Fishing on the Lena River
The Lena River is one of the longest rivers on the map of Russia. This river is located in Siberia. Fishermen will not only get a good catch, but will also be able to admire the amazing landscapes of Siberia, so fishing on this river will bring an unforgettable experience. This river has been a paradise for anglers for a very long time, and fishing on the Lena River in 2021 is also active.
Average river depth Lena - 4 meters, but along the entire length of the river there are places where the depth reaches 12-13 meters. You can fish on the river itself and in its tributaries, which include Belyanka, Aldan and so on. Tributaries of the river Lena is no worse than herself, so fishing for them will also bring fishing happiness.
Winter fishing on Lena
Fishing for tench in winter has gained wide popularity among anglers.
Winter fishing specialists find many positive aspects of tench fishing, and sometimes they get large specimens of this fish. It is believed that the gear for catching tench is very simple, and the fishing technique is no different from autumn or summer. To catch fish in winter, you need to know some features:
- Weather. In snowfall, rain and wind it will be difficult to catch any fish. Therefore, you need to choose a calm and quiet sunny day.
- Feeding the fish place. The food should not contain strong specific aromas. It is also best to avoid high-calorie feeding if the angler does not want the fish to eat and swim away to another place.
The fish should be fed as follows:
- 150 grams of breaded breadcrumbs;
- 1 handful of bloodworms;
- 1 handful of maggots;
- 100 grams of roasted seeds;
- half a kilo of soil.
In winter, a variety of baits are used for fishing. For example, mix maggots and bloodworms or make a combination of bloodworms and amphipods. These baits will easily attract fish, and your catch will make you brag to your friends.
What kind of fish are there?
When going fishing, you shouldn’t be fooled by what to fish on the Lena, whether it’s possible to catch anything there at all, and what gear to use. In this river you can meet and, accordingly, catch various types of fish that are valued all over the world.
There is, as they say, fish for every taste and color. Both those who prefer to fish from the shore and those who cast a fishing rod from a boat will be able to come home with a catch. After all, there is no limit to the variety of fish here, and the most famous are:
Fishermen prefer taimen and lenok as trophies, and if they are lucky enough to catch grayling, then happiness knows no bounds. On this river they use different gear, so everyone can choose what they like. The main thing is to forget about all the problems and worries and plunge into nirvana, enjoying the peace, tranquility and beautiful views.
What kind of fish is found in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
The vast country has many places for fishing and active recreation. But we will have to look for more promising ones like the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Such admiration is not without reason, since even the indigenous people from ancient times lived only from their catch. The republic will delight tourists not only with fresh fish, but also with pure wildlife. The ichthyofauna caught in Yakutia is nutritious and incredibly tasty because it is not contaminated with industrial waste. When going fishing, get ready to catch this list of fish:
- Lenok;
- Burbot;
- Whitefish;
- Taimen;
- Tugun;
- Pike;
- Grayling;
- Nelma;
- Chir;
- Omul;
- Char;
- Muscoon;
- Dace;
- Seruk.
Tips for fishermen
Many beginners, and maybe even more experienced fishermen, are faced with the question of what gear, bait, lures, baits are used when catching various fish on the Lena River. How to catch pike in this river? Of course, the methods of catching this fish can be completely different.
If you want to experiment and learn from your mistakes, you can choose something of your own. And those who do not want to take risks can trust the choice of professionals, and they advise using spinning rods and various floaters. There are also a few notes for pike fishing:
- This fish is easy to catch if you use a spoon.
- You should give preference to durable fishing rods, the length of which reaches 5 meters.
You need to go fishing early in the morning. Don't forget to bring mosquito repellent, otherwise you will experience some discomfort. For novice fishermen, tench is considered the best fishing option. Well, for fishermen of a higher level it will not be difficult to catch large fish, of which there are also countless in this river. Grayling is excellently caught in the summer. It is recommended to use larvae, worms, various insects and mollusks as bait.
