17 best baits for fishing - Rating 2021

The best universal bait for bream

Sensas 3000 Club Bremes

Sensas 3000 Club Bremes groundbait mixture is capable of attracting bream at any time of the year - the aromatic mixture works well in both warm and cold water. The grind is medium. Depending on the color of the bottom soil, you can choose bait with the appropriate shade.

  • Brune groundbait has a dark brown color. It is used for fishing in cold water.
  • The classic bait Sensas 3000 Club Bremes is yellow in color and its composition is ideally balanced for summer fishing.
  • The Noire mixture has a dark color and large fractions. It attracts large bream well in autumn.
  • perfect balance of components;
  • aroma attractive to bream;
  • can be used at any time of the year.
  • high price.

About the benefits

So, what advantages does basic bait give to an angler?
From a budget saving point of view, this is an ideal option. It is much cheaper than full-fledged bait and is often sold in larger packaging. The financial benefits of basic bait are most noticeable during amateur fishing when fishing in the current (especially in the absence of competition from other fishermen). During a current you always need a lot of food - about a third more than in standing water. Having once replaced expensive full-fledged bait with basic bait, I was pleasantly surprised by the results of my fishing. As they say, cheap and cheerful. Opening and closing the “wet water” season is always more effective with a base. Often in cold water (below 10-12 degrees) basic bait turns out to be unusually effective (this happens especially often in early spring). Obviously, this is due to the fact that it has no flavorings. It's no secret that food flavorings, which manufacturers love to add to their baits, are more designed to attract the attention of the buyer (angler). And for fish, overly flavored baits can also have a negative effect.

Another undeniable advantage of basic baits is their longer shelf life. The secret is simple: the base consists of slowly oxidizing components, most of which have not been subjected to heat treatment. Biscuits and fried oilseeds, which are necessarily contained in any high-quality, complete bait, can be stored without going rancid only if expensive preservatives are present.

And, of course, the base gives the fisherman an unlimited approach to making his own unique recipes. Many of us enthusiastically watch videos featuring Evgeniy Sereda. The non-standard nature of his approach to fishing is largely due to the fact that he uses bait designed for each specific fishing trip. Inspired by his experience, I began to actively experiment with compositions and soon noticed that, compared to standard full-fledged mixtures, my baits turned out to be more adapted to the specific reservoirs where I mainly fish. After several training fishing trips, I knew quite accurately which active component and in what quantity should be added to achieve the best result.

And the self-prepared bait was guaranteed to be fresh. Gradually, I discovered which active components play a decisive role in a particular body of water at one time or another. The process of assembling your own bait turned out to be a very exciting experience, and I want to share this experience with you.

Advertising constantly pushes us towards some additives, and many fishermen begin to use them without thinking about their feasibility. Although this should always be done thoughtfully and carefully.

The best bait for float fishing for bream

Traper Bream

Traper Bream bait is distinguished by its originality and careful selection of components and aromas. The mixture attracts not only bream, but also other large fish. The manufacturer has added additives that attract fish from long distances. The complex combination of smells is based on the aroma of cloves, which bream loves. The presence of medium and large fractions allows you to retain trophy fish at the feeding point for a long time. Depending on the fishing location, you can adjust the consistency and density of the bait balls. For fishing in reservoirs and lakes, additives and light soil are added to the bait. When fishing in the current, clay is added to the mixture.

  • rich bouquet of aromas;
  • presence of large fractions;
  • affordable price.
  • additional components must be introduced.

High-quality bait for fish


Groundbait mixture SECTOR-GF Feeder Crucian

Rating 4.7

Type bait mixture Type of fish for crucian carp Season summer Ingredients biscuit, cookies, sweet corn, crackers, hemp, flax, fish meal, bite activators, flavors and flavor enhancers, branded ingredients

4.7 / 5 rating


Energy winter universal bait mixture

150 rub.
Rating 4.7

Simple feeding at a good price. Bloodworms have long been familiar to fishermen since ancient times. These are mosquito larvae, they constantly swim on the water and attract hungry fish. This type of bait is used in winter. A hungry fish tries to fill its belly as quickly as possible and does not notice any extraneous sounds.

Type bait mixture Season winter

4.7 / 5 rating


Grain mixture for bait G-7 Strawberry Mix

114 RUR
Rating 5.0

1 reviews

A grain mixture of many different grains, well soaked in strong strawberry flavoring. The composition contains biscuit, which adds a dense structure. The middle fraction easily falls apart in water into small pieces.

