Do-it-yourself bait for crucian carp at home - basic recipes

Every self-respecting fisherman who is going to catch finicky crucian carp has modern bait in his arsenal. However, in contrast to them, traditional mixtures made independently work well. Experienced fishermen carefully guard the secrets of making food for crucian carp at home. This article is devoted to this direction – baiting for white fish. We'll tell you how to prepare bait for crucian carp. We will provide information about the characteristics of some components of the porridge. Let's pay attention to the most famous factory-prepared mixtures. Let's find out what kind of bait crucian carp likes. Let's look at the bait needed for each season. At the end of the article, we will summarize and draw conclusions.

Components of crucian carp bait

It consists of several parts, more precisely seven types, each of which has basic elements in its base. The seven components are:

  1. Fraction in the form of dust.
  2. Large elements.
  3. Components required for the bundle.
  4. Weights.
  5. Shock absorbers.
  6. Animal components.
  7. And floating particles.

Now we will go through each position and find out why these components are so important.

Mandatory components of bait.

  • Dusty;

Dusting gradients that create a cloudy cloud of dust include: milk powder and semolina, which is added to the recipe: these are peas, corn and cereals. The absence of this position will not be able to hold the crucian carp for long. After all, he initially swims to the smell (dregs). As a result, there is no food.

  • Large elements;

In order to attract white fish to the feeding table and keep them in one place for a long time, large particles are added.

  • Components for the bundle;

The elements for binding all the components into a single whole are: breadcrumbs, waffle and biscuit crumbs, flour. The final mass can be airy for catching crucian carp with a feeder, or more compressed, sticky for creating bait balls.

  • Heavy artillery;

Weights deliver food to the bottom of the reservoir, forming a table to which the fish are drawn. Too much air mixture may dissipate before reaching the bottom. And in the current it will be carried away from the place of intended fishing. If crucian carp is caught in stagnant water, soil is used as a weighting agent. Clay can be used as a weighting agent when fishing in the current.

  • Shock absorbers;

You can add any flavor using activators. We're talking about garlic, caramel, chocolate and so on. Syrups, molasses, and natural ingredients—honey diluted in warm water—work effectively.

  • Animal components;

Crucian carp eat them in spring and autumn, switching to a protein diet. He likes chopped worms, maggots, and bloodworms.

  • Pop-up particles.

Having fed the bait into the lower layers of water, hitting the bottom, whole hemp and seed husks rush upward. This almost always works. The method is good when catching white fish using float tackle. Crucian carp on a float.

First, the fish hears the smell, then the food of different fractions works.

It is important not to feed the crucian carp right away, but to give out the food in portions, trying to keep it at the fishing point for as long as possible.

Features of fishing for crucian carp in autumn

Water in reservoirs with stagnant or low-flow water cools more slowly, and this encourages crucian carp to come closer to the shore and look for food in thickets of reeds or other aquatic vegetation. A good sign of the presence of crucian carp is the presence of water lilies and a depth of up to 1.5 meters.

Catching crucian carp in the fall can be divided into two ways:

1. Fishing near the shore, where fish enter after even slight warming.

2. Fishing in holes from the bottom, into which crucian carp enter after a clear cold snap.

Each method requires the selection of appropriate gear. The best option is a float rod with a spinning reel. Its use allows you to successfully fish the coastal zone and, if necessary, make long casts.

In order to perform a long cast, the bracket is moved to a position that ensures free flow of the line from the spool. By holding the line with your finger above the reel and using the shock absorption of the rod, you can cast several tens of meters even with a sinker that is light in weight.

To catch autumn crucian carp, you need to take care of a variety of baits and attachments. Universal baits for crucian carp are red worms, bloodworms and maggots. The choice of plant attachments is much wider. There should be several types of them in your arsenal with different scents. In autumn, crucian carp goes well for semolina. It is enough to figure out how to prepare semolina for fishing and the likelihood of catching the desired fish increases several times.

