How long do catfish live in a home aquarium?

What does a catfish look like?

Catfish come in different sizes - from 3 to 35 cm (depending on the species). These fish lead a bottom-dwelling lifestyle, preferring more nocturnal activity.

In addition to the absence of scales, catfish have a characteristic tuft of sensitive antennae near their mouths, which allow the fish to navigate in space. Other appearance features depend on the specific type of these aquarium inhabitants. Below we will look at several main varieties of catfish, which are most often used for stocking in an aquarium.


Ancistrus or sticky catfish are one of the most common types of these fish. They belong to the type of chain-mailed catfish; the size of individuals rarely exceeds 15 cm. Beginners and experienced breeders of aquarium fish value them for the fact that they have a beneficial effect on the closed ecosystem of the aquarium. This is explained by the fact that they eat algal fouling, which often contaminates the walls of the tank and the existing decor.

Mature males are distinguished by the presence of a large number of tentacles - outgrowths on the head. They are absolutely not aggressive, so they can be combined with other types of fish. They are unpretentious in food: you can use sinking tablets with dry food (so the fish will quickly find them at the bottom).


This is a good solution for inexperienced breeders because these fish are very hardy. They are very energetic and are constantly searching for food at the bottom of the aquarium.

The size of individuals is no more than 12 cm. The color can be different: golden, olive, there are individuals with stripes and dark spots.

The optimal volume of the aquarium is at least 60 liters. Keep in mind that these fish have quite sensitive whiskers, so it is better to use sandy or other types of soil that do not have sharp edges.


Loricarias are distinguished by an elongated body, the length of which does not exceed 12 cm. They are easy to care for, adapt well to different living conditions, and get along quite well with other aquarium fish. They prefer to hide, avoiding possible conflicts in every possible way. You should also select calm, non-aggressive fish for your aquarium.


Otocinclus are one of the smallest catfish species (sizes rarely exceed 3 cm). They also act as cleaners, abundantly eating algae growths.

The color is very interesting: “zebra”, golden hue, as well as individuals with various spots. You can select a small aquarium for them (within 40 liters), but you need to be more careful in choosing neighbors, because fish that are too large and aggressive can harm them.


A very interesting species of catfish, which in appearance resembles a sea shark. If they are kept in natural habitats, they can grow up to one meter. In this regard, you need to choose aquariums that are large enough in volume, so this option is unlikely to be suitable for an ordinary city apartment.


This is another variety of large catfish species that can grow up to 50 cm in length (given a sufficient aquarium volume). They have a very beautiful leopard coloration and a fan-shaped fin raised up.

There should be at least 250 liters of water per individual. They are not aggressive, but still you should not place small fish with them, which could accidentally be harmed by this “giant”.

Glass catfish

Glass catfish have no pigmentation, so they are completely transparent. They are able to completely blend into their surroundings.

It is better to house them in large flocks in aquariums with a volume of 100 liters or more. It would be good if there were live plants inside. They are unpretentious in food and get along well with other aquarium inhabitants.


Torakatums, like other types of catfish, are distinguished by their peaceful nature, so they tolerate being in the vicinity of other aquarium fish well. But there is also a difference - thoracatums are much more active than other catfish, which most often prefer to hide.

Dimensions – within 12 cm. The body is protected by hard plates. The color is usually dark brown. The fish actively search for leftover food at the bottom, so its decomposition is practically excluded.

There is one peculiarity, which is how these catfish reproduce. They build nests from bubbles, which is very uncharacteristic for catfish.

Chain catfish (sticky fish)

Catfish of this species are certainly loved by both experienced aquarists and beginners. Any aquarium catfish of the chainmail variety will become an indispensable assistant, because they are the best soil cleaners from food debris of other fish. Also, thanks to the structural features of the oral system, they clean the walls of the aquarium from plaque and small algae.

The mouth of the aquarium catfish has an unusual structure. Most of all, it resembles a suction cup, equipped with a special “grater” instead of teeth. In the evening, you can often observe how sticky catfish literally hang vertically on the aquarium glass, sucking with their mouths.

Of the chain-mailed catfishes, the most commonly found in home aquariums are Ancistrus. These are funny fish; with calm neighbors they are active even during the day. As fish of this species grow, unusual growths in the form of tentacles appear on their faces. In fact, these are peculiar antennae that help catfish find food at the bottom of the aquarium.

