9 popular tackles for grayling fishing

During the warm season, the fish are highly active, so summer fishing for grayling is extremely popular among anglers. A float rod is ideal for catching grayling. But the fisherman will need: skill, experience and good knowledge of both the places where the fish likes to live and its habits. The article will tell you how to catch grayling in the summer using a fishing rod.

There are many different types of fishing, for example, fly fishing, spinning, donking, and also using float tackle, which should not be perceived as very simple. Not every amateur fisherman will be able to catch it. Summer is a favorable combination of the remarkable appetite of grayling and excellent weather conditions. However, catching fish is not easy, since its favorite delicacy - insects - is found in large quantities above the surface of the water.

Therefore, in order to attract fish with your bait, you will need to try. Grayling is distinguished by its sensitivity and caution, and the slightest sound can scare it away. Fishing for grayling in June can have good results if you go onto the rift stones using special wading trousers. Casting should be done under the riffle and downstream. You need to land directly in the rip current where the debris is spinning around the water surface. The best time to catch and search for this fish is the second half of the day, twilight.

Catching grayling with a float rod in summer

To successfully catch grayling in June and July on small rivers, a large number of gears are used, but the float rod remains the most popular among fishermen. This is due to the fact that this equipment is inexpensive and quite easy to use. You can use almost any rod with a weight of up to 30 grams and a length of up to five meters. You should not purchase heavy fishing rods; it will be inconvenient to use them, as your hand will get tired quickly, and this will lead to unpleasant and painful sensations in the wrist area.

The most comfortable rod weight is considered to be around 200-250 grams, excluding the weight of the reel. If we are talking about a specific rod, then the tackle of the “Fortune” series from “Volzhanka” suited me. The length of the device is about 4 meters, and the test is up to 30 g. Weight is 245 g. and is easy to use throughout the day with minor breaks. There are also disadvantages to the rod - its length, which reaches 128 cm. This length complicates the passage of dense thickets along river banks. This is the only flaw that I noticed in the fishing rod.

Equipment and accessories

Fishing on a small river, especially on a small forest stream, is a process that requires certain equipment, so it is still necessary to say a few words about the equipment and accessories that you should wear and carry with you.

Tips for fisherman: What to use to catch grayling under ice in winter - Answers for beginners

1. Wading boots or waders? I undoubtedly consider wading boots to be the best option here, for the sole reason that the depths on small rivers are shallow, and the river can be crossed along shallow riffles, of which there are plenty on such rivers. If you are going to be fishing on a forest river, then the waders can easily be torn while moving through thickets and fallen trees, so wading boots are an optimal and at the same time budget solution.

2. As I wrote earlier, when successfully fishing for grayling, it is important to remain quiet and inconspicuous, so the equipment you are wearing should not be provocative. Clothing of a camouflage type or that blends into the environment is the best option; I think it’s ridiculous to dress in all the colors of the rainbow.

Perhaps this is all I wanted to convey to readers in the second part of the article. Catch grayling and be sure to release it back to its native element, since such a beautiful and strong fish is certainly the adornment and pride of small rivers.

Oleg Solomatov, a spinning fishing enthusiast with 10 years of experience

Concluding the section dedicated to grayling sites. When you get to the river, you shouldn’t rush into the riffle and try to catch fish there. During the open water season, encountering grayling is possible in almost any part of the river.


The rod must be light and strong. Carbon fiber products are perfect for all the necessary parameters. This is a durable and not at all heavy material. The length should be chosen based on the distance the bait will be thrown and the fishing location. It should be noted that with long fishing rods it is not easy in places with fast currents. The reel must be selected that is durable and of proven quality. The most commonly used is an inertial coil. Its movement does not cause unnecessary noise and is easy. Such a reel allows the float to float in the direction of the current.

Suitable monofilament fishing line is transparent, the diameter of which varies up to 0.3 mm. A working thread of this diameter will become invisible in a pond.

You should not use a fishing line of a smaller diameter, because the grayling may be caught large and will easily break the thread. A leash will be required measuring 0.2 mm. Its length can be up to 25 cm. It is possible to attach a pair of leashes with hooks to the main thread. This will allow you to catch several fish at once. The float should be chosen not bulky, so as not to scare away the grayling under water. The color of the float should be selected based on the color of the water in the pond. For dark water - a dark shade of float, for transparent water - a light one.

The hook is the central component of the tackle used. Grayling is a strong and agile fish, so it is preferable to select strong and high-quality hooks for it, so that the fish cannot break under any circumstances. The hook can be made of thickened wire, because a thin one can simply tear the lips of a powerful fish. Sizes should be used from No. 5 up to and including No. 8.

Bait also plays an important role. For grayling, bloodworms, flies, worms and cottage cheese are often used as bait. Bait is chosen based on the time of year and fishing location. For example, in the cold season they use maggots and bloodworms, and in the warm season a fly or wobbler is suitable. It is also acceptable to use artificial types of bait.