Preparing feed for crucian carp

You should be careful and know that bait for crucian carp is prepared in doses in the reservoir. And only after making sure that the mixture works, a large volume is prepared. Food for fishing with a fishing rod should be in the form of a dense ball, which, upon reaching the bottom, will gradually crumble. When fishing with a feeder, the density should be less. The mixes should come out of the feeder freely, forming a feeding table.

Every self-respecting fisherman has a recipe for making porridge for crucian carp. You can cook the same product in different ways, and it will work. Below are examples of the most common cereals and tasty mixtures for catching crucian carp, we recommend them.

Porridge When preparing porridge for bait, it is necessary to take into account the gradients, their weight, and the time it takes for them to brew.

The most common and easiest to prepare are pearl barley, semolina porridge, corn mixture, pea and wheat porridge. You can use breadcrumbs as a base.

Let's consider each type separately. Let's find out what needs to be put into the mixture and how long it takes to prepare.

Bait for crucian carp at home

Pearl barley

For this mixture we need 0/5 kg of pearl barley, which needs to be poured into a thermos, add one tablespoon of honey and pour boiling water over it. After the mixture has infused, which is at least 3 hours, everything is filtered, poured into a sieve, and laid out on a towel: the mixture should dry for some time. Then take 0.5 kg of breadcrumbs and crushed wheat cookies. Cocoa powder and crushed flax seeds can be used as a flavoring.

Barley for crucian carp with garlic


To cook, you need 200 gr. breadcrumbs, the same amount of wheat flour and semolina. You need to add 100 grams of flour and crushed sweet cookies.

Pass everything through a blender, adding ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon. Place the product in cellophane. On a pond, make balls for casting, after adding the required amount of water from the reservoir where you will hunt for crucian carp.

Semolina and garlic for catching white fish in summer


The product in question is thoroughly mixed with wheat flour in a 3/1 ratio. Water is added so that balls can be formed for casting. Take a saucepan, fill it with water, bring to a boil.

Place the balls in the water: cook for no more than 12 minutes. Remove the balls and allow time to cool. Let's pack and get ready to go fishing. If you want to use flavorings, we recommend adding dill or anise oil. Perhaps this is the best bait for insatiable crucian carp.

You need to add oil directly on the shore of the reservoir, before throwing the balls.

Simple nozzle - corn


Ingredients: 5 servings of boiled peas. One serving of crackers. They can be replaced with wheat breadcrumbs, or a mix can be made. 50:50. You will need five servings of sweet cookies and a little vegetable oil for flavor. Peas.



This mixture contains one portion of breadcrumbs and ground roasted seeds. And also a portion of wheat bran.

Rusks as a base.

Breadcrumbs are added to almost all porridges. They act as a connecting link and impart a specific smell that white fish is attracted to.

A simple recipe is as follows:

  1. You will need to grind one kilogram of breadcrumbs and the same amount of oatmeal.
  2. If you have to fish in the current, you can add clay or soil from the river bank for viscosity. This way the bait will not immediately disintegrate.
  3. It is important to use water from the exact reservoir where you will be fishing for crucian carp.

You can use another recipe, but it is more complicated. Recipe No. 2:

  1. You will need to mix breadcrumbs - 500 grams, 300 grams. Bran and 200 grams of seeds.
  2. Pass all ingredients through a mixer or blender.
  3. Stir the finished mixture in warm water, after adding a couple of tablespoons of honey. When the honey dissolves, gradually pour bait into the water.

Note! The consistency of the product should be viscous with the ability to form dense balls.


Base mixture

Let's start cooking with the base mixture. This recipe works at any time of the year, but it works mainly for small fish, so it needs to be modified for a specific fishing season.

To prepare the base mixture you need to take:

  • Breadcrumbs: 7 parts
  • Rolled oats flour (ground rolled oats): 2 parts
  • Barley groats: 2 parts
  • Millet millet: 1 part

This will be a base that can be prepared and packaged without fear of it spoiling. This is how I store the finished mixture:

Depending on the season, we will add other ingredients to this mixture that will activate the crucian bite.

