Barley for fishing. Just put the bag down! Underwater photography.

When planning a fishing trip for white fish, you are faced with the choice of which bait to fish with. The most affordable, both in price and method of application, is pearl barley. Many types of fish are caught with this bait. Pearl barley is barley after primary processing, the husk and bran have been removed from it. Porridge made from pearl barley is very useful; barley is added to pilaf; barley is added to pickle soup and other healthy dishes. This is also very tasty food for fish and they feel it well. Pearl barley is a dense grain of barley and its preparation has some subtleties that would not lose its taste. You can cook cereal in any aluminum or stainless steel container. But if you are out in the countryside: you have a tent, a thermos, food, a fire, but no home conditions, you can prepare pearl barley for fishing in a thermos. The main condition is the presence of pearl barley and fire for boiling water.

Barley in a thermos

For fishing, you can prepare pearl barley by steaming it in a thermos. Take a large thermos for convenient shaking of steamed pearl barley. The container should not have any foreign odors; it should be rinsed thoroughly. Before filling, the flask must be heated with boiled water for 5 minutes. For a thermos with a liter capacity, five tablespoons of pearl barley per 2.5 glasses of water is enough. There is no need to fill the thermos to the very top; leave some free space under the cap. If you use a capacious thermos, it can hold a glass of cereal and 3.5 cups of boiling water.

When filling the feeder, steaming the pearl barley in a thermos lasts 2 hours, then it will be dense and will not wash out of the feeder. For fishing with a fishing rod, the steaming period is extended by 2 hours. There is no exact time to know when all the water will be absorbed. Properly steamed pearl barley in a thermos is the key to successful fishing.

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Then we spread thick paper and scatter the boiled cereal over it, this way dries the grain if there is excessive moisture. If there is excess moisture, it needs to be dried. If the grain is not dry enough, it will be “snotty”, which will make it difficult to use on the hook.

Mix the cereal with toasted bread crumbs and food for aquarium fish, sunflower, anise and garlic oil. It is also necessary to take into account that all fish love the smell of garlic.

Steaming process

Even a person without culinary experience can prepare bait from pearl barley. To do this, you need to choose high-quality grains that are white in color. When placing raw cereal in a thermos, you must remember that it will swell upon contact with boiling water and increase in volume by 2-3 times.

Important! Pearl barley porridge absorbs foreign odors well, which can scare away fish. Therefore, before preparing the bait, the thermos must be thoroughly washed and dried.

Step-by-step instructions for steaming beans in a thermos.

  1. Rinse raw cereal. To boil water.
  2. Pour a little boiling water into the thermos to warm the walls of the flask. After 10 minutes, drain the liquid.
  3. Place pearl barley into a thermos. Add a little sugar and salt.
  4. Pour boiling water over the cereal (in a ratio of 1:3).
  5. Close the lid of the container tightly. Shake the thermos several times to mix its contents.
  6. Wrap the thermos in a towel or blanket. Steam the porridge for at least 2-3 hours, and it is best to leave it in the vessel overnight.

Pearl barley when fishing for crucian carp

Fish that lives everywhere: in dirty, swampy water holes, in lakes, in rivers, in reservoirs, where there are banks overgrown with grass - this is crucian carp. He prefers pearl barley over other complementary foods and loves its smell. When fishing for crucian carp, it is better to take a float rod with a rod 5 meters long. From the boat you will need a spinning rod with a rod length of 2 meters. You need to choose very sensitive gear.

The thickness of the fishing line must be chosen based on the catch you are targeting, but a thick fishing line casts a shadow, which scares away cautious crucian carp. You need to choose a thin, strong fishing line. We attach the grains to the hook carefully so that they do not crumble and fly off the hook before reaching the spot. No special instructions are required for preparing pearl barley for crucian carp - he loves pearl barley in all its forms. But there are smells preferred by crucian carp. Add sugar or honey to boiled pearl barley to sweeten the bait. Anise and garlic oil are added for aroma; fish love these smells.

