How to pickle carp in a jar with oil. How to salt carp pieces in a jar with brine. How to quickly and correctly salt carp at home

Marinated carp is a culinary masterpiece that everyone should try. Using this recipe, you can marinate any fish: silver carp, crucian carp or pike, but carp marinated in vinegar according to this recipe is an excellent dish, for which it is worth sacrificing a few millimeters of additional fat on the waist and hips.

The delicious carp fish holds the record among all products for the presence of iodine, which is so necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. The meat of this fish contains a lot of useful substances. Vitamins C, E, PP, B6, B12 and others, which are contained in large quantities in this product, promote DNA synthesis, participate in fat metabolism and have a beneficial effect on the nervous and digestive systems. Nutritious and tender carp meat contains proteins and fats that are necessary for normal human life. And everything would be fine, but carp is so high in calories that it is not recommended for systemic consumption by people on a diet due to the presence of a huge amount of calories. However, pickled carp is a culinary masterpiece that everyone should try. Using this recipe, you can marinate any fish: silver carp, crucian carp or pike, but carp marinated in vinegar according to this recipe is an excellent dish, for which it is worth sacrificing a few millimeters of additional fat on the waist and hips.

How to marinate carp?

Let each housewife choose her own marinade according to taste, color and smell, and we marinate the carp as follows.

First, let's prepare the fish that we are going to marinate. Let's clean it, gut it, pull out the insides. Let's cut off the head and give it to the cat - let him have a holiday too! Rinse the fillet under running water and lightly dry with a kitchen towel. Afterwards, we take the fish and cut it into small portions - 3-5cm, or even thinner. Everyone cuts according to their own aesthetic tastes and views. However, remember - the thinner the meat, the better it will be marinated. Yes, and faster too.

Carp marinated in a jar or pan is not particularly significant, but professional chefs recommend carrying out this process in a glass container to preserve a certain taste. In an aluminum pan, fish can acquire a specific taste that not every connoisseur of beauty will like!

Now I’ll tell you in detail how to marinate carp so that it is a masterpiece and a highlight of the festive table, and the applause for your person from the guests sounds loud and long.

How to marinate carp: recipe with soy sauce

Carp is marinated not only to use it later as a snack. The marinating stage of fish is no less important for subsequent heat treatment, for example, baking in the oven or grilling. In any case, in the marinade, carp meat becomes more aromatic, juicy and tender in taste.

To prepare fish in Asian cuisine, the following marinade is used:

  1. In a small container you need to combine grated ginger root (1.5 cm thick), a clove of garlic (2 pieces), chili pepper, sweet paprika and sugar (½ teaspoon each).
  2. Then you can add the main ingredient of the marinade - soy sauce. In total you will need about 50 ml of sauce.
  3. All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and the resulting mixture coated on all sides of the fish. Then you need to wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator to marinate for 1 hour.

Carp marinated in soy sauce is ideal for grilling. The meat is tender, juicy, with a spicy aftertaste.

Marinated carp - recipe

Take the cooked carp pieces and place them in a glass jar. Salt and pepper it generously, sparing no spices. We leave everything for several hours so that the meat absorbs the seasonings. After 2-3 hours, remove the portioned pieces from the container and rinse under running water. After drying the fish a little, we begin the marinating process itself. To do this, add the following ingredients into a jar in layers:

  • a layer of carp cut into pieces;
  • a layer of onions cut into rings or half rings.

Sprinkle each layer generously with salt, ground black pepper and spices: cloves, coriander, allspice, bay leaf. If anyone likes spices that I didn't mention, just add to the list. Some people say that you must add cumin for a full and piquant taste, but I am not a fan of this seasoning, so I excluded it from my personal recipe.

Freshwater fish such as carp can be prepared in different ways: baked simply or with vegetables, boiled fish soup, fried, cooked cutlets and many other options. Salted carp is also very tasty. But before you cook it, the question arises of how to salt carp at home so that it turns out aromatic and tasty. Let's find out how to salt fish correctly and how long to keep it under pressure.

To prepare carp dishes, you can initially salt it

Marinated carp - recipe.

To make this appetizer truly tasty, it is important that the carp be large in size. The meat of large carp has a rich taste and dense structure. This type of carp has bones, but they are large and can be easily removed.