Cooking errors

When preparing some kind of mixture, ignoring technology, fishermen often make mistakes that can negatively affect the result of fishing. If the feeding is prepared incorrectly, the fish will not stay long on the feeding table and will leave. As a result, you will be upset and left without credits. Let's look at the typical mistakes of beginners:

  1. The mixture does not include a large fraction, then you should not hope to catch a trophy crucian carp. Be sure not to ground grains, worms, or maggots.
  2. Try not to overfeed white fish. Serve in measured portions. Take into account the fact that animal bait and the absence of components in the mixture that accelerate the digestion process will quickly saturate the fish and they will lose interest in the working point.
  3. A lot of moisture is bad. Water from the reservoir must be added gradually, constantly stirring the mixture. Take breaks. Let the product brew, if necessary, continue to add water in doses. You need to find a middle ground: the viscous mixture will not crumble along the bottom. Will not wash out of the feeder. A ball that is too dense (dry) breaks up early when it hits the water and does not create a clear bait spot.
  4. Keep track of the amount of attractants used. If you overdo it, you will get sharp, strong odors that can scare away fish. It is necessary to create harmony in which attractants do not interrupt other odors.

Use of animal supplements. They are necessary when fishing in cold water. When the water is warm, you can not use them, or reduce them to a minimum.

Tips for beginners on proper complementary feeding

  • It is easy to overfeed crucian carp, which is highly undesirable. If he is fed up, he is unlikely to be interested in bait.
  • In unfamiliar fishing areas, you should try feeding crucian carp with various mixtures in order to determine its taste preferences.
  • It is important not to make mistakes with moistening the bait. The bait balls should break on the bottom, concentrating on a small area and forming a feeding table.
  • The composition of crucian bait should include those components that will act as bait. The crucian carp gets used to the taste and grabs the bait more willingly.
  • In overgrown reservoirs, mixtures with high-calorie ingredients such as cut worms, bloodworms, cake, honey and halva are preferable.
  • Rapala Minnow Spoon: a detailed review of the non-hook
  • Wobblers for pike in spring. Rating of the best
  • Garland for winter fishing
  • Retractable leash

Features of some types of porridge

There are porridges made according to the classic recipe. There are products with “pepper.” Unusual additives that occupy a special place in the arsenal of experienced fishermen. One of these recipes, especially for you, is located below.

Excerpt from the encyclopedia of crucian carp fishing

Salapin porridge for fishing

The Salapinsky recipe for porridge for white fish includes the following components:

  • One part of pearl barley porridge, which is boiled in water;
  • Whole millet – 2 parts;
  • Corn grits 4 parts. It can be replaced with a barley analogue.
  • This is all diluted with water: nine parts;
  • Vanilla is added as a flavoring agent in an amount of 5 grams.

Barley is cooked over medium heat. 5 minutes before readiness, add millet and cereal to the porridge. Next, the mixture is cooked for another 10 minutes and vanilla is added. The porridge is ready when the grains burst. The finished broth must be mixed; you don’t have to strain it.

The mixture is set aside: it should cool and brew in a covered pan. This will take 2-3 hours.

Porridge for catching crucian carp with a spring

When preparing equipment for a feeder, you need to take into account the nuances. The mixture should not be dusty or airy. Otherwise, she will quickly leave the cage during casting. The composition includes the following gradients:

  1. 200 grams of wheat cereal.
  2. The same amount of pearl barley and breadcrumbs.
  3. 300 grams of fish feed.
  4. 200 grams of crushed peas.
  5. Sunflower cake in the amount of 200 grams is added as a flavoring.

When preparing porridge, you need to cook all the components separately until cooked. Then, let them cool and only then mix.

Water is added in portions immediately before fishing in the pond. The mixture is infused: the process is repeated until the product is completely ready.

