Vologda: fishing and what kind of fish is found

Fishing in the Vologda region is attractive due to the abundance of large rivers, huge lakes, reservoirs and the absence of strong fishing pressure on reservoirs.

  • Where to go Rivers
  • Lakes
  • Reservoirs
  • Fishing reports
  • Fishing ban
  • The Vologda region is enormous, and fishermen have their own treasured spots. In places where there are no villages near water bodies, there are practically no fishermen. Of course, there is Akhtuba and there is Karelia, but the significance of these places is not in doubt.

    Where to go fishing in the Vologda region

    The largest fishing rivers in the Vologda region: Sukhona, Mologa, Yug, Sheksna. Among the large lakes we can highlight: Beloe, Vozhe, Onega, Kubenskoye. They are also caught in two reservoirs - Rybinsk and Sheksninsky.

    Fishing in the Vologda region

    Both summer and winter fishing are developed in the Vologda region - the ice lasts here from November to April. Fishing on lakes is more popular in winter. People come here for pike perch, pike, perch, and catfish. Some fishermen bring burbot and grayling.


    Ukhtomka River. A small river, only 20 km long. The river originates in the forests and flows into the Northern Dvina. In general, fishing here is no different from fishing in any other river, except that this small river is quite remote from populated areas and flows in the ecologically clean zone of the Veliky Ustyug region of the region.

    Suda River. A river with a varied selection of fish. A dam was recently built near the village of Kaduy. Above the dam the current is less and trout can be caught there. Downstream there are pike perch, bluefish, and bersh.

    Suda River

    A state district power plant is located closer to the confluence with the Rybinsk Reservoir. There, warm water runoff created favorable conditions for fish farms.

    Mologa River. This is a major tributary of the Volga. The name of the river is translated from Finno-Ugric as “fish river”. The ideal time for fishing is spring. At this time, bream, ide, pike and pike perch move upstream. There are grayling in the river, but catching one is very rare.

    Sukhona River. This is the largest river in the Vologda region. It is better to fish in the lower reaches of the river. Pike, ide, roach, bream and perch are found here.

    Sukhona River

    The river is rich in ide population. It is better to fish where there are underwater piles of petrified clay, as well as near rocky shores. It is best to fish with a donk.


    Lake Kubenskoye. 30 kilometers from Vologda there is a large lake Kubenskoye. The reservoir attracts not only its proximity to the regional center, but also excellent fishing.

    Lake Kubenskoye

    There are large fish in the lake. You can catch dace, bream, perch, pike, burbot, etc.

    Lake Beloe. Fishing on White Lake is popular among anglers who want excitement and dynamics. Once you get onto the perch boiler, you will become a “hostage” of the lake.

    Fishing on the lake is chosen by people who need to relax and are guaranteed to feel the bite.

    Lake Vozhe. Large and shallow lake. The area of ​​the lake is more than 400 square meters. km. The average depth ranges from 2 to 5 meters.

    Lake Vozhe

    Lake Vozhe is ideal for catching bleak. To do this, you will have to arm yourself with a float with a good sinker and small hooks. Bleak can be caught everywhere, the optimal places being near the mouths of small streams.

    Lake Ezhezero. On the shore of the lake there is a small guest town for visiting lovers of outdoor recreation. The reservoir is traditionally preferred by winter fishing enthusiasts.

    The lake is located far from civilization. In the winter silence it is very pleasant to fish here.

    Lake Onega

    Lake Onega. The second largest lake in Europe. The water here is cleaner than other lakes, since there are no large cities nearby. The legendary Onega salmon lives here.


    Rybinsk Reservoir. Fishing here is possible at any time of the year. The versatility of the reservoir and its proximity to Vologda attracts many fishermen here.

    Rybinsk Reservoir

    Here you can catch traditional pike and pike perch, and there are roach, bream and burbot. Winter season is from November to April. In the summer they usually catch pike perch. The easiest time to catch big fish is in the fall.

    Sheksna Reservoir. The reservoir is formed by a hydroelectric dam. There is a lot of fish here, including catfish, pike, and bream.

    Local fishermen fish from the shore, but you can also fish from a boat. There are many rental boat stations on the shore.

    Minimum permissible fish size in the Vologda region

    Where I completely agree with the legislator is the minimum size of fish seized. It's high time to put things in order. In our area there is the opportunity to catch big fish. Okay, not very large, but within the acceptable range.

    Let's look at our directory.

