are fed bread and corn.

Is the fish predatory?

Given the absence of real teeth on the jaws, the carp cannot be considered a predator. But large specimens can eat frogs and fish fry.

Unlike predatory representatives, carp feed constantly. He is gradually gaining weight. Predators, having caught their prey, remain alone for some time to digest.

What does carp eat?

During their life, carp are capable of gaining weight up to 50 kg, and such a large growth is facilitated by both the omnivorous nature of this fish and the special “stomachless” structure of their digestive system, that is, in favorable conditions, the carp eats almost “non-stop”. This feature of this fish sometimes makes us jokingly compare carp to pigs; experienced fishermen know very well that carps constantly rummage in the mud in search of food, just like pigs rummage in the mud. This is not to the benefit of the carp themselves, since with this behavior they betray their presence with large (about 10 cm in diameter) bubbles.

As for the food that carp eat, these include crustaceans, microorganisms, tadpoles and toads, and even fry of their own species (yes, carp have cannibalism). Moreover, smaller carp flock into schools for successful hunting, while older individuals prefer to lead a solitary lifestyle.

Sexual maturity and reproduction

Individuals are very prolific. Males reach sexual maturity at 3 years of age. The female is able to reproduce from the age of 5 years. Spawning begins in May-June, when the water warms up to +18 °C.

To lay eggs, the female chooses a place with thickets of grass or algae. The spawning begins at dusk, lasting 10-12 hours. Laying is carried out in portions over several days. In total, the female produces up to 1 million eggs.

The incubation period is 3-6 days. The emerging larvae feed on the contents of the yolk sac for 2-3 days. Then they leave him.

The grown fry swim well. They eat microscopic crustaceans and zooplankton. This type of food ensures the active development of young individuals, which by the age of 1.5 years weigh up to 500 g.

Interesting information about how long carp live. In natural reservoirs, 30-35 year old specimens are often found. Some species weighing 25-30 kg and more than 1 m long live up to 55-60 years.

How to distinguish a male from a female

The young are indistinguishable by gender. The female can be identified at the spawning stage. She looks more massive. In the male, whitish warts form on the fins in the front part of the body, as well as on the back of the head, gill covers, and cheeks.

In the photo of the carp you can see that the abdomen of females is plumper, and the anus has a rounded shape. In males it resembles a triangle.

It is possible to distinguish males from females only during the spawning period.

Carp fishing

In Europe and the USA, representatives of this family do not belong to the species of valuable food fish. But his prey is thriving, generating sporting interest. This is due to the fact that not everyone manages to catch a cautious carp on a hook.

Biting calendar

The fishing season begins in May after the individuals awaken. Fishing ends in early October.

Factors favorable for a good bite:

  • slightly cloudy standing water;
  • cloudy warm weather;
  • light wind blowing from the southeast or southwest.

The best time for fishing is before sunrise and after sunset.

For good fishing you need to know the habits of the fish. Carp often obtain food by digging at the bottom in the mud. It can be detected by large air bubbles appearing on the water surface. Individuals like to settle at the bottom of silted creeks, near river and lake islands with grass, next to dams, and in oxbow lakes.

Biting calendar by month.

Tackle and bait

To ensure a rich catch, stock up on the necessary equipment. Fishermen use different types of gear:

  1. Feeder. It is a fishing rod 2.7-4.2 m long with rings and a flexible tip, complemented by a feeder - a sinker and a spinning reel.
  2. Donku - a snack. This tackle, the simplest in design, consists of a reel, leashes with hooks, a sinker, strong fishing line, and a bite beacon. You can attach it to a fishing rod.
  3. Float rod. The main requirement is a strong rod 5-6 m long in order to catch large fish. The equipment is complemented by a float, a reel with a drag, fishing line and hooks.

There are 3 groups of bait that carp bite well on:

  1. Animal origin. These include caterpillars, worms, bloodworms, pieces of meat, maggots, and dragonflies. Fish of the carp family are better caught with such protein bait in spring and autumn.
  2. Plant origin. These are peas, bread, corn, large barley, flavored dough, boiled potatoes, pressed cake. These types of baits are often used for summer fishing.
  3. Artificial origin. This group includes synthetic jigs, flies, etc.

To feed carp, prepare a mixture of peas, corn and flour. You can add larvae or worms.

Feeder for carp fishing.

Diet, nutritional value

The nutritional value of carp is quite high. It is also convenient to prepare due to the small number of bones, as well as the unusually tasty and juicy meat. In addition, carp is quite easy to clean from scales, which seem to peel off from the surface of the fish on their own. It is worth noting that thanks to the efforts of science, in our time there is a genus of the so-called mirror carp, the number of scales on which can cover less than half the body area.

Fish, including carp, along with meat, is one of the best sources of high-quality protein. Carp proteins contain all the essential amino acids necessary for the body. Unlike meat, fish proteins contain an important essential amino acid such as methionine. The advantage of fish proteins is the low content of connective tissue formations, which are represented mainly by collagen, which easily turns into a soluble form - gelatin (glutin).