Tackle and technique for catching grayling

In the summer, grayling is caught with a float rod, fly fishing, “boat”, “drag”, with a wire and from the bottom. In winter, they are caught with vertical lures on a winter fishing rod and with donks. Stays far from the coast. Baits for grayling: bloodworms, worms, bark beetle larvae, fry, pieces of grayling meat or other fish, stoneflies, grasshoppers, cockroaches. Baitless baits - flies, jigs and spinners. Bait is usually not used; it is enough to simply muddy the water.

Grayling is a sedentary fish, constantly staying in the same favorite places. Even if you completely catch a school of grayling from such a place, it will immediately be occupied by another school of, as a rule, smaller fish.

Catching grayling with a float rod

Catching grayling with a float rod
Grayling is caught with float rods after the rivers open and until late autumn. In large rapids rivers, grayling is caught on ludas and rapids. The rods are up to 4.5 m long, the fishing line is veined with a thickness of 0.3 - 0.4 mm, hooks are No. 6 - 9 on a thinner leash. They catch grayling with a float, letting the bait drift downstream to the very threshold, and on the bottom, without a float, with a heavy load weighing 40 - 50 g, tied to a fishing line on a separate leash. On rapids, grayling is usually caught from a boat, throwing bait to the very threshold where the fish is standing. They also catch it from the shore.

Common bait for grayling are earthworms, barnacles and caddis flies. In summer it is more readily caught with grasshoppers, various beetles and other insects, in autumn - with worms and small fish.

In small rivers, graylings are caught in pools with weak currents, under waterfalls and on the stream between grasses. The fishing rod is an ordinary one, a float rod, with a thin line, a light float and a hook no larger than No. 8 - 9. The bait - an earthworm, caddis fly larvae - floats above the bottom without touching it.

In shallow places and rocky reaches with fast currents, it is more convenient to fish without a float, with one or two pellets on a leash. A bait of two or three red worms or caddis flies, caught by the current, is kept suspended all the time, twitching it as it passes over the stones, or lowered deeper into holes and whirlpools, where graylings like to watch for prey.

The nozzle should be in motion all the time, rise higher and fall lower, or “play” on the stream. In general, grayling, in all fishing methods, only boldly grabs live bait, floating or playing in the stream.

In summer, it is more readily caught by grasshoppers, red cockroaches and various flying insects found at the fishing site.

In the rapids, grayling takes the bait on the fly and hooks itself. In the pools, he does not immediately drag the float away. Having grabbed the bait, he swallows it on the move. You need to hook quickly, with a light flick of the rod tip.

Grayling's lips are weak, and it often falls off the hook. On the hook it stubbornly resists. Grayling is even more shy than trout. Even a shadow falling on the water frightens him and forces him to leave the dangerous place.

Catching grayling with a fly

Artificial flies for catching grayling
Grayling in the spring stays in wintering holes, pools and grassy places. In the summer he goes to lively and fast places and chases flies at night.

The gear used for catching grayling is the same as for catching trout. The flies are taken of medium size and the smallest. Since spring, grayling loves a darker, sometimes slightly larger fly, but by the end of autumn it is especially greedy for a fly with an orange belly and light gray-yellow wings. An artificial fly should be similar not only in size, but also in color and even shape to living insects. Grayling's favorite flies are the smallest, black, not very fluffy, just as brown and sometimes gray. He also readily grabs red cockroaches.

During the abundant appearance of insects on the river, grayling begins to grab only live flies. They are placed on hooks No. 10 - 12, two to three pieces each.

You need to cast the fly as far from the shore as possible. Grayling is fast in its movements and often breaks off a shallow hook. Even very large graylings grab the smallest flies and most often leave the angler with a torn mouth. The fly is allowed to float on the surface of the water, sometimes it floats below the surface. The largest grayling will eventually grab a floating fly, especially if you move it with the tip of the rod.

Fishing with artificial and natural flies lasts for five months: from spring and autumn - during the day, and in summer - at night, but more successfully from mid-August to mid-September. In autumn, the best bait for grayling is the meadow grasshopper.

Catching grayling with a fly from a boat

Grayling is also caught from a boat. Two or three flies are tied to the fishing line and sent downstream. They float the boat against the current and in a zigzag manner, turning it now to the right, now to the left. At the moment the boat turns, the fishing line takes the shape of an arc, turns around, and the flies jump to the surface and plow through the water. Graylings grab flies and are spotted.

Grayling is also caught with a fly made from squirrel hair (taken from the legs of a squirrel); tendrils from a bunch of horsehair are tied to the head of the hook.

You can anchor the boat and cast the fly upstream. The grayling stands with its head against the current and clearly sees the insect landing on the water, but does not see the fisherman standing in the boat downstream, and therefore is not afraid to grab the bait, jumping out of the water after it.

Grayling often grabs a fly on the fly, and less often bites on it during subsequent play on the water. He carefully takes a fly floating in the water with his lips and, feeling resistance, throws it back. You need to cut on time and not abruptly. Grayling should be brought out on thin gear carefully, allowing it to walk on the line until it gets tired.

