Simple recipes for making bleak

Fried bleak

The main secret of getting simply delicious fried bleak is very simple. No special seasoning required, no olive oil or cayenne pepper with alligator gland required. You just need to do everything right. And the cooking recipe consists of the cooking time.

So, let's fry the bleak

It is necessary to clean the fish of scales, which are often simply removed with your fingers and washed off with water. Like the fish itself, the scales are also very delicate. Naturally, you need to gut the fish and remove the heads, rinse the carcasses in cold water and add a little salt. If we use coarse salt for drying, then it is better to add fine salt of the “Extra” type. The main thing is not to oversalt, since the fish is small, tender, and quickly salts out. And “Extra” salt tends to produce a stronger salting effect than coarse salt, which draws out liquid. Next, you need to roll the carcasses in dry semolina or breadcrumbs. Heat the frying pan and place the carcasses. I don’t know what kind of pan we once purchased, but as it turned out, it was the best frying pan I ever knew. Its coating turned out to be better and more durable than all the vaunted “tefals”. It is on this tray that I usually fry bleak and other products. It holds a lot of fish. And the fish never burns or sticks, no matter how much it is cooked.

And now all that remains is to add vegetable oil to a coated tray or a good frying pan and fry the bleak until it becomes crunchy seeds. She is incomparable this way, especially with cold beer.

Preparing fried bleak


  • 500 grams of freshly caught bleak
  • 4 lemons
  • 1 tomato
  • 50 grams of sunflower oil
  • 100 grams of flour
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Many people are interested in: “How to prepare bleak? “There’s nothing simpler, because the most delicious, along with dried, is fried bleak.

Bleak for frying:

In order to fry bleak, it must be cleaned. This procedure is greatly simplified due to the small size of the frying object. But even in such small fish, the gills still need to be removed so that it does not taste bitter. Salt and pepper the cleaned bleak – the bleak should be soaked. For a fish this size it will take about 20 minutes.

  • Fry the bleak until golden brown

Pour vegetable oil into a hot frying pan, preferably sunflower oil, sprinkle a little flour, as soon as it starts to sizzle, the oil is ready. Roll the bleak in flour and start cooking. It turns out beautifully if you place the bleak in a “jack” shape on the frying pan. Fry it until golden brown. Bleak cooks as quickly as perch. Fried fish should be crunchy. To do this, it is necessary to drain excess oil from the fish before placing it on a plate, otherwise it will become saturated with it and you will not get a crispy crust. Any dish should be not only tasty, but also beautiful - any housewife will tell you about this. This only increases your appetite.

  • Place the bleak on a plate like sprats in a jar

To do this, place the bleak on a plate like sprat in a jar. Something bright is suitable for decoration, for example, a tomato - a vegetable very popular in cooking and good for health. We make some beautiful decoration from the tomato. Let it be a rose today. To do this you need a sharp knife, some skill and two kilograms of tomatoes, if roses will not be obtained for unsuccessful attempts.

  • Make a rose out of a tomato and cut a lemon into slices

Well, and of course, lemon. What fried fish would be complete without lemon? “My fish! “I am your little lemon” - in my opinion, this or something similar is sung in some popular song. No, it’s probably not like that: “What’s a fish without lemon…” - that’s from another song. The lemon slice mode makes it easier to squeeze it out and pour the juice over the fish. They say well-fried bleak crunches so loudly that fishermen don’t tell their favorite stories while eating. It's just that no one hears anything. Don't believe me? Check it out, then tell others.

It turned out like this. How did it work out for you?

Bon appetit!!! Prepare it yourself and tell others how to prepare bleak.

Sprats from bleak with and without cooking

First, you need the preliminary operations of cleaning and salting the fish described above. Then, after salting for no more than ten minutes, the carcasses should be smoked in a home smokehouse for no more than 30 minutes or coated with liquid smoke and finished in the oven for 40 minutes. The result will be approximately the same.