Aquarium catfish: maintenance, aquarium arrangement and care

Aquarium catfish are an unpretentious type of fish, but there are also some nuances regarding the choice of an aquarium and other points:

  • The volume of the aquarium depends on the specific species of catfish that you are going to breed. For small individuals, a capacity of 50 liters is sufficient, but for large catfish, aquariums with a volume of 300 liters or more are needed.
  • It is necessary to ensure that there are various hiding places inside the tank, because most catfish love to hide. You will need stones and driftwood under which they will rest during the day.
  • The aquarium must have a sufficient level of filtration. The water should be clean and unsalted. Temperature is within 25-28 degrees. Compliance with a strict oxygen regime is not necessary, because these fish, if necessary, rise to the surface of the water to replenish their lungs with air.
  • The light should be dim if you want the catfish to be active not only at night, but also during the day. In other words, no additional lighting sources will be required.
  • Many catfish are herbivores, so it is better to use artificial algae as plants (they will simply eat natural ones).
  • The soil should not have sharp edges. This is explained by the fact that catfish are actively looking for leftover food at the bottom, and sharp edges can damage them.
  • How to properly keep an aquarium catfish

    For such an aquarium resident as the catfish, there is absolutely no need to improve existing conditions. All types of these fish are absolutely unpretentious to the chemical parameters of water, the acid regime and the presence of aeration. Therefore, keeping an aquarium catfish will not be a problem even for an inexperienced beginner.

    An important condition for keeping catfish: most species lead a twilight lifestyle, resting during the day in thickets of vegetation or in shelters made of snags or stones. If the catfish has nowhere to hide, the behavior of these fish becomes chaotic, their movements become nervous, and in the future this can affect the health and life expectancy of the fish.

    If you choose a large catfish, it is better to take care in advance of a sufficient volume of the aquarium in which it will grow.

    In addition, there is no need to think at all about what to feed the aquarium catfish: most of their species are absolutely unpretentious in food. Small catfish often have enough leftover food, which they pick up from the ground, while large ones can be additionally fed with special tableted food for bottom fish. Catfish also love to eat a leaf of lettuce or a piece of fresh cucumber, but you should not get carried away with such food, their remains greatly affect the water parameters and can harm other fish.

    What can you feed catfish in an aquarium?

    Beginning fish breeders do not always know what aquarium catfish eat, so they assume that they are quite picky eaters. But this is absolutely not the case, so you won’t have much trouble feeding them.

    The advantage is that they actively absorb food debris from the bottom, thereby cleaning it and preventing rotting processes. You can feed them sinking tablets with dry food, pieces of fish (for predatory varieties) and flakes, which are sold in special stores.

    Answer to the question: how long do catfish live in nature?

    Catfish can be classified as one of the oldest fish that inhabit the fresh waters of the planet. These scaleless creatures are the undoubted record holders in size and weight among their freshwater counterparts. You can often hear legends about man-eating catfish, which have been living at the bottom of rivers for more than a century.

    River catfish

    Catfish are freshwater predators that live primarily in rivers. This fish chooses a hole at the bottom of the river for its home, which it leaves only to search for food or during spawning. Catfish feed on small fish, crustaceans and even frogs.

    It is impossible to say with certainty how many years a catfish lives, but fish farmers were able to compile a table of the relationship between the weight and age of fish. For example, individuals weighing 10 kg lived 5 years, 32 kg - 12 years, 128 kg - 50 years. Fishermen most often catch fish weighing up to 30 kg, because catching catfish is not so easy. For these reasons, the question of how long catfish live remains open. Catfish have no scales at all; their body is covered with thick mucus to protect them from parasites. As you know, these fish mature quite quickly: already in the fourth year of life, the catfish can be considered an adult, fully formed fish.

    Lake catfish

    You can rarely find catfish in lakes and ponds. They most often end up in these bodies of water by accident. Externally, lake catfish are practically no different from river catfish; the only difference is the darker color of the skin. These fish do not live as long in the lake as catfish live in rivers. This is due to diet. After all, in stagnant lake water there is not much choice in food. It is because of this diet that lake catfish are not large in size. On average, the weight of such fish does not exceed 5 kg. The average life expectancy of catfish in such conditions is significantly less than that of river inhabitants. The average age of river fish is 80 years. This is the answer to the question of how long catfish live in favorable conditions (lakes and ponds can hardly be classified as such). From this we can conclude that it will not be possible to find long-livers among lake catfish.

