Cutting fish "from" to "to". How to properly cut fish


How to fillet round fish

Place the carcass on a cutting board. Insert a knife with a thin blade under the gill slit and remove the head. Cut off the tail and fins (if you haven't already done so). Make a deep cut along the backbone from head to tail. Turn the knife blade towards the tail and cut off the fillet along with the rib bones. Turn the fish over to the other side and cut off the second fillet in the same way.

How to fillet flat fish

Place the fish belly up and make an incision in the abdominal cavity closer to the head along the ribs. Remove the insides, being careful not to damage the gallbladder. Rinse the fish with cold water.

Before cutting the fish, it must be cleaned and gutted, after drying it well. If the fish is slippery, place newspaper or paper towels under it. Sharp fins, if any, should be cut off with scissors to avoid injury. Holding a small knife at an angle, peel off the scales from the tail to the head, first on one side, then on the other. Check if there are any scales left on the back, belly and under the fins. Open the gill slit slightly and cut out the gills with scissors. This is necessary if the fish will be cooked whole. Using a sharp knife, make a longitudinal cut exactly in the middle of the abdomen and remove the entrails. If bile accidentally spills from the gallbladder, cut off a thin piece of meat in this place and wipe the cut with a lemon wedge. Rinse the fish thoroughly and dry.

How to properly cut fish into pieces without skin and bones, what is the technology and sequence diagram

The technology of cutting fish is well known to professional chefs - they study it in detail during their preparation. But at home, it is extremely rare to obtain precious fillets of sea fish with your own hands. Therefore, we invite you to know how to properly cut fish with minimal losses - the article talks about how to get a clean fillet without bones and skin.

To simplify the work, you need to prepare the tools in advance. The board should be heavy and not slip on the surface of the tabletop. Knives need to be sharpened well in advance. It is better to remove some parts with a special knife or scissors for cutting fish.

Cutting process

The technology for cutting salmon fish, as a rule, includes several stages, and the very first of them is the preliminary stage.

This stage includes several fairly simple operations. For example:

  • If the fish is alive, then it is better to stun it immediately, otherwise it will not be possible to cut it without problems.
  • If the fish is freshly frozen, then it will have to be defrosted at room temperature without resorting to defrosting, for example, in the microwave or other methods that speed up this process.
  • Moreover, it is better to cut fish that has thawed, but not completely. If salmon is completely defrosted, it will be difficult to cut.
  • After these preparatory operations, you can begin further operations, such as cleaning, gutting, which are carried out at the same time. These processes cannot be extended over several days: this is impossible.

How to quickly cut salmon and properly salt the fillet. Master class and recipe by Uriel Stern

Cleaning and gutting the fish

At this stage, it should be remembered that the larger the fish, the better it is to cut it. It is difficult to clean and cut small fish, such as crucian carp, not to mention perch.

Before this, the fish is placed on a cutting board and cut along the belly. After that:

  • All contents are removed from the abdomen. This operation requires special care, since it contains a gallbladder inside, which can be easily cut with a knife.
  • If you buy already gutted fish, the process boils down to removing the head, fins and bones.

Cut off the head and fins

After gutting, they begin to remove the fish from the head and fins. There are some subtleties in carrying out these operations. For example:

  • To do this, you need to take the fish's head in your hand and trim it at the level of the gill plates.
  • You don't have to throw your head away. The gills are removed from it and a tasty and healthy fish soup is cooked.
  • Next, they begin to remove the tail and fins. To do this you will need a small but sharp knife.
  • The tail and fins are also not thrown away, since they can serve as an addition to the head.

Taking out the bones

This is one of the most responsible and longest operations. Many salmon recipes call for the meat to be boneless. For the operation to be successful, you must:

  • First of all, the fish is removed from the spine. To do this, the fish carcass is cut along the ridge into two equal parts.
  • After this, the bones are removed along with the ridge.
  • Finally, they begin to remove the rib and other bones, if any.

Separating the skin

If required, the final stage is carried out - separating the skin from the meat. To begin with, the skin is pryed off with a knife in the area of ​​the tail, and then slowly, using the same knife, the skin is removed from the fish. After this operation, it is necessary to check the salmon meat again for the presence of bones. If all the bones are removed, then the meat can be transferred to the next stage - the cooking stage.