After this, the bleak carcasses should be placed in a frying pan, add water and boil. Then pour in 300 grams of vegetable oil. Cook for an hour. After this, the fish must be cooled and placed in jars. It is desirable that the carcasses be whole, however, smoked bleak is made dry in the oven or smokehouse and does not fall apart in a pressure cooker. But there is a limit to everything. Therefore, an hour of cooking will be enough.

If you cook sprats without cooking, then the smoked bleak carcasses should be immediately placed in some jars and simply filled with vegetable oil. In the morning, homemade sprats will be ready.

I will probably say a seditious thing, but you can’t gut the bleak, just like factory-made sprat sprats and sprat fish. All the fat and taste will be preserved. But this is at the discretion, taste and level of disgust of each gourmet. If you look at how a wife deftly handles sprats that are prepared at fish factories, the thought arises: why waste time on gutting if a woman somehow finds the ridges of the fish, separates them and puts them on a plate, having previously found the insides of the fish and also putting it aside. Men, of course, cannot achieve such virtuosity. After drinking a glass of vodka, we simply send the spratine after the vodka, without looking at any ridges or anything there.

Bleak cutlets

Bleak is a schooling fish that is found in many bodies of water. Given its unimpressive size, many anglers do not pay enough attention to it. You can often see an angler trying to catch a crucian carp for several hours, while huge schools of bleak are frolicking in the reservoir. In terms of its taste, this fish is in no way inferior to crucian carp and crucian carp.

The undeniable advantage of bleak is that, being a schooling fish, it attacks the bait very intensively and with the proper skill you can catch several kilograms of this fish in a couple of hours. It should also be noted that the bleak fishing season is open all year round, even during spawning. This fish bites almost the entire season and anglers who decide to catch bleaks are rarely left without a solid catch.

Bleak is a very fatty fish, so dishes prepared from it have an exquisite taste. There are a huge variety of recipes for making bleak. Fried, dried bleak, sprats, bleak in tomato, bleak cutlets . I would like to dwell in more detail on the preparation of cutlets. Even the smallest fish can be used for this dish. For skeptics who say that it takes a very long time to gut and clean it, it should be noted that this fish is very easy to clean (the scales can be removed with a fingernail without any effort) and it is convenient to gut and remove fins, heads and tails with ordinary scissors. The process of turning the catch into carcasses does not take much time

To prepare bleak cutlets you will need:

  • bleak carcasses (calculation of products is made per 1 kg of fish);
  • 2 eggs;
  • 50 grams of butter;
  • 2 tablespoons flour;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 250 grams of white bread soaked in milk;
  • Salt and spices to taste.

To make the cutlets more fluffy, you can add 2-3 potatoes to the minced meat. Some gourmets add mayonnaise, sour cream, garlic or various sauces to the minced meat, but this depends on taste preferences.

Preparation of minced meat

The fish is cleaned of scales, gutted, and the tails and fins are removed from the carcasses. After this, the resulting product is passed through a meat grinder 2 times. After the carcasses are passed through the meat grinder twice, the bones in the resulting product are not felt. White bread and onions are also passed through a meat grinder (an option is to cut the onions into small pieces). The finished mass is thoroughly mixed, adding butter, eggs, flour, salt and spices. After adding butter and eggs to the minced meat, it acquires the necessary viscosity, which allows you to form cutlets from it without any problems. The minced meat is ready.

Cooking cutlets

There are many ways to prepare cutlets. Cutlets can be fried in a frying pan, stewed in a saucepan after pre-frying, or cooked in a double boiler or oven. The general procedure remains unchanged. Cutlets of the required size are formed from the prepared minced meat. After that, they are rolled in breadcrumbs or flour and, depending on the cooking method, either fried in sunflower oil or cooked in an oven or double boiler.

The prepared dish is served with a side dish. You can decorate the cooked cutlets with herbs or sauce. Thanks to the excellent quality of minced meat and bleak, the cutlets turn out fluffy and appetizing.

Bon appetit.

Lightly salted bleak

As already mentioned, bleak is a very fatty fish. And it can be used as a snack like Baltic sprat or Astrakhan herring.