    Aquarium catfish

    Decorative and hybrid species of catfish are very popular among aquarium fish lovers.

    How are catfish distinguished by gender?

    To successfully breed these fish, you need to know how to distinguish a male catfish from a female. There are a number of criteria to consider:

    • Body dimensions. Females, oddly enough, are much larger than males.
    • Growths on the face. Males, as a rule, always have antennae, while females do not.
    • The color of males is brighter than that of females.
    • You can pay attention to the area of ​​the abdominal line - next to the anus. In males you can see a slightly protruding tubercle there, in females - a depressed pit.

    Of course, the differences depend on the specific type of catfish, so it is better to check this information with specialists.

    Common catfish

    Catfish are often called the orderly of the aquarium due to their sedentary lifestyle and sucker-like mouth.

    These fish are quite unpretentious in keeping and easily get along with other species without creating conflicts. The colors of catfish are not bright and beautiful - this is due to the fact that the fish camouflage themselves under the bottom, where they spend most of their time. Catfish are active at night, so it is advisable to have shelters for these fish in the aquarium. Driftwood, stone castles, caves or other secluded places are suitable for this. How long do catfish live in an aquarium? It depends on the conditions under which the fish are kept. If temperature conditions and feeding regime are observed, catfish can live for about 8 years. But some hybrid species of such fish can live up to 10 years if kept well. They should be fed in the evening, but they can find food for themselves. For example, by filtering the bottom of the aquarium, catfish find leftover food from other fish.

    Long-lived catfish

    This freshwater fish is famous for its fatty and tasty meat, so fishermen simply do not allow catfish to grow. In natural conditions, catfish can easily live more than a hundred years. But humanity constantly pollutes water resources, thereby calling into question the normal existence of fish. Therefore, how long catfish live depends primarily on their living conditions.

    There is a lot of evidence in history about giant catfish, whose weight reaches more than 300 kg. Accordingly, scientists assume that the age of such individuals is more than 100 years. It can be assumed that there are also older catfish, which, according to legend, hunt swimming dogs and even people, but this information has not yet been confirmed.

    How do catfish reproduce in an aquarium?

    To stimulate the reproduction of these fish, you can lower or increase the temperature of the water in the aquarium. It is better to move the female and male into a separate tank, where all the necessary conditions can be created. Its volume should be at least 30 liters, there should be a sufficient number of snags, caves, etc. inside.

    In almost all catfishes, the spawning period lasts up to 5 days. When the male has chosen a place, he cleans it so that the female will later lay eggs there, which he will fertilize. The “courtship period” takes up to one week, during which the male attracts the female’s attention in every possible way.

    How to determine gender

    Sexual differences are determined by the species of catfish. There are signs of how to determine sex in most species:

    • Females are less intensely colored;
    • Females have a more rounded body;
    • In males, a tubercle and a round hole are noticeable on the belly;
    • In females, the genital opening is oval and there is no tubercle;
    • Males are pugnacious among themselves, especially if they live in close quarters;
    • Territorial behavior is not typical for females.

    Common diseases of catfish in the aquarium

    Proper maintenance of catfish in the aquarium will prevent the development of various diseases in them. But in some cases, individuals still get sick, and it is important to know what diseases of aquarium catfish are and how to treat them.

    The most common:

    • Semolina. This disease is caused by exposure to parasites. Numerous small white spots appear on the body of the fish. Semolina should be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate or formalin until the symptoms completely disappear.
    • Oodiniosis. This disease can develop without specific symptoms, but with due attention, you can notice paleness of the body, as well as changes in behavior: excessive timidity, scratching against stones, etc. Treatment consists of using Bicillin-5, which has a pronounced bactericidal effect.
    • Indigestion. Manifested by decreased activity and problems with appetite. The problem can be solved by normalizing the diet.
    • Oxygen starvation. The problem is manifested by the frequent floating of catfish to the surface of the water.

    Prevention consists of regularly replacing water (approximately 30% of the aquarium volume every week), as well as maintaining the correct conditions. During treatment, the sick individual should be isolated from other fish so that they do not become infected.

    Catfish are not only one of the favorite aquarium fish of breeders, but also very useful inhabitants of aquariums. They act as cleaners, eating algae growths and food debris from the bottom. They are quite interesting to watch when they actively “explore” the bottom surface in search of food. Even an inexperienced aquarist will be able to choose the right type of catfish for himself, because they are unpretentious both in care and in food.