Catching grayling with a boat

Catching grayling with a “boat”
It is often practiced to catch grayling with a “boat” (other names for the gear are “kite”, “torpedo”, “sled”). In the past, single-hull “ships” made of planks loaded on one side were widely used. Nowadays, double-hulled ones, like “catamarans,” are in use. The advantage of the latter is that they are easier to control and much more stable on the wave.

To control the “ship” it is advisable to use a fairly rigid spinning rod with an inertial reel. A thread with a diameter of 0.35 - 0.40 mm is chosen as the main (towing) line. If not one, but several leashes with flies are used for fishing, then their sizes should be selected in such a way that during “baling” the bait touches the water at the same time. To make it more convenient to use the gear, some fishermen make the leashes quick-release, equipping them with fasteners at the upper end. In this case, the leash is connected to the main line using a swivel that slides freely on the line between two stops.

Bites can occur when guiding the “boat” both against the current and down the river. Usually the grayling hooks itself (this happens especially often when two or three hooks are used). The grip of the bait is usually felt well by the hand. In addition, a hooked fish “signals” about itself, causing a characteristic local deflection of the main fishing line.

With the help of a “boat” you can successfully fish on the lake. Having released the tackle from the shore to the required distance, it is pulled along the water’s edge so that the flies leave “whiskers” on the water.

Catching grayling by dragging

It is very interesting to catch grayling with a “pull” (“bale”). Two anglers connect the lines of their spinning rods into one and tie 2-3 leashes (each about a meter long) with flies to it. They catch from being on opposite banks of the river. Holding the line in a taut position (with a slight slack), they “bale” the flies through the water, trying to cause the fish to bite. When there is a bite, both anglers hook at the same time. One fishes (by prior agreement), and the other gives him the fishing line. Success in such fishing largely depends on clear, well-practiced actions of partners.

If the grayling is capricious and reluctant to take the fly, you can try to catch it with a spoon. The bite on this bait is better in late summer and autumn. Practice shows that grayling has a suspicious attitude towards oscillating lures: often it only accompanies them, but is careful not to grab them. Rotating spoons of the “petal” type are much preferable. The optimal petal length for grayling spoons is 15-30 mm. Fishing efficiency in many cases increases if you use a fly spoon.

The grip of a grayling spoon is often reminiscent of a pike, but once it sits on the “piece of iron”, it does not stop for a moment, but immediately begins to rush from side to side, makes sharp jerks, jumps out of the water like a candle, and somersaults. Grayling has weak lips, so the fish should be fished carefully, without forcing the process, especially if taken against the current.

Grayling fishing in winter

Fishing for grayling in winter
With the freeze-up, grayling continues to slide down into deep and full-flowing sections of the river, into floodplain lakes, eliminating the possibility of them freezing in severe cold weather. Here, on the current, among the riffles and bottom holes, these beauties spend the winter. In the cold season, they prefer areas with a noticeable current and avoid stagnant ponds. Once upon a time there were a lot of grayling in Baikal. And today this fish is a frequent prey for the winter angler here.

Searching for grayling in taiga rivers requires very good training of the fisherman and excellent knowledge of local conditions. The expanses of Siberia are vast; they can accommodate not even states, but entire continents. Hundreds of thousands of rivers and rivulets, countless lakes adorn this region. But nature here is harsh and in most places poses barely surmountable obstacles to fishing in winter. Mountain rivers flowing to the Pacific Ocean, or lowland rivers carrying their waters to the Arctic Ocean, are covered with ice almost 1.5 meters thick in winter. Making a hole in such a “shell” is very difficult: you have to modernize the ice drill, adapt all kinds of extensions and extensions to it. Due to severe frosts and thick ice, fishing in a number of places almost completely stops by mid-winter. When going here for grayling, you need to carefully think about how to get to the place and how to protect yourself in case of bad weather. This is especially true for fishing in tundra lakes, where fish are caught well, but there is a constant threat of getting caught in a snowstorm. After all, the weather in the North is extremely unpredictable.

With the installation of strong ice, when you can start searching for grayling places, the fishing season begins. On large rivers during the first ice they fish in almost the same places as in the summer. But as the weather gets colder, grayling migrate downstream here too.

Ways to catch grayling in winter

Float rod

On turbulent rivers, where ice does not form throughout the winter, grayling continues to be caught with summer gear. This happens at water discharges, at the bottom of riffles, in any unfrozen area. They catch the bait using hooks or artificial flies. If there are wading trousers, then they fish directly from the riffles, letting the bait play in the current at a stretch. In this case, the sinker is placed further away so that it does not fall into the field of view of the fish. The leash is used with a length of at least 300 mm. Even flies should be equipped with a worm, bloodworm or bark beetle larva. In places rarely visited, where grayling are unfamiliar with the tricks of anglers, flies equipped with only a red wool edge or thread can be successful. Flies are tied on hooks No. 4-7, using a variety of materials - from simple woolen threads to squirrel fur and reindeer hairs.

