Fish soup in a cauldron over a fire: life hacks and best recipes

I decided to devote this work to the human activity of cooking - to food, cooking, but not just cooking, but fish cooking, and not just fish cooking, but the preparation of one of the most ancient fish dishes - Ukha. Why do I write the name of one of the varieties of fish soup with a capital letter, you ask? This is because Ukha for me is not so much a culinary dish, although this is important, but rather a process, the process of preparing and eating this dish. So, now I will tell you my favorite recipe for Ukha, soup with a capital letter!

Perhaps this is how it all happened or the labyrinths of history

Of course, it is impossible to know all the charm of the right Ukha without turning to history, or, to paraphrase the well-known expression, “a fisherman will not have the right Ukha if he does not know how it was prepared before.”

The etymology of the word “ear” goes back to antiquity; the first mentions of the ear can be found in cave paintings dating back to approximately 30 thousand years BC. e. Having first discovered fire and learned to burn red clay, a man began to experiment and one day put fish in boiling water. Everyone who tasted the original proto-ear was amazed - “Wow!”, “Y!” "A!". This is how the modern word “Ukha”, which has come down to our times, came about.

There is an opinion that the first ear became a catalyst in the formation of speech on Earth and played a key role in the development of mankind. And further rearrangement and replacement of the sounds of this word “A hua?” - “And not hua!” etc. - marked the beginning of the emergence of Slavic culture. Since then, references to the ear can already be found in the works of great Russian scientists and educators throughout time.

What is the famous Slomonosovskoye worth:

Oh, how many wonderful moments we have The fisherman cooks in a pot And the hubbub from crowded feasts And a scoop of delicious soup

Or the poems of the famous, in some circles, poet Mushkin:

How often in sorrowful separation, In my wandering fate, Uha, I thought about you! Wow! How much has gone into this soup for the Russian belly, how much has been brewed in it...

Or the classic song by the rock band The Mliany:

Smile, boyfriends, because Usha is not a trifle at all. Smile, boyfriends, we are visiting a wonderful chef. This is our destiny, we can’t eat otherwise!

Yes, who hasn’t sung the praises of Uhu!

Sing along - the words are simple!

Millions of recipes, cookbooks, songs and poems, thousands of those who were burned and scalded, millions of those who choked on saliva - this is what Ukha is in our History!

Of course, this is just one of hundreds of thousands of versions of historical events. It’s difficult to say that everything was exactly like that, but, of course, that’s how it could have been...


I hope no one will argue that fish soup is a dish made from fish? And the fact that the fish must be fresh doesn’t need to be explained to anyone either? And where will we look for fresh fish? That’s right, we definitely won’t look for it in the store, we are fishermen and we know that fresh fish can only be found by fishing! I sometimes think that the word fisherman is formed not from two Russian words FISH and LOVIT, but quite probably from the Russian FISH and the Saxon LOVE (v. love) - that is, a person who loves fish, loves to catch it, loves to eat it, loves it let go and catch again, loves to cook it...

But before you go fishing, you need to remember one more important difference between Ukha and just fish soup - this is an exclusively communal dish. Of course, you can prepare a magical dish and eat it alone, but believe me, you will lose the lion's share of possible sensations. Therefore, to avoid abuse of fish soup, you need to acquire reliable comrades - Suitors! And then the use will be good.

And, of course, we will cook fish soup only in the fresh air and open fire, right there, while fishing. I agree with the popular opinion that fresh air in Ukha is perhaps the main and only ingredient, everything else is just seasoning. And an open fire will not only prevent us from fussing, but will also oblige us to pay close attention to the cooking process.

Among other products we will need: potatoes, carrots, onions, tomatoes, millet, peppercorns and peppers, salt, bay leaf and a little alcohol in the form of ordinary Russian vodka. It is clear that it is better to take vegetables grown by yourself. To do this, at the end of April, at the dacha you need... Just kidding, I won’t tell you how to plant potatoes. You can buy vegetables and other things in a store or market, or take your own if you have them.