Type grain mixture Season summer Ingredients: processed grains, biscuit, crackers, pancakes, flavorings Additional information middle fraction

5.0 / 5 rating


Groundbait mixture Greenfishing Effect Feeder

97 RUR
Rating 5.0

2 reviews

Summer bait mixture of breadcrumbs and various cereals and confectionery products. Fish like this mixture because of snow. In the summer, they are spoiled by various insects, so they actively try to eat other foods.

Type bait mixture Season summer Ingredients: crumbs, biscuit, corn, cookies, cereals, confectionery crumbs, sugar, salt, weighting agent, spices, food coloring, flavorings

Main advantages:

The price is very attractive!



5.0 / 5 rating


The composition looks very high quality, I will try it at work. Well, everything is fine!!!

Read more


Groundbait mixture GF Universal

133 RUR
Rating 4.7

Winter bait mixture with the scent of bloodworms, fish in winter really want to eat insects, so the scent of bloodworms provokes them to be careless. While eating, they do not notice noises. The base is a mixture of crackers and various cereals, there are some spices and a flavor enhancer. We advise you to scatter it at the fishing spot half an hour beforehand; the fish will have time to get closer during this time.

Type bait mixture Season winter Ingredients biscuit crumbs, crackers, hemp, flax, nuts, grains, sugar, salt, food flavorings, sweet paprika, red pepper, natural spices, sesame, coriander, dill, dextrose, flavor enhancer

4.7 / 5 rating

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The best winter bait for bream

Mondial-F Wintermix Bream Red

For winter bream fishing, a dry bait mixture, Mondial-F Wintermix Bream Red, has been created. It smells like bloodworms and worms, which become a delicacy for fish in winter. The lump of prepared bait crumbles only when it reaches the bottom surface. To keep the bream under the hole, anglers should put small portions of prepared bait into the water. An important advantage of the composition is its resistance to frost. The famous sports fisherman Normundas Grabovskis took an active part in the development of the bait. Numerous tests have confirmed the effectiveness of the bait composition in the reservoirs of Latvia and Russia.

  • does not freeze at negative temperatures;
  • has an attractive aroma of bloodworms and worms;
  • the lump disintegrates at the bottom.
  • narrow focus of the composition.

Top 6 Best baits for Bream

You can purposefully catch bream only with the use of bait. However, not any composition may interest this cautious fish. The mixture must contain a whole range of high-quality components. Having an excellent sense of smell, bream will not approach a bait spot that contains stale ingredients.

The choice of the best bait for bream depends on the place and method of fishing. Despite the fact that schools of bream feed in the bottom layer, the composition is selected taking into account the depth and strength of the current. In most cases, the angler can adjust the density of the moistened ball by adding clay, sand or soil.

It is necessary to select a bait mixture taking into account the fishing method. If there is a feeder in the feeder to deliver a portion of bait, then fans of float fishing have to make balls. In both cases, it is necessary to achieve such a consistency that the lump disintegrates after falling to the bottom. Then it will be possible to achieve a localized spot that the flock will approach.

Large bream has a good appetite. Therefore, it is possible to detain it at the feeding point only if there are large particles of food in the composition.

Our rating includes the best bream baits for different fishing conditions. All of them have been tested by experienced forest climbers and athletes.

1) Sensas 3000 Club Bremes300 (1 kg)

Sensas 3000 Club Bremes groundbait mixture is capable of attracting bream at any time of the year - the aromatic mixture works well in both warm and cold water. The grind is medium. Depending on the color of the bottom soil, you can choose bait with the appropriate shade.

Brune groundbait has a dark brown color. It is used for fishing in cold water.

The classic bait Sensas 3000 Club Bremes is yellow in color and its composition is ideally balanced for summer fishing.

The Noire mixture has a dark color and large fractions. It attracts large bream well in autumn.

perfect balance of components;

aroma attractive to bream;

can be used at any time of the year.

2) Traper Bream155 (1 kg)

Traper Bream bait is distinguished by its originality and careful selection of components and aromas. The mixture attracts not only bream, but also other large fish. The manufacturer has added additives that attract fish from long distances. The complex combination of smells is based on the aroma of cloves, which bream loves. The presence of medium and large fractions allows you to retain trophy fish at the feeding point for a long time. Depending on the fishing location, you can adjust the consistency and density of the bait balls. For fishing in reservoirs and lakes, additives and light soil are added to the bait. When fishing in the current, clay is added to the mixture.

rich bouquet of aromas;

presence of large fractions;

additional components must be introduced.