    Our specialists provide professional services for custom aquarium creation, cleaning and maintenance. If you have any questions, please call us at our contact phone number.

    How long does the Tarakatum catfish live, life expectancy

    Tarakatum is an aquarium fish that is also found in the wild: for example, in the reservoirs of the Amazon and Guiana. Catfish tarakatum at home can reach up to 20 centimeters in length, but more often - 15 centimeters.

    As for the appearance of this aquarium fish, the body shape of the cockroach is oblong and elongated. The head is slightly flattened in comparison with the body. The jaws are equipped with two pairs of antennae. Some of them are longer and pointing up, others are shorter and pointing down. The fins have a rounded shape. The coloring is not very different from other representatives of this species.

    Tarakatum catfish have a grayish or yellowish-brown color with pronounced black round spots scattered throughout the body of the fish. There are also spots on the fins and tail. Depending on the conditions under which the tarakatum fish is kept, its lifespan can vary from 5 to 10 years.

    The lifespan of a fish is influenced by its lifestyle - both in the wild and in its home environment. Tarakatum leads a peaceful lifestyle, sticks to shady areas of the bottom, various depressions, holes and thickets. Catfish do not attack other fish; they feed exclusively on plankton and plant matter. The food rises from the bottom of the pond or aquarium. The tarakatum catfish feeds and is active mainly at dusk, and during the day it prefers to stay in secluded corners of the bottom.

    But not only the peaceful lifestyle of catfish affects their life expectancy. In many ways, how long the Tarakatum catfish lives depends on the state of the environment. Therefore, if you want to increase the lifespan of a cockroach, you should create favorable conditions for it in the aquarium. This concerns the volume of the aquarium, the condition of the water (its hardness, temperature and acid-base balance), as well as the quality of the food.

    As for the temperature regime, it is necessary to adhere to a temperature of 19-27 degrees Celsius. The optimal pH balance of water is 6.7-7.6; However, the water should not be too hard. Also pay attention to the volume of the aquarium. For a pair of catfish you need an aquarium with 100 liters of water or more (but not less).

    Don’t forget that catfish like to take cover at the bottom, hide behind various plants, snags, stones and in recesses. Tarakatum catfish should be fed with plant, animal and combined food. Under favorable conditions, the Tarakatum catfish will delight its owners for 10 years or more.

    How do aquarium catfish live and reproduce?

    One of the most interesting and charming species among aquarium fish is aquarium catfish. They are found in every pet store, and are kept so often in home aquariums that any lucky owner can share them without any problems. With proper care, the fish will multiply very quickly, so giving it to a colleague is not a favor, but an opportunity to sell extra mouths. Interestingly, aquarium catfish were one of the first fish that were generally kept at home. The remains of their distant ancestors were found by scientists in deposits of the Cretaceous period; their age is more than 70 million years.

    What kind of fish?

    The aquarium catfish is a very large and ancient species of fish. Today, more than 2 thousand species of aquarium catfish are known, which can only live in fresh water bodies and are common in South America and Africa.

    A characteristic feature of these fish is the absence of scales, however, many of them can be protected by bony plates instead.

    In the natural environment, aquarium catfish live at the bottom of muddy reservoirs, where they lead a nocturnal or twilight lifestyle. Most of them are harmless and spend their time searching for invertebrates in the upper layers of bottom sediments. However, there are also predators. The catfish reproduces by spawning and is quite active.

    Without taking into account various hybrid forms, the aquarium fauna is represented by about 800 species of catfish. Traditionally, they are placed in home flasks as cleaners who clean the bottom of food residues and scrape plaque and microorganisms from the walls.

    What species live in aquariums

    Despite the fact that these fish are very popular, only some types of aquarium catfish are found in home aquariums, and the rest can only be seen by professionals with many years of experience. Let's consider the varieties of aquarium catfish that are found among enthusiastic amateur aquarists:

    1. Antennae or pimelod catfish. It got its name thanks to its 6 antennae (4 of them on the chin). In nature, they live in fast rivers, so in captivity they are demanding about filtering water and saturating it with oxygen. Without suckers, they lead an active lifestyle. Moreover, among them there are both small ones (up to 5 cm long) and respectable individuals (up to 60 cm), which are kept in the aquarium only up to a certain age. Particularly interesting among them is the rough flathead, which loves to swim upside down, so don’t be scared, this is the normal behavior of this pet.
    2. Agamixis. Very peaceful creatures no more than 10 cm long. During the day they hide in shelters, and at night they come out to dig into the bottom contents, so to prevent the fish from reminding itself of itself with clouds of turbidity, it is better to place it in a flask with coarse-grained soil. Most often in home aquariums you can find Agamixis whitespotted.
    3. Pterygoplichts. Popular cleaner catfish are mostly large. They live only in large containers and only a few individuals at a time, otherwise they get bored. They feed mainly on plant food, but when there is a shortage of it, they show aggression towards smaller neighbors or eat plants. They lead a twilight lifestyle and are in dire need of shelter and thickets. Among all the others, Pterygoplichtas brocade is the most commonly found species in the aquarium.
    4. Ancistrus. A very common genus of the chain catfish family, which has up to 30 species. Among amateurs, these fish are often called sucker catfish or sticky ones. Being no more than 10 cm long, these herbivorous inhabitants willingly feast on scalded leaves of spinach, cabbage, lettuce, pieces of cucumber or pumpkin, and can gnaw on driftwood used for decorative purposes.
    5. Corridors. They belong to the chainmail (armored) catfish and have 3 pairs of antennae. The most famous is the corydoras panda, a yellowish or pinkish-orange catfish with dark spots on its dorsal fin. A distinctive feature of the fish is its black mask, making it look like a bear, from which its name comes.
    6. Loricaria. They also belong to the chain catfish and grow up to 12 cm long. Their males are much slimmer than females and have a characteristic fleecy brush on their chest. Frequent inhabitants of aquariums are red loricaria and Peruvian loricaria, which have a chocolate color.

    How to keep catfish in an aquarium

    Catfish in an aquarium are quite unpretentious, they are not picky in their diet, and can forgive the owner for not being too attentive to the hardness and acidity of the water. Even a drop in temperature of a couple of degrees will not cause them any discomfort. Due to their lifestyle, these fish can live in dirty water, and therefore tolerate insufficient aeration. At the same time, they can periodically rise to the surface to swallow a bubble of air, which is absorbed in the intestines.

    When talking about caring for catfish, aquarists recommend them as orderlies who clean their habitat. However, you should not rely too much on the fact that the fish will do all the work of the aquarist. They will pick up the remaining food, but in return they will raise turbidity from the bottom, which will require water filtration, and not with the weakest filter. Cleaning glass by purchasing ancistrus is as effective as breeding snails. The owner will have to clean them anyway. At the same time, increasing the number of “workers” will not have any effect, and hungry fish will quickly deal with underwater plants.

    It should be remembered that, like any other aquarium fish, catfish require their own living space. You should not be deceived by the bottom behavior of catfish.

    When choosing fish based on the curves of their backs and the beauty of their faces, do not forget about their secretive lifestyle. It is possible that you may not see your newly acquired pets during the day. Considering that the fish live secretly, they need thickets of plants and shelter, and the number of the latter must coincide with the number of catfish to avoid bloodshed. It is worth remembering that such shelters must be end-to-end, since the fish will not be able to turn around and get out on their own.

    Summarizing the above, it is worth saying that general conditions with other inhabitants of a home aquarium are suitable for maintenance:

    • water hardness 6–12%;
    • water temperature 22–25 °C;
    • neutral acidity up to 8.2 and complete absence of salt in it;
    • coarse fraction of bottom soil;
    • the presence of powerful filters and aerators.

    Diseases of aquarium catfish are identical to those of other fish. Most often they arise from incorrect content. In this case, you should take better care of them and change the water more often. Infectious diseases that penetrate into the aquarium with live food, plants, and new inhabitants are much more difficult to diagnose and treat.

    Before infusing drugs, their composition should be clarified, since catfish cannot tolerate salt and copper compounds.

    So the owner will have less hassle if he quarantines newly arrived pets before placing them in a container. Considering that catfish constantly loosen the soil, it is better not to use coarse gravel in decoration. Some small species easily damage the antennae and abdomen, which causes infection.

    The question of how long catfish live in an aquarium is very complex. There is an old joke among fishing fans that this problem has aged more than one fisherman. A similar situation is observed among aquarists, who are also actively finding out how many years catfish live. Some of them claim that since the end of 1997, experienced individuals are still living in their containers.

    Others suggest not to get carried away by science fiction, pointing out that their pets lived no more than 3-4 years.