How to cook pearl barley porridge in a thermos

A thermos is an excellent tool for preparing pearl barley porridge. It is enough to take the cereal prepared in advance and pour it into a thermos. Pour boiled water and leave for 4 – 5 hours. During this time, the cereal will absorb all the moisture and swell. You will get a complete porridge. Just season it with oil and add a little salt.

This method is ideal for people whose work schedule does not allow them to spend a long time in the kitchen.

In conclusion, I would like to note that pearl barley porridge is a source of vitamins and nutrients. It contains many micro and macro elements that the human body needs every day. It will not be difficult to prepare, even for a person who is not good at cooking. There are many ways to get tasty and healthy porridge. It is enough to follow all recommendations for grain processing.

Barley for bream fishing

Breams, young breams, chebaks (large breams in southern Russia) are the names of representatives of the carp family. This is the only subspecies. The silvery tint of the scales takes on a reddish tint in the neck and belly area if the bream is an adult. A bream that is three years old has golden yellow scales. He is very cautious and timid, even a small thrown shadow makes him move from place to place.

Bream, like crucian carp, loves pearl barley. An additive for it is flower honey; bream really loves flower smells. In the thermos where the pearl barley is steamed, you can add a coarsely chopped apple, sweet to taste, for flavor. You can add vanilla sugar as a flavoring; this is a good bait for bream. For fishing, immediately prepare pearl barley with different types of aromas - this will be useful for catching cautious and timid bream.

We sprinkle the prepared and seasoned pearl barley over the bait on the expected habitat of the school and wait. It seems that the bream is not interested in bait and do not rush to leave and look for another place. Bream are cautious and timid; young ones swim slowly to the bait, and older ones follow them. It will take a little time until the adults drive away the young and begin to feast. Then the fishing itself will begin.

After catching several large bream, there is a visible pause - a cautious fish is watching from the side. Don’t leave the spot, just change the bait on the hook to pearl barley with bloodworms or maggots. After several bites, there is another pause, change the bait again to pearl barley with different aromas. Of course, this causes unnecessary trouble, but fishing for large specimens is worth it.

Features of pearl barley for different types of fish

For each type of fish, the recipe for making pearl barley will be different from one another, since all aquatic inhabitants have their own taste preferences.

For crucian carp

Crucian carp does not make great demands, so it can readily do simple porridge. As an additive, you can use vegetable oil, as well as honey, because fish really like its sweetish taste.

The recipe for making pearl barley will be as follows:

  1. Place the cereal, doused with water, on a small burner;
  2. Boil the pearl barley for an hour;
  3. First add oil to the porridge, then honey, and after stirring, let the pearl barley brew.

Crucian carp bite most actively on pearl barley, which contains honey, in sufficiently warm water.

For carp

Carp, on the contrary, is a picky fish, so it is simply necessary to attract it with the aromatic smell of pearl barley. You can use garlic, honey or vanillin. It is better to cook porridge in a thermos:

  1. Pour well-washed grains into a thermos;
  2. Prepare boiling water and pour in the grains;
  3. Add vanillin to create a pleasant aroma;
  4. Leave the pearl barley in the thermos (for 11 hours).

In summer, carp preferences are complemented by bait containing fruit scents.

For bream

For bream in each reservoir, the choice of additive may be different. In one lake it goes well with the smell of garlic, in another - with the aroma of anise. To cook pearl barley with garlic, you need:

  1. Pour water over the grains and, stirring the barley periodically, cook it for 45 minutes;
  2. Mash the garlic cloves and place them in a separate container with boiling water for 4 hours;
  3. Pour garlic infusion over barley.

In spring and autumn, fishermen can try adding animal components - worms or bloodworms - to pearl barley for bream.