How to clean raw whole fish

You can buy a whole raw fish that has already been prepared by the seller, gutted and scaled, but the fish will still require further processing. Its gills, fins, individual scales, as well as blood and remains of entrails may not have been removed. Before cleaning, choose methods of cutting fish that allow you to do this with minimal time and effort.

The exact sequence of cutting fish is presented below step by step:

  • Cut off any sharp fins if there are any. Place the fish on its side. Using a butcher knife or paring knife, make shallow cuts (about 10-12mm deep) along both the top (dorsal) and bottom (anal) fins.
  • Remove the fins. Use fish tweezers, needle-nose pliers, or a kitchen towel to remove the fin along with its supporting bones. If necessary, repeat steps 1 and 2 on the other side of the fish.
  • When cutting the fish, remove any remaining scales. Using the back of a strong knife, scrape off all the attached scales, starting from the tail and moving towards the head of the fish. To keep the scales from flying around, you can clean the fish inside a large bag or in the kitchen sink.

    Scrape out all the blood from inside the fish. Using the tip of a knife, open the inner film by making a cut along a strip running exactly in the middle of the fish's cavity, along the ridge. Scrape out any remaining blood and entrails and rinse the fish thoroughly.

  • Remove the gills. If the gills, which look like fuzzy pink or red crescents, are not removed, cut them out with kitchen scissors, making cuts at both ends of the "crescents." Rinse the fish thoroughly inside and out under cold running water and pat dry.
  • Look at the photo of cutting fish step by step, which shows the entire process of preparing the product for culinary processing:

How to cut and clean filleted fish

Fish fillet is fish meat that has been removed from bones and skin. Fish fillet is useful for many dishes. For example, cutlets or casseroles, fish sauces or pates. In addition, this type of fish meat is very convenient to eat - you don’t need to constantly pick at your food and be distracted by removing bones. In addition, you can prepare a variety of mousses from the fillet, fry or bake. This dish will be much more enjoyable precisely due to the absence of fish bones.

So how to properly cut fish? First of all, you need to get rid of the fins. This is necessary to make it easier to cut it into portions. In addition, if the fins are sharp, they can injure a person or simply interfere with further cleaning of the fish.

fin removal

In order to separate the fillet, you need to place the tip of the knife at the base of the fin and remove it along with the bone on which it rests.

Edible nuts - varieties with names and descriptions

After this, you need to get rid of the scales. This step can only be avoided if you cook eel or shark. The rest of the fish, unfortunately, have scales. Most often, this part of the fish skin is small and fits tightly to the skin. It is more convenient when it is large and easily separated. The scales of sea fish can be easily scraped off with the blunt side of a knife; you can also use a special cleaning knife for this.

In order to remove scales, you need to make vertical movements along the carcass in both directions, holding it by the tail. It will be most convenient to do this against the growth of the scales, located in a deep basin or bucket. This way the scales will not scatter throughout the kitchen, but will remain in the container. Also, to do this, you can immerse the carcass in water and peel off the scales under the surface. If the process is very difficult, you can scald the carcass. This will help separate the scales.

scale removal

After removing the scales, you need to gut the animal. The abdomen must be ripped open, starting from the base of the tail and ending with the head. If you touch the gall bladder, the fish may be spoiled - bile impairs the taste. If you separate the gills and pull them, the insides should come out next. In addition, with the help of gills, you can remove all the insides without cutting the carcass. If you plan to get fish fillets, you need to cut the belly.

gut the fish

To remove the head , it is necessary to cut the carcass, starting from the gill slits. The remaining entrails can be scraped out with a knife, then rinse the carcass under running water.

head removal

The skin of the fish may not be removed , depending on the purpose. If you plan to boil, bake or fry the fish, you can leave the skin on. In other cases, it is necessary to separate the skin. If the fillet is removed from a small fish, you can not clean it of scales, but immediately remove the skin along with the latter.

skin removal

For round and flat fish, different filleting methods are used, which take into account the individual structure of each species. To successfully separate meat, you need to distinguish between types of fish.