Nodding fishing rod

A nodding fishing rod for grayling is built on the basis of a durable fishing rod 30-40 cm long with a cork handle and reel. A supply of fishing line with a diameter of 0.20-0.25 mm is needed at least 25 m. The nod is hard, capable of signaling a bite even in a fairly strong current. This type of tackle is used both for fishing with a bait in the form of a bloodworm or a worm, and for fishing with live bait.

Sheer spoon

This tackle is used in busy areas with noticeable water movement. At the same time, this tackle may not work on fast rifts. Strong currents often make it impossible to play even with a heavy spoon, so choosing the right location is important.

Groundbaits, lures and baits for winter fishing

When fishing for grayling in winter, bait is not used. In winter, grayling willingly takes both bloodworms and worms if the angler manages to get hold of this bait. Moreover, worms, even earthworms, should be prepared for a meeting with this fish, at least by first coloring them with food dyes.

Absolutely irresistible as minnow bait. Fishing for this live bait is often very successful. The minnow is hardy and small enough to be grabbed by half-kilogram grayling.

Large jigs with pieces of wool or brown or red threads are used for this purpose. As a rule, they are used with attachments in the form of a worm, bloodworm, or a piece of fresh fish.

In the pit, grayling is able to ignore hooks with baits, but will almost never miss small light-colored spoons that imitate fish. Play at an average pace with an amplitude of 20-30 cm and with short pauses. In places with strong currents, you can use soft spinning baits combined with jig heads for ice fishing.

How to catch grayling with a float rod in summer

How should you catch grayling with a float rod? As a rule, such fish are fished with float tackle in areas of rivers and reservoirs, if they have a flat and smooth bottom, as well as a slow current. The main advantage of fishing with a float rod is that special training and skill are not needed. Everything happens quite simply, that is, even a novice fisherman who does not have much experience can handle it. You need to cast your fishing rod with the current.

The process is quite common and familiar to every fisherman. Its main essence is to correctly calculate the required length of the fishing line. It can be selected by rotating the reel. Having cast the float rod, you need to wait until the load descends to the desired depth. Then the bite will proceed in the same way as when fishing for other fish using a float rod. The oscillation of the float will be a signal that the grayling has noticed the bait. But when the float quickly immerses under the water, as well as to the side, you need to immediately make a hook. It must be performed quickly, but without sudden movements.

Fishing with a float

Fishing for grayling with a float rod is not as widespread as spinning fishing for grayling. This option is ideal on small rivers, where the depth of the reservoir does not allow you to roam with other gear. Grayling is caught with a float rod in the same way as any other fish. A fishing rod for grayling can be of any length, from ultra-light 3-meter rods to full-fledged fishing rods 6-6.5 meters long.

On light models you don’t even need to have a reel; you just need to attach the reel to the rod. For long fishing rods, it is preferable to equip them with a light reel with a spool size of 1000-1500.

In order to properly assemble the tackle, you need the following:

  • light balsa float
  • sinker
  • hooks

Equipment for a float rod with a reel

The float must be loaded so that even the slightest bite is visible on it. Hooks can be assembled on the rig in tandem, at a distance of 20-30 cm from each other. In this case, you can attach a different attachment, or use a fly instead of a second hook.

Maggots, bloodworms, bark beetles or pieces of fish are used as bait material for float fishing. You can bait it with cottage cheese; grayling gathers well on the dregs it creates.

How to catch grayling using a spinning rod in summer

Graylings hunt in an ambush-and-wait manner; they do not pursue their prey themselves. The prey swims near the place where the predator is hiding or the prey is carried by the current. She gets within range of the grayling being thrown, which gives her no chance of escaping from the clever hunter. Retrieving and casting the bait takes place against the current, as well as diagonally with the current.

The animation of the bait is carried out not only thanks to the efforts of the fisherman himself, but also with the help of water resistance. Catching grayling with a spinning rod in the summer begins with retrieving and proceeds with a uniform and leisurely reeling, which alternates with short stops. The bait is carried out 4-5 times along promising trajectories; if it was not possible to catch a predator, then the fishing location must be changed.

With a successful hunt and a favorable bite, the angler will feel a sharp poke, as well as instant pressure on the tackle itself, which appears from the resistance of the fish going into cover with the captured bait. When danger is detected, the trophy begins to deftly jump out of the water to free itself from the hooks.

In such a situation, the predator is given slack, which allows it to go a short distance on the first very powerful jerk. This is done to prevent the grayling's lip from breaking by pulling the cord too tightly. After this period of operation is completed, you should lower the end of the rod closer to the water surface, and then begin to intensively reel in the thread, preventing the predatory fish from jumping and jumping. Having carried the hooked trophy to the very shore of the reservoir or to the boat, it is taken into a landing net prepared in advance.