For roaches

When preparing to catch roach, there are no particular difficulties with pearl barley: this fish is omnivorous when it comes to plant foods. But you can further increase the result of a good catch and prepare pearl barley with the addition of vanilla or anise:

  1. Pour water over the grains and cook for an hour with systematic stirring;
  2. When the pearl barley is cooked and there is almost no liquid left in the pan, turn off the heat and leave the porridge covered for another hour;
  3. Add anise.

To prevent the roach from knocking the pearl barley off the hook, its grains should be moderately soft.

Ide readily goes for pearl barley in spring and summer. You can use anise or vegetable oil as flavorings, and consider the recommendations given above for preparing pearl barley for roach as a recipe. You can also add a little sugar and salt to the mixture.


There are many recipes for preparing bait from this grain. Each fisherman adds his own ingredients and proportions, suggested by experience, but there is no quick recipe, you need to work hard to make it work. You should not soak pearl barley before cooking; it will change color, which the fish does not like.

  1. Different types of fish have their own aromatic additives to boiled cereals.
  2. Honey, vanillin, apple smell in boiled pearl barley, bream loves it. You can add cinnamon powder, which will make the pearl barley fragrant and change the color to light brown.
  3. Boiled cereal with the addition of semolina, the aromas of honey, anise oil and garlic are bait for crucian carp. You can season it with raspberry syrup. Small balls are rolled from this mass and put on the hook of a float rod or loaded when fishing on a feeder.
  4. The bait is steamed in a thermos from a mixture of pearl barley and oatmeal. After cooling, season with sunflower or garlic flavor.
  5. The mixture of millet and pearl barley is prepared gradually: first the cereal, and after 15 minutes the millet, then until cooked. After cooling, flavor and sweeten with vanilla sugar. Mix everything well, this bait and food works great for carp.

How to cook without a thermos

Steaming in a thermos is the easiest way to prepare pearl barley, but the barley can also be boiled on the stove, in the microwave, in a double boiler or in a slow cooker. The easiest way is to cook porridge in a regular saucepan.

Important! To make pearl barley cook faster, it is recommended to soak it in cold water for 2-3 hours before cooking.

A step-by-step algorithm of actions is presented below:

  1. Rinse and sort the cereal.
  2. Pour the grains into the pan. Fill them with clean water, maintaining a 1:4 ratio between ingredients.
  3. Place the container on the fire. Boil.
  4. Cook the cereal over moderate heat for 40–50 minutes until cooked. You should stir the porridge periodically so that it does not stick to the walls of the pan.
  5. Remove the finished barley from the stove and cover the pan with a lid. Wrap the container with a thick cloth or towel for several hours.

Fishing with a float rod

The most exciting fishing with a float rod. The bait is put on the hook, and the fisherman sits, waiting for a miracle, without blinking, looking at the water. If a big fish bites and is caught, it’s a delight. To do this, you need to choose the right tackle and bait. For such bait, different baits are used, in particular boiled cereals. When putting on the hook, put on the oatmeal grains first and last, they are much more flexible and soft. The fish will always bite well. When fishing with a float rod, you need to take into account the type of fish and the place where you will be fishing.

There are species of fish that live in coastal areas in thickets of grass. For such fishing, you need to choose a thin but strong fishing line - a thick fishing line will cast a shadow, visible to cautious fish. To fish from the shore you need to take a picker tackle. This is quite long, up to 6 meters, a durable rod, thin, strong fishing line, and a very sensitive tip.

If fishing from a boat is used, then having such a length does not make sense. The bait will not be cast that far; you can use a spinning rod, but sensitivity must be present.

How to cook pearl barley for fishing

How to prepare pearl barley for fishing? For bait, for one fishing trip, a small amount of cereal is required. But as a rule, if we fish with pearl barley, we also add it to the bait. Barley is also added to the bait, so we immediately cook a glass of grain.

  1. Pearl barley is washed and filled with water;
  2. Place the container with pearl barley on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for 40-60 minutes;
  3. When ready, the dishes with pearl barley are removed from the heat, excess water is drained through a colander.