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In order to remove fillet from a flat fish , you need to place the cleaned carcass with the tail facing you, cut the back, insert the knife from the base of the head and move towards the tail. You need to make small cuts, gradually separating the meat from the ribs. The manipulation must be repeated on the other side of the fish. The remaining edible parts can be used in cooking, for example, to make broth.

flat fish fillet

In order to get fillet from round fish , you need to cut the meat on the sides of the ridge. If you do this with a dull knife, the process will be very annoying and take a lot of time, so you need to monitor the condition of the tools. to begin with, you need to place the fish with its tail on its side and make a cut to the ridge. You need to move carefully, from tail to head.

round fish fillet

After this, you can separate the top fillet . To do this, just make an incision behind the gills and remove the meat from the ridge. The sharp end of the knife is placed between the meat and the ribs and, using cutting movements, is separated from the bones. Then repeat the manipulations on the other side.

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I am interested in hiking and traveling, photography and videography. I have been going hiking since childhood. The whole family went and went - sometimes to the sea, then to the river, to the lake, to the forest. There was a time when we spent a whole month in the forest. We lived in tents and cooked over fires. This is probably why I am still drawn to the forest and, in general, to nature. I travel regularly. About three trips a year for 10-15 days and many 2 and 3 day hikes.

How to fillet raw whole fish

Before you fillet a whole raw fish, you need to prepare it. The scheme for cutting fish into fillets is always the same. An approximate scheme for cutting fish is presented below in the form of a step-by-step algorithm:

  1. Make a cut just below the head. Separate the carcass from the head on one side of the fish: with the fish facing away from you, use a fillet knife to make a diagonal cut just under the gills to a depth of half the fish.
  2. Make a cut along the back. Starting at the head, run the knife along the back, cutting through the skin and flesh to a depth of about 1 inch until you reach the tail. You should now be able to see the spine.
  3. Repeat the cut. Making long, even cuts, run the tip of the knife again along the top of the spine to release the top of the fillet.

Filling fish

    The next stage of cutting fish is removing the fillet.
  • Place the carcass on the board. Run a knife along the spine, separating the fillet from the bones. Then remove the loin from the ribs.
  • Do the same on the other side.
  • Make a small cut near the tail to grab the skin.
  • Hold the skin with one hand and slide the other along the fillet parallel to the table until you have a clean fillet in front of you.
  • Remove the small bones in the body of the fish. It is better to do this with tweezers.
  • Rinse the fish.

How to remove the skin from fish fillets

Additional filleting of fish without skin may be required for some dishes. Before removing the skin from fish fillets, do the following:

    Grasp the skin. Place the tail of the fish fillet close to the edge of the cutting board. Use a fillet knife or other knife with a long, thin blade. Cut vertically towards the skin, but do not cut through it.

  • Place the knife under the fillet. Holding the skin firmly, position the blade of the knife between the skin and the meat at a slight upward angle. Move the blade back and forth across the skin, as if you were “shaving” meat. Remove the skin and rinse the fillets.
  • How to remove bones from fish

    To make cutting boneless fish simple and easy, follow these instructions:

    1. Before removing the bones from the fish, make a cut along the edge of the bones. In some fish, the thin bones are difficult to remove and should be removed with a knife. Place the fillet with the skin side (or where the skin was) down. Using a butcher knife or fillet knife, make a cut along one side of the thin bones and then along the other side.
    2. Remove the strip along with the bones. Use your fingers to pull out the thin strip of pulp containing the bones and discard it. This method works well with flat fish.

    To remove small bones from raba, follow these instructions:

    1. Feel the bones. Place the fillet with the skin side (or where the skin was) down. Run your fingertips along the fillet toward the center. If you feel the protruding tip of the bone, it means they are still in place.
    2. Remove the bones. Using fish tweezers or needle-nose pliers, remove the bones one by one: grab the tip of the bone and pull it diagonally against the growth of the bone. This method preserves the appearance of the whole fillet.

    How to check the doneness of fish

    Overcooked fish will look dry and will be very hard and will flake when cut. To avoid overcooking, check the fish for doneness periodically.

    To check the readiness of the fish by eye , use the tip of a paring knife to make an incision in the fish. The inside of the fish should be barely opaque, but still quite moist unless you want it rare.

    You can check the doneness of the fish using a thermometer. Insert an instant-read thermometer into the thickest part of the fish (usually near the head), being careful not to get into the cavity after puncturing the flesh. Most types of fish are ready if the temperature reaches 46-52 °C.