Ecological problems
Over the last century, environmental problems have affected almost all bodies of water in the world, and they have not spared this seemingly ideal river. Let's start with the fact that extreme climate and high concentration of metals in the soil significantly worsen the ecology of the reservoir. After all, the climate near the Lena River is sharply continental. The average January temperature ranges from -25 °C to -45 °C, and the average July temperature ranges from +17 °C to +36 °C.
But everything would be fine if, in addition to natural risk factors, there were no man-made ones. Discharge of wastewater, frequent movement of water transport, pollution of the Lena River, deforestation along its banks - all this negatively affects the ecology of the river. The ESPO oil pipeline also poses a huge danger. Accidental oil spills flow into the Lena and its tributaries, thereby polluting it, changing the qualitative composition of fish and reducing its quantity and species diversity.
Environmental problems of the Lena River
The Lena basin is a complex ecosystem of planetary rank. Environmental risk factors in this area are divided into man-made and natural. The ecology of the river is significantly influenced by extreme climate conditions, as well as areas with high concentrations of heavy metals in the soil and vegetation.
Technogenic factors also have a negative impact on the environment. Among them, logging, the development of gold deposits, the discharge of wastewater from settlements located on the banks of the river, and the movement of river transport stand out.
In addition, emergency oil spills from the ESPO oil pipeline pose a huge danger to the Lena basin. The route of this oil pipeline is located right in the basin and crosses more than a hundred watercourses. This can lead to water pollution, changes in the quality of fish and a reduction in their stocks. This, in turn, will deprive the population of Yakutia of the main food product and drinking water.
Description of the river
The reservoir was discovered by the pioneer Pyanda in 1619 - 1628. The name Lena comes from the word “Yelyu – Ene”, which is translated from Evenki as “large river”. Subsequently, the word turned into the more familiar word for Russian people, Lena. The river flows through the Irkutsk region, Yakutia and connects with the Laptev Sea. Some of its tributaries go to Transbaikalia, Krasnoyarsk and Buryatia.
River basin
More than 800 tributaries of various sizes flow into the delta. Along the entire length of the river there are many islands of different shapes and sizes. Along the entire length of the river, road connections are poorly developed. But the river is navigable. This has led to a decrease in the quality of the water and the fish in it. Several enterprises and settlements discharge wastewater into the river. Throughout the basin, the landscape changes from plateaus to hills and ridges.
The river and its tributaries are fed with water from melt water after winter and rains. Heavy rain and snow cause large floods in the spring. In winter, unlike other rivers in the country, severe congestion occurs on the Lena. Cold winters create thick and extremely durable ice. Ice drift creates jams and floods large areas with water. The earliest spill occurs near Kirensk in the upper section of the river. Over time, the northern sections begin to open up, reaching the lower reaches closer to July. In the main part of the reservoir, the water rise is 8 m, and in the lower reaches it can reach 20 m.
Use of the river
There is not a single hydroelectric station or dam along the entire length of the reservoir. Much of the landscape has remained untouched by people. Navigation on the river is considered the main connection between remote villages and large cities. Navigation begins from the Kachug pier. Starting from the port of Osetrovo and further, small transport ships can pass through. There are many places on the river that complicate navigation, where the bottom deepens every year.
Passenger shipping exists between Yakutsk and Tiksi. There is active activity of car ferries on the river. Navigation lasts from 120 to 175 days.
The largest ports and marinas:
Economic use of the Lena River
The Lena is one of the few large rivers on the continent on which not a single hydroelectric dam or other hydraulic structure has been built. Its basin still preserves untouched or virtually undisturbed landscapes.
The river is the main transport route of Yakutia and connects the regions of the region with the federal transport network. The starting point for navigation is the Kachug pier. The navigation period lasts up to 170 days.
The Lena coastline is sparsely populated. The villages are separated by hundreds of kilometers of taiga. Only in the vicinity of Yakutsk are the populated areas denser.
Types of fish
The reservoir has been famous for its fish wealth since its discovery. The absence of hydroelectric power stations and dams allowed fish to move along the entire length of the river without hindrance. This creates large food reserves and favorable conditions for the development of many species of fish. The reservoir is home to about 40 different species of fish.