And don’t forget about water, if there are problems with drinking water where you are going, take it with you; water from a well or a good source will work very well. And before you start cooking, do not forget to thoroughly wash your hands and rinse them with this water, because it is through your hands that we will add our most secret ingredient to the Ukha - the warmth of your soul.

Recipe for simple fish soup in nature

Of course, to cook it, you need to catch fish, it’s better if it’s pike, pike perch, ruff or perch, and even better - let both of them fall into the pan, it will be even tastier. It’s good when there are different types of fish in the catch, both small and large ones - the fish soup will become richer. In total you need 4-5 fish.

We clean the fish from scales, remove the insides, and rinse well. Plus, you will need to take with you 2-3 onions, a bunch of parsley and dill, and you can also take celery. Don't forget about pepper (black, peas), bay leaf (1-2 leaves), and, of course, water.

And now let’s cook fish soup together!

Having cleaned the fish, pulled out the insides and washed everything with water, put the fish in a pan and add water and salt to taste. Let's start cooking. As soon as the water boils, you immediately need to add the onion cut into 4 parts, then potatoes and a little pearl barley. When both the potatoes and the cereal are cooked, add black pepper and bay leaves to them. Before the meal, throw in some greenberries.

And here’s another recipe for the Tsar’s triple fish soup - the most amazing fish soup in the world!

A few words about choosing a recipe, time and equipment

Of course, there are countless recipes for fish soup as a culinary dish, some are more complicated, some are simpler, some can be prepared faster, and some will have to be tinkered with, but first of all, everything will be determined by the set of fish that you will have available at the time of preparation. My main habitat is central Russia, where the main catch of the spinning rod is such fish as pike, perch, bersh and, of course, pike perch. It was based on this set of fish that I chose this recipe, although I used exactly the same recipe to prepare Norwegian salmon soup and this experience was also extremely successful. Each time, the shades of the fish soup will be different, because the catches, and we are talking about preparing fish soup while fishing, and not from the store, will be different. Therefore, it is most reliable to prepare such fish soup in the company of fishermen, so that a wide species composition for the broth and a sufficient amount of the main fish are provided - in our case, it is pike perch. So we will cook double fish soup from pike perch!

To prepare fish soup, we need a good fillet knife and fork, a cutting board, a kettle with a lid (preferably stainless steel or cast iron), a second kettle of slightly smaller volume or just a saucepan, gauze for straining the broth and of course a ladle. The volume of the pot should be chosen based on 1 liter of finished product per person or so - there should be a lot of fish soup, and if everything is done correctly, suitors will not stop at one serving, and what is left today can be consumed the next day.

Many people have a persistent stereotype that since fish soup is a soup, it should be cooked for lunch. And I ask you to think about the fact that it would be quite nice to use Ukha with your ear, sit with a group at a large table, take your time, and even if you don’t use it, if you are young or for ideological reasons, then it will be very entertaining to participate virtually - the right Ukha does not tolerate rush and requires communication. Therefore, my Ukha recipe involves cooking it in the evening, for dinner, as the final accord of a fishing day, or an overnight fishing trip. And it would be better for you not to gather anywhere else on this day...

At each time of the year, you will have your own unique bouquet of sensations from Ukha, it will be adjusted by the weather, air temperature, smells of the forest and river-lakes, insects and animals, the color of the landscape, everything, everything. Of all the possible options, I like autumn most of all, when the leaves are already falling, and the temperature at night drops closer to zero, when the air is clean and transparent to the horizon, when insects no longer bother you and if the sky is clear, then such an abyss opens up already at ten in the evening so full of stars that you can drown in your thoughts and no life jacket will help you!

Okay, enough of the lyrics! We're fishing, it's autumn, everything is ready, it's time to cook fish soup!