But any “malosol” carries a certain danger, which consists in the likelihood of infection with some kind of fish parasites. This is especially true for river fish. However, now marine fish and pollution of the oceans and seas are no less dangerous. To protect yourself from such infection, you need to keep fresh bleak for about eight to ten hours in the freezer at the lowest temperature. During this time, all parasites will die. And you just need to defrost the fish, salt it for an hour, and then eat it with boiled potatoes.

Ukrainian way

First of all, you need to choose a container for drying. It should be large enough for all the fish to fit in, but the lid should be smaller in diameter.

An important point: when choosing cookware, pay attention to the material of manufacture. It can be plastic or stainless steel. You cannot use containers made of aluminum or tin.

There is no need to wash the bleak before salting. Cover the bottom of the container with a thin layer of salt and place the fish so that it covers the bottom. Next, the bleak is laid in layers, alternating the fish layer with a layer of salt. For the last layer of fish, use a little more salt than for the rest. The dish is closed with a lid, a weight of about 3 kg is placed on top and sent to a cold place (cellar or refrigerator) for two days. The fish should harden a little. The bleak is washed well with cold water, strung on a thread and dried.

Before hanging the fish, you can lay it out on paper. Within a few hours, excess moisture will drain from it and it will dry out a little.

Typically, the drying process takes place outdoors in a dark, well-ventilated place and takes three days. If humidity is high, the process may take up to seven days. Do not hang the fish in the sun, otherwise it will turn out dried, not dried.

A good option for drying bleak is a special dryer. You can cook fish in it quickly and easily: just place it on the shelves

You will need: bleak, salt. Use coarse salt per 1 kg of fish:

  • In winter - at least 50 gr.
  • In summer - 100-150 gr.
  • In autumn and spring – 50-100 gr.

Bleak sprats recipe

Why buy industrially produced sprats when you can make very good bleak sprats from your own catch. You don't need any special ingredients, just a certain set of spices, fish itself, a few hours of free time and... tea.

Yes, yes, it is in tea that our fish will be stewed.

The recipe for sprats from bleak is as follows:

  1. brew tea in the proportion of 1 tsp. per serving of water;
  2. just wash the fish and remove the scales;
  3. Place the bleak in a dry frying pan in layers;
  4. Sprinkle each layer of fish with salt,
  5. throw in a few peas of allspice and pieces of crushed bay leaf;
  6. pour the infused tea (without tea leaves) into the frying pan;
  7. vegetable oil to coat the fish.

We bring our “miracle” to a boil over the fire, then immediately reduce it to a minimum and “smoke” for 2-3 hours until all the liquid has evaporated. From time to time, noise will form on the surface, and some peppercorns will also float to the surface - all this must be removed from the pan.

The finished bleak sprats have a golden hue, exquisite taste and aroma. By the way, to prevent the fish from falling apart, it is better to remove the bleak from the pan when it has cooled down.

Sprats from bleak

Such homemade sprats will be much tastier and healthier than the purchased product.

  • bleak – 1 kg;
  • salt – 2 tsp;
  • vegetable oil – 275 ml;
  • peppercorns – 5 pcs.;
  • bay leaf – 3 pcs.;
  • freshly brewed black tea – 250 ml.

If desired, the fish can be seasoned with soy sauce, rosemary, thyme or cloves. This will give the finished snack a special flavor.

  1. Break bay leaves into small pieces.
  2. Place the washed fish in a saucepan, sprinkling with salt, broken bay leaves and pepper.
  3. Pour in strong tea and vegetable oil.
  4. Bring to a boil and immediately reduce heat to low. Simmer for about 2.5 hours.

Serve sprats cool. In the same way, you can prepare this delicious snack in a slow cooker.

You can prepare many healthy and appetizing dishes from ordinary bleak.

Bleak recipes for unusual dishes: fish baked in cabbage

We will need: fish, white cabbage (can be pickled), onions, tomato paste, sunflower oil, spices to taste.

First you need to stew the cabbage with onions in vegetable oil.

