What time does carp spawn?

Every self-respecting fisherman should catch carp at least once. This fish is quite popular and has a number of varieties.

You can find carp in bays, lakes and ponds. Depending on the location, carp differ slightly in appearance. For example, carp in ponds and bays have a more humpbacked body and characteristic large scales. Whereas river carp, on the contrary, has small scales, but at the same time reaches larger sizes than other relatives.

In general, catching carp is not so difficult, the main thing is to know how and where to do it correctly. The number of fish caught can directly depend on such phenomena as spawning.

When does carp spawn in the middle zone?

Carp spawning is a little different from many other fish. The fact is that in the middle zone, carp spawning can actively begin as early as the 20th of April. Closer to May, this phenomenon becomes more common, and the peak occurs at the beginning of June.

In general, the spawning of some individuals can continue until mid-August, although these are rather exceptional cases that should not be taken into account.

Let's celebrate! Most individuals begin to spawn when the temperature becomes warm and constant, and the nights are no longer so cold. Most often this occurs in early summer, although depending on specific weather conditions, spawning can begin earlier or later.

How long does it take for carp to spawn?

Typically, carp spawning lasts one month. True, this phenomenon is not chaotic and can often drag on for a longer period. The fact is that this fish has a clear hierarchy. The youngest fish spawn first, and then it’s time for older and larger individuals.

Good to know! Despite the average duration of a month, the process may take a long time. For example, this may be caused by a sudden cold snap. In this case, the fish can “postpone” the process of spawning until more favorable conditions.

If we talk about a specific time of day, then everything starts before dawn and ends closer to noon.

At what temperature do carp spawn?

As mentioned earlier, fish activity depends on air temperature. Usually, when the flood begins in the spring, the fish begin to behave more actively, but this is still not the peak.

Let's try to figure out the main features of this issue:

  • Favorable temperature is 18 – 21 degrees.
  • In cold water, fish do not lay eggs.
  • If at the end of spring or early summer the weather is very hot and the water warms up greatly, the activity of the fish drops significantly and there is no need to wait for it.

Based on the above information, we can conclude that river fish begins to increase their activity earlier. This happens because the water in ponds warms up faster than in rivers.

Let's celebrate! Despite the fact that activity depends on the spill, carps lay their eggs further from the shore, trying to hide them. After all, the water will go away and the eggs will end up in the sun, and in shallow water there are too many people who like to feast on such offspring.

Spawning period of carp

Let's consider a list of the main features by which a fisherman, and even an ordinary person, can determine a given period.

  • Males often swim near females, periodically creating splashes of water to attract them. This can be heard perfectly when there is no extraneous noise. Fishermen often walk around a body of water, listening for the most splashes to determine the best spot.
  • During this period, the scales of males become covered with small tubercles, which can be seen with your own eyes. Therefore, if you see something like this, you shouldn’t be scared; in this way, males simplify the release of germ cells.
  • Females, while laying eggs, spread them with their tail. Moreover, this does not happen chaotically or accidentally. The female makes sure that the spark gets into hard-to-reach places or sticks to underwater vegetation.
  • Immediately behind such a female comes the male, who covers the entire eggs with a strong stream of milk.

Good to know! It should be said that the caviar of this type of fish is very easy to distinguish from all other types, due to the fact that the yolk is covered with dots of a peculiar mucous substance.

Features of carp spawning

With the advent of the first rays of the sun, while it is not yet very hot, the fish begin to show strong activity. The females begin to rush around the pond, looking for a suitable place, and after them several males swim at once, who are already ready to fertilize the eggs.

Similar games continue until the water warms up greatly. In such water you should not expect any activity from the carp; it will simply swim quietly and peacefully.

How long does carp stay sick after spawning?

Usually this period takes several weeks, and the fish is completely restored closer to the beginning of July. But it’s worth saying right away that due to different delay times for individuals, some fish are always active.

Let's celebrate! That is, we can say that when fishing, there will be practically no noticeable decrease in the bite. This is only possible if the carp were introduced into the reservoir only a few years ago and almost all of the individuals are still young.

Can carp be caught during spawning?

We can say with some confidence that it is possible to catch fish, but it just becomes a little more difficult. If we talk specifically about the peak of activity, then the bite in males decreases by an average of 30-40%, and in females, in turn, it can decrease to 70-80%.

But don’t despair, activity will increase every day after spawning.

Features of spawning in a pond

The grating process in the pond is indeed slightly different for this species. Ponds, unlike rivers, usually do not overflow as much, which means it is possible to lay offspring closer to the shore.

Usually, spouses choose hard-to-reach places in shallow water. This could be dense thickets of grass or tree roots. Unlike their river counterparts, spawning in ponds can begin earlier, as early as 15 degrees. However, the peak will also be around 18-20 degrees.

Carp spawning in Belarus

Carp spawning in Belarus is not very different from other CIS countries. The only peculiarity is a strict ban on fishing during spawning. While in other countries people often turn a blind eye to this, here it’s the other way around.

Typically, time periods are established during which fishing is prohibited. If we talk specifically about carp, then this is almost always the period from May 31 to July 1.

Carp spawning in the Urals

There are indeed a number of quite serious differences here. One of the main ones is the temperature at which individuals begin mating. Their main peak occurs at 16-18 degrees.

Good to know! Another feature is that you shouldn’t wait long for a bite after this.
In the waters of Uranus, fish begin to bite just a few days after spawning.

Features of the spawning process

Domestic carp always spawn in the pond in the same place. This is shallow water overgrown with aquatic vegetation. The layer of water in such a place is often no higher than the height of the fish at the withers; it happens that a carp, having entered shallow water to spawn, cannot then leave it due to the decline in water and dies. And if the water dries out even more, then the offspring locked in some kind of whirlpool or bay may die.