Readiness number one

So. Where to start preparing fish soup? That's right, you need to put the strong drink to cool if you want to drink classic rectified solutions (read “vodka”). If you prefer distillates, then you don’t really need to cool them - it’s better to let them be at room temperature. By the way, as a distillate I highly recommend trying the classic Russian distillate - Polugar, namely Polugar No. 1 from rye and wheat. This is a wonderful bread wine, which has recently been revived to be produced according to ancient recipes. Just before using, don’t forget to drop a drop on your palm, rub it and, bringing your palms to your face, inhale the aroma of rye bread...

When you have decided on alcohol, you can start fishing. Since we are preparing a double fish soup, we need two portions of fish: for the broth, for the broth, and directly into the fish soup. As we have already decided earlier, in Uhu we need His Majesty Sudak or His Lordship Bersh. In order for the fish soup to be pleasant to eat and to be able to completely surrender to the process uncontrollably, the fish needs to be filleted. You can learn how to fillet pike perch (and other fish) correctly, quickly and easily from the famous Norwegian chef. As it turns out, making pike perch fillet is as easy as shelling pears and does not require much time or special skill. Just don’t rush to throw away the head and the skeleton, this part will go to waste, the main thing is not to forget to remove the gills and rinse thoroughly. You need to cut the fillet into pieces of 3-4 cm, then the meat does not fall apart, but remains in large pieces.

Pike heads and tails are well suited for cooking; pike meat is still best served in a frying pan, where it has no competition. Well, all sorts of small things, okushkov, bershikov - in general, whatever you catch, usually there will be some small things that no longer make sense to let go. It is not necessary to clean the scales, but gutting and removing the gills is a no-brainer. You need quite a lot of fish for a good broth - about half a pot.

When the fish is prepared, you can start the fire and put the fish in the broth. There are options here. The best way to cook is in a colander made of fine stainless mesh, but I have not yet come across a suitable colander. Therefore, if there is a second container for straining, you can simply put the fish into the broth for the broth, then strain the broth through cheesecloth and remove all the bones and other turbidity from the broth. The broth will be rich and clean, and in the end there will be no bones in the ear, with a few exceptions - you won’t be able to fillet it completely without bones, there will definitely be a little left, but, by the way, pike perch produces a very clean fillet. And as a last resort, if there is no additional container, the broth can be stored in gauze, and although real Chefs say that something may change in the taste, I have never noticed a difference, but the pleasure of boneless fish soup is more than enough!

Along with adding the fish to the broth, you need to put a peeled onion. Please note that there is no need to salt and pepper the broth - it must be pure broth, seasonings will come later. It is believed that this way the fish will give its taste to the water as fully as possible, while salt, on the contrary, will retain the taste in the fish, which we will need in the second stage. You need to cook the broth for 15-20 minutes after boiling, depending on the size of the fish, and remove the onion from the broth after 10-15 minutes, so that it has time to release the taste, but does not have time to undress in the broth.

While the broth is cooking, you need to prepare the vegetables. First of all, you need to peel the tomato. To do this, you need to make small cuts crosswise on the tomato and lower it into boiling broth for 1 minute, after which the skin of the tomato can be easily and effortlessly removed. The tomato needs to be cut very finely, so it will boil well and give the Ukha a piquant sourness. Secondly, the potatoes and carrots mode. Potatoes need to be cut into pieces large enough so that they don’t turn to dust when cooked, and carrots need to be cut in half lengthwise and shredded into thin semi-circles. Please note that carrots are a dangerous ingredient - this vegetable is sweet, and Ukha should not be sweet, so there should not be a lot of carrots, but you cannot do without them at all. For five liters, 2/3 of a medium carrot is enough.

When the broth is ready, depending on the method of storing the fish, we remove the entire cooked fish assortment in a colander or gauze or strain the broth. Now you need to salt the broth until it’s a little too salty and thoroughly pepper it through a fine grinder until it’s a little hot, add peppercorns. Under no circumstances add the bay leaf now, it must be added 5-10 minutes before it is ready, then the soup will be fragrant.