Thanks to this, the fish, in particular carp, quickly boils, the tissues become loose and are easily exposed to digestive juices, which ensures their more complete absorption. Fish (carp) proteins are digestible by 93-98%, while meat proteins are digestible by 87-89%.

Carp contains up to 16% protein; as for fat content, this fish belongs to the group of fish with medium fat content, it contains just over 8%. However, we must take into account that these figures are quite arbitrary - the protein and fat content of the fish varies depending on the season, the feeding capacity (availability of natural food) of the reservoir, the breed of carp, etc.

Nutritional value of Carp

Nutritional value and nutrient content (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 g of edible portion:

energy value - 112 kcal,

water −77.4 g,

proteins −16 g,

fats - 5.3 g,

minerals - 1.3 g.


Sodium (Na) - 55 mg, Potassium (K) - 265 mg, Calcium (Ca) - 35 mg, Magnesium (Mg) - 25 mg, Phosphorus (P) - 210 mg, Iron (Fe) - 0.8 mg.


A - 0.02 mg, B1 - 0.14 mg, B2 - 0.13 mg, PP - 2.5 mg, C - 1.8 mg, E - 0.5 mg.

Culinary characteristics of carp

When properly prepared, fresh large fish produce delicious dishes.

Composition and calorie content

Carp meat contains various vitamins:

  • B1 (thiamine);
  • B2 (riboflavin);
  • B3 (nicotinic acid);
  • B4 (choline);
  • B5 (pantothenic acid);
  • B6 (pyridoxine);
  • B9 (folic acid);
  • B12 (cobalamin);
  • A, C, D, E, K.

It contains essential and non-essential amino acids, sterols, and easily digestible proteins. Macroelements present: Ca (calcium), K (potassium), Na (sodium). Mg (magnesium), S (sulfur), P (phosphorus), Cl (chlorine).

Contains many trace elements, for example, Fe (iron), I (iodine), Mn (manganese). The meat of this fish is rich in fatty acids - saturated, mono- and polyunsaturated. Of these, omega-6 accounts for 0.29%.

The calorie content of raw carp is 112 kcal/100 g. When boiled, this figure is 102 kcal. Stewed meat has 109 calories, fried meat has 196-197 kcal.

Beneficial features

Delicious fish meat has the following beneficial characteristics:

  • increases immunity;
  • normalizes the process of hematopoiesis;
  • improves nervous and cardiovascular activity;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • removes toxins, cholesterol;
  • activates metabolism;
  • strengthens bones;
  • has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant effects.

Harm and contraindications

It is prohibited to include carp in the menu if an allergy to this type of fish has been identified. To avoid harm when included in the diet, heat treatment is required. This will help avoid infection with helminths.

The daily norm for a healthy person is 100-150 g of meat, 50-70 g of caviar of this type of fish. Meals are prepared 2-3 times a week.

Taste and smell of meat

Domesticated types of carp are prepared more often. In cooking, the meat of this large fish is attractive due to its delicate texture. It is pleasant, has a sweetish aftertaste.

Sometimes the smell of mud is felt if the specimen is caught in stagnant water.

To reduce it, soak the gutted carcass in a concentrated salt solution. Marinating fish steaks before frying helps.

Is the meat bony?

Carp belongs to river and lake fish species. This explains the large number of bones in its meat. They are removed before baking. If you are preparing fish soup, you need to chew the boiled pieces carefully so as not to injure the oral mucosa with the bones.

How to choose in a store

The taste and benefits of dishes depend on the freshness of the carp. The following characteristics are evaluated in a store or market:

  • wet scales without mucus;
  • absence of cuts and dark spots on the skin;
  • moisturized eyelids;
  • pink tint of gills;
  • elastic meat;
  • no unpleasant odor.

If there is a veil over the eyes of the fish, this is a sign of staleness. Check the elasticity by pressing on the side of the carcass. With a fresh one, the dent disappears in a few seconds. For frozen fish, the surface of transparent ice should be smooth.

When choosing fresh fish, pay attention to eye color.

Conditions and periods of fish storage

Only gutted and scaled carp are kept in the refrigerator for no longer than 3 days. In the freezer, the shelf life reaches 3-4 months. Fish should not be re-frozen.

Carp trade

Carp is sold mainly live or chilled. In most regions of our country (especially in rural areas), carp is of great social importance, as it is accessible to the population and the most valuable protein food product. To diversify the assortment, some farms make carp products (smoked, dried, and even cooked and packaged carp caviar), but this is rather sporadic.

The most optimal, although more expensive, form of sale is the sale of live fish. Thus, most questions about the freshness and quality of the product are eliminated. In the right stores, they will also offer to cut up the purchased fish, which is very convenient for the consumer; after all, cutting up fish is not the most pleasant experience.