    Leaving these debates aside, let us state the obvious truth. Compliance with the rules of care will have a positive effect on the life expectancy of the catfish. In a clean aerated aquarium, full of plants and with proper nutrition with live food, fish live on average 8 years. And only if you follow the rules for caring for catfish, does the reproduction of these fish in captivity become possible at all. At the same time, we should not forget that different types of catfish live different lives. For example, pterygoplichts are quite capable of pleasing the owner for more than 10 years, and white-spotted agamixis, with careful care, will become a friend for many 15–17 years. In general, it’s better to ask them themselves about how long catfish live, after getting at least a couple.

    Neighbor's question

    The ability to get along with other species of fish is the determining criterion when purchasing new pets. As a completely peaceful fish, the aquarium catfish in this regard compares favorably with other species. Almost every catfish is indifferent to its neighbors, gets along calmly with them, and does not notice some, especially those living in the upper water layers, at all.

    However, we should not forget that among the representatives of the species there are also predators who do not mind inviting their neighbor to dinner. Thus, the rough flathead can easily get along with large, non-aggressive stingrays or angelfish, but smaller fish, to the surprise of the owner, may disappear.

    But the catfish themselves can become victims of intra-aquarium struggle. Small ancistrus should not be housed with their natural enemies, such as aggressive cichlids that will eat their fins.

    Served to eat: aquarium catfish menu

    The question of what to feed catfish should not puzzle the aquarium owner too much, since these unpretentious fish can be fed with almost anything. Most of them are omnivores and in nature feed on the meager food that settles to the bottom of the reservoir. In captivity, almost any food is suitable for catfish. You can use live, frozen (bloodworm, tubifex, enchytraeus), industrial for bottom fish, including in the form of tablets.

    The approach to organizing the process is also important, since the problem of how to feed, in this case, has a more significant impact on the health of the fish than the question of what to feed the catfish.

    You should not offer fish food that floats or actively moves in the water.

    These fish are not used to feeding from the surface, and active hunting is not suitable for most. However, there are cases when catfish, after a hunger strike, eat floating dried daphnia, while making funny air flapping noises. When organizing regular feeding, you should also take into account the number of inhabitants in the aquarium. If there are not so few of them, then the food may never reach the bottom, where it will become easily accessible to catfish. In this case, it is better to use special heavy granules, which will sink immediately and will be available to the fish longer. Considering that many catfish are nocturnal, it is better to provide them with food in the evening, immediately after turning off the lights, then the inhabitants of the upper layers will not overeat, and the bottom inhabitants will not be left with food problems. This way the question of what to feed aquarium catfish will be resolved simply and without worries.

    Breeding in captivity: what and how

    All catfish are egg-laying fish; breeding them is not difficult. Despite the fact that not every aquarium catfish reproduces in captivity, the most popular species are quite good at participating in this process while locked up.

    Most of these fish will reproduce only at stable atmospheric pressure, which should be taken into account when planting them in a separate aquarium for spawning.

    In order for the fish to reproduce quickly, one female and 2-3 males are taken. N

    the arrest must occur within 24 hours. After laying eggs, when the parents have already reproduced, they are placed in a common container, and fry emerge from the eggs after 8–14 days. Since even at such a tender age they are quite large, they are fed with regular fry food or chopped tubifex. Frequent changes of water and adequate food will help them quickly gain weight and size. After 8–11 months, the fish will become sexually mature.

    In conclusion, let us remind you that in aquariums there are few fish as interesting as catfish. They either crawl along the glass, or swarm in the mud, or hide in their shelters. When choosing them in a pet store, you need to take at least 5-6 individuals, then at the bottom of a medium-sized container a whole community of charming creatures will appear, which will bring many pleasant moments to the attentive and caring owner. Aquarium catfish species are quite diverse, you can always find something suitable.

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    The main factor influencing life is size. The smaller the size, the shorter the life expectancy. Small fish up to 5 cm in length live the least: neons, guppies, swordtails. The lifespan of aquarium fish varies from 1 to 5 years.

    Fish ranging in size from 10 to 25 cm live about 10-15 years, these are discus, piranha, angelfish, and some catfish.

    Experts have noticed that males are more adapted to life than females, so their life expectancy is longer. The difference in life expectancy between male and female representatives of the same breed reaches 2-3 years. In some breeds, females die after giving birth.

    Aquarium catfish: description of the species, how long they live and reviews from owners

    How long will an aquarium catfish live?

    Catfish are unpretentious and beautiful fish that even aquarists with little experience can breed without problems.