Preparing ingredients

Complementary food for crucian carp usually includes the following:

  • Large components - corn, peas, various cereals, feed, bran
  • Dusting components - semolina, flour, in a word, everything that creates clouds of turbidity that attracts fish
  • Binding ingredients that prevent the mixture from falling apart prematurely
  • Weighting components used for feeding during the current
  • All kinds of flavors

It is necessary that the bait be clearly visible to the fish, satiate it for a long time and maintain activity for the entire fishing period. In addition, it is recommended to use the bait you will be fishing with.

It can be prepared in two forms - dry or porridge-like. Which bait is best for crucian carp - it all depends on the characteristics of fishing.


This type of mixture is made for both float and feeder fishing. Their difference is only in density, which is regulated by the use of binding components.

The fact that the mixture is called dry does not mean that it contains only dried components. Its composition allows for the presence of cooked porridges, but the final version is formed on the spot.

It is important that all components are large enough in volume to reduce bites of small fish.

I will give you several recipes for catchable bait for crucian carp.

Recipe 1

  • Crumbled white bread crackers 200 grams
  • Poultry feed 50 grams
  • Oat flakes 30 grams
  • Ground roasted sunflower seeds 15 grams

Recipe 2

  • Crumbled white bread crackers 200 grams
  • Oat flakes 30 grams
  • Millet porridge with sunflower oil 50 grams

Recipe 3

  • 100 grams of crushed crackers
  • 50 grams of crumbly barley porridge
  • 20 grams of corn and semolina
  • 20 grams of cake

For float fishing, the composition is supplemented with binding elements, for example semolina. You can add coastal soil.


Porridges are mainly used in the summer; they can act as independent bait or as a component in the mixture. If used as additional ingredients, it must be balanced according to the degree of its viscosity. More often used in feeder fishing - to fill feeders.

Almost any type of cereal crop can be the basis for preparing porridge. In addition, it can be prepared from new potatoes by first boiling them, then mashing them and using them as a base.

At the same time, not every angler knows how to cook bait for crucian carp, so I will give several methods.

Millet. Before cooking, you need to rinse it, and during the cooking process, when the water is gone, add a little sunflower oil. The porridge will be more crumbly and suitable for feeder fishing. If you need viscosity, then add more water and cook longer.

Manna. Due to its increased viscosity, it is not often used in its pure form - more as an addition to the composition of the mixture. It is not boiled, but simply poured into hot water, then sent to the base.

Pea. First, peas are soaked for 12-14 hours, after which they are boiled until they soften. Then they let it cool and knead it, periodically adding semolina to add viscosity.

Pearl barley. If you need viscosity, simply boil it; if it is crumbly, wash it with water or add a little sunflower oil. The good thing about it is that it can also be used as bait by taking some of it.

Oatmeal. It is not boiled as such - it is simply doused with boiled water, then crackers, semolina and crushed roasted sunflower seeds are added. Viscosity is adjusted by the amount of semolina.

Corn. It can be either boiled or steamed. If cooking, then 1 kg of crushed corn grains is placed in a saucepan, filled with water and placed on low heat. After boiling, cook for 5-10 minutes.

At the end of cooking, add a glass of corn flour. Add a glass of flour and two glasses of cake and a quarter glass of sunflower oil to the resulting porridge. Stir.

If you steam, then in this case the container with corn grits is poured with boiling water, then wrapped in a blanket and left for 2-3 hours. While it is infusing, soak stale bread in warm water, add flour, sunflower oil and mix.

The mixture of bread and flour is mixed with corn porridge.