The most valuable trophy is the sturgeon, which in ancient times could reach a length of 2 m with a weight of 200 kg. It can be found near the confluence of the Lena into the sea and downstream. It loves to eat larvae and mollusks.
Taimen is also found along the entire length of the river. It can grow up to 80 cm in length with a weight of 8 kg. Before spawning, they change color to brown shades. Upon completion, the fish begin to slowly move to the lower parts of the river. This coincides with the falling of leaves from the trees and continues until late autumn.
Fish found in the river:
- In the upper and middle parts of the river, lenok is found, some specimens of which reach 6 kg;
- Nelma are found closer to the delta; they rise higher to Aldan, and sometimes further;
- Starting from the Iul tributary, you come across a tugun. It inhabits part of the river from Vitim to a place called “40 Islands” and the tributaries Vilyui and Aldan;
- Muksun has several subspecies and is considered one of the most popular commercial fish. At the beginning of summer, it runs aground and is closer to the confluence of the river and the sea;
- In the lower part, peled are found in large quantities. It can move to the Olekminsk area. Its diet consists of plankton;
- Closer to the upper part of the river and at the place where it flows into the Laptev Sea, whitefish are found;
- Whitefish live in the lower reaches. It rarely comes close to Yakutsk and mostly stays near its sources. It has a high growth rate and a pleasant taste;
- Grayling is often found in the upper part of the Lena to the Primorye. It is common in right tributaries;
- Burbot is found throughout the river;
- Catching pike weighing 10 kg, which lives along the entire length of the river, is common;
- Perch, crucian carp and other fish, found in all reservoirs of the country, are found in all places of the Lena;
- In summer, burbot are located closer to the riverbed. Its weight reaches 12 kg, but there are large specimens up to 20 kg with a length of up to 2 m.
Most famous
Lena attracts fishermen due to the habitat of valuable fish that live here in large numbers.
The most famous:
- Sturgeon. Usually there are individuals up to 25 kg. Sturgeon is caught using pieces of mollusk, larvae, and crayfish. The king fish can be found near the place where the river flows into the sea, but it never descends into it.
- Burbot. Individuals with a body length of up to 130 cm and a weight of up to 30 kg are considered common. It is mainly caught with bottom gear from November to March.
- Along the entire length of the Lena there is taimen. Sometimes you come across individuals weighing 8 kg and 80 cm long.
Before spawning, taimen changes color to a brown tint. At the end of spawning, it enters the lower part of the Lena. This occurs during the fall of leaves and lasts until late autumn.
What interests fishermen?
Fishing on the Lena is popular among local residents and fishermen come from all over the country. It is allowed to catch most of the fish that live in the river; for this you can use various gear. Even an inexperienced fisherman can achieve success by using any available gear and the right bait.
Fishing on this river is a pleasure. Magnificent nature untouched by man, fresh air, many large trophies - all this can be found on the Lena River. For independent fishing, you should contact an experienced instructor who has been to these places, who will select the right equipment and show you the most beautiful and fishing places. There are many different fish in the river that can be caught with the right gear and patience.
Report on fishing on the Lena near the village of Tyumentsevo (17-18.09.2011)
Article categories: Lenok / Lena Good afternoon, I decided to write a short report about fishing on Lena. We visited on September 17-18, 2011. To be honest, I am more of an underwater hunter, but I get no less pleasure from fishing than from hunting. And so my brother and I decided to rush to Lena for fishing luck. I scoured the Internet and this site in search of information to prepare properly, apparently that’s why I decided to write a short report, because... I didn’t find complete information on what to do there and what Lenki eat the bait with. The road is just super, before Kachuga the asphalt is somewhere bad, somewhere good but it is there, after Kachuga it’s gravel, but so good that some asphalt will envy, at times we regretted that we don’t have an all-wheel drive subarc with a turbo engine, we could practice controlled drifts on the hills along the Lena. The village of Tyumantsevo, 305 km, was chosen as our fishing location. We got there from Irkutsk in exactly 3 hours (we drove a BMW three-ruble ruble) without really straining ourselves. At this time there are few cars on the highway. It should be noted for those who like fast driving that after Bayandai the asphalt is worn out in places and you can fly away, but it is clearly visible and the signs help at times.
