How to prepare fish for smoking so that it is delicious
5 minutes Author: Konstantin Pavlov 12231 A unique aroma and delicate taste distinguishes fish cooked
How to cook smoked fish yourself
The best fish is sausage. This is probably the most unfair and farthest from the truth popular
Why are pink salmon fed to livestock or disposed of in Norway?
Pink salmon is a fish that is ubiquitous in the cold waters of salt and fresh water bodies. Predator
Carp soup at home - 5 recipes
Carp soup at home - 5 recipes
Good day, dear readers of my blog! Do you want a very tasty and aromatic first course?
Fish balyk
Balyk - what it is and its beneficial properties, step-by-step recipes for preparing fish, beef or pork
What is balyk In cooking, balyk is dried meat of fish of large breeds: sturgeon
The best river and sea bass dishes: you'll lick your fingers
A complete diet for any person must include fish dishes. Among the affordable types
Silver carp fish - 16 of the simplest and most delicious cooking recipes
If at the moment you are wondering how to cook silver carp, then you are already
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How to Clean and Dress Trout Without the Fuss
What you will learn about in the article: - The value of trout. — The benefits of trout for the body
Salting fish
How to properly salt fish at home
What kind of fish can be salted and dried? Absolutely any fish can be salted and dried, but
Salting fish
How to salt river fish: methods of processing the catch
One of the simplest and most common ways to process and store fish is salting. Salt
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