It is believed that the dough is used more as bait, but it is also successfully used as groundbait. It is prepared like this:

  • Pour a small amount of water into a container with wheat flour, then knead the dough
  • Add a few drops of sunflower oil
  • Continue kneading the dough, then add flavoring
  • Knead to a stiff dough, add vanillin and a little semolina


Crucian carp loves flavorings, this is especially true for feeding in the warm season. They may be the following:

  • Anise
  • Garlic
  • Dill
  • Vanilla
  • Cocoa powder
  • Coriander
  • Cinnamon
  • Honey
  • Sugar
  • Fruit essences
  • Mint
  • Caraway
  • Chocolate
  • Caramel
  • Ginger
  • Coffee

In addition, fishermen actively use flavorings from plants along the banks:

  1. Rogoz
  2. Air
  3. reed roots

If we talk about store-bought flavors:

  • Banana
  • Strawberry
  • Tutti Frutti

The best additive is garlic

The aroma of garlic works all year round. This could be an attractant or product particles. Photo: garlic for white fish: the result exceeds all expectations.

Garlic for white fish: the result exceeds all expectations

By spraying the garlic mixture from a can onto the pearl barley grain, we get a persistent and attractive smell that suits the fish. At home, the attractant is prepared as follows:

  1. You need to take 2 cloves of garlic.
  2. Pour 50 grams of vegetable oil over them.
  3. Leave in a cool place (preferably in the refrigerator) for two days.

This liquid can be stored for a long time, periodically taking it fishing.

Stages of preparing bait

Crucian carp: description and behavioral characteristics

Crucian carp belongs to the genus of fish of the same name, belonging to the large carp family. There are several varieties of crucian carp themselves, including artificially created aquarium species, these are the well-known “goldfish”.

It has a very cautious character, so catching it can sometimes be quite difficult, but due to the widespread prevalence of the species, many fishermen often purposefully hunt for it. It also has soft meat with a very pleasant taste, which explains another reason for its popularity among most fishermen, regardless of length and experience.

Under natural conditions, two varieties live - silver and golden crucian carp, the first species is much more common than the second. Visually, they differ significantly, so it is necessary to consider each separately.

Silver crucian carp can be recognized by the following external characteristics:

  1. The color of the scales can range from all shades of green-gray and silver to pink-orange with a slight hint of gold.
  2. The head has a slightly pointed shape.
  3. The size directly depends on the environment and living conditions. Very old individuals can reach a size of up to 50 cm and have a body weight of up to 3 kg. Fish that live in northern regions usually grow to this size.
  4. The dorsal and posterior fins are significantly different from the others; they are distinguished by the first ray in shape similar to a spike. In addition, they are much harder to the touch compared to other fins.
  5. Tail with clearly defined outlines.

Among the non-visual features, one can note the fact that only the silver variety has the ability to reproduce using gynogenesis.

If we talk about goldfish, they look like this:

  1. The scales, regardless of color, are always clearly cast in gold.
  2. The fins are colored exclusively dark brown.
  3. The head shape is round.
  4. The size also depends on the habitat, but this variety is always smaller than its silver counterpart. The maximum body length is 35-40 kg with a weight of 2 kg.

These two varieties are very often confused with each other, although in fact it is quite simple to distinguish them - by the color of the fins. Only in the golden species they are colored brown; this is the main feature. Therefore, even a gold-colored fish that does not have a specific fin color will be classified as a silver variety.

Groundbaits by season

Crucian carp is a cunning and picky fish, it eats a varied diet. The fishing season and the characteristics associated with each period should be taken into account. Even one month can differ from another in its nuances.

In summer

To prepare summer bait, you need to take one kilogram of yellow peas, 200 grams (a glass) of breadcrumbs. Shortbread cookies passed through a meat grinder 4 pcs. One tablespoon of cocoa and a glass of flour.

Initially, peas are cooked. Cookies, crackers, flour, cocoa are added to it. The resulting mixture, after it has cooled, is packaged in bags. On the shore, the composition in the bags is diluted with river water. The mixture needs to swell a little. This may take 20-30 minutes. Balls are rolling. You can catch crucian carp using a float rod or by pressing a feeder feeder.