3) Mondial-F Wintermix Bream Red110 (1 kg)

For winter bream fishing, a dry bait mixture, Mondial-F Wintermix Bream Red, has been created. It smells like bloodworms and worms, which become a delicacy for fish in winter. The lump of prepared bait crumbles only when it reaches the bottom surface. To keep the bream under the hole, anglers should put small portions of prepared bait into the water. An important advantage of the composition is its resistance to frost. The famous sports fisherman Normundas Grabovskis took an active part in the development of the bait. Numerous tests have confirmed the effectiveness of the bait composition in the reservoirs of Latvia and Russia.

The best inexpensive domestic bait for bream

Dunaev Premium Bream

The most popular bait among domestic formulations is Dunaev Premium Bream. It is designed for fish living in the Gulf of Finland. However, this mixture works excellently in other reservoirs of Russia. Groundbait is combined with copro-molasses; in most cases, this mix leads to an enhanced effect. You can add strong selective flavors to the bait; this is useful when a lot of annoying little things come to the bait spot. To increase weight and volume, it is recommended to add river clay.

  • works well in lakes and rivers;
  • combines with various flavors;
  • holds bream for a long time.
  • requires the addition of flavorings.

The best summer bait for bream

Marcel Van Den Eynde Gold-Pro Greel

More than 30 years ago, the famous sports fisherman Marcel Van Den Eende developed this bait for bream. However, it was not produced for serial sale. Marcel managed to win various competitions in Belgium, Germany and Holland with trophy fish. For many years, the Marcel team used groundbait during the warmer months. The secret to catchability lies in the strong sweet aroma that attracts bream. The prepared bait mixture holds well in the feeder. The balls “explode” only at the bottom. This bait can be mixed with other VDE formulations to create the ideal mixture for any fishing conditions.

  • strong sweetish aroma;
  • can be mixed with other formulations;
  • The bream lingers on the bait spot for a long time.
  • not suitable for cold water.

The best feeder bait for bream

GF Feeder Bream

First-class baits for feeder fishing for bream are produced by the Greenfishing company. They are created according to the original recipe using high-quality ingredients. The composition includes medium and fine fraction ingredients, as well as weighting agents and flavorings. The mixture has a distinct, long-lasting color and targeted focus. Optimal adhesion and color of the cloud is ensured by a mixture of different bentotite adhesives. The moistened bait tightly fills the contents of the feeder. Having reached the bottom, the lump disintegrates into a local spot and immediately begins to attract bream with a sweetish smell.

  • quality ingredients;
  • affordable price;
  • selective effect on bream.
  • Not strong enough aroma.

When choosing the best bait, anglers should take into account the seasonal preferences of bream and weather conditions.

  • In cold water it is difficult to entice fish with sweet aromas. The composition should contain ingredients that have the smell of animal food. But with large factions it is important not to overdo it. In spring and autumn, the bait should contain a small amount of grains and granules so that the fish does not get enough before the angler casts the fishing rod.
  • A special place in the line of many manufacturers is occupied by products for ice fishing . In addition to attractive components, the composition should contain substances that prevent the mixture from freezing. Bloodworms become the main food for bream in winter. It is added to the mixture, both live and canned.
  • In hot weather, bream responds well to sweet, rich odors. But the bait must also retain its freshness for a long time and not sour. In summer, fish quickly digest the food they eat, so there should be a lot of large fractions in the composition.

Bream is suspicious and cautious. Therefore, at the bottom it is necessary to create a bait spot matching the color of the soil . With strong contrast, you can hardly hope for a good bite.

Only those fishermen who constantly experiment and analyze can find the key to bream in every reservoir. So, take your fishing rods, bait, lures, and go to the pond. Good luck with your fishing!

Total votes - 7, rating - 4.4

* please note that the reliability of the information and results of ratings is subjective and does not constitute advertising

The best baits for fishing

Place number 7. Traper . A Polish brand with a very rich assortment. What I liked most was the special series of baits for catching bream. The yellow colored blend tested was Traper Belge, which has a classic sweet aroma. The main advantage of this bait is that it was able to attract large white bream and bream. The manufacturer has a very high quality carp series. Groundbait with strawberry flavor has proven itself especially well.