  • 1 Description and lifestyle
  • 2 Habits and habitats
  • 3 Tackle and technique for catching grayling 3.1 Catching grayling with a float rod
  • 3.2 Catching grayling with a fly 3.2.1 Catching grayling with a fly from a boat
  • 3.3 Fishing for grayling with a boat
  • 3.4 Catching grayling by dragging
  • 3.5 Grayling fishing in winter
      3.5.1 Methods for catching grayling in winter Float rod
  • Nod fishing rod
  • Sheer lure
  • 3.5.2 Groundbaits, lures and baits for winter fishing
  • 4 Video: fishing for grayling
  • 5 See also
  • 6 Sources
  • Donka for grayling in summer

    The running donka or balda is a universal tackle for predatory fish, which is used in clear water.

    Over time, anglers were able to choose the best gear for fishing in clear water. You can make a running donk completely yourself. This applies to both the rod, reel, sinker, flies and float. similar gear was produced in a large number of military factories.

    Currently, almost all components of such equipment can be purchased in stores. However, many amateur fishermen make their own floats, as well as sinkers, not to mention catchable flies.

    A modern running boat consists of the following components:

    1. a spinning rod, which has a test from 40-80, is very rigid, telescopic or plug-in, its length varies from 2.6 to 4.5 meters, rings are used with an increased diameter;
    2. an inertial reel, which is equipped with bearings, has a diameter of 125-180 mm, also an inertia-free reel, its class is from 2500 and above;
    3. monofilament line ranges from 0.3-0.5 mm, as well as braided line, its length ranges from 100-200 m;
    4. the mobile limiter is a stopper for the float;
    5. large foam float with beads;
    6. top swivel;
    7. a leash, the length of which is from 1.0 to 1.5 m, is used only from monofilament with loops and knots for attaching two or three flies;
    8. lower swivel with winding ring and clasp;
    9. streamlined sinker - a homemade device made of lead or other metal, its weight can vary from 30-90 grams.

    When fishing on a braided line, difficulties may arise with the limiter, but they are solved by installing a shock leader using monofilament, which is up to 20 meters long.

    For grayling on the Yenisei

    Start here

    We are leaving the city 50 km away. Immediately the real wilderness begins. No cottages, no vacationers, no fishermen. Wild, untrodden banks of the Yenisei. We find a beautiful clearing of snowdrops on the river bank and park for the night. Evening meal, fire, admiring the most beautiful scenery: overhanging cliffs, perfectly rounded pebbles of the shore, harsh taiga around...

    Dawn has just broken; we are already gushing through the perfectly clear water of the Yenisei. It's cold, but most importantly there's no rain. Rain is the main scourge of kharyuz fishing. Any rain kills insects and the bite immediately dies down. Moreover, heavy rains instantly muddy the water. Grayling bites very poorly in muddy water. Although there is an antidote for this case: an ordinary float with a worm, maggot, stonefly or perekolomina (stonefly larva). Live bait rules both in muddy water and in cold water. For grayling, the concept of cold water is very flexible. Spawning occurs already at a water temperature of +7 degrees. It's a little warmer now. But it normal.

    Grayling is a very active fish and constantly moves throughout the river. Although they claim that large grayling are now all on small rivers, spawning.

    I'm leaving the camp downstream. Before lunch we managed to walk 5 km, and it started to rain again. Gradually moving along the river I noticed that it was being caught everywhere. With varying success, but you can catch it almost anywhere. The shore is ideal: small pebbles, or sand with grass, or a coastal road. You walk easily. 2-3 casts and move on. If there is a bite, you fish this area for about 10 minutes. Why don’t local fishermen do this. Mostly they stand still and throw continuously for hours, changing flies. The flies here are works of art. Few people buy them in the store. Most knit themselves. In my opinion, the point is not at all in the quality and uniqueness of the flies, and not in the color of the wound lurex. Grayling is a pronounced migratory fish and the presence or absence of a bite may well be explained by the presence of a school near the shore. We didn’t have a thousand flies in our suitcase, but used literally a dozen. Nevertheless, they caught no less, if not more, than the locals. Half a day before the rain I caught 24 grayling. Everyone was released back to their native element. Too small (150-200g). We decided not to take fish smaller than 25 cm. What is there? For one tooth. And fishing rules prohibit taking grayling less than 23cm in length.

    Nevertheless, the quantity of fish was pleasing. If you find promising places with large grayling, and with such numbers, there will be quite a bit of fishing.

    The next day of fishing was devoted to studying the “balda” gear. Nothing fancy, the main thing is to balance the gear with the current and depth. In general, the river flow of 10-12 km per hour is the main factor for adjusting the gear. The stronger the current, the heavier the tackle. The bulk is shipped using a Tyrolean sinker. In strong currents, the weight of the Tyrolean reaches 80 grams. Working weights: 50-60 gr. The allowed number of flies is 2 pieces, so the length of the tackle (according to local customs) is literally a meter. This is convenient for long and strong casting. In this case, spinning rods are used at least 4 meters. Thus, the casting range often reaches 100 meters. Working casting length is 60-80 meters. In principle, there is no need to throw it that far. It's easier to find a good place. Such a place is the shore as close as possible to the fairway. Grayling can also be caught in the shallows, but usually small ones. On the fairway, it is not uncommon to catch specimens up to 500-700g, with an average weight of 300-400g. How much can you catch in a day? From a boat on the fairway, local fishermen operate a portion of the bucket. A bad bite is one bucket, a good bite is 2-3. But you can fish from a boat only after the ban, which lasts here until June 20.