The freshness of the fish is also of great importance in preparing this dish. Cut off the middle part of the carp; it is meaty and fatty, just what you need. You can cook fish broth from the head and tail.

Rinse the fish and dry with a paper towel. Now you can cut the carp into long pieces, or simply in half, along the spinal bone. The larger the piece of fish, the longer it will take to salt.

Sprinkle the fish with salt, it is better to use coarse salt, and add a spoonful of sugar to enhance the taste of the finished dish.

Mix the pieces well with your hands. Cover the fish with a flat plate and refrigerate overnight. To help remove more excess moisture from the fish, place a weight on top of the plate.

The next day, rinse the carp from salt and blot the pieces with a paper napkin.

The fish is already salted and can be consumed in its natural form. If you like dried fish, hang the pieces from hooks on a cool balcony. In 3-4 days the carp balyk will be ready. To make the pieces shine, grease them with vegetable oil.

If you like pickled carp with a spicy flavor, then make a flavorful mixture. For it, mix apple cider vinegar, lemon zest, coriander (ground or grains), allspice and cloves, add chopped onion and vegetable oil.

It is important to remember that vinegar affects the consistency of the fish; it immediately brightens and slightly changes its consistency (becomes harder). Add vinegar as desired.

How to cook marinated fish? Cooking marinated carp according to recipes

Marinated fish is an easy to prepare and very tasty appetizer. Marinated fish are fish products without preliminary heat treatment with the addition of vinegar. Fillet or pieces of fish are poured with a salt-vinegar solution and left for a certain time. Under the influence of salt, crude protein becomes suitable for consumption. At the same time, salt, by removing water from the fish tissues, makes them hard, but acetic acid, on the contrary, returns tenderness to the fish pulp.

How to cook marinated fish? You'll need:

  • 2 kg of carp (or other large river fish);
  • 1 onion

How to prepare marinade for fish? To do this you will need:

  • 0.5 l of water;
  • 100 gr. salt;
  • 50 gr. Sahara;
  • 35 gr. vinegar;
  • spices for fish;
  • Bay leaf;
  • black peppercorns;
  • coriander;
  • sesame.

How to cook marinated fish:

1.First, remove the scales from the carp. Then remove the insides by making a longitudinal cut along the belly of the fish, cut off the head, cut out the dorsal fin and tail. Rinse the fish thoroughly inside and out. Cut the carcass lengthwise along the spine into two parts, remove the vertebra. Then divide each part into small pieces up to 5 cm in size. For this dish, only fresh carp should be used. It is best to buy fish from specialized aquarium stores. In this case, active individuals should be selected. If you do not have the opportunity to buy live fish, carefully study the product offered to you. The gills of fresh carp will be bright pink or red, and the eyes will be transparent and convex. The carp carcass should be elastic, covered with transparent and slippery mucus. There should be no traces of blood on the fish. If the bones of a fish easily separate from the surrounding meat, then such carp is unsuitable for consumption.

2. Now let’s tackle the issue of how to prepare a marinade for fish. Pour water into a container and add salt.

3. You can use spices for this dish at your own discretion. We recommend adding sesame and coriander to traditional fish spices.

4. Pour the spices into the brine.

5. Add sugar to the marinade.

6. Place the resulting mixture on the fire and let it boil. Cool and add vinegar. The required amount of vinegar depends on the fat content of the fish. Therefore, if you wish and taste, you can add more vinegar. When the marinade has cooled completely, place the fish in a bowl, alternating with onions cut into half rings. Fill with brine.

7. The time for marinating carp depends on the size of the fish carcasses; the larger they are, the longer the process will last.

Now you know how to cook marinated fish and how to prepare fish marinade

Many people love salted fish so much, especially river and lake fish, that they are ready to sell their souls for it, because it is incredibly tasty and healthy.

Having bought fish in a store or waited for a big catch from their husband, housewives want to know how to salt carp or other fish at home.

Today you will learn how to salt it in various ways to serve with boiled potatoes and please your household.

Types of salting

There are several options for salting carp. It can be lightly salted, medium salted or highly salted. The method by which the ingredient is processed also differs; it can be a dry method or a wet one. The recipe for pickled carp differs in taste depending on the type of salting. Let's look at each of them.