On the river, spawning grounds can change from year to year due to the variability of the river bed. In this case, carp spawning begins with several scout families. They are, as it were, checking a place for spawning; if they are “approved,” the rest of the flock will come here too.

Spawning begins in the morning at dawn, and fish gather on spawning grounds in the evening throughout the night. The process itself can be divided into several stages:

  1. The female and several males rub their sides, causing the release of eggs and milk.
  2. Mom sweeps out a portion trail of caviar.
  3. After the female, the future fathers swim from above the clutch and cover the eggs with a milky blanket, often jumping out of the water. The milk is shot out with strong pressure, so that the area it covers the eggs is quite large, which has a positive effect on the quality of fertilization.
  4. After spawning, moms and dads go in different directions and are no longer interested in each other or their offspring.

Of almost 300 thousand eggs, only three thousand fry usually hatch; the rest of the eggs are eaten by birds and aquatic inhabitants or dry out when the water level drops. In general, only three hundred carp will live to reach the age of one year; here predators, pike and perch, will work.

The carelessness of the normally cautious carp during spawning is simply amazing. The fish forgets about everything when it gives in to the call of the flesh.

Story from the author:

There was a case when a friend and I were sitting on a pond, catching crucian carp at dawn. The time coincided with the spawning of carp. On the opposite shore, in the shallows in the grass, water was boiling from the fish’s “love.”

From the same side, a man from the nearest village appeared, walking towards the regional center. I saw the spawning process and turned back. He returned with a huge club, took aim, and how it hit the water! A couple of minutes later he was already pulling a stunned carp weighing five kilos out of the water. Carefully placing the club in the grass, he put the carp in the prepared bag, threw it behind his back and dragged it home. We just opened our mouths!

When do carp bite after spawning?

Most often, biting begins 15-20 days after the main phase of egg laying. However, it is difficult to say exact numbers due to the fact that the process itself can last more than a month for the entire species.

It is worth considering other features. For example, in colder regions the bite may begin earlier, within a week.

In general, it is extremely difficult to determine the exact time, but it is still possible to approximately calculate it. The main spawning activity occurs in late May and early June. It’s better not to fish at this time, and in mid-June. A good bite begins closer to the mid-twenties of June and returns to normal closer to early-mid July.

Rest after spawning

Such rest manifests itself as a strong decrease in the activity of individuals. They become a little childish and don't want to do anything, not even take the bait. Master fishermen still manage to catch them during such periods, but it is difficult to do.

Let's celebrate! Fish most often rest in quiet places where there is no strong current. Also often close to tree roots or in thickets of thick grass. Every day the activity increases, and the fish begins to lead an increasingly ordinary lifestyle.

The influence of spawn on the bite

As for the peculiarities of biting during the period before spawning, during spawning and after it, carp behaves the same as most other species of fish. Conventionally, periods of activity of domestic carp are divided into the following periods:

  1. Early spring. When the fish begins to wake up after hibernation and begins to feed heavily, it prefers high-calorie animal food. The best baits are a bunch of worms or bloodworms; boilies with meat or fish flavors are also used. The bite has begun.
  2. Before spawning. Carps eat intensely, and prefer small-fraction food due to swollen caviar and milt. The bite reaches a peak, but not a maximum. Carp are caught at this time using the smallest boilies, worms, and maggots.
  3. Spawning. Only immature individuals under three years of age feed. At this time, carp from three hundred grams to half a kilogram are biting well. These undergrowth will eat everything that is offered to them: from bloodworms to corn.
  4. After the spawn. The weakened fish begins to eat little by little, restoring its strength. Gradually, the carp's appetites increase, and after a week a real glutton sets in, lasting 7-12 days. Preference in nutrition is changing to plant components. The animal flavor changes first to spicy and then to sweet fruity flavors.
  5. Summer. After the meal, the fish’s activity stabilizes, and it bites in a natural, measured rhythm.

If at the beginning of spring it is difficult to find a certain point of carp parking, due to the scarcity of the early spring diet, the fish are in constant search for food, then before spawning, carps occupy places on the border with future spawning grounds.

Having spawned, they roll down to almost the same points, gradually moving into the pools and to the edges. Therefore, after spawning, it is advisable to first examine the nearest changes in depth near carp spawning grounds: coastal holes and steps. And of course, carp can always be found near some snag where the fish feels most protected.


Can artificially bred carp spawn?

It is quite difficult to say exactly, because there are a huge number of bred carp. Some of them spawn, but others do this extremely rarely. It is worth saying that the majority of even those bred in an artificial environment are capable of independent reproduction.

To summarize, I would like to say that carp spawning is a unique phenomenon and very different from spawning in other species. To know exactly when it all starts, you should definitely monitor the average daily temperature, and also know a few features regarding the reproduction of this fish.

Laying eggs

The fisherman must know how and when spawning begins for each species. This will not only affect the percentage of successful catches, but will also help him avoid fines. After all, as you know, fishing is prohibited during this period.

Usually fish spawning occurs after a long feeding period. This is the golden time for the fisherman, when the prey begins to actively bite, and equally well on various baits and baits. For many species, food of animal origin is especially popular during the pre-spawning period, allowing them to obtain much larger amounts of substances useful for life and future reproduction.

Read Fishing lures and making them yourself

This period before spawning, unfortunately for fishermen, does not last long: from seven to fourteen days. At the same time, predators fatten a little longer than other types of fish. For example, in cyprinids, spawning occurs so quickly that you can simply not notice it.

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