    Comparing the tackles Balda, Tyrolka, and Vanka-Vstanka (Tirolka with a float in a single design), I concluded that I like light weights and Vanka-Vstanka tackle the most. Fewer snags on rocks, easier to throw, more sensitive bites. It should be noted that local fishermen, using overloaded weights, fishing line, and highly tested spinning rods, greatly reduce the sensitivity of the gear. In essence, they are caught in a stranglehold. It is quite difficult to see a small bite on heavy tackle, although with light tackle and constant hooking “for ambiguity” the catch increases significantly. Light weights roll downstream faster. At first glance, this is a minus; you have to reload more often. But this is also a huge plus, because the flies seem to be in a more neutral, floating position in relation to the current, playing better, which in the end again increases the catch.

    In the absence of a bite, fishermen begin to sort out their flies. As soon as someone bites, the questions immediately arise: what kind of fly? At the same time, everyone unanimously states: when it bites well, it doesn’t matter the sophistication of the flies. Grayling collects everything.

    The direction of further fishing is rafting along mountain taiga rivers with fishing for grayling, searching for lenok and taimen.. But this is already the topic of further summer expeditions.. To be continued...

    How to catch grayling in summer

    At an average fishing depth of about 4 or 6 meters, the limiter is often installed in the area from 8 to 12 meters. Such a tilt of the fishing line sometimes makes a significant difference. In some cases, reducing the inclination of the fishing line is used. This brings results when fishing. The load always moves along the bottom of the reservoir.

    Significant vibrations, as well as jumps on the gravel at the bottom, are well transmitted by gear, mainly to cambrics or flies. The float is constantly “working”, marking how the sinker hits the stones. For an inexperienced fisherman, anything of this kind is taken as a bite. But in reality, a fish bite cannot be confused with something else.

    When fishing from the shore, they cast over a considerable length, up to hundreds of meters. Then the float begins to be carried down, and then it is washed a little to the very shore. The fisherman, slowing down the reel, slowly unfurls the line over a long distance. It’s easier and more convenient to fish from a boat, in which case you need to get a landing net.

    Jigs for grayling in summer

    Summer jigs for grayling are a fairly common bait, as amateur fishermen are accustomed to using them. Often this is a kind of connection with a fly, which is hung with various tinsel. And even now it is not at all easy to give a jig a specific and precise definition, since over a long period of practice the term has expanded significantly and undergone changes.

    In the classic presentation, it is a small weight into which a hook is firmly attached. The bait itself got its origin from one of the species of mormysh crustacean, which moved sideways. Now this name is used to indicate not only the type of equipment, but also the hooks, which is erroneous.

    Catching grayling with a worm in summer

    Summer jigs are often used instead of a sinker; a hook is tied to the outgoing end of the line. In such a case, a bark beetle larva is put on the jig, but a simple worm is put on the hook. Fishing is done from the shore using wire. The shade of the bait does not play a significant role, but anglers follow the principle:

    1. on dark soil (silt) use a light jig;
    2. on a rocky bottom it would be more appropriate to use a dark yellow sinker;
    3. In sandy areas, the most catchy ones are better suited - these are the red varieties.

    All sorts of options serve as bait - a fly, a horsefly, a worm, a caddisfly, a grayling and it successfully takes everything that is offered. Fishing is possible both from the shore itself and by wading. Often fishermen deliberately muddy the water under their feet, because the grayling ceases to see, and suspended particles attract its attention.

    Tackle for grayling with a float for the river

    When collecting fishing line for grayling, it is better to wind a fishing line on an inertial reel for a float rod that is strong, but not thick, it is enough to take a fishing line with a diameter of 0.16-0.22 mm, and if there is a possibility that a large trout or brown trout will take it, then it is better to take a fishing line thicker, with a diameter of 0.22-0.28 mm.

    The depth of the tackle for grayling must be adjusted so that the bait on the hook does not touch the bottom and at the same time easily sways under the influence of the current, luring fish. And also to stabilize the hook with bait in the water flow, you can make a pod on a leash in the form of a pellet weight weighing 0.2-1.0 grams; the weight of the pod is selected depending on the strength of the current.

    However, “small” is not entirely true: for example, Ladoga graylings that come to spawn in the Nazia River (and other rivers flowing into Ladoga and Neva) can weigh more than a kilogram, and even at a decent distance from the city, for example in the southwest region, grayling can reach considerable weight. For the most part, settled river grayling weighs 100-150 grams. However, hunting for this fish, which is very easily identified by the “flag” on its back, can be a great pleasure for fans of light spinning rods.