If you have fresh cabbage, then add tomato paste at the end of stewing; tomatoes do not go into sauerkraut. Now take a baking dish, grease it with oil and lay out a layer of stewed vegetables.

Then we lay out a layer of bleak (fillet), and distribute the remaining cabbage on top of the fish. Place our dish in the oven for 40 minutes.

Rhubarb cold brew with bleak

Are you wondering how to prepare bleak in an unusual way? Then here is the recipe for you. We cut the fish carcasses into fillets, then fry them on both sides in sunflower oil, cut them into pieces and set them aside for now.

Wash the rhubarb, chop it, pour boiling water over it and cook until tender, make sure it doesn’t get boiled, and let it brew for about two hours. Grind finely chopped green onions with salt, along with chopped parsley, cubes of fresh cucumber, boiled potatoes, eggs.

Strain the rhubarb broth, pour it into a serving bowl, and add pieces of fried bleak and a vegetable side dish.

Fish and vegetable soup is eaten cold; for taste, you can add a little sour cream (similar to okroshka). Bleak dishes can be made original if you add a little culinary imagination to them.

More such recipes on our website:

  1. Sprat dishes - recipes from fishermen: sprats, cutlets, smoked and fried sprat If you love fish, then you definitely know more than one recipe for preparing delicious fish dishes. In this material we will talk about sprat and dishes made from it.

Spicy salted bleak - a recipe for how to pickle or marinate bleak Bleak is a small freshwater fish. By the way, this fish is one of the most common in the fishing catch.

How to cook vendace - salted, fried vendace, recipes for vendace dishes Vendace is a freshwater fish of the whitefish genus of the salmon family. Therefore, probably, residents of Karelia, Murmansk and the entire north-west consider vendace to be the most delicious river fish. It will be interesting too.

How to prepare carp caviar - salted caviar and caviar dishes Caviar is a tasty and healthy product. However, its high cost sometimes deprives us of the opportunity to taste this delicacy more often than on holidays. Could be a good alternative to store-bought goodies.

Preparing bleak.

The most common dishes made from bleak are pickling, frying in a pan, stewing, smoking, baking in the oven or over a fire. This fish makes excellent canned food and cutlets. Moreover, it is easy to cut.


Sprats are one of the most common bleak dishes. To prepare them you need the following ingredients:

  • bleak – five hundred grams,
  • vegetable oil - one hundred grams,
  • one bouillon cube
  • black tea - three bags,
  • Bay leaf,
  • peppercorns - several pieces.

Preparing the fish.

  1. We remove the belly and head of the fish.
  2. Brew tea with one glass of boiling water and leave for fifteen to twenty minutes.
  3. Lay out the bleak in the pan in layers.
  4. Pour the tea leaves over the fish, chop the cube, pepper, salt, add oil and mashed bay leaf.
  5. Simmer over low heat for about an hour until the liquid evaporates. All that should remain in the frying pan is the fish in bleak oil, cooked like sprats.

It is advisable to cool the sprats before using them.

Bleak in tomato

Many people are interested in how to cook bleak in tomato. To do this you need to take

  • 0.5 kilograms of fish,
  • one hundred grams of refined vegetable oil,
  • you need tomato juice - one or two glasses,
  • as well as onions and carrots in such quantities that the bottom of the dish can be covered in one layer,
  • bay leaf - several pieces,
  • allspice and black pepper,
  • salt.

Preparing the fish.

  1. Verkhovodka is not cleaned of scales, only of its entrails.
  2. Wash under cold water.
  3. Choose the amount of carrots, salt and onions according to your taste preferences.
  4. Cut the vegetables into slices and place them in an enamel bowl in one layer.
  5. Place a layer of fish on top, then bay leaf, allspice and black pepper, add a little salt. If desired, you can make several such layers.
  6. Gradually add tomato juice mixed with vegetable oil and salt.
  7. Cover the pan with a lid - put it in the oven or cook on the stove. The dish should be brought to a boil, turn the heat to low and simmer for about three to four hours until done.

While preparing bleak, it is advisable to try it. If the bones are soft, the dish is ready.