    To check if the fish is done , insert a wooden toothpick or metal cake tester into the thickest part of the fish. They should fit freely with little resistance. Or now press this skewer against your lower lip - it should be quite warm.

    How to cut cooked whole fish

    Before cutting the finished whole fish:

  • Transfer to a serving platter. Whole fish can be transferred to a serving platter or served directly in the container in which it was cooked. Use a spatula and large spoon to transfer the fish to a platter.
  • Cut the skin. Using the edge of a metal serving spoon, cut all the way through the skin of the top of the fish. Use a second spoon to hold the fish.
  • Remove the first fillet. Slide the bottom spoon down the spine toward the ribs to lift up some of the flesh and skin, while using the other spoon to hold the fish on top.
  • Remove the spine. Once you have removed all the top fillets, slide a spoon under the spine and lift it up. This will give you access to the bottom fillet.
  • Watch how a chef professionally fillets fish - the whole technology is clearly illustrated in the video:

    Fish deserves to occupy one of the main places on our table. Nevertheless, many housewives prefer not to cut up this product, but to buy it already packaged in the store. After all, there is an opinion that it is difficult to clean and cut river and seafood because of the mucus covering the carcasses and the scales flying in all directions. In fact, cleaning and preparing fish for heat treatment is not difficult; the main thing is to know how to do it correctly.

    How to fillet salmon

    It's no secret that many people are hesitant to buy whole fish because they simply don't know how to properly cut it. In fact, it is not at all as difficult as it seems. There are many cutting options, and over time we plan to talk about most of them. And today we will show you how to quickly fillet salmon using the example of this small sockeye salmon weighing about one and a half kilograms.

    You will need the fish itself, a sharp flexible knife and tweezers to remove the bones. The knife must be really very sharp so as not to damage the tender salmon meat. A dull knife will dent and tear the flesh, and the fillet won't turn out very neat (if at all). Some people prefer to work with frozen (not completely thawed) fish - it’s easier to cut it this way. But if you are confident in your knife, this is not necessary.

    If you are going to cook the fillet with the skin, remove the scales first. If you still remove the fillet from the skin, then bypass this step, quickly rinse the mucus off the fish under running cold water, dry the fish with paper towels and place on a cutting board.

    So, let's start cutting. Place the knife behind the pectoral fin and make an oblique cut to the ridge.

    Like this:

    Turn the salmon over to the other side and repeat the operation. Remove the head. To make it easier to fix the fish on the table, hold it by the gill cover.

    Now, holding the knife parallel to the table, make a cut above the ridge. At this stage it is extremely important that the fish does not slip, so it is not forbidden to use kitchen towels.

    You can pre-cut off the ventral fins along with the tesha (ventral part), but this is not necessary. With a confident, but not sharp movement, move the knife over the spine towards the tail. The crunching of the cut bones indicates that you are moving in the right direction. The main thing is to always keep the knife parallel to the ridge so as not to cut it.

    Remove the top fillet and turn the salmon over, spine side down and skin side up. Repeat the operation. As a result, you will end up with two fillets and a backbone with a tail with some leftover meat on it.

    Gently pry the ribs with a knife. They come as a single plate at the bottom of the fillet.

    Cut off the ribs along with the meat.

    Using tweezers, remove any remaining bones from the fillet. You can feel them by running your palm over the fillet. The bones must be removed carefully, taking into account their direction. Pulling the bones against the grain will leave untidy holes in the fillet.

    To remove the fillet from the skin, make an oblique cut in the tail part, place the knife under the flesh and slide it parallel to the table along the skin.

    The fillet is ready.

    From the head, ridge, fins and meat remaining after cutting, it makes sense to immediately cook a rich broth, or put all this stuff in a plastic bag and put it in the freezer until better times. If the gills are not removed from the salmon head, be sure to remove them before cooking - they give off bitterness.

    In the same way, you can cut any fish of the salmon family, and indeed almost any fish with a round cross-section. We'll talk about cutting flat fish such as flounder and halibut another time.