    6. Minimum size of extracted (caught) aquatic biological resources (commercial size)

    b) for fish in other reservoirs of fishery importance - from the top of the snout (with the mouth closed) to the base of the middle rays of the caudal fin;

    This point is very important because we and the rangers must take measurements in the same way. I’m not sure that in some cases it will come down to measurements, but still. Take the bream for comparison. In our lake - Borovskoye it is well-fed and thick, in Belozersk it is like plywood. With the same length, the weight difference is 50-70 grams. What I mean is that you should not rely on weight, but measure it as prescribed by law. Well, a ruler, a ruler.

    • Chub – 25 cm
    • Guster (with the exception of water bodies of fishery importance in the Vologda region) - 20 cm (this is apparently a bonus for us)
    • Asp – 40 cm
    • Carp (residential form) – 30 cm
    • Smelt, with the exception of water bodies of fishery importance in the Vologda region - 14 cm (again bonus)
    • Rudd (with the exception of water bodies of fishery importance in the Vologda region) - 15 cm (yes, we are rushing today!)
    • Bream (residential form) in other water bodies of fishery importance (with the exception of Lake Vozhe, small lakes and rivers of the Vologda region, where a fishing limit is not established) - 22 cm (yes, we have a holiday today!)
    • Burbot – 35 cm
    • Roach (except for water bodies of fishery importance in the Vologda Region and the Komi Republic) – 14 cm (catch large and small roach!)
    • Crayfish – 9 cm
    • Whitefish (freshwater residential form) in Lake Onega, in water bodies of fishery significance in the Pechora River basin on the territory of the Komi Republic, water bodies of fishery significance in the Vologda Region and the Nenets Autonomous Okrug - 30 cm
    • Pike perch (residential form) in water bodies of fishery importance in the Vologda region - 40 cm
    • Grayling in other water bodies of fishery importance – 20 cm
    • Chekhon (residential form) (except for water bodies of fishery importance in the Vologda region) - 20 cm (White Lake rules!)
    • Pike in water bodies of fishery importance in the Murmansk region and Vologda region - 38 cm
    • Ide in water bodies of fishery importance in the Vologda Region and the Komi Republic - 25 cm

    The most difficult thing for me remains burbot. The timing of spawning and the minimum sizes indicate that I will not bring such fish home soon. Pike perch and pike within reason. There is also an Asp that is as much as 40 cm, but in all my time I have caught one thing weighing more than 2 kg. There are advantages. White fish can be caught of any size, almost all of them. And, in fact, only bream is limited by the norms.

    If we take real life, then for fish soup you can catch ruffs and perches + pike. Here's the "royal fish soup" for you. You can smoke perch. Catch 100 pieces of 100 grams each with a friend and there will be a beer festival. In relation to life, not industry, the norms are logical and adequate.

    What to do if a huge fish bites?

    The question is not how to get it out, but how the legislator feels about it. Everything turns out to be very simple.

    77. When carrying out recreational fishing in relation to types of aquatic biological resources that are not prohibited for production (catch), a daily rate of production (catch) of aquatic biological resources (quantity, weight) of a certain type is established, allowed to a citizen for production (catch), which should not exceed

    b) when carrying out recreational fishing without a permit - the quantity (weight) of aquatic biological resources established in Table 7, but not more than one copy, if its weight exceeds the daily norm established for this type of aquatic biological resources

    Once again the legislator is focusing on big fish! You need to think about how to keep the catch alive throughout the fishing trip. If a trophy bites, we release the fish, removing the largest one. Although…. The taste qualities of a pike weighing 8 kilograms are much inferior to its relative weighing a kilogram.

    Ban on fishing in the Vologda region

    • from October 1 to April 30 - in wintering pits;
    • from April 15 to June 1 - in the Rybinsk Reservoir within the administrative boundaries of the Vologda Region, with the exception of fishing with one float rod from the shore with no more than 2 hooks on fishing gear per citizen within the administrative boundaries of settlements outside spawning grounds;
    • from April 25 to June 5 - pike perch, bream, pike, asp;
    • from June 5 to July 5 - freshwater catfish;
    • bream (residential form), pike perch (residential form) and pike: a) in all water bodies of fishery importance, with the exception of Lake Onega - from April 20 to June 10 ;
    • b) in Lake Onega - from May 1 to June 10 ;
  • grayling - from the beginning of ice melting to June 15 ;
  • crayfish (during the period of gestation, as well as during molting) - from June 15 to July 31 .
  • New fishing standards in the Vologda region

    The most important point of our article.
    After the changes were made, it caused a lot of noise. Nothing has changed for me, I didn’t see any catastrophe. What is striking is the desire of the legislator to teach everyone to catch big fish and let go of small ones. Diversify your diet: Pike perch makes you sick, right? Spice it up with some dip! The legislator also “demands” us to be “massive”. Now we take everyone fishing: friends, children, wives, lovers. They will be units of nomenclature that increase the permitted catch. Let's take a look at Consultant Plus. Remember! It is allowed to export no more than a two-day allowance from the reservoir.