Bleak in a frying pan.

Preparing for frying.

  • This fish is easy to clean.
  • The gills or head should also be removed, as the gills give off bitterness.
  • Right before frying, the water should be salted, spices, ground pepper, ground coriander or nutmeg should be added, and left for twenty minutes.
  • After this time, fry the fish in a hot frying pan on both sides.
  • Once ready, place on a towel or napkin to absorb excess oil.

Fried bleak looks good on a dish decorated with cherry tomatoes, lemon slices, and herbs.

There is a very simple way to fry.

  • We clean the fish, wash it , and wash it.
  • Mix flour with salt.
  • fry in hot oil in a frying pan .
  • When the fish is covered with a golden crust, it is ready.

Dry salting of bleak

Salting is convenient because thanks to it you can store verkhovodka for much longer. In the future, it is possible to dry it , smoke it , and finally, you can make a battering ram.

For dry salting, you should use only coarse salt, since fine salt forms a film on the fish that does not allow the brine to reach the meat.

  1. Before preparing the bleak, it is gutted, washed thoroughly, and all dirt and mucus are removed.
  2. Then put it on a flat surface and salt it well. Ideally, the fish to salt ratio is up to eighteen percent of the total weight of the fish.
  3. Place the water in a container prepared in advance. The container should be such that excess moisture can drain from the fish. A basket or colander is suitable for this.
  4. After the fish has been transferred to the container, it must be generously sprinkled with salt again so that it covers the top layer by two centimeters. Now you need to put another container to drain the juice. After three days you can move on to further preparation of the fish.

Dry marinating of bleak

  • To make the bleak meat easier to separate from the bones, it should be placed in the freezer for a day.
  • After this, we defrost the fish, gut it and clean it.
  • Salt well (for three hundred grams - one tablespoon of salt).
  • Add one small onion for spicy salting (coriander 5, black pepper 2, bay 1/4) per 300 g. bleak.
  • We place it under pressure for ten to twelve hours at a temperature of 18-20 degrees.
  • Then add two tablespoons of vinegar. Mix and place in the refrigerator for twelve hours.
  • After this we add two tables. lie sunflower oil (preferably refined).
  • Then we put it in the refrigerator again for a day to marinate .

Bleak is a type of fish that goes well with many, at first glance, incompatible ingredients. These combinations make very tasty, savory dishes.

Bleak with mushrooms

To prepare this dish we need

  • perch fillet 500 g,
  • cream in the amount of fifty grams,
  • apple juice - one hundred grams,
  • paprika pinch
  • celery and any other spices as desired.


  1. Place the bleak in a saucepan or frying pan.
  2. Pour apple juice diluted with boiled water 1:1.
  3. Boil for ten minutes.
  4. Fry the mushrooms until golden brown.
  5. We also add bleak, cream and spices.
  6. Simmer over low heat until the cream thickens.

This dish is served hot, sprinkled with chopped celery and paprika.

Rhubarb + bleak = excellent chilli

Here's another unusual recipe.

  • We cut up 500 grams of fish, separate the bones and fillet it.
  • Fry the fish meat in a frying pan in sunflower oil on both sides according to the very simple method described above.
  • Wash 200 grams of rhubarb, cut it and pour 2 liters. boiling water.
  • Place on the fire and cook, but do not allow it to become overcooked.
  • We insist for two hours.
  • Finely chop 1 small head of onion and grind with salt, add green parsley, fresh cucumber, 2 boiled potatoes. 2 eggs, all cut into cubes.
  • Strain out the rhubarb and pour this broth over the fish and vegetable mixture.
  • Cool.

The dish is ready to eat. You can add sour cream.

How to properly prepare fish soup from spring water

Many do not recognize bleak as a basis for fish soup, citing the not very pleasant smell present in it. But not everyone knows that this smell will not exist if this dish is prepared correctly.

  • In order for the bleak soup to be tasty, you should also use several ruffs. For 500 grams, 10 pieces or whatever, but not more than 1/2 the amount of perched water. They need to be gutted, but not washed, so that the mucus does not leave this fish, which will give the ear a pleasant aroma.