    What you need to clean and cut fish

    Many of us prefer to clean and cut up carcasses with a regular kitchen knife. But there are many cleaning methods that may require other tools:

  • sharp knife;
  • scaler;
  • grater;
  • Chinese chopsticks;
  • fork;
  • tablespoon;
  • fishing knife;
  • high pressure hose or Karcher;
  • tin;
  • drill;
  • latex gloves;
  • kitchen scissors.
  • A sharp kitchen knife is far from the only device that can be used to clean fish.

    What you need to clean chum salmon

    In a professional kitchen, a special tool, a fish scaler, is usually used to clean the surface of fish from mucus and hard scales. At home, this process is most often performed using a regular kitchen knife.

    But the carcass can also be cleaned quickly and easily using the following tools:

    • grater;
    • regular fork;
    • can of canned food;
    • drill;
    • high pressure apparatus;
    • kitchen scissors;
    • fishing knife

    How to clean fish correctly

    Of course, cleaning river and sea fish differs. Mainly due to the size of the scales. Marine is easier and faster to clean, as it is covered with small scales that quickly come off with physical impact. However, there are some rules you should know to make your job easier.

    How to clear mucus

    Some types of fish need to be cleared of their mucus layer before removing their scales. There are several options to solve this problem:

    • Place the carcass in very hot water for 15–20 seconds. During this time, the mucus will disappear and you can begin cleaning.
    • The second method is also quite simple. Before cleaning, rub the product with salt. The carcass stops sliding in your hands.
    • When fishing, you can use sand instead of salt. But this method is not very convenient, because it is difficult to thoroughly wash the grains of sand from the meat later.
    • For 3 l. dilute 1 tbsp of water. l. table vinegar. Place the carcasses into the solution for 1–2 minutes. Mucus is easily removed.

    It's time to catch eels. We caught them and brought them home. The fish is interesting, but how to clean it from mucus? They brought the fish, put it in a bowl or any other dish and sprinkled the fish evenly with coarse salt. They let it stand for 20 minutes. Salt eats away mucus. All that remains is to rub a little with the remaining salt and rinse with water.


    How to properly cut a carcass

    After cleaning the scales, the fish must be cut in order to proceed to the cooking stage.

    1. Pressing the carcass to the cutting board, we make an incision on the back at the base of the head. If we plan to cook fish without a head, we cut it off immediately.
    2. Then we make a cut along the ridge.
    3. We cut through the belly along the entire length of the carcass.
    4. We take out the insides.
    5. Rinse under running water.
    6. Inserting a knife into the cut on the back, smoothly cut the fillet from the bones.
    7. Turn over to the other side. Cutting meat from bones will now be easier from the tail.
    8. Place the halves on the board so that the skin is in contact with the work surface.
    9. Holding the knife at an angle of 45 degrees, pry the skin at the base of the tail.
    10. Cut the fillet from the skin.
    11. Let's probe it. If there are small bones left, remove them with tweezers.

    How to cut fish in different ways

    Fish products can be cut in different ways. It depends on how we are going to prepare them.

    How to quickly fillet

    To quickly and efficiently fillet the meat, we need a sharp knife.

    1. Place the fish on a cutting board.
    2. Cut off the head.
    3. We make an incision along the ridge along the back.
    4. Cut the carcass into halves, separating it from the bones.
    5. Place half of the carcass on the board so that the meat is on top.
    6. We pry the skin with the tip of the knife, holding it with our fingers.
    7. Cut the fillet, holding the knife at an angle.

    When separating the fillet from the skin, hold the knife at an angle

    This method is also called “Finnish”. For cutting, it is more convenient to use a knife with a long blade.

    For portioned “round” pieces

    1. After cleaning the scales, remove the remaining fins.
    2. Cut off the head.
    3. The skin and spine are not removed.
    4. We clean out the insides through the hole formed after cutting off the head. You can use a tablespoon.
    5. We clean the inside of the carcass from films. We do not cut the belly, we leave it whole.
    6. We rinse from the inside.
    7. Dry lightly.
    8. Cut into portions - rings, or, as they are also called, “rounds”.
    9. The thickness of the pieces varies from 1 to 2 cm.

    Cut into portions

    For stuffing

    Basically, fish is stuffed either in portions or whole.