  • Warm method - this method is called warm because the carp is salted fresh, just caught. In this case, there is no need to remove the scales; it will be enough to just get rid of the giblets and gills. Then it is washed and rubbed with salt, preferably sea salt. The carcasses are placed in a pan; an enamel container is best suited for this task. Then the container is covered with a lid and pressed down with something heavy, after which it is placed in a cool place for 2-5 days. It depends on the size of the fish.
  • The cold method differs from the hot method only in that in the second case the fish is salted while freshly frozen, while in the first it is cooked exclusively fresh.
  • Dry method - suitable for light weight fish, approximately 100-200 grams. The fish is cleaned and the gills are removed. Then it is sprinkled with plenty of salt. It is salted in a container with several holes so that excess juice drains through them.
  • Mixed method - with this salting method, in addition to regular dry salt, the fish is also filled with a strong saline solution. Thus, the meat becomes not only soft, but also juicy and well-salted.

Both fresh and frozen fish carcasses can be used for salting.

In order for the fish to come out lightly salted, the volume of salt should not exceed 10% of the fish mass. To obtain strong salted fish, the volume of salt must be more than 14% by weight.

Marinated carp

To ensure that the salting of the carp is natural and the fish is well salted, it is best to use sea salt. Besides this, it is much more useful. Let's look at how to marinate fish deliciously and quickly.

What is useful for marinating fish (carp):

  • one piece of carp weighing 800-1000 grams;
  • 9-10 tablespoons of salt, preferably sea salt;
  • sugar in the amount of 4 tablespoons;
  • one onion;
  • ginger root;
  • half a lemon;
  • half an orange;
  • soy sauce;
  • peppers to taste:
  • oil;
  • greenery.

It is better to salt carp with sea salt

For salted carp, you need to take the central part of the fish. The main criterion is freshness; it must only be caught in the river or purchased while still alive. Only in this case the dish will be tasty and healthy.

So, to begin with, we rinse the piece that we previously cut from the carcass several times with cold water and let it dry a little. You can use paper towels for this. In order not to stain the table, it is better to put cling film on it. After mixing sugar and salt, pour them onto the film, place a piece of fish on top and add salt. You need to put a lemon slice inside. We wrap our fish tightly with the same cling film and send it to a cool place for salting for about 2 days.

After the allotted time, take out the well-salted fish and wash off the excess salt under cool water. Place a piece of fish in a pan filled with water for 3-4 hours. During this time, the water must be changed three times. Thanks to this procedure, the salt will come out and remain in the water.

Be sure to fillet the fish by dividing the piece in half and removing the bones from it. Then cut into pieces.

In a separate container, mix finely chopped onion, chopped ginger root, sauce, juice that is squeezed from citrus fruits, and oil - mix well. Place the chopped pieces of fish into the resulting mixture and mix thoroughly with your hands so that each piece is saturated with the marinade, and set aside for half an hour.

The marinated carp is ready. Serve the dish, sprinkled with fresh chopped herbs, as an appetizer. Boiled new potatoes or any boiled porridge can serve as a side dish.

When salting carp, you can add lemon, which will add flavor to it.

Cooking carp in the oven

The simplest thing is to bake it in foil; take fish weighing up to 3 kg. You will need: onions (4 pcs.), 1/2 tsp. ground ginger and the same amount of nutmeg, 3 cloves of garlic and salt to taste. Gutted and washed fish is rubbed on all sides with a mixture of salt and spices, placed on greased foil, sprinkled with onion rings and thin slices of garlic, wrapped, placed in a mold and baked for 45-50 minutes at 180°C.

Carp in sour cream and mushroom sauce is considered a dish of Polish cuisine; they say that it was prepared hundreds of years ago, and the products were different then - pure and natural. But even now you can prepare a healthy and wholesome dish by choosing fresh products without “chemicals”: ​​homemade sour cream and butter, good wine and mushrooms, collected yourself away from the city and busy highways. It is better to take larger carp in order to get enough fillets. It is cut into small pieces, rubbed with a mixture of salt and black pepper to taste, put in the refrigerator, and cooked after 10-12 hours. Mushrooms (white or champignons - 200 g) are cut into strips, onions - into half rings, and fried in a frying pan for 10-15 minutes in heated butter. In a separate frying pan, also in butter, fry flour (3-4 tbsp) until golden, pour in half a cup of cold water and stir until it boils so that the sauce is homogeneous; add sour cream (2 tbsp), a glass of white wine and the juice of half a lemon. Place mushrooms and onions into the thickened sauce and remove from the stove. Pieces of fillet are also fried in butter, dredging them in flour; Place in a mold, pour the sauce on top and bake for 20-25 minutes at 200-190°C.