And so we are there, we were told to look for holes there Lenok, but there are no holes from Kachug to Tyumentsev! The road runs along the river and we constantly stopped in search of the latter. In general, we were there and an hour later we were overcome by melancholy and midges, there were no bites, and I had never seen so many midges, we decided to return to Verkholensk to buy fuel oil for midges, 46 km. back and forth is not a hook for a mad dog... After lunch, we caught two flies in the region of kg. and there were two gatherings. We caught fish using a Mepps Black Fure 4 spinner, tried store-bought flies, no results, although the gray ones melted...
In general, we had fun and were thinking of rushing back to Irkutsk, but then we remembered that there was alcohol left))) in general, of course, we traveled overnight in anticipation of better fishing.
On the way to the road we saw a good exit to the water in the Kunitsyn area, we returned, there were guys standing there, it seems they arrived in the morning - 5 people, a UAZ, a boat, a dog (which eats phones) We started talking... They also arrived in the hope of great fishing, as their prepared ones said flasks, (they are not networkers!!!) good guys In general, we did everything correctly, as they told us, even more so, because
They didn’t catch a single fish and decided to head back to the city tomorrow. Yes, one of them said this sadly... A fish inspector or a huntsman drove up, it doesn’t matter, and said that there were a lot of fish, they were rolling down from the upper rivers at that time, but they passed a week ago, i.e. On September 11, 2001, whoever was there got it well. now maybe you’ll be lucky in early October, well, this is just for information... Thank you for your attention, maybe this information will be useful to someone.
Original report and its discussion
We are heading for the Northern capital Report on fishing on the Goloustnaya River (August 20-21, 2011) Brief report on the trip to the Small Sea on March 22-26, 2009. Report on fishing in Chivyrkui. February 23 – 27, 2008. Fishing report: August 20 – August 25, Baikal, Chivyrkuisky Bay
Fishing tour for taimen in Yakutia
How great it is sometimes to take a break from the bustle of the city, break out of the shackles of responsibilities, forget about the phone and, at least for a week, plunge into the world of serene relaxation and unity with nature!
You can get all this on our comfortable ship! Our company has been specializing in organizing and conducting fishing tours for 6 years. We are ready to offer you both routes along the Lena River and its tributaries developed by us, as well as individual tours compiled exclusively according to your wishes.
The motor ship "Avangard" of project KS-110-32T is ready to take on board a company of 4-6 people.
The main advantage is that the ship is our property, while other companies rent ships (including ours), which significantly increases the cost of the tour. The ship has 2 cabins - 4 and 5 people, a wardroom, galley, shower, toilet. There is a 220V diesel generator, a 355L freezer for storing your catch, two PVC boats with 15 hp motors. At the stern of the ship there is a small promenade deck.
Fishing will take place on the territory of the Ust-Vilyuisky natural park - in the main course of the Lena River, on the mountain rivers Lyampushka and Dyanishka. In these places you can catch pike 10-15 kg, perch, ide, sturgeon, nelma, lenok and, of course, taimen - a desired trophy for any fisherman. The fish on the Lena is famous for its unique taste, because the river is clean, there is no industry or hydroelectric power station here, and the environment is excellent.
Fishing is carried out on PVC boats with 15 hp engines, as well as from the shore and from a motor ship (optional, as you like). Service personnel: captain and mate (they are also cooks). Accommodation and meals on the ship, on the river. Dyanishka - in tents (optional).
Tour program
The group arrives in Yakutsk, is met at the airport and taken to the ship, which is already under steam. We move towards the fishing spot - the Ust-Vilyuisky natural park, which is located five hundred kilometers down the Lena. This place is also called the Forty Islands area.