  • The high water is gutted, washed, ruffs are added, salted and filled with 3 liters of water.
  • You can tell when a fish is ready by its eyes: they should turn white.
  • The shurpa is either poured into another container through a colander to remove the finished fish. Or, the fish is simply caught from the dish and placed in a separate cup in layers, lightly seasoned with salt and topped with finely chopped onions.
  • Shurpa is brought to a boil again.
  • After boiling, add vegetables (5 medium potatoes, you can add 1/2 carrots cut into small cubes), at the end parsley, dill and ground pepper.
  • The fish can be placed on a plate with the prepared fish soup before serving, or you can simply put it on the table in a plate so that anyone can take it for themselves.


To prepare very original fish cutlets based on bleak, you need to take

  • seven hundred grams of bleak fillet,
  • one hundred grams of white bread,
  • onion - one piece,
  • sour cream - two tablespoons,
  • one egg,
  • they say pepper,
  • vegetable oil,
  • salt.

Cooking cutlets.

Fish fillets and onions are ground in a meat grinder. Add soaked bread, salt, pepper, egg and sour cream. Form cutlets, roll in flour or breadcrumbs, and fry in vegetable oil.

Verkhodka with sauerkraut

Preparing bleak in an even more unusual way. For this dish you should take.

  • four hundred grams of fish and cabbage,
  • one hundred grams of onion,
  • tomato paste in the amount of twenty grams,
  • vegetable oil - thirty grams,
  • ground black pepper and
  • salt.

We clean the bleak, wash it, divide it into portions and add salt. Finely chop the onion and put it in a pan with sunflower oil and simmer. Add tomato juice.

Place cabbage on a baking dish greased with vegetable oil, top with bleak, onion and tomato, then place cabbage again. Place in the oven until done.

Bleak: what kind of fish is it?

In fresh water bodies near stones and piles, you can easily notice small fish with iridescent backs - these are bleaks. They belong to the carp breeds. What kind of fish is it - bleak fish? The description is as follows. Its size does not exceed 15 centimeters, the body is compressed from the sides (it gives the impression that the bleak is flat). The color of the fish is interesting: a green back, smoothly turning into silvery sides and a whitish belly. As soon as the bleak is in the hands of the fisherman, its scales are easily separated, because it is held very fragile.

Bleak (fish): description, beneficial properties, calorie content. Cooking recipes

Many novice fishermen underestimate bleak, but in vain. Not only does it taste great and have many beneficial properties, but it can be used to prepare a variety of dishes. Bleak is a fish that is suitable for fish soup, fish soup, and even savory appetizers. And catching this fish is a very exciting activity, comparable to sport fishing.

In fresh water bodies near stones and piles, you can easily notice small fish with iridescent backs - these are bleaks. They belong to the carp breeds. What kind of fish is it - bleak fish? The description is as follows. Its size does not exceed 15 centimeters, the body is compressed from the sides (it gives the impression that the bleak is flat). The color of the fish is interesting: a green back, smoothly turning into silvery sides and a whitish belly. As soon as the bleak is in the hands of the fisherman, its scales are easily separated, because it is held very fragile.

There are also more unique dishes for preparing this small freshwater fish. Let's look at some of them.

Ukrainian way

First of all, you need to choose a container for drying. It should be large enough for all the fish to fit in, but the lid should be smaller in diameter.

There is no need to wash the bleak before salting. Cover the bottom of the container with a thin layer of salt and place the fish so that it covers the bottom. Next, the bleak is laid in layers, alternating the fish layer with a layer of salt. For the last layer of fish, use a little more salt than for the rest. The dish is closed with a lid, a weight of about 3 kg is placed on top and sent to a cold place (cellar or refrigerator) for two days. The fish should harden a little. The bleak is washed well with cold water, strung on a thread and dried.

Before hanging the fish, you can lay it out on paper. Within a few hours, excess moisture will drain from it and it will dry out a little.