    Morozov I. | November 12, 2000

    Tips for fisherman: Fishing for grayling on small rivers in winter - Tips for beginners

    If now someone asks me what kind of fish, after the traditional pike and perch and trout, can be caught with a spinning rod without going far from the city, I will answer without hesitation: grayling.

    Grayling is a small, beautiful fish that can still be found in many rivers and streams of the Leningrad region, sometimes without even traveling far from the city.

    However, “small” is not entirely true: for example, Ladoga graylings that come to spawn in the Nazia River (and other rivers flowing into Ladoga and Neva) can weigh more than a kilogram, and even at a decent distance from the city, for example in the southwest region, grayling can reach considerable weight. For the most part, settled river grayling weighs 100-150 grams. However, hunting for this fish, which is very easily identified by the “flag” on its back, can be a great pleasure for fans of light spinning rods.

    Grayling has many similarities with brook trout. Very often these two fish not only live side by side in small rivers, but are also caught in the same places. There were cases when, from under the same snag, I pulled out first grayling and then trout, or vice versa. At the same time, I met grayling in large numbers not only on a calm current, but also on rocky rifts, where it stands behind large stones, thus hiding from the fast current, and on the echoes of streams.

    For example, when I come fishing on the river. Sister, then first of all I start looking for him there. In addition, its mooring sites can be identified by small graylings, which in good weather like to play on the surface of the water. In winter, on the contrary, its capture is most likely in deeper places: with the onset of cold weather, grayling, like trout, falls into holes. I catch it exclusively on spinners, mainly with zero and penny.

    Unlike trout, the deuce is too big for small graylings, but with a good bite, a three-hundred-gram grayling will take it without any problems. It is best to cast across the riffle in such a way that the current slowly carries the lure past its intended resting place. Retrieving, as when fishing for trout, should be slow, sometimes to the point of disrupting the action of the spinner blade. It is best to lead the spoon across or against the current. Driving the spoon downstream, in my opinion, is undesirable and pointless.

    Grayling, unlike trout, is unlikely to covet a bait quickly rushing past it; most likely, it will not pay any attention to it or will simply be afraid to take it. Of the spinners with which I caught grayling, spinners from the Polish companies WIREK and DRAGON, mostly dark colors with different patterns on the petal, worked very well, and in muddy water, grayling responded well to silver BLUE FOX.

    Probably for an hour I tried to find the key to the current situation: I changed the pace of the retrieve, placed spinners of different colors and with different petal shapes, but in the end I still capitulated: I placed a spinner, which, in the color and shape of its petal, almost copied the spinner identically. , which my friend fished with.

    It was a Wirek turntable, model ROUND number one, with a black petal covered with green dots and a red cambric on the tee. Literally ten minutes after this forced “plagiarism” the long-awaited grayling was finally hooked. And it happens that everything turns out exactly the opposite.

    For beginners or those simply wanting to try catching grayling with a spinning rod, I can advise the following: go out onto the pond with self-confidence. There is nothing complicated here, it’s just that in spinning, as in any other type of fishing in general, there are some nuances that you need to know and take into account. And knowledge, and most importantly, confidence comes with practice. The main formula for success is this: never give up and believe in luck.

    When fishing for grayling on small rivers, the choice of gear must be approached with special care, since fishing will take place in difficult-to-reach areas of the river. Most often these will be bushes or trees that will interfere with casting gear into fish holding areas.

    Summer lure for grayling

    Fishing for grayling with a spoon in the summer is characterized by incredible adrenaline, creativity and unpredictability of the result. Creativity is an important part of the success of such an event. Grayling forces the angler to be in absolute combat readiness throughout the entire hunting process.

    Fish belongs to the category of noble inhabitants of the aquatic world. Its distinctive feature is excessive caution and accuracy. For hunting to be effective and bring a decent result, you will need to show a lot of effort, as well as choose the right gear and bait.

    There are a wide variety of baits for grayling, both in color and size. Small spinners can be considered the best. Various dots, patterns, and stripes are applied to such products.

    The most productive period for fishing is September and October. The water level drops significantly; you can easily distinguish the boundaries of shallow water, as well as holes in deep water.

    When catching grayling with a spoon in the summer, they try to focus on the flow and structure of the reservoir itself. Graylings belong to ambush hunters who do not pursue their victims, but safely wait for them to approach a distance at which they can easily get a tasty prey. Consequently, giving the bait under the fish’s nose becomes a very significant moment. This can be done if you use some of the methods of posting and casting.

    When fishing takes place at the mouth of a river, then the spoon should be thrown to the place where the river flows into the lake. Pulling the spoon against the current and diagonally towards the shore, they try to pick up the line of movement in the place where two streams of water of different speeds connect.

    What to choose for hunting: a simple fishing rod

    To do this, you can take a light rod no more than 2 meters long. Most often, such fishing rods are equipped with spinning reels. For catching grayling, a 0.2 mm monofilament line is quite suitable. But if you want to catch large prey or there are a lot of snags and debris in the water, then it is recommended to choose a fishing line with a diameter of at least 0.3 millimeters. A regular fishing rod is good because even a beginner can achieve a good catch. You need to throw the tackle across the current. The sinker should sink to an acceptable depth. A slight movement of the float to the side means one thing - the fish has started to bite. This is a kind of signal that you need to concentrate and be ready to hook. But as soon as the float begins to move to the sides or sink to depth, you need to immediately hook it.