Day 1 : Yakutsk-r. Lena. Arrival at Yakutsk airport in the morning. Transfer from the airport by car to the ship's parking lot takes 30-40 minutes. Loading and boarding the ship. Departure from the river port. The distance from Yakutsk to the fishing spot is 560 km. Travel time is 24 hours down the Lena in the absence of a storm. Day 2: Arrival at the mouth of the river. Dyanishka. Fishing in the surrounding area. Preparing equipment and boats for the upcoming fishing on the river. Little boy for taimen. Day 3-7: Sport fishing on the river. Dyanishka, Lena River and surrounding channels. Boat trips in the morning, 2-3 people per boat. Climbing up the river. The distance depends on the water levels. Fishing on the rifts from the shore and boats. Days 8-9 : Departure towards Yakutsk. The final departure time is set by the captain. The return journey against the current takes up to 48 hours. Day 10: Arrival in Yakutsk. Transfer to the hotel or directly to the airport.
*Attention! Due to the fact that the weather on the river is determined by Mother Nature, the captain adjusts the movement schedule.
Season: June - September Fish: Taimen, lenok, sturgeon, grayling, pike, perch, ide and other river fish . Duration of the tour: 8-10 days. Group: optimally 4-6 people, discussed individually. Cost: 900,000 rubles/group with a maximum number of people for 10 days.
This price includes:
✔ 3 meals a day ✔ accommodation on the ship ✔ provision of 3 boats with motors ✔ huntsman service.
✔ alcohol ✔ daily fishing license in the natural park (1500 rubles per day per person) ✔ tackle and equipment ✔ insect repellent.
Fishes of Yakutia. Photo
I continue to sort through photos from my trip to Yakutia. It’s surprising: the trip was short, but the impressions were great. Today I will tell you about fish. A story about Yakutia is impossible without a story about fish. Yakutia is much richer in fish than even in diamonds. The fish here are lake fish: broad whitefish, whitefish, muksun. Yakutia has a million inhabitants, and for each inhabitant there are approximately three and a half lakes (!). It is clear that in some places no human foot has ever set foot, but these figures give an idea of the fish.
Markets in Yakutsk are filled with frozen fish for every taste:
The sellers, having learned that I am from Moscow, especially advise me to buy salmon. I explain to them that there are a lot of salmon in Moscow. The sellers are terribly surprised: it can’t be where salmon comes from in Moscow, it’s our fish! I explain to them that it is impossible to get whitefish in Moscow at all, whitefish and muksun, if you really want, can be found in Auchan, but rarely and expensively, but salmon in Moscow is in abundance, from Norway, for example.
We visited the Stroganina festival - an annual holiday where everything is at once: a fair, songs, competitions, crafts, and buffets:
Crafts, of course, made from fish. What else? Well, also ketchup, salt, pepper, cheese, parsley. This is a yurt (yaranga? chum?):
This thing was called "horseman":
Here's something else that's also great:
It was a baby mammoth, as you understand. Here are its authors:
And here is the author of the hut, a fish artist:
The most delicious thing is stroganina. Stroganina is simply shavings of raw frozen fish. No processing. No cooking procedures. Frozen fish, sharp knife. Salt and black pepper to taste. I sliced it, dipped it in salt and pepper, and into my mouth. Since the fish is fatty (usually whitefish or other whitefish families), there is no feeling that you are biting ice: you feel coolness on your tongue, but this coolness is not icy.
A special place at the stroganina festival is given to the competition - who can slice frozen fish the fastest:
The fish must be cleaned quickly and quickly cut into slices:
The stands of spectators are worried:
Bloggers and television are going crazy:
(In the picture - Ivan Dementievsky and Pasha Kosenko) Whichever team is the first to plan a pile of planed wood to a red rope wins:
Tuning fish without experience is not easy, but with experience it is not at all difficult. First, the fish must be cleaned. Like potatoes, with a knife. She is firmly frozen:
And then from the tail to the head, shavings 5-10 millimeters thick are removed. You can rest the fish’s nose against the ground or a board and whittle away from you, or there are devices with a stop that allow you to put the fish on your knees and whittle towards yourself.