If your hands are chilled in the cold autumn air, warm them over the pot - the cook can, think about something good, imagine that instead of the warmth from the fish soup a piece of your warmth is returning, immediately put in the vegetables, a couple of handfuls of millet and loudly declare that everything is almost ready and there are 5 minutes left - “Readiness number one”! The suitors must thoroughly marinate and salivate before tasting the Ukha, and of course, be present at the final stage of preparation...

Fisherman's soup: classic recipe

To make a fragrant and rich fish soup, a wide variety of fish that are found in reservoirs are placed in it. It is precisely this variety of fisher’s ear that owes its rich taste. It is prepared with double or triple broth.


  • large species: pike, pike perch, crucian carp – about 400 g;
  • small fish: ruff, gudgeon, rudd, tench, perch - approximately 800 g;
  • one onion;
  • a tablespoon of coarse salt;
  • one medium sized carrot;
  • ripe tomatoes – 4 pieces;
  • 5 liters of spring water;
  • 20 peppercorns;
  • a bunch of fresh herbs;
  • celery – 2 stalks.

Preparation of triple fisherman's soup:

  1. The fines are used to produce rich broth. The fish is properly gutted, washed and placed in a gauze bag so that small scales do not fall into the broth.
  2. Heat water in a pot, put a bag of small fish, a whole onion and salt into it. After boiling, cook for half an hour. Now the onion and gauze bag with small change can be removed from the broth - they have done their job and are no longer needed.
  3. From larger fish, remove the scales, entrails, gills and heads. Place the heads and several pieces of fish into the broth and cook. After 45 minutes, the fish must be removed from the pot.
  4. Pour some boiled water into the container with the broth. Clean the headless fish carcasses, chop them, put them in a pot and add peppercorns.
  5. Wash the vegetables and herbs, cut the tomatoes and carrots into cubes, chop the greens with a knife. At the tenth minute of cooking the fish, add the prepared vegetables to the pot and stir. Cook for half an hour or a little longer, but do not stir. Five minutes before readiness, add the greens.
  6. Remove the pot from the heat, cover and wrap it with something warm. Let it brew.

The fisherman's soup is ready. If desired, you can put potatoes in it.

Consumption Society

Immediately after the announcement of “readiness number one” there will be revival and some fuss - this is normal, let everyone start setting the table while Ukha arrives and build up impatience. About 15 minutes after boiling after adding the vegetables, you need to add the fillet of the main fish. Cook the fish for about 15-20 minutes at most, with the expectation that the vegetables will cook thoroughly along with the fish. At this time, you need to prepare another magical action - put a specially prepared log into the fire so that only one end burns and prepare a shot glass of vodka, no more than 50-60 grams. Taste for salt and pepper and adjust the balance if necessary, and add a couple of bay leaves about 5 minutes before the end.

When the vegetables are cooked, feel free to announce readiness; everyone should be near the boiler and watch your actions. At this time, you need to take a pre-prepared firebrand and stick it directly into the Ukha! The firebrand will hiss, begin to burst, and tiny pieces of coal will end up in the Ear along with the indescribable smell of a fire, and the Ear that has boiled and turned into steam will immediately tickle the nostrils of all the spies and will further strengthen their desire, bringing it to lust. Attention! — the carbon in the Ear is not activated, to activate the carbon, send an SMS to the number .... But that's not all! The boiler must be removed from the heat, pour vodka into it at the rate of 10-15 g per liter, and close the lid for 5 minutes. I won’t say for certain what will happen there from the point of view of the chemistry of preparation, but it’s not difficult to guess what will happen from the point of view of the chemistry of waiting!

That's it, HURRAY! The soup is ready - everyone at the table and be healthy!

It would seem that you need to take a small bite of something hot, but you yourself won’t notice how a couple of spoons end up in your mouth - don’t resist or resist, and if someone says that you need to drink first, gently suggest that you eat a spoonful first - it’s hot and rich The ear should burn with taste and warm with warmth. But then you need to immediately fire a volley at the little white fish, which will burn with coldness and strength, forming a synergistic company with the first spoons of Ukha! No words are needed, now our spoons will speak for us!