Typically, the drying process takes place outdoors in a dark, well-ventilated place and takes three days. If humidity is high, the process may take up to seven days. Do not hang the fish in the sun, otherwise it will turn out dried, not dried.

You will need: bleak, salt. Use coarse salt per 1 kg of fish:

  • In winter - at least 50 gr.
  • In summer - 100-150 gr.
  • In autumn and spring – 50-100 gr.

Then wash the fish and hang it on the balcony for 3-5 days. Place the finished snack in a bag and put it in the refrigerator. Since less salt is used during cooking, you need to carefully ensure that the place where the fish is dried is dry and well ventilated, otherwise it may rot.

Pea dough

Pre-cooked peas are kneaded into porridge and mixed with the finished dough. The dough is rolled into balls and hung on a hook. The proportions may be different, some fishermen add 1 part of the porridge, while others, on the contrary, add half or even 2/3 of the pea porridge. Peas attract bream, crucian carp, carp and other fish of the carp family.

Pre-cooked peas are kneaded into porridge and mixed with the finished dough. The dough is rolled into balls and hung on a hook. The proportions may be different, some fishermen add 1 part of the porridge, while others, on the contrary, add half or even 2/3 of the pea porridge. Peas attract bream, crucian carp, carp and other fish of the carp family.

How to prepare bleak

Some amateur fishermen definitely know more than one recipe for how to prepare bleak. Because this fish is one of the most common fisherman’s trophies.

Of the traditional ones, of course, you can list bleak recipes: salted, pickled, fried, baked (over a fire or in the oven at home), stewed.

Catching bleak

Bleak fishing is most active from May to October. This time is the peak of its activity. However, in summer the fish stay closer to the surface, which makes the task easier for fishermen. With the beginning of autumn it goes deeper. What does bleak (fish) prefer? What to catch her with? It is best to use flies. They are put on a hook, and the equipment is a fishing rod with a thin line. In the fall, you can use bloodworms or worms as bait.

It is worth remembering that the bleak bites very actively, so the moment of hooking should not be missed under any circumstances, otherwise the fish will leave. If the float only trembles, it is too early to perform manipulations; experienced fishermen hook when the float starts to move.

The bleak does not disdain maggots, blue bugs that live on alder, even white bread. It has been noticed that the fish bites well on a “sandwich” - these are maggots and bloodworms attached at the same time.

In winter, bleak fishing does not stop. The bait is “played” on the very surface of the hole.

Why is bleak useful?

Why is bleak so popular? Fish, the benefits of which are obvious, contains a large amount of minerals and substances that have a beneficial effect on the body.

  1. Zinc is essential for the functioning of the nervous system. It has a positive effect on skin and hair.
  2. Molybdenum - participates in metabolic processes, stimulates tissue growth.
  3. Fluoride is essential for strengthening bones and teeth.
  4. Potassium - prevents the development of atherosclerosis, normalizes blood pressure, cleanses the body of toxins.
  5. Magnesium will help you calm down in stressful situations and stop the development and growth of tumors.

Bleak is a fish whose beneficial properties will certainly be appreciated by those who watch their figure. It contains only 12 percent fat. Therefore, nutritionists strongly recommend the consumption of bleak, a fish whose calorie content when boiled and fried is 95 and 145 kcal, respectively.

First course

Many housewives do not like to cook first courses from bleak. This is motivated by the fact that the fish soup then has an unpleasant specific smell. This is wrong. The main thing is to cook the first bleak correctly. To make the fish soup tasty, you need to add two ruffs to the bleak. Moreover, they are only gutted, but not washed. The secret is in the mucus of the ruffs - it is this that gives the dish a special taste and aroma.

The bleak must be gutted and, if necessary, cut into pieces. Add ruffs, spices, salt and add water. As soon as the broth boils, add potatoes, onions and carrots. The white eyes of the fish indicate that the fish soup is ready. Serve sprinkled with herbs.

Fried bleak

Bleak is an incredibly tasty fish when fried. Classic recipe: gutted fish is dredged in flour and fried in vegetable oil with plenty of onions.