Carp goes well with sweet bell pepper and ginger; You can also bake it in an egg, although this combination is not so healthy. In addition to potatoes, carp is good served with crumbly buckwheat porridge, boiled rice (ideally brown), beans and fresh vegetables.

Salted carp with vinegar marinade

Any salted fish is very tasty, especially when it comes to salting it at home. In this recipe, preparation involves the use of mirror carp.


  • small carp;
  • black peppercorns;
  • two bay leaves;
  • one clove;
  • one onion;
  • one carrot;
  • sunflower oil.

To make the marinated carp tasty, we will take a fresh carcass, gut it and divide it into fillets. To do this, we cut along the ridge, thereby dividing it into two equal halves. Place all the parts in a deep bowl, sprinkle generously with salt and refrigerate for 2-3 days.

You can marinate carp in vinegar

After the time has passed, rinse the carcass under running cold water and place in a pan with clean water for an hour. This must be done so that all excess salt leaves the fish, which will make it lightly salted.

At this time, prepare the vegetables: cut the onion into half rings and grate the carrots. Place a layer of vegetables on the bottom of a three-liter jar, add a bay leaf on top and sprinkle with pepper. We also put pre-cut carp into pieces into a jar, alternating with carrots and onions.

In a separate container, mix vinegar and oil in proportions of one to one. Pour the prepared marinade over the fish and vegetable mixture until it is completely covered. Let it sit in the kitchen for a couple of hours, after which we place it in the refrigerator or cellar.

After two days, the fish is ready to eat.

Alternative option

Marinated carp can be prepared a little differently. For this purpose, they take fish that is fattier, because it will be more tasty; minimum weight from 1.5-2 kg. For work use:

  • fillet -1 kg;
  • onions – 4 pieces;
  • 0.02 kg salt;
  • 0.007 kg black pepper;
  • 150 ml sunflower oil;
  • a little vinegar and clean boiled water.

The first step is cleaning, trimming the fins and head, then removing the insides. Only when this is done can you take the fillet and cut it thinner. After mixing the fish with pepper, onion, salt, water and vinegar, you can add oil.

Important: refined vegetable oil is not used for this dish. Stir everything again and leave the carp to marinate in the refrigerator for 48 hours

A simple recipe for salting carp

Carp is a river fish with a slightly distinct specific odor. But with proper preparation, this smell can be completely eliminated. This fish contains a large number of bones, but if the carcass weighs more than a kilogram, it will be easy to remove the bones, since they are quite large.

Before salting, the carcass should be prepared by cleaning and gutting

Ingredients for salting:

  • two carp;
  • 300 grams of sea salt;
  • six bay leaves;
  • peppercorns.

We wash the carcasses thoroughly, you don’t need to clean them, then we gut them and remove the heads. If the fish is quite large, cut it into two equal parts. After drying the fish, salt it. Pour a layer of sea salt, pepper, bay leaf and fish into a deep container, and also sprinkle salt on top. Having placed the container under pressure, put it in the refrigerator for four days.

After the time has passed, take out the salted fish, drain the juice and rinse it under running cold water to wash off excess salt. Serve ready-salted carp with fresh onions, boiled potatoes and a salad of fresh vegetables.

The rules for salting fish will be discussed in the video:

You can prepare a lot of dishes from carp; you can fry it, bake it, make cutlets from it, cook fish soup, etc. In this recipe we will tell you how to pickle carp at home. By following our recommendations, you will get a fragrant and tasty appetizer. For salting, we will use sea salt, which will not only help salt our fish well, but is also more beneficial than regular salt. After we salt the carp, we put it in a delicious marinade, which will give it a subtle taste, and in the end you will get a very tasty fish. You will need two days to prepare marinated salted carp.

Taste Info From fish and seafood


  • piece of large carp - 700-900 grams,
  • sea ​​salt - 10 tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. l.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • ginger,
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.
  • orange - 0.5 pcs.
  • soy sauce,
  • pepper mixture,
  • vegetable oil,
  • dill.