    Often, anglers classify grayling as a fly fishing fish, but nevertheless, spinning rods show remarkable results. When fishing with such a fishing rod you will need:

    • ultra-light rod about 2 meters long;
    • spinning reel with front drag size 2500;
    • braided fishing line with a diameter of 0.10 millimeters;
    • spare bullet with 0.16 mm monofilament line;
    • lures such as spinners, wobblers and artificial flies.

    Grayling is not an ardent predator. Therefore, he will not chase after a fast-floating spinner and wobbler. The fisherman should select the fishing line slowly. The most popular technique for catching grayling is a cross cast, followed by a slow retrieve with a diagonal bevel. For successful spinning fishing, you need not only to choose the right tackle and bait, but also to take care of the correct supply of wobblers and spinners, so that the grayling cannot resist.


    Feeder tackle is the same bottom fishing rod. Catching grayling using a feeder is a very interesting activity. When choosing a feeder fishing rod, you need to proceed from the test and length. An expensive fishing rod is not needed, as even budget models show good results. Thanks to the feeder rod, the fisherman is able to make fast and accurate casts. It is effective when fishing for grayling in difficult places. Basically, this method is used to catch grayling using live bait.

    How to catch more fish?

    I have been active fishing for quite some time and have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective:

    1. Bite activator. Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates its appetite. It’s a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to impose a ban on its sale.
    2. More sensitive gear. Reviews and instructions for other types of gear can be found on the pages of my website.
    3. Lures using pheromones.

    You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading our other articles on the site.

    Casting technique

    A cross cast of the fishing rod is used, then the bait is slowly retrieved, it is carried diagonally by the river flow itself.

    Wiring against the current also brings good results. It is produced very slowly. Pauses are used during which the bait still continues to play. When fishing against the current, the current itself moves the bait closer to the shore.

    A cast made against the current, that is, when the wobbler floats past the fish, encouraging it to take active action. This method is mainly designed for well-fed and lethargic grayling, which will definitely react to passing prey.

    Catching grayling with a fly in summer

    The organization of a realistic game, as well as the behavior of the bait itself, is the main factor in effectively catching the attentive and cunning grayling. Even using the most catchy and successful flies, which always bring good results in hunting other fish, but to avoid failures in catching grayling, you need to follow several specific rules put forward to the fishing process.

    For example, the supply of baits must be carried out over long and medium distances, because due to the caution of the fish, its fishing at the feet will be pleasant, but a very rare exception. After the bait reaches the reservoir, it is necessary that its movements are not constrained by the fishing line, but are allowed to swim without obstacles in the direction of the current.

    In addition, the amateur fisherman must be prepared for significant resistance from a hooked predator. Even despite the size of the grayling, it rightfully belongs to one of the most fierce fighters. This is especially clearly seen when catching grayling in the autumn using flies, because then the fish has the highest strength indicators.

    They do not rush the fishing, trying to thoroughly tire the predator by constantly holding it on a taut line, and place the already calmed one in the landing net. The main advice would be to start fishing in an unknown body of water, using flies as bait that imitate a caddisfly in appearance.

    Fly for grayling in summer

    Summer flies for grayling and other “fly fishing” fish can be divided into two types: dry and wet.

    Wet flies are heavy, sinking baits that imitate bottom-dwelling insects as well as larvae. They are used to carry out wiring thicker than a reservoir or in the bottom layer.

    This kind of bait imitates insects that have fallen into the water, such as small dragonflies, butterflies and grasshoppers. They have positive or neutral buoyancy, as well as lush plumage. tied with light and thin hooks.

    DIY flies for grayling

    The best flies for grayling in the summer are those that are made with your own hands, taking into account all the nuances. Making a fly for predatory fish with your own hands is not as complicated and time-consuming as it may seem to inexperienced amateur fishermen. Such needlework is addictive and for some even becomes a hobby no less than fishing.

    You can use step-by-step instructions for making a regular fly for catching grayling. To weave flies for grayling you will need only a small amount of materials, as well as some tools:

    1. scissors;
    2. vice;
    3. tweezers;
    4. thin threads;
    5. feathers;
    6. sharp hook;
    7. natural wool;
    8. beads;
    9. waterproof glue.

    The manufacturing algorithm must be carried out in the following sequence:

    1. In a vice, hold the hook with a bead pre-strung on it.
    2. From the bead to the fold, a backing is made of dark thread.
    3. A tail is made from a feather and secured with a thread along the fore-end, the excess is cut off.
    4. The body is created from natural wool. The fluffy material is folded together with the thread.
    5. The head is framed by a train of feathers, which is secured with thread.
    6. The excess is cut off, then the fly is glued together with waterproof glue.
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