There are several points to pay attention to when preparing pearl barley.

  • The duration of cooking in boiling water depends on the type of pearl barley. Some grains cook more slowly, others faster. After 30 minutes from the moment of boiling, it should be checked; it can be digested very quickly.
  • You need to cook pearl barley in a large amount of water, then it will not stick together;
  • If the pearl barley still sticks together, it should be washed in warm, clean water.

Pearl barley is considered ready when it becomes soft and elastic. It takes no more than three minutes for barley of normal consistency to be digested during boiling. Too soft pearl barley will often fly off the hook, and hard pearl barley will not be liked by the fish very much.

Many anglers greatly undercook it, believing that this will make it more difficult for the fish to rip the bait off the hook, but this leads to a decrease in the number of bites and effective fish hooks. Among other things, it is important to know how to plant pearl barley correctly.

What kind of fish are caught with pearl barley?

Many people compare barley grain to a pearl - a special treasure, and this is not without reason. The fact is that porridge is so nutritious, it contains so many useful ingredients that you need to eat it every day. Perhaps that’s why, or perhaps not, but many river inhabitants liked this delicacy. And we are talking not only about carp, but also about roach, bream, crucian carp and many other representatives of the fish family. Therefore, when going fishing, you can try how fishing with pearl barley will go and what kind of fish it will be interested in.

How to properly attach pearl barley to a hook

From all of the above, we can conclude that preparing pearl barley for fishing is not a difficult task if you set your sights and follow simple steps. However, this is not enough for fishing to take place. You should also know how to properly place this pearl barley on a hook so that it does not “slip” or get wet when it comes into contact with water.

It must be said that it is not a porridge-like mixture that is planted that will go into bait, but rather ready-made grains. To do this, several of the most appetizing ones are selected, and then the hook tip is pierced along the axis line. If the pearl barley is cooked correctly, then everything will be done the first time.

Some fishermen who are just learning the basics of the science of fishing are worried about how long the finished porridge can be stored if they had to cook pearl barley for fishing in advance, for example, and the event was postponed due to the weather. If the refrigerator is very good and freezes strongly, the cereal can stay in it for 3 or even 4 days. After this, there is usually some smell that the fish is unlikely to like. Of course, such a delicacy is suitable as bait, but it is definitely not suitable for bait. Therefore, if the next fishing trip is not planned for the next few days, then it is better to cook new pearl barley porridge.

Selecting and preparing a thermos

Any thermos that holds the temperature well is suitable for brewing pearl barley, but it is best to take one with a wide neck.

  • Firstly, it will be more convenient to fill in the cereal;
  • Secondly, it will be easier to extract the finished bait grains.

And it’s much easier to wash a vessel with a wide neck than one with a narrow one. A metal thermos is preferable to a glass one.

Although it is inferior in its ability to retain heat, it has one undoubted advantage - it does not break, which is very important for fishing.

Preparing a thermos involves pre-steaming. To do this, pour boiling water into the flask, tighten the cap and wait a few minutes. This water will need to be drained.

Hunt Down

Today I will tell you about how to steam pearl barley for fishing in a thermos. I use this method myself. It is quite simple and does not require constant monitoring as if you cook pearl barley on the stove. The pearl barley turns out to be crumbly, it is convenient to place it on the hook without getting your hands dirty. Also, pearl barley steamed using this method can be stored in the freezer for quite a long time.

How to steam pearl barley for fishing in a thermos.

Barley is an easily accessible product. which is also a fairly universal attachment once the water temperature rises in early summer. Therefore, many beginners are interested in how to steam pearl barley for fishing using a thermos? I would like to note that there is no need to prepare a large amount of pearl barley as a bait; 100-150 grams will be enough for the whole day of active fish biting. If you add it to your bait, then you can take more.

A fisherman I know with extensive fishing experience told me about how to steam pearl barley for fishing, and since then I have been using his recipe.

How to steam pearl barley correctly.