Someday the second, or maybe the third, will happen, and when your head begins to rustle and your mind begins to return, take a couple of seconds away from tasting, close your eyes, breathe in the cold air deeply, so that there is no more space, hold breathe for a couple of seconds and exhale slowly, listen to your body - SO GOOD!

Just now everyone will satisfy their appetites a little and relax. At this time, as they say, it’s time to finish everyone off with some funny story...

Fishing soup

Who hasn't tried fish soup? I think that there are practically no such people in Siberia. Below I will give several classic fish soup recipes - from river and sea fish. The differences in their preparation are minor, but still exist.

Fish for soup

Classic Russian fish soup is made from those fish that produce a clear broth and are distinguished by their stickiness, tenderness and “sweetness.” These are pike perch, perch, and ruff - these are the ones that make the best, so-called white fish soup. You can add other fish to them: burbot, pike, tench or ide. In second place in taste is fish soup made from carp, crucian carp, and carp. The fish soup from these fish is called black. Ear soup made from red fish - sturgeon, sterlet, stellate sturgeon, nelma, salmon is called red ear, or amber, when it is especially fatty. In addition to these types of fish soup, Russian cuisine knows many other recipes.

Fish soup is usually cooked not from one type of fish, but from at least two and maximum four. An exception may be red fish soup, which is also cooked from one type of fish. A special place is occupied by regional varieties of fish soup - fish soup made from sterlet or taimen.

Roach, bream, gudgeon, bleak, as well as herring of all types and mackerel are not suitable for good fish soup. There is an opinion that good fish soup cannot be prepared from sea fish. This is not true. Many of the sea fish are well suited for cooking fish soup due to their qualities. These are cod, halibut, macrorus, sea bass.

Usually, they try to prepare fish soup from freshwater fish immediately after catching it. The fresher the fish, the tastier the fish soup. This fully applies to sea fish. Therefore, if it is frozen, then for better preservation of freshness it should not be thawed before putting it in the ear. The most successful combination for fish soup is a combination of lean fish (cod, macrofish) with fatty fish (halibut, sea bass).

Vegetables in the ear

A minimum of vegetables is placed in the ear - a small amount of potatoes (not crumbly, sweet varieties), carrots and always onions.

Cooking fish soup

To create the unique taste and aroma of fish soup, it is extremely important to follow the correct cooking mode. First of all, for the fish soup you need to prepare a broth - a boiling, salted vegetable broth, into which the fish is dipped for a short time (from 10 to 20 minutes). Usually, small fish (folded in cheesecloth), as well as heads and bones, are first completely boiled in the broth, which are then thrown away, and the broth is filtered and, if desired, clarified with chicken egg white. Having prepared the first preliminary broth in this way, then “edible” pieces of larger fish are boiled in it.

The duration of cooking fish depends entirely on the type of fish: freshwater fish is cooked for 15-20 minutes. (and fish from Siberian rivers “infected” with opisthorchiasis - 25-30 minutes), sea fish - 8-12 minutes. Overcooking sea fish deteriorates the quality of the broth and fish meat, making it tough. You should also pay attention to the fact that the fish soup will turn out much tastier if you cook it without a lid, in an open container and over moderate or low heat. In nature, the lid is also usually not closed; small coals fall into the ear and neutralize toxic substances.

If you oversalt your fish soup, no problem! Place a bag of rice or flour in your ear and it will quickly absorb excess salt.

An indicator of the readiness of the fish soup is the slight separation of the fish meat from the bones, and an indicator of good quality is the transparency of the broth, its delicate aroma, and the bright whiteness of the fish meat. They eat fish soup with black bread or with pies stuffed with vizig, rice and eggs, onions or fish (rasstegai).

Regular fish soup (from river fish)

Ingredients: 1.5-2 kg of fish, 2 liters of water, 2 onions, 0.5 kg of carrots (not large), 2-3 potatoes, one small bunch of parsley and dill, 2-3 bay leaves, 8 black peppercorns , 1 spoon of salt.