How to cook marinated salted carp

You have a big carp in your house, and you are wondering what to do with it. Cut one part to pickle the carp, choose the middle part. I would like to note that the fish must be fresh. Smell the fish, carp is a river fish, perhaps it will have the smell of mud characteristic of river fish. Don’t worry about the smell; during the salting and marinating process, the carp will lose its unpleasant and annoying river smell.

Wash the cut piece of carp thoroughly; rinse for several minutes. After washing the fish, dry it a little to remove excess water, this can be done with a paper towel. Lay a piece of cling film on the table. Mix sea salt and sugar in a bowl. Pour half of it onto the film, then put the fish, sprinkle salt and sugar on top again. Place a slice of lemon in the middle of the fish.

Carefully wrap the fish in film, place it in a deep plate or bowl and put it in the refrigerator for 1.5-2 days.

After the time has passed, remove the fish from the refrigerator, the salt will draw out all the liquid from the fish and salt it well.

Free the fish from the film of salt and rinse it with water. Pour cold water into a deep bowl or pan, put the fish in it and leave it there for 3 hours, changing the water periodically. The water will draw out all the excess salt from the fish.

After this, you can separate the fish fillets from the bones.

Cut the salted carp into cubes.

Now we begin to marinate the salted carp. In a deep plate, mix chopped onion, ginger, soy sauce, lemon and orange juice, and vegetable oil.

Place the fish on a plate and mix well and let it sit for 40 minutes.

When serving marinated salted carp, sprinkle chopped dill on top; serve it in a separate salad bowl as an appetizer.

Carp is a domesticated carp that is distinguished by its delicate taste and tender meat. This fish is prepared in different ways: baked, fried, stuffed. You can also cook it salted. In this article we will tell you how to salt carp at home.

How to salt carp at home?


Carp 1 kilogram

  • Number of servings: 1
  • Cooking time: 2 minutes

How to marinate carp for grilling: 4 recipes for all occasions

Fish, unlike meat, is marinated quickly, saturated with the aromas of sauces and spices. If sea water can be considered the very first marinade, today dozens of all kinds of dressings, sauces, and fillings have been invented. Marinades are especially suitable for cooking carp on the grill:

  • with lemon and mustard;
  • with vinegar and soy sauce;
  • with sour cream;
  • with beer.

A wide variety of spices and herbs are suitable for pickling carp.

In addition, you can use olive oil with lemon juice, tomato juice and cream, mineral water, soy sauce and others.

Interesting video: a method of marinating mirror carp with the addition of tomatoes and garlic.

Lemon mustard marinade

This marinade can have different flavors, depending on the type of mustard. It can be sweet, sour, spicy, hot or white (Dijon, French) - made from ground seeds. Spices include basil, nutmeg and a little turmeric for color.

For the marinade you will need:

  • ½ lemon;
  • 1 tsp. mustard;
  • 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce;
  • 1 tsp. seasonings for fish.

First you should mix mustard and soy sauce (you can use ginger). Then add lemon juice and spices, shake everything with a fork. Taste for salt. If it is not enough, then it is better to add salt to the fish already cooked, since this spice will draw moisture from the pulp and make it dry.

For another marinade you will need:

  • ½ lemon;
  • 1 tbsp. l. mustard;
  • 1/3 tsp. Sahara;
  • 1 hour l. apple cider vinegar;
  • 50 ml vegetable oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l. water;
  • 1 laurel;
  • pepper and salt to taste.

First, mix lemon juice with water and mustard. Then the bay leaf is crushed and added to the mixture along with sugar, salt and pepper. At the end, gradually add the oil, while whisking the mixture with a whisk or fork.

When oil is combined with an acidic environment, an emulsion is formed, in which the carp is marinated for 20-30 minutes.

With vinegar and soy sauce

Since vinegar is more aggressive than lemon juice, the process goes faster and will be ready in 10-15 minutes. For the recipe you will need:

  • 100 ml soy sauce;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. table vinegar (9%);
  • sugar 1 tsp;
  • 1 tsp. pepper;
  • 1 tsp. dried basil.

Recommended reading: Bream fish cutlets

Mix all ingredients and the dressing is ready.

Ingredients for another option:

  • 3 tbsp. l. soy sauce;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 4 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • 1 bunch of cilantro;
  • 1 tbsp. l. table vinegar (9%);
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Preparation consists of the following steps:

  1. Finely chop the garlic and cilantro, add salt and pepper and lightly mash with your hands or crush until the salt dissolves.
  2. Combine vinegar and oil, whisking.
  3. Add garlic dressing to the emulsion and stir.