Steam the pearl barley in a thermos.

What do we need?

  • 1 serving of pearl barley.
  • 3 servings of boiling water.
  • breadcrumbs.
  • flavoring (optional)

Prepare and steam the pearl barley.

Take 1 portion of pearl barley and wash it to remove dust and other debris, and then pour it into a thermos. Next, pour 3 portions of boiling water into the thermos, close it tightly and let the barley brew for at least 3 hours.

Important! Owners of low-quality thermoses will have to make additional efforts. Wrap your thermos in a towel to retain heat longer. You can also change the water to new boiling water after an hour and a half, and steam the barley in a thermos for longer than 3 hours.

We remove excess moisture from the pearl barley.

After the barley has steamed, you need to drain the remaining liquid from the thermos and strain the barley through a sieve or fine colander. You need to let the water drain out as much as possible.

Pour pearl barley onto newspaper.

Next, we line the table with a newspaper folded in half and pour pearl barley onto it. We begin to stir the steamed barley with a spoon on the newspaper until the newspaper becomes wet enough. After this, pour it onto a new newspaper and repeat the process until the pearl barley becomes dry enough.

Advice! If you remove all the excess moisture from the pearl barley, it will become crumbly, it will be easier to put it on the hook, and most importantly, it will be stored much longer.

Add breadcrumbs and flavoring to the pearl barley.

When as much moisture as possible has been removed from the pearl barley, we begin to move on to the next stage of preparing barley steamed in a thermos. Pour it into a bowl and start adding breadcrumbs to it.

Important! If you decide to use flavoring, it would be good to mix it with breadcrumbs in advance.

Flavors are selected depending on the place and object of fishing. Personally, my favorite is cinnamon. It adds an attractive brown tint to pearl barley and a simply amazing aroma.

Add the crackers to the steamed barley until they stop sticking to the barley and begin to fall on their own to the bottom of the bowl. Don’t forget to thoroughly mix the pearl barley with breadcrumbs.

How to steam a fishing trap in a thermos.

Advice! The crackers will take away the remaining moisture from the steamed pearl barley, and when you throw the bait into the water, they will gradually wash away from it and float up, forming a train that is so attractive to fish.

That's it, our nozzle is ready. After fishing, I put the finished pearl barley in the freezer where it can be stored for 1-2 months.

And for the especially lazy ones, I made a video about how to steam pearl barley for fishing in a thermos.

I apologize in advance for the large number of pauses and a slightly shaky camera. Unfortunately, I don’t have a tripod, so I decided to shoot while holding the camera in my hands.

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All Neither Tail nor Scales.

Pearl barley for fishing: TOP preparation methods

When planning a fishing trip for white fish, you are faced with the choice of which bait to fish with. The most affordable, both in price and method of application, is pearl barley. Many types of fish are caught with this bait.

Pearl barley is barley after primary processing, the husk and bran have been removed from it. Porridge made from pearl barley is very useful; barley is added to pilaf; barley is added to pickle soup and other healthy dishes. This is also very tasty food for fish and they feel it well.

Pearl barley is a dense grain of barley and its preparation has some subtleties that would not lose its taste.

You can cook cereal in any aluminum or stainless steel container. But if you are out in the countryside: you have a tent, a thermos, food, a fire, but no home conditions, you can prepare pearl barley for fishing in a thermos. The main condition is the presence of pearl barley and fire for boiling water.

Selection of grains and preparation

It's much easier to do this at home. To get a decent bite, the bait needs to be properly prepared and put on. It should be soft, aromatic, and suit the taste of the fish. We come to the choice of cereals.

  1. Grains that are well cleaned without dust are suitable for cooking.
  2. The grain is light in color.
  3. Check the harvest date on the package (old grain harvested several years ago will not work).
  4. Check for the absence of inappropriate impurities in the grain (garbage, foreign inhabitants such as moths or bugs, as well as the presence of mouse traces).
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