    Catfish are schooling beautiful fish that get along well with many non-aggressive species of the inhabitants of your aquarium!

    What kind of fish is catfish?

    The habitat of catfish is South America. In their natural environment, these fish live in stagnant muddy ponds, where they can easily get food for themselves by digging out of the mud:

    • larvae;
    • worms;
    • other living creatures.

    In home aquariums, catfish play the role of cleaners, eating leftover food from other fish from the bottom and cleaning the walls of the container from plaque and microorganisms.

    Unlike the fish that live next to them, aquarium catfish are completely unpretentious to their living conditions: they can eat almost any live fish food; the acidity and hardness of aquarium water is not an important criterion for them.

    A sharp decrease in the water temperature in the aquarium by a couple of degrees will not cause any harm to the catfish. Due to the unique structure of the respiratory system, these fish can live in very muddy and dirty aquarium water, where there is no air aeration.

    Almost all types of catfish live at the bottom of the aquarium, where they carefully explore the shallow soil in search of food. From time to time they rise to the surface of the water to swallow air bubbles, which are subsequently absorbed in their intestines. The behavior of catfish is not affected in any way by the purity, quality and aeration of water in the aquarium.

    How long do catfish live?

    To the question “How long do catfish live in an aquarium?” no answer. It all depends on many factors, such as:

    • water temperature;
    • type of catfish;
    • water quality;
    • food quality;
    • water aeration;
    • water salinity;
    • fish living next door.

    If a clean aerated aquarium with thickets of dense plants, with an acidity of up to 8.2 and a water temperature of up to twenty-five degrees Celsius, then catfish can exist in the aquarium for about eight years.

    The food that catfish eat also affects their lifespan. Live food is optimal for feeding these ground dwellers in your aquarium. Be aware that it is forbidden to keep catfish in salted or salt water - this will lead to the extinction of the fish.

    Reviews from aquarists

    My seasoned platidora crawled out of his hiding place, I looked at this miracle and wondered how old he was? They gave it to me along with a hundred-liter aquarium, the owner was selling the aquarium and gave me this miracle as a bonus, with the words “take him, he’s left alone and won’t live long, he’s about six years old already, and he’s been living in a rotten jar for the last months, which there was no one to deal with.”

    The aquarium really looked like it was in a deplorable state, it was all overgrown... Well, that’s how I took this beast... This was around 2003. After a while, the owner of the aquarium, having learned that the animal was alive, was very surprised... The ending of the story is this: it is 2015, the catfish is still alive and what is most surprising is that it is in excellent mobile condition (I specially examined it from all sides), this means he is 18 years old?

    In addition to this catfish, I also have a girik, I bought it in February-March 2002, it is also vigorous, alive, chasing and building everyone in the aquarium.

    An ordinary Ancistrus has been living in my aquarium for seven years now... Daddy is wonderful.

    I have had acanthus in my aquarium since about 2003, there were three of them, recently I saw two, and at the moment there is only one left.

    My friend has had a Pter since 1999, in a healthy 700 liter jar, about forty centimeters in size. In general, catfish live much longer than other aquatic animals purchased on the market. Why this is so, it’s better to find out from professionals, just as far as I know, the lifespan of fish in an aquarium is calculated at a couple of years, then they either die or get bored and pass into the hands of the next aquarist.

    Catfish live for at least 10 to 15 years and often die from stupid, even sometimes ridiculous mistakes of their owners; neither a pro nor a student is immune from this.

    I have an agamix swimming, which I bought in 1997. In addition to my oldest catfish, I have another male ancitrus from 2000, from 15 to 17 centimeters long.

    Where does this information come from? Even an ordinary anz lives for about 10 years, many even longer; large L catfish live for decades.

    ...I assume that my acanthic catfish will even outlive me... even if I now stop drinking, smoking, eating... and switch to a low-carb diet... my monster is my luggage, which I will carry until my death...

    Exactly a year ago, I managed to exchange a pair of L181 catfish from an employee at work, asking the owner how old they were? She replied that about seven years!!!

    I managed to breed catfish, the fry were born on May 9th.

    This is all nonsense, 7 years. I read in the literature about wild male 046, who is now 15 years old and still takes part in spawning. But we are talking about a small species of catfish. Just imagine how many years large acanthics and panacians live.

    It’s good that there are 14 years old, otherwise I thought mine were quite old. But it turned out not old, but experienced.

    • Author: Sergey Viktorovich Vetrov

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