    The daily rate of production (catch) of aquatic biological resources (quantity, weight) of a certain type, allowed to a citizen for production (catch) when carrying out recreational fishing in water bodies of the Northern Fishery Basin.

    Vologda Region.

    • Whitefish (freshwater resident form) 2 kg
    • Bream (residential form) 5 kg
    • Pike perch (residential form) 5 kg
    • Pike 5 kg
    • Burbot 5 kg
    • Grayling 2 kg
    • Bersh 5 kg
    • Asp 5 kg
    • Other types of fish (total) 10 kg
    • Crayfish 25 copies

    You can send condolences to the fishermen of the Volga-Caspian basin. Their rules are generally cruel. Now there is nothing special to do at the Rybinsk Reservoir.

    The remaining inhabitants of reservoirs not included in this list: perch, ruff, bleak, smelt, dace, chub, ide, crucian carp, tench, roach. Enough. I never took it out again. Although here a spirit of contradiction suggests itself. From my vantage point, I see it differently. An ordinary person comes fishing once a week, God willing, he gets a bite. It’s different for me, I go fishing every day. Maybe the eye is blurry. But I still think this is enough. Imagine, you caught 5 pieces of ide, 1 kg each, 5 pieces of chub, 1 kg each, and two pike, 2.5 kg each. Yes, it’s amazing what a bunch!

    For successful fishing, you need to have several gears of different weights. Tackle for pike, with large wobblers, and tackle, say, for chub with cranks.

    Legality of catching grayling in the Vologda region

    A very important question that I get asked quite often. I go fishing at the Markovo fishing and hunting base and organize trips. It would be completely strange to place your guests, and yourself, outside the legal framework. Besides legality, there is the issue of ethics. For me it is more important than a question of law. We must preserve the grayling population. We catch grayling with minimal removal from wildlife. We only remove it if the fish is damaged. I met the catch limit of 2 kg for the only time in my life when I was discharged from the hospital. Doctors strictly prescribed to eat fresh fish. What other dietary fish could I think of?

    What does the directory tell us?

    3. Types of aquatic biological resources prohibited for production (catch)

    50. Harvesting (catching) is prohibited:

    50.1. juveniles and spawned individuals of Atlantic salmon (salmon);

    50.2. lake salmon and brown trout (freshwater residential form) of the Lake Onega basin;

    50.3. sterlet, Russian bystryanka and grayling in water bodies of fishery importance of the Vologda region in the territory of Chagodoshchensky, Ustyuzhensky, Babayevsky and Kaduysky districts;

    50.4. pike perch (residential form) in Lake Engozero;

    50.6. sterlet in the Sukhona and Yug rivers with their tributaries, nelma in the Kubenskoye Lake basin, whitefish (a freshwater residential form) and vendace in Lake Vozhe.

    Please note that four areas in whose territory grayling fishing is prohibited flow into the Rybinsk Water Reservoir. Hence the answer to the question.

    In other areas, grayling can be caught. I forbid you catch what is on the list. If the circumstances are bad, you may end up not under an administrative offense, but under a criminal one! When a salmon bites, throw it back into the river and row from there until your back is sweaty! It's not worth it!

    Bycatch and what to do with it?

    There is a lot of controversy on this topic. It has been said many times what to do with the fish if it is guaranteed to die. It happens that it is not possible to remove it from the tee without critical damage. We are all fishermen and have encountered this more than once. Alas, the law dictates:

    In case of accidental by-catch of prohibited species of aquatic biological resources, as well as aquatic biological resources obtained (caught) in excess of the established volume or not specified in the decision on the provision of aquatic biological resources for use for traditional fishing and of a smaller commercial size, regardless of their condition, they must be released into the natural environment habitats with the least damage. (as amended by Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia dated December 8, 2015 N 610)

    This is the law. On the one hand - stupidity. The fish will die. On the other hand, there are no voids in nature. It is eaten by predators (fish, birds, animals). And “cutting off the oxygen” to the grabbers who, under a plausible pretext, will catch all the little things, is perhaps the way.

    Extraction of live bait and fishing with girders in the Vologda region

    Relevant for winter, for those who fish with girders all year round. The method is allowed. For the “Northern Basin” the issue with live bait has been resolved, for the “Southern” this is a whole problem. Northerners can put roach (seagrass), perch, and other small fish whose minimum size is not regulated. And what should the “Southerners” do?