What to feed in spring

Spring food for catching white fish differs from summer food in its simplicity. To prepare you will need 1 kilogram of millet and dung worms. The millet is boiled, chopped worms are added. This is all thoroughly mixed. You can go fishing. Bait for crucian carp in spring works well in shallow water. At this time, most often there, you can meet and catch crucian carp.

What to feed in the fall

When the water temperature drops, fish activity decreases: crucian carp switches to animal products. Taking into account the nuances in the behavior of fish, the bait is prepared as follows:

  1. You need to take 200 grams of roasted seeds.
  2. 500 grams of breadcrumbs.
  3. Mix the gradients.
  4. Add chopped worms, maggots, bloodworms.
  5. A little vanilla.
  6. Moisten and mix thoroughly.

This mixture will always attract crucian carp to the dinner table. Photo: no comments - everything you need for successful fishing for white fish in the fall.

No comments - everything you need for successful fishing for white fish in the fall

Bait for spring

In spring, crucian carp begins to feed and is actively gaining strength for the upcoming spawning. The following recipe works best at this time:

  • Molehill soil: 5 parts
  • Base mix: 5 parts
  • Ground sunflower seeds: 1 part
  • Chopped worm: 0.5 parts
  • Pressed bloodworm: 0.1 part (depending on the number of resulting balls)

The preparation will be as follows: first, mix the earth and the base mixture. Then you need to cut and crush the worms; this is convenient to do with any stick found on the shore. Add crushed worms, mix and dilute the bait with water.

While the bait is infusing, crush the bloodworms in a separate jar (preferably glass) and put it aside.

When the bait is infused, you need to form dense balls, the size of an orange, from half the mixture, and put a little crushed bloodworm in the middle. These balls will sink into the silt, and will force the crucian carp to scour in search of bloodworms.

We divide the second half of the bait into two parts, from one we make loose balls that will break on the water (we do not add bloodworms), we leave the second half for additional feeding.

If there is a lot of silt in the reservoir, you can also add 1 part of bran to the mixture, they will float even through the silt and carry out the aroma of the bait.

How to properly feed crucian carp

Having collected all the components together, mixed them, adding attractants, you need to feed the intended place: serve the finished mixture on the feeding table.

The location has certain requirements. It must be flowable. This will help attract crucian carp from a distant position. If you fish in a closed reservoir, then the most intense (invisible) current will always be in the center or near the dam.

The bottom of the target point should be level. Before fishing, it is determined using a marker float, a fishing rod, or by dragging a sinker along the bottom with a feeder.

Tips for using groundbait and bait for crucian carp

These fish almost always live in reservoirs with a muddy bottom. For this reason, it is important to understand how much bait and bait will sink into the mud. In order to avoid the hook and feeder being sucked into the mud, use a foam ball with the bait, perhaps fragrant with the smell of anise or sunflower.

When fishing using feeders, do not use metal ones, but use silicone ones, or add a little buoyancy to them, for example, by gluing a piece of foam rubber.

Due to the changeable mood of crucian carp, and it can change several times during the day, when fishing it is convenient to use two fishing rods with different baits. Throw them at the same time and see where the bite will be better, and then switch to this type of bait.

If there is time, try to lure the crucian carp to a certain place and accustom it to certain baits and bait mixtures. Three to four days are enough, after which fishing for crucian carp will become effective and you will know what to catch it with.

Keep in mind that crucian carp quickly get used to certain baits and baits, talk to local fishermen and use the same. He is quite conservative and does not like anything new.

Store-bought bait versus homemade mixture

Comparing both types, we can say that the product made independently is of higher quality. However, its preparation takes a long time.

In terms of time spent per unit of product, store-bought mixtures give a 100% head start. By analyzing the bait into its individual components, the following results: the fisherman overpays by 2 times.

Today, the baits offered by stores have reached a new level of quality. Large manufacturers have their own laboratories where components are tested. Therefore, to say that store-bought bait for crucian carp does not work is absurd.