Cilantro can be replaced with dill, basil or parsley.

Delicate marinade with sour cream

Carp pulp cooked over coals in sour cream becomes tender, since it is slightly acidic and has a gentle effect on the meat, although you will have to keep the fish in this marinade for 25-40 minutes.

For the marinade you will need:

  • 3 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 bunch of dill and parsley;
  • salt - to taste.

You need to chop the onion as desired, chop the greens, add salt and sour cream, and mix.

Another option for a gentle dressing consists of:

  • 1 tbsp. l. seasonings for fish (Forester);
  • 80 g onion (onion);
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 1 tbsp. sour cream;
  • 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice;
  • salt - to taste.

Cut the onion into half rings, garlic into slices, mix all the ingredients and coat the pieces of fish for the grill.

Beer marinade

For this unusual sauce you only need:

  • beer – 70 ml;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • vegetable oil – 50 ml;
  • spices - to taste.

The garlic is passed through a press and everything is combined. Lubricate the carp (whole or pieces) with this mixture on all sides, let it sit for half an hour and grease with the remainder during cooking - every time you turn it over.

For another marinade recipe you need to take:

  • 1 onion (large);
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 50 g mayonnaise;
  • 100 ml beer (light);
  • spices and seasonings for fish.

Cut the onion into rings, garlic into slices, combine with mayonnaise and mix with beer.

A simple recipe for salting carp

This delicacy will take some time to prepare. But you won’t have to go to the store if you want to treat yourself to salted fish. You can easily handle everything yourself. How to salt carp?

Take several prepared fish and rub them inside and out with salt. The proportions here are as follows: for 1 kg of carp you will need 200 g of salt. If the carcasses are very large, they will have to be cut into 2 parts equal in size. Place the fish in an enamel bowl, sprinkling each layer with salt. Place a pressure on top and put the container in a cool place.

For large fish they are about 5 days. If you used varieties whose weight does not exceed 100 g, then 2-3 days will be enough. After this time, the carp is ready to eat.

How to salt carp in brine

The dish is unusual, but even a novice cook can prepare it. Knowledgeable people advise cutting the carp into small pieces so that they marinate better. The prepared carcasses are sprinkled with salt and left for about an hour.

The marinade is very easy to prepare. To do this, you need to dilute the vinegar with boiled water, depending on your taste. Add salt to the solution. Place the pieces in an enamel or glass bowl, sprinkling them with black pepper (peas) and bay leaves. Then the carcasses are filled with marinade.

Then the carp is taken out. Season with vegetable oil, sprinkle with pickled onion rings and decorate with sprigs of herbs. The fish delicacy goes well with boiled potatoes or hominy.

How to salt carp for the winter

These recipes allow you to diversify the menu, but fish prepared this way cannot be preserved for long. How to salt carp for the winter so that you can enjoy it at any time of the year? There is an option for this case too.

The fish is placed in layers in a large wooden box or enamel pan. There is no need to gut it. Each layer is sprinkled with salt (about 0.5 cm). A weight is placed on the last layer.

The main thing here is to know how long to salt the carp for drying.

Then the fish is washed and filled with clean water for one hour to get rid of excess salt. Dried carcasses are hung by the eyes or lip. In the latter case, you need to use special hooks. The fish is dried for 5-10 days. The deadlines are individual in each case. They depend on the size of the carp and the air temperature.

It would seem that such an ordinary carp, but how many different dishes can be prepared from it. Choose the recipe you like and enjoy.

Also interesting:

Baked carp

Recently we were given some beautiful carp! And we wondered what interesting things we could make from these beauties! We decided to bake one in the oven and bake the other! Both the fish in sour cream and the baked carp turned out delicious. Fish pieces in sour cream were enveloped in a thick sauce, juicy, satisfying, very home-made.

But a whole carp with herbs in the belly, cooked in the oven, was perceived as a festive and very refined dish with a delicate taste and aroma. The recipe is very simple, I’ll tell you now.

What you need to bake carp

for 3-4 servings

  • Carp – 1.5 kg;
  • Olive oil (regular vegetable oil is fine) – 2 tablespoons;
  • Turmeric – 1 teaspoon;
  • Salt – 1 level tablespoon;
  • Ground black pepper – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Lemon - half;
  • Parsley, dill, basil - a few sprigs to fill the belly of the fish.