    Alas, it seems to me possible to use only perch and ruff. Possibly a minnow. As an option - crucian carp. I recommend taking a receipt from the store when buying roach (roach). In case of disputes with rangers, you can prove your innocence.

    As for the girders themselves. Let's look at the directory.

    79. Amateur and sport fishing is carried out with the following fishing gear:

    79.1. without a voucher, unless otherwise provided by these Fishing Rules:

    a) hook fishing gear of all types and types with a total number of single, double or triple hooks of no more than 10 pieces in rivers and streams, no more than 20 pieces in lakes and reservoirs.

    Again Rybinka and her “pool” sank. There the norm is halved. Eh, people managed to live there...

    Fines for illegal fishing in the Vologda region 2021

    The icing on the cake! I knew that I couldn’t relax, but with new fines I would have to think all the time. In addition to thoughts about fishing, there will be a lot of thoughts about how not to get a fine! The fines are no longer outrageous, they are simply the wildest! Keep in mind the fact that fishing during spawning, in places where fishing is prohibited, doubles the fine!

    1. When calculating damage caused to aquatic biological resources during periods prohibited for fishing and (or) in areas prohibited for fishing, which are established in accordance with the Federal Law “On Fisheries and Conservation of Aquatic Biological Resources”, in addition to the rates provided for in this document , 100 percent of the tax per specimen (kilogram) of the corresponding species (subspecies) is taken into account.

    2. For each kilogram of sturgeon caviar, in addition to the taxes provided for in this document, 100 percent of the tax for a specimen of sturgeon fish of the corresponding species (subspecies) is taken into account, and for each kilogram of salmon caviar, 50 percent of the tax for a specimen of salmon fish of the corresponding species (subspecies).

    Point 2". I didn't bring it by chance. It will add “colors” when catching grayling during spawning. Grayling is a salmon subspecies...

    for 1 copy, regardless of size and weight, Atlantic salmon (salmon), Baltic salmon - 13,675 rubles

    pike perch – 3305 rubles

    trout of all types, grayling, asp, carp, carp, pike, silver carp, freshwater catfish – 925 rubles

    burbot, bersh, sabrefish, tench, ide, bream, silver bream, blue bream – 500 rubles

    roach, dace, crucian carp, chub, podust, freshwater perch – 250 rubles

    other types of freshwater fish – 100 rubles

    crayfish – 115 rubles

    How do you like the sign? Did everyone get a needle in a vein? Then let's get high.

    I don’t understand why pike perch has become so expensive? What's unusual about this fish?

    Now any angler must have scales and a ruler. Without these essentials, going fishing is strictly prohibited. Imagine the situation. You ended up on a perch pot, and in the excitement you caught 2 kg more. Let it be 10 fish. The arithmetic of the fine is 10x250=2500 rubles for 10 perches! 10 perches for the price of a kilogram of red caviar. That's how cruel it is - don't click your beak. I won’t say anything at all about the violation regarding grayling. And I wrote about salmon above. If you take a bite, cut off the lure along with the fishing line and row in the direction of the Canadian border!

    Fishing on Lake Vozhe

    Fishing is carried out in the waters of this source. The reservoir is known for its rich ichthyofauna. There are a lot of fish in Lake Vozhe. The predominant species are pike, pike perch, perch, bream, and ide. In the north of the reservoir you can catch whitefish, burbot, and grayling. Local residents say that sometimes salmon and nelma were caught here, which came here from the White Sea.

    Previously, rudd and vendace were found in the Vozhe waters, but pike perch gradually replaced these fish species. From the side of Spassky Island, pike perch fishing is prohibited, as this species spawns here. There is a ban on trolling in the reservoir, and poaching is suppressed.

    According to reviews from local residents, the best time to bite is in early autumn - September and October. Perch and bream go well with live bait. Pike and pike perch can be caught weighing about 2 kilograms, and perch in the region of 500 grams.

    Where small rivers and streams flow into the lake you can catch bleak. This fish bites well from any depth throughout the summer. At the mouth of large rivers there is a good catch for roach and bream. In the area of ​​the Modlona and Elona rivers, fishing for pike, pike perch, perch, carp, and ide is developed. You can only get to these places by boat, since the coastal strip here is inaccessible.

    There is a fishing base on Lake Vozhe in the Vologda region. Here you can rent housing, a boat with or without a motor. Experienced huntsmen will show you proven fishing spots. This fishing base is located 10 kilometers from the village of Nizhnyaya, not far from the confluence of the Vozhega River into the lake.

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