Now a little about how live carp is transported and what conditions should be created for it at points of sale. Depending on the distance of transportation, different methods are used. For close ones: ordinary metal vats with a capacity of 2 m3 with an oxygen cylinder and a reducer; in such a vat you can place from 200 to 800 kg of live carp, depending on the travel time and the number of outlets served, and the ambient temperature. For long distances, special thermal vats are used that maintain a certain temperature inside. Vehicles transporting this live fish must have installations and cylinders with liquid oxygen, from which it is supplied to the tanks. The volume of the vats is 2m3. The amount of carp transported is from 200 kg to 1000 kg.

When entering the distribution network: you need to know that the temperature of the water in the aquariums where the fish will be located and the vat from which it will be unloaded differs no more than 5-6C, otherwise the fish will die due to thermal shock, the chlorine content should be minimal.

Aquariums containing fish must be equipped with special filters and refrigerators for cooling the water. Aquariums from 400 l to 1000 l are used. Since aquariums contain a large number of fish, constant filtration and occasional water changes are required to remove fish waste products (metabolites). For example, an 800 liter aquarium will require a filtration system with a capacity of 8 thousand liters per hour.

One cube of water can contain 200 kg of carp if the water is not changed. It is necessary to cool the water to increase the oxygen content in it, reduce the metabolism of the fish, which leads to an increase in the length of time the fish are kept in aquariums and a decrease in weight loss during overexposure. In warm water, fish quickly lose weight.

Carp recipes

Fish soup is often prepared from fish. There are also many other delicious dishes made with tender meat.

Carp in the oven

A savory dish is obtained when the fish is baked whole.


  • large carp;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • juicy carrots;
  • a bunch of parsley;
  • small garlic cloves – 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream 15-20% fat – 6 tbsp. l.;
  • fresh lemon juice – 40 ml;
  • salt and ground black pepper - to taste.


  1. The scaled carcass is cut and cleaned of entrails and film. The gills are cut out.
  2. Wash the fish and dry it with a paper towel. Oblique cuts are made on the back at intervals of 2-3 cm.
  3. Water the carp with lemon juice. Rub with pepper and salt. Leave for 1.5-2 hours.
  4. Peeled carrots are chopped by finely chopping with a knife or on a coarse grater. 1 onion cut into thin feathers. The washed parsley is shaken off moisture and finely chopped.
  5. Combine sour cream with chopped garlic. Salt and pepper to taste.
  6. Season the vegetable mixture with half of the sour cream sauce. After mixing, fill the belly of the fish with the prepared mass.
  7. Spread foil greased with vegetable oil on a baking sheet. A second onion, cut into rings, is distributed over its surface. Place carp on top, which is brushed with the remaining sour cream sauce.
  8. Cover the carp with a second sheet of foil. The edges are hermetically sealed.

Bake the fish in the oven for 40 minutes at +190 °C. Remove the top foil plate. Then continue cooking for another 20 minutes until golden brown.

Carp can be baked in the oven with vegetables.

Steamer recipe

Steamed carp meat has a juicy, tender texture.


  • steaks from a carcass, cleaned of scales and entrails, weighing 150 g - 4 pcs.;
  • ready-made spice mix for fish – 1 tsp;
  • fresh lemon juice – 50 ml;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tsp;
  • dill greens – 4 sprigs;
  • ground pepper, fine salt - take to taste.


  1. Dry the washed steaks with a thick paper napkin.
  2. Transfer the fish to a deep plate. Sprinkle with pepper, salt and spices. Pour in lemon juice and oil and mix.
  3. Place the container with the workpiece, covered with cling film, in the refrigerator for 1-1.5 hours.
  4. Transfer the marinated steaks to a steamer bowl. A dill sprig is placed on each piece. Pour the marinade over the fish.

You need to cook for 30 minutes.

Steamed fish turns out juicy and tasty.

Carp soup

You can prepare a flavorful first course of fish not only over a fire. Get delicious fish soup in a pan in your home kitchen.


  • carp carcass, cleaned of entrails, scales and gills – 400 g;
  • water – 2 l;
  • medium-sized potato tubers - 6 pcs.;
  • millet – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • 1 carrot;
  • medium onion;
  • a small pod of bell pepper;
  • large bay leaf;
  • ground pepper, table salt, herbs - use to taste.


  1. Transfer the carcass to a pan of water. Cook after boiling over medium heat for 30-40 minutes.
  2. Peel the potatoes. Cut the tubers into small cubes.
  3. Remove the carp from the pan. When it cools down a little, cut off the tail and head, and remove the bones. The pulp is cut into medium pieces.
  4. The broth is filtered, poured into a saucepan, fish, potatoes, and salt are added.
  5. Place the dishes on high heat. After 5 minutes of boiling, add the washed millet.
  6. Peel carrots and onions. The pepper is freed from the internal seeds and stalk. All vegetables are finely chopped and then fried in hot oil.
  7. Add the frying to the boiling soup 10 minutes after adding the cereal.
  8. Cook for 5 minutes. Then add pepper, chopped herbs, and add a bay leaf.

Turn off the heat, leaving the pan covered with a tight lid for another 4-6 minutes before serving.

Aromatic and nutritious carp soup.

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