How to marinate carp with onions and spices

Pickled herring has long been served as a vodka snack or as an addition to a potato side dish. Marinated carp is no worse: properly prepared fish has a delicate piquant taste.

We use the classic recipe for marinating.


  • Carp carcass – 1.5 kg;
  • Coarse salt;
  • Bulbs – 3 pcs.;
  • A set of spices from black and allspice, cumin and cloves;
  • Vegetable oil – 4 tbsp;
  • Bay leaves – 4 pcs.;
  • 9% vinegar – 4 tbsp.

Preparation of daily pickled carp

Cutting up carp

Before marinating, remove the scales from the fish, gut it, and remove the fins, tail and head. We cut the carp into pieces of any size, remembering: the smaller the pieces, the faster they will be salted.

We wash the fish pieces with cold running water so that no mucus or blood remains.

Salting carp

Place a layer of coarse salt on the bottom of the enamel container, lay out a row of fish and sprinkle with salt. We place a plate or circle of wood and install the weight. Place the container in a cool place to salt the fish.

Finely chopped carps are salted in 3-4 hours, large pieces - in 24 hours.

Preparing carp for marinating

As soon as the fish is salted, put it in a colander and wash it thoroughly with running water.

Marinate the carp

We carry out layer-by-layer marinating in this way:

  • Cut the onions into thin rings and place the onion layer with 2 bay leaves on the bottom of the pan.
  • Lay out a row of fish pieces.
  • Water the fish with 1 tbsp. butter and 1 tbsp. vinegar, sprinkle with seasonings.
  • We repeat the procedure until the end of fish raw materials.
  • Cover the fish with a plate with a weight in the form of a stone or a liter jar of water.

We marinate the fish for a day: during this time it will become truly delicious.

How to bake carp

How to properly clean carp

  • Wash the carp in cold water and begin cleaning the fish. I hope you have your tools prepared in advance: a comfortable sharp knife, a special knife for cleaning fish (with a grater), scissors. Nippers won't hurt either - it's difficult to cut off carp's fins, and scissors don't always do the job. If you have a special board with a clamp for cutting fish, then cleaning the carp will go faster and with less energy.

Tools for cleaning fish: large sharp knife, scissors, fish grater, small sharp knife. And the fish is pinned to a long narrow cutting board with a clothespin (look on the left - the tail is clamped with a clamp)

  • Remove scales from the fish (remember that they are on both the belly and the back). Cut off (or bite) the fins. Carefully cut the abdomen with scissors and remove the insides without damaging the gallbladder. Carefully remove the gills. Rinse the carp inside and out.
  • Cut off the tail, but so that it is beautiful. Now the fish is ready for marinating.

How to reduce the sharpness of carp bones

To prevent fish bones from cracking so much, cut the carp on both sides - diagonally into strips at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from each other.

The fish barrels should not be cut all the way through. The bones will be cut and will become less dangerous.

Marinate the carp

If you do not have suitable large dishes, you can take a large bag and marinate the carp in it.

  • Mix olive oil, lemon juice, salt, ground pepper and turmeric (it will give the carp a beautiful golden color). Coat the fish with this mixture inside and out. Marinate for 20 minutes.

Bake carp in the oven

  • Line a baking dish with baking paper. To make it lie better, you can first slightly crumple it. If you don't have paper, use foil. A foil or paper liner will make it easier to remove the finished fish. But if you don’t have anything, you can simply grease a baking dish with oil (butter or vegetable).
  • Stuff the belly of the carp with sprigs of greenery.
  • Transfer the carp to a baking dish. Place the carp to bake in the oven, preheated to a temperature of 150 degrees C. The delicious smell of the finished fish dish and a golden crust (not too tanned!) will indicate the readiness of the carp.
  • It is better to transfer the finished carp to a plate together (I almost said: one holds the hands, the other holds the tail)... in fact, you need to do this: let the fish cool a little. Then transfer it using two spatulas to a serving dish. Afterwards, remove the greens from the belly and throw them away (they were only for the smell).

A large golden carp will decorate your table! The smell is wonderful, the taste is also very good!

But, be careful. There are a lot of bones in this fish, you need to eat it slowly, without being distracted by trifles. And your main news this evening will be carp. Delicious.

Bon appetit!

Carp baked in the oven

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