    1. When cleaning scales, we try not to damage the skin.
    2. We make deep cuts on the back.
    3. We cut through the rib bones running along the ridge.
    4. We break the ridge at the tail and head and remove it from the carcass.
    5. We remove the insides through a cut on the back.
    6. We rinse from the inside.
    7. Cut out the meat and bones from the inside.
    8. Leave the meat on the skin 1/2 cm thick.
    9. Remove the gills and eyes from the head.
    10. Stuffing.

    To remove the ridge, make an incision along the back

    Another way to cut fish

    1. We cut the skin around the head of the fish.
    2. Pry it with the tip of a knife.
    3. We remove the skin with a “stocking” from the carcass.
    4. We cut the ridge at the tail.
    5. We wash the skin without separating it from the tail.
    6. We gut the carcass and wash it.
    7. Separate the bones.
    8. We use the meat as minced meat and stuff the removed skin.
    9. We tie it with thread and cook.

    For stuffing, remove the skin from the carcass using a “stocking”

    For minced meat

    1. We cut the fish in the same way as for fillet.
    2. We remove medium-sized bones using tweezers.
    3. Scroll the meat through a manual meat grinder 2-3 times.
    4. Simmer the minced meat for 1-2 minutes until the smallest bones that could get into the minced meat are completely softened.
    5. The minced meat is ready.

    When using this method, a manual Soviet meat grinder is indicated. You can also use other household appliances: a food processor, blender or electric meat grinder. But a food processor or an electric analogue of a meat grinder does not grind fish bones so finely, there is a high risk of injury after eating the finished minced meat.

    I often make cutlets from silver carp. I buy a whole silver carp, tear off the skin along with the scales, it pulls off like a stocking. I cut the meat from the backbone, I get two fillets without large bones. I grind it in a Soviet meat grinder, all the bones remain in the meat grinder, and then I make delicious cutlets from the minced meat.


    I made minced meat in a food processor, it turned out fluffy, but the machine doesn’t grind the bones, I tried it once.


    Features of cleaning and cutting fish

    • When cleaning and cutting salmon: salmon, pink salmon, chum salmon, salmon, and others, you don’t need to peel the scales, but cut the fillets from the skin.
    • Small perch can be scaled with your fingers. It is enough to scald the carcass with boiling water and remove the scales.
    • It is better not to remove scales from flounder. Remove the skin from the tail to the head along with the scales. To do this, make a small incision at the base of the tail and pry up the skin.
    • When cleaning and cutting up carp, it is very easy to get rid of small bones. We make frequent cross cuts. When cooked, small bones are softened by heat.
    • Remove small bones from herring, trout, rudd, and omul with tweezers.
    • Small fish, such as capelin or sprat, are cooked whole. If we are still afraid that the bones will end up in the ear, we can boil it in a gauze bag.
    • When stuffing, the eyes and gills must be removed from the head of the carcass.
    • If the gall bladder ruptures during gutting, wipe the area where the bile got in with salt.
    • To prepare minced meat, it is better to choose large fish: salmon, catfish, pike perch.

    As we can see, quickly cleaning and cutting fish into fillets, minced meat or portioned pieces is not at all difficult. Fish retains its structure and taste no matter how it is cleaned and cut. Now you can be sure that fish dishes will delight you not only with their amazing taste, but also with their beautiful appearance.

    How to clean it properly

    Sea fish have slightly larger scales than river fish, so chum salmon are quite easy to clean. Each scale is easily separated from the surface of the carcass even with slight physical impact. But in order to make the cleaning procedure as quick and easy as possible, it is recommended to follow several rules. First of all, you need to take into account that the body of this fish is covered with mucus, which also must be removed before consuming the product. And cleaning a frozen carcass from scales has some features compared to cutting fresh chum salmon.

    Important! To avoid cutting your hands on the sharp fins, it is recommended to wear rubber gloves before cleaning the carcass from scales.

    From mucus

    Chum salmon belongs to that variety of red fish whose body is covered with mucus. It makes the carcass slippery, making it difficult to remove scales, and can also affect the taste and appearance of the cooked product. This is why the mucus must be removed before removing the scales.

    You can get rid of it in several ways:

    • boil water and immerse the chum salmon in it for 15 seconds - under the influence of boiling water, the mucus will be washed off, but the carcass may be slightly scalded;
    • sprinkle the surface of the fish with salt, and then scrape it with a knife - the carcass will not slip out of your hands, and the mucus will separate along with the scales;
    • rub the product with dry sand, and then clean off the grains with your hands - this method is suitable for use in fishing, but its disadvantage is that the sand penetrates into the pulp and is subsequently difficult to wash out;
    • mix 3 liters of clean water with 1 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar, and then dip the chum salmon into the resulting solution for a couple of minutes - after this procedure, the mucus is easily separated from the pulp.