Place potatoes cut into quarters, fish heads and tails, finely chopped onions, carrots cut into strips into salted boiling water and cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Then skim off the foam, strain if desired, add bay leaf and pepper, boil for another 5 minutes, turn up the heat and lower the fish, cleaned and cut into large pieces (4-5 cm wide), into the prepared broth, cook it over moderate heat for 15 minutes. ., without letting it boil too much. At the end, if necessary, add salt, add parsley and dill, remove from heat, close with a lid and let steep for 5-10 minutes.

Regular fish soup (from sea fish)

Ingredients: 1.5-2 kg of fish (option: 0.5 kg of cod, halibut, sea bass), 2 liters of water, 2 onions, 0.5 kg of carrots, 3 potatoes, 4 bay leaves, 10-12 black peas pepper, 1 onion, one bunch of parsley and dill, 4-5 stamens of saffron, 4 slices (circles) of lemon and 1 spoon of salt.

Place diced potatoes, chopped carrots, finely chopped onions into salted boiling water and boil for 10-15 minutes. over moderate heat until the potatoes are half cooked, then add all the spices except the herbs, and after 3 minutes. - fish cut into large pieces and continue cooking for another 8 minutes. over moderate heat. Add salt if necessary. A minute before it’s ready, add dill and parsley. Let it brew, add lemon.

Double (triple) ear

The composition of the fish soup includes river and red fish in a ratio of 1:2 or 1:3. The cooking procedure is the same as for ordinary fish soup. River fish, as a rule, is used only for preparing the broth, after which red fish is added to the broth and it is cooked for only 5-10 minutes.

Carp ear

Prepare the same way as river fish soup (see above), but instead of potatoes add 2-3 tbsp. spoons of washed rice. First, boil the heads of the crucian carp separately, and then strain the broth and put the crucian carp themselves into it, without cutting them into pieces. This fish soup is not salted!

Plast ear

Prepare in the same way as ordinary fish soup, but from dried fish, spread along the ridge. Initially, such fish must be scalded with boiling water. After this, it can be placed in the ear, but not 1.5-2 kg, as for ordinary fish soup, but only 1 kg. You can add dry or fresh mushrooms to this soup.

There is another variation of this fish soup - cook the dried fish not in water, but in milk. It also turns out very tasty.

Baked fish soup

The set of products is the same as for ordinary fish soup. Boil heads, tails, bones from cut fish for 20-30 minutes. over moderate heat, strain the broth and boil in it for 5 minutes. large pieces of fish fillet. Then take out the fish, dip it in an egg beaten with 1 teaspoon of flour, lightly fry (bake - hence “baked”) in a frying pan in butter and put it back into boiling fish broth to finish cooking for another 3-5 minutes.

Ear cancer

The meat part of this fish soup includes 2 parts of crayfish meat and 1 part of river fish meat. From this mixture make something like minced meat with the addition of onion, black pepper and 1 tbsp. spoons of wheat flour (per 1 kg of fish). Cook the ear broth from small fresh river fish, which after boiling, remove, then strain the broth and lower the crayfish shells, previously filled with the resulting minced meat, into it. The addition of vegetables and spices is the same as for regular fish soup, with the exception of dill, which needs to be taken twice as much - the cancer “respects” dill too much. You can also add 1-2 slices of lemon.

Vasily Petrakov

Spices for fish soup

Ukha without seasoning is just fish soup. There are exceptions when fish soup is prepared from very tasty and fatty fish of the salmon or sturgeon family, to which only salt can be added as a spice. Used in the ear: parsley (root and greens), leeks, green onions, dill, black pepper, bay leaf, tarragon. Typically, the range of spices depends on the type of fish: the fattier the fish, the more spices and fewer vegetables are required for the fish soup.

The name “ukha” was assigned to fish broth only from the end of the 17th – beginning of the 18th centuries. In the XI-XII centuries. “Ukha” was the name given to a broth made from any meat: fish, game or poultry. Ushitsa was slurped, not eaten, and therefore the best fish soup is still considered to be the one that is not a soup, namely fish broth with the addition of a small amount of vegetables, herbs and spices.