You must first boil the potatoes. At this time, you need to fry the fish a little, rubbing it with your favorite spices and rolling it in flour. Mushrooms and onions should also be fried. Next, place the bleak on a greased baking sheet, potatoes around it, mushrooms and onions on top. Everything is generously greased with sour cream and sprinkled with grated cheese. The dish goes into the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, for 20 minutes.

Bleak under cheese crust

To prepare bleak with a cheese crust, you will need: 1 kg of bleak, 500 g of potatoes, 300 g of wild mushrooms, 2 onions, 100 g of hard cheese, 2-3 tablespoons of sour cream, fresh parsley or dill. To fry fish and other ingredients, as well as to grease the baking sheet, you will need vegetable oil.

Cleaned fish is rubbed with spices and rolled in flour. Then the bleak is lightly fried in vegetable oil. The potatoes are boiled, cooled and cut into thin slices. The onions are finely chopped into half rings. The mushrooms are washed and cut into small slices. Onions and mushrooms are fried in heated vegetable oil.

Grease a baking tray with vegetable oil. Place fried fish in the center and potatoes along the edges of the baking sheet. Mushrooms and onions are placed on top of it. All ingredients are generously coated with sour cream. The cheese is grated on a coarse grater and sprinkled on the dish.

The baking sheet is placed in the oven, heated to 180°C. The dish should be baked for about 15-20 minutes until a golden cheese crust forms.

Stewed bleak

Stewed bleak (fish) is quite varied. Below are the recipes for the most popular dishes. To prepare a classic stewed bleak, you need to gut it, wash it, and remove scales and heads. After this, the following layers are laid out on the bottom of the pan: onions, carrots, bleak and mayonnaise. Repeats until the fish runs out. Each layer must be salt and pepper. Next, water is added (to the top). The dish is cooked over low heat until done. It is checked by the top layer of the fish.

You can stew bleak with the addition of vegetables, such as tomatoes.

Bleak snacks

A housewife who has bleak in her grocery arsenal can offer her household a wide range of snacks. The fish (we’ll tell you how to cook it in spicy salting and in the form of sprats below) turns out incredibly tasty and appetizing. So.

To season with spicy salting, 1.5 kilograms of fish must be laid out in layers in an enamel bowl. Each of them must be salted, sprinkled with black peppercorns, bay leaves and a small amount of red hot pepper (a teaspoon is enough for the whole dish). Next, cover the container with a lid and leave for 6 hours at room temperature, after which the fish should stand in a cold place for a day, and it can be served.

Bleak sprats are best cooked in a slow cooker. For a kilogram of fish you will need a brew of loose leaf tea - 10 teaspoons per 400 ml of boiling water, vegetable oil - 75 ml, a tablespoon of salt, cloves and black pepper. You can use soy sauce, but then you will need to halve the amount of salt.

Carefully gut the bleak and separate the heads. Place it and all the ingredients in the multicooker bowl, set the “Simmering” (“Slow Cooking”) mode for 2 hours. After this, cool and only then remove from the bowl. This will help avoid breaking the fish.

How to cook sprats from bleak in a slow cooker

To prepare the dish, you will need the following ingredients: 1 kg of bleak, 10 teaspoons of large-leaf tea leaves, 75 ml of vegetable oil, 400 ml of boiling water, a tablespoon of salt, ground black pepper, bay leaf, cloves. If desired, you can use soy sauce.

The heads of the fish are cut off and the insides are carefully removed. The cleaned bleak is thoroughly washed in cold running water. Brew tea with boiling water and infuse for 10 minutes.

The cleaned bleak is transferred to the multicooker bowl. Add spices and salt to the bowl. If bleak is prepared with soy sauce, the amount of salt must be halved. Otherwise, the dish will turn out too salty. Prepare sprats from bleak for 2 hours in slow cooking mode.

The finished sprats are cooled without removing them from the bowl. If you transfer hot fish, the carcasses will fall apart and the dish will have an unpresentable appearance. Appetizing bleak sprats will be a great addition to the table!

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