    From scales

    At home, chum salmon are cleaned of their protective shell of small plates in several ways. The choice of a specific method for removing scales depends on what devices are at hand at the moment. The easiest way to clean the carcass is to use a regular knife by immersing it in clean water.

    Important! To better fix the chum salmon on a horizontal surface, you can pierce the carcass with a fork or an awl near the base of the tail.

    The algorithm of actions looks like this:

    1. Immerse the fish in a container of water (a wide bowl or sink).
    2. Cut off all fins so that they do not interfere with further cleaning of the surface of the fish.
    3. Take the carcass by the head. Use a sharp knife to pry up the scales, removing them from the skin in the direction from the tail to the front of the body.
    4. Rinse the cleaned chum salmon thoroughly under running water.

    You can also use a kitchen grater to quickly remove scales. In nature, it can be replaced with a regular tin can by piercing the bottom of the container with nails.

    In this case, follow the following sequence of actions:

    1. Place the fish on a flat horizontal surface. Hold it by the tail with one hand.
    2. Take a tin can with holes punched in the bottom or a grater. The latter must be positioned so that the side with small sharp teeth is at the bottom.
    3. Scrape the surface of the chum salmon in the direction from the tail to the head, removing scales.
    4. Rinse the carcass by rubbing its surface with your hands.

    You will be interested to know about the beneficial properties of chum salmon caviar.

    You can use a drill to remove scales from chum salmon. A step-by-step algorithm for cleaning a carcass in this way looks like this:

    1. Install a drill with a diameter of about 1 cm into the drill. Place the tool on a stool so that its moving part completely protrudes beyond the edge of the seat.
    2. Place a container for debris under the drill - scales will fall into it. Prepare a separate container for cleaned fish.
    3. Securely secure the drill to the stool with tape. Plug the tool into the outlet, setting the minimum number of revolutions.
    4. Take the carcass with both hands, holding it near the head and in the tail area.
    5. Place the chum salmon under the rotating drill, horizontally moving the carcass in the direction from the tail to the head. Repeat the action until the scales are completely removed.

    A large carcass can be quickly descaled using a special device that produces a high-pressure stream of water (Kärcher). It is recommended to perform this procedure outdoors so as not to stain surrounding objects with scales flying in all directions.

    Step-by-step cleaning algorithm:

    1. Place the fish on a suitable sized wooden board laid on the ground.
    2. Fix the carcass on the board using self-tapping screws, placing plastic bottle caps under their caps.
    3. Turn on the device. Direct a stream of water at the attached fish, knocking off the scales in the direction from the tail to the head.
    4. Remove the carcass from the board. Rinse it again in a container with clean water.

    In the northern regions, the Evenki method is used to remove scales.

    Did you know? Many cosmetics manufacturers add substances contained in fish scales to lipstick, which gives the finished product a beautiful shine.

    To do this, perform the following sequence of actions:

    1. Prepare a sharp knife. Place the chum salmon vertically so that its head rests on a hard, stationary surface.
    2. Taking the fish by the tail, remove the fins with sharp movements of the knife.
    3. Cut thin strips of scales by moving the knife blade from the tail to the head.

    Cleaning frozen chum salmon

    If frozen chum salmon is used to prepare a dish, then the carcass should be thawed before starting cooking. But you can remove fish scales immediately after removing the product from the freezer.

    To do this, perform the following sequence of actions:

    1. Place the frozen carcass on a horizontal surface. Remove fins.
    2. Cut a thin strip of skin by moving the knife blade along the back and belly of the fish.
    3. Place the chum salmon on its side. Cut off her tail.
    4. Gently pry the skin near the tail with a knife. Remove the top cover of the chum salmon's body by moving the knife blade from the tail to the head.
    5. Cut off the head. Rip open the belly and remove the frozen entrails.

    Did you know? In nature, there are fish that have no scales at all. One of them is a shark, whose body is covered only with rough and dense skin without a shell.

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