Before the fish spawn and in mid-summer, homemade mixtures work well. Many people use chaff as a filler. In early autumn, homemade and store-bought fish work well when preparing white fish for hibernation. During this period, you need to focus on protein foods.

Some features of crucian carp fishing in the autumn months

Unlike summer fishing, in autumn crucian carp can bite intensely around noon and the bite, as a rule, completely stops until three or four o'clock in the evening. Crucian carp is best caught in the fall in clear weather, and if it is windy and cloudy outside, then the fisherman’s chances of getting a good catch are noticeably reduced.

When fishing for crucian carp in the autumn months (as well as when catching any other freshwater fish), you must use only thin fishing line. Crucian carp bite best in the fall at depths of 3-5 meters. The most optimal bait is a red worm, maggot or flavored mastyrka.

Recipe No. 6

When fishing on rivers and in reservoirs with currents, bait consisting of the following components works very well:

  • Steamed wheat grains – 1 kg
  • Honey – 100 grams
  • Oats – 1 kg
  • Ground macadamia – 0.5 kg
  • Universal feeder bait – 1 kg

To prepare this bait, first cook the wheat. Soak 2 cups of grain in water for 12 hours. Then cook until the grains open for 1 hour. Drain the water, cover the pan with a lid and let it brew. After this, add the remaining ingredients. As a result, we will get a very high-calorie bait that has a very rich and rich aroma. It can be used when fishing on rivers and lakes.

Feeding should be done pointwise, forming a bait spot measuring one meter by one meter. When fishing in the current, a strip several meters long will be created. The crucian carp will swim to such an elongated table. To keep them, food must be delivered accurately. To do this, be sure to fix the fishing line in a clip and throw it at a landmark chosen on the shore.

Main ingredients and flavorings for bait

The main parts of the bait are:

  1. Base and binders for base.
  2. Feed additive.
  3. Flavoring.

The “base” can consist of various components, namely: cake, crackers, bran, as well as oatmeal. A feed additive is added to this base, which can be different:

  • The larva is an excellent additive that crucian carp really loves.
  • Bloodworms are a standard delicacy for fish.
  • Worms are an ideal feed additive.
  • Maggot is a classic and win-win additive.

Flavoring is a seasoning and spices that are added to bait. You can buy them in a store, or you can make them yourself by grinding sunflower, hemp, or cocoa seeds through a meat grinder or blender. Sugar and chocolate are also ideal.

Crucian carp is a cautious fish and often does not react to an unfamiliar smell and taste. But if you add the following ingredients to the bait, it will be difficult for the fish to resist them:

  • Finely ground cake soaked in vegetable oil.
  • Hemp grains, which must first be boiled over a fire.
  • Honey gingerbread (crushed).
  • Crushed garlic.
  • Flavors that have a sweet smell (vanilla and cocoa).
  • Semolina and millet (powdered).
  • Anise and dill seeds, which need to be ground.

Recipe No. 5

To prepare this bait we need the following components:

  • Corn flour – 2 cups
  • Sugar – 4 tablespoons
  • Pea flour – 1 cup
  • Semolina – 1 cup
  • Bait for catching crucian carp on the river – 2 kg
  • Ground macadamia – 0.5 kg

First, take a pan and pour 1 liter of water into it. Pour sugar into it. As soon as the water boils, add corn grits to it, followed by peas. Stir the grains vigorously to prevent burning. Cook for approximately 15 minutes. At the end, add semolina and wait 5 minutes. After this, remove from the heat and carefully wrap the porridge and leave for half an hour. Next, stir the mixture and send it to cool in the refrigerator.

When fishing, we pass the flour and bait through a sieve and add porridge to them. If we need a more crumbly bait, then we add more crackers to the composition. If, on the contrary, a more viscous mass is required, then add clay to the composition. We watch how the bait is washed out and the feeders are washed out. If, after reeling out the gear, we see an empty feeder in front of us, then the density of the bait is normal. If there is porridge left in the feeder, then add more bulk elements to it.

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