Reelless jigs - types, features, playing technique

For fans of baitless fishing, reelless jigs are the last piece of gear that directly forces the fish to grab the hook. There are no bloodworms on a reelless bait, and the success of fishing depends on the correct choice of jig, as well as attractive play with bait. In this article we will look at the most catchy baitless jigs, features and nuances of use.

Fishing with reelless jigs

Beginners often make the mistake of starting their journey in baitless fishing by chasing the “most efficient” and most catchy jig. The main thing in winter fishing with jigs without moths is to adhere to the basic principles, which differ from standard fishing with the addition of bloodworms. To begin with, you master the correct game using standard jigs, and understand the characteristics of the tackle and fish bite. Read more about this in a special article:

Fishing without a bait in a current differs from fishing in still water; different tactics are used on a reservoir than on a small river. The equipment of a fishing rod is specific, and the wrong approach to this issue is unlikely to bring a bite. An article about winter reelless fishing rods. Only after understanding the basics and mastering a few simple baitless jigs for winter fishing should an angler dive deeper into the vast world of these lures. You can only find the best reelless bait by acquiring fishing experience on a pond. There is not a single universal model - only in certain fishing conditions, for a specific type of fish and using the right game.

The main law of no-bait is a balanced rig, matching line, nod and reel, as well as monotonous play without failures. These features and nuances are discussed in detail using the links provided. In this article we will look at what a reelless jig is and what types of nozzle jigs there are.

Top 5 catchable rewinders

A short review of jigs that can be used to fish without bloodworms.

The order of jigs in the list is random and is not related to their catchability

, since this is a very subjective parameter and depends on many factors:

  • fishing experience;
  • type of fish and its activity;
  • place, time and fishing conditions.

Let's move on to the review. The best jigs for catching perch, roach, bream and other fish without bloodworms:

#1 Devil or devil

This is a drop-shaped jig with three soldered hooks. Most often it is black in color. When they say “damn”, they usually mean a fairly large jig. Devils are smaller baits.

One of the working retrieves is to slowly raise the bait to hand height while simultaneously working with a nod, which gives it high-frequency swaying. This is followed by dropping the bait to the bottom or slowly lowering it while playing with a nod.

#2 Nail ball and nail cube

If you hang a metal ball or cube on the fore-end of the hook of a nail-type jig, it becomes a “nail ball” or a “nail cube,” respectively.

This rewinder is quite simple to make:

A slot is made in a piece of tin, lead, brass or tungsten wire for the hook, which is then sealed. Metal balls can be taken from kits for creating spinners.

#3 Goat or little goat

By analogy with “devils,” fairly large jigs are called “goat,” and small jigs are called “goat.”

Small “goats” are often used as additional jigs tied above the main one in “garland” or “locomotive” type rigs.

#4 Uralka or Uralochka

Ural jigs are legendary baits. In the hands of an experienced fisherman, a tackle equipped with such a jig can compete with any other.

There are no strictly defined proportions of jigs. There are shortened and elongated “Uralkas”.

On the shelves of fishing stores there are mainly cast tin lead jigs, but you can also find turned ones made of tungsten.

The most common color options are black and silver.

#5 Grader

This jig is a bit like a “devil”. It has a volumetric teardrop shape and a hanging tee. The catchability of the bait increases if the tee is equipped with a droplet or other “decoration” options.

Unlike the reelless jigs described above, the wiring of this jig can be similar to trolling or playing with a “buldo” - a short jerk and release. In combination with classic fishing, fishing with a grader can be very productive.

Weighty baits of this type allow you to catch large perch at great depths.


To successfully fish with reelless lures, you need to be able to give the bait a special game that provokes the fish to bite. For many small jigs, this is high-frequency vibration with low amplitude. But in fishing there are sometimes exceptions, because a lot depends on the fishing conditions.

No tail, no scales.

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