When everything tasty is cut off, there remains a ridge and leftovers that can be used for fish soup, for example:
A separate dish is the “Indigirka” salad. This is the same planed meat, only cut into 1x1 cm cubes and mixed with onions and other additives. Something like Olivier. And of course, stroganina goes especially well with vodka (which I actually don’t drink in Moscow, but it’s amazing here). Moreover, it is better to drink vodka from ice glasses. I just don’t know how to freeze these in Moscow:
In second place after stroganina in Yakutia is foaling:
Some straight from the pedigree:
Now I know what my favorite dish is - stroganina. Baked potatoes and Tom Yum soup with shrimp delicately retreat into second and third place. And as always, I was lucky: of all the dishes in the world, there is nowhere to enjoy stroganina in Moscow - there is no such fish, there are no sanitary standards. After all, raw fish must be frozen for some time at a temperature of -30, -40 to ensure that parasites are killed (which, I think, are not present in Yakut fish at all, but I don’t want to check). In general, I returned to Moscow with a bunch of smoked fish (chir, muksun, muksun yucca) and a large bag of ice cream. On the advice of experienced people, I tied it with polyethylene, wrapped it tightly with tape, stuffed it inside warm ski pants, wrapped it in sweaters, and put it in my luggage: it didn’t defrost during the 7-hour flight. I will be making stroganina for the New Year. May God grant everyone to visit Yakutia and bring back real ice cream chira for Stroganina!
Other interesting posts:
- 7 vivid impressions from a trip to Yakutsk
- What time is it now in Yakutia: current time in Yakutsk
- Fishing in the tundra
- Fishing for taimen in Yakutia
- Shift work in Yakutia
- Trip along the Buluus-Kyruluur route
- Walking around the Vilyuisky district
- Buluus Glacier
Fishing on Lena
One of the largest rivers in Siberia is the Lena, which is 4.4 thousand kilometers long and flows into the Laptev Sea. About one hundred and fifty kilometers from this sea there is a wide river delta, which, due to its size, is included in the Guinness Book of Records. It is curious that the ice cover on this river begins from the lower reaches to the upper reaches, and opens up the other way around. It begins its movement from a reservoir, a small lake that more closely resembles a swamp, located twelve kilometers from Lake Baikal and at an altitude of 940 m above the level of the Laptev Sea. The width of the river sometimes reaches 25 - 30 kilometers.
Fishing on the Lena in Siberian style is worthy and rich. According to ichthyologists, the Lena, which includes all its tributaries, has 42 species of fish, including both permanently living and passing ones. The Lena is distinguished by its rich food supply, and the absence of any structures on this river makes it favorable for the habitat and reproduction of various species of fish. Nelma, pike, taimen are quite weighty and large. Very often, specimens up to 1 meter in length are caught in Lena. For spinning and fly fishermen, this river with its tributaries is ideal for fishing (except for pike, taimen and nelma), grayling, burbot, char, muksun and other predators.
What kind of fish is found in the river?
Lena, harsh in Siberian style, has a rich food supply. Therefore, in its depths there are forty-two species of fish. In addition, the absence of any economic structures along its banks makes it possible for representatives of the ichthyofauna to reproduce unhindered. Fishing on the Lena often ends with catching large specimens of pike, taimen, nelma and, of course, Siberian sturgeon.
The largest and most valuable fish of the Lena River are Siberian sturgeons. According to experienced local fishermen, at the end of the last century it was possible to pull out even a 200-kilogram specimen about two meters long. Currently, individuals up to twenty-five kilograms are found. Sturgeon are caught using larvae, pieces of meat from small mollusks, and also using crayfish. The habitats of this royal fish are those sections of the river that are located from Korshukovo to the Laptev Sea.
In the lower reaches around its delta, where the water is desalinated, there are the most fishing places on the Lena. Populations of equally valuable underwater inhabitants – muksun and nelma – live here. Fishing on the Lena can result in a catch of large taimen. Here they grow up to seventy centimeters, while weighing more than seven kilograms.
Lena is also home to whitefish, broad whitefish, peled, and Siberian lapushka. A large population of salmon lives in the upper reaches of the river and in the middle reaches, which also spawn here in early June. Many people are attracted to fishing on the Lena River by the opportunity to catch a trophy specimen.