For example, this story

This happened when I was still very green and graduated from either the first or second year of the institute. Our warm group went to the dacha to my parents, Seryoga (Povorotti), Andrey (St.pom.vlom), Max and me. And not far from the dacha there is a picturesque lake, and we heard that there are countless fish in it. All of them were seasoned fishermen, and without hesitation, they went fishing for the evening. There wasn’t much bite, and someone suggested that bream would take it at night! What will stop us? I stayed to make a fire and prepare a place for night fishing, and the guys went to the dacha to get fuel for their souls and bodies. We decided to fish with rubber bands and pump up our old rubber boat with Omega 3 to deliver donkeys to the middle of the lake. The August night came quickly and was “blacker than soot” because it was cloudy and the stars did not look closely at us from above. Perhaps that is why this story happened without supervision from above, or maybe the drink with the male name “Beast” contributed a little, who knows...

Pitch darkness covered us, darkness like oil - thick and viscous, pitch black. And only the fire tried to disperse it a little, but it clearly didn’t have enough strength - what is 10 megajoules per kilogram on the scale of the universe? Bells were placed on the donks, but the silence was broken only by the steady crackling of firewood, the occasional gurgle when fuel was spilled for the soul, and the leisurely conversation of fishermen. And when everyone was a little tired and warmed up, Seryoga gave out a phrase that has become a catchphrase among us. He stood up, thought a little and said: “I’ll go and see if it’s biting!”, and disappeared into the darkness! Since then, when we need to go somewhere, for example, “to tie up a horse,” we often remember this phrase - “I’ll go and see if it’s biting!”, somehow it’s our way, the fisherman’s way

There was no bite and Andrei remembered the guitar - they sang “Esaula”, which was under the alder tree, and poured it out... And from the opposite bank the company responded with “The Bremen Town Musicians”. When they fell silent, I weakened, it seems, “They were sculpting a woman in the cold...” and away we went. Every other time, one by one. And after some time, instead of a song from the opposite bank, we heard “Guys! Come to us." And within 10 minutes we were rowing on Omega 3 to the other side. The Lenkom rock opera troupe Juno and Avos, represented by the leader Boar and his friends, was waiting for us there. We sat, ate potatoes with mushrooms and something else, and drank. We decided to play cards. And then Andrey took out his pride - cards with pictures 18+. These were rare then, and he treasured them very much. And when they finished playing, he was very worried about losing them, and I told him, “Give them to me, I have a pocket with a clasp so they won’t get lost.”

It’s hard to say how the seven of us managed to cram into a three-person tent, but as soon as dawn broke, we, quite vigorous, were already on our feet - you probably forgot that we were fishing, but we didn’t forget! To the boat and back to the donks and fishing rods. Even as we were rowing to our shore, I had a plan in mind. It’s not like I’ll be able to catch everything from the shore if I have a boat - that’s it, I’ll go to the island and fish there, I had my eye on this place just yesterday. And now I had already gone behind the island and disappeared from the eyes of my comrades, walked up to the shore and stood up to get off... At this moment, the boat that had sunk during the night folds in half and overkills, I am under water, and the boat turns over back and, no matter how no matter what, it sets off from the shore, but without me. On the shore they observe a picture: Misha went behind the island, and an empty boat floats back. It’s so funny, Misha’s boat ran away, we’re waiting to see how he’ll swim after it! And Misha is drowning! The boots have taken on water and are being pulled to the bottom! Somehow I got ashore, undressed and swam after the boat. It’s clear that fishing is temporarily over for me. I boarded the boat and went back to shore. These people laugh at me, but I have no time to laugh - it’s a shame. But exactly until I open my pocket - a pocket with a clasp... “Zip pocket! Zip pocket! No.; @#$! Pocket with clasp! Andrey was very emotional about his cards! Now I was laughing out loud too. Wet, cold, but in a great mood! But this was only the beginning of a big story about which people we didn’t know later told us about how some cool guys were relaxing at the dacha!

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