Place number 6. Dynamite Baits . This English manufacturer primarily specializes in boilies. However, the bait from this company is also of very high quality. Chocolate-coconut bait performed well when fishing for carp. I was very pleased with the fish-flavored pellets. A must-try bait for carp and even bream fishermen.

Place number 5. Fish dream . Groundbait from a domestic manufacturer, which is distinguished by a rich selection of all kinds of mixtures for catching peaceful fish. Very good results were obtained by mixing Fish Dream river bait and Fish Dream bream. The line also includes a very catchy bait for roach.

Place number 4. Flagship . Groundbait The flagship of the Ukrainian manufacturer, which is rapidly developing. I was very pleased with the pricing policy of this brand. I liked the Gold series bream bait the most. Fishing was very effective if you mixed Flagman Gold Super River Bream and Flagman Bream Cinnamon.

Place number 3. Dunaev. Fishing bait Dunaev.

This domestic manufacturer can easily compete with its European counterparts. The fairly wide range is a pleasant surprise.

Dunaev Premium bream and Dunaev-Fadeev Carp red bait was tested. If the bait for bream was not particularly surprising, then the “red carp” put a flock of carp on the spot very successfully!

Place number 2. Groundbait Sansas.

Sensas. Feeder fishing classic! This French manufacturer is a guarantee that you will receive high-quality bait.

The Sensas 3000 etang is perfect for catching small fish at a fast pace.

From subjective observations, it is better to mix Sensas baits with skill, and not haphazardly.

For catching roach in still water, the combination of Super Etang Roach and 3000 Roach worked great.

But for bream on the Dnieper, the mixture of 3000 Super riviere bremes and 3000 River proved to be ideal. When catching bream on a feeder, such a mixture will be very useful.

Place #1. VDE groundbait.

VDE is not an easy three letters. This is a real brand that represents quality in the fishing bait market.

For a person who has at least a little tasted the joy of feeder fishing, we will definitely recommend going fishing at least once with this Belgian bait. The result will definitely justify the investment!

Among the baits for bream, I was struck by Gold Pro Bream.

If you are fishing on a fast river, mix this mixture with Turbo+ and enjoy catching big bream!

And if you prefer fishing without current, then combine Super Feed and Super Cup. Active fishing for completely different types of fish is guaranteed!

Who has won? And you are the winner, dear fisherman. You who are looking for different bait options for fishing, who experiment and take risks! You, who move fishing progress forward and discover new ways to attract fish. You, who come to the pond for harmony, and at the same time feed the fish with first-class bait!

Best Braided Lines for Fishing

As the basis of fishing tackle in the warm season, professionals recommend using a device that is created by weaving several thread-like fibers into one cord. Compared to monofilament fishing line, it has greater sensitivity and tensile strength, as well as the absence of a “memory” effect, which makes fishing more comfortable. At low temperatures, the material of the accessory quickly freezes and becomes unusable, so you should not choose it in winter. The rating includes the best braided lines for fishing, compiled taking into account user reviews and analysis of the technical parameters of the models.


First of all, you need to make the necessary list of what needs to be prepared and put in order for further use. The list is very important, since there is a huge amount of equipment and consumables, and it’s not surprising to forget something during the session. When preparing for tournaments, special attention must be paid to equipment, bait, mounting and leashes, as well as PVA materials.

Before the carp session, you need to collect a lot of information about the reservoir and the fish you are going to catch, and only then decide on the bait program. If knowledge about the reservoir does not allow you to focus on one single program, you need to create two or three bait programs, the composition of which you will change depending on the conditions obtained during the tournament. In this case, a program means a set of carp nutrition, consisting of two, maximum three lines of flavors, which may include boiled boilies, dusting boilies, pop-up floating boilies, neutral buoyancy boilies, boosters, dips, and so on. In other words, a feeding program is a combination of types of bait and feeding tactics, taking into account the pace of feeding and, of course, the volume of feeding. At the same time, based on the general principles of choosing flavors, you should be guided by the choice of sweet flavors for a warm period of time, such as the Strawberry (Strawberry), Plum (Plum), Sweet Corn (Corn) lines. During the cold water period, it is better to use strong meat flavors and spice flavors such as Horn (Spices), Pandora (Sea reptiles and spices) Belachan (fermented shrimp). However, this does not mean that fish or meat flavors cannot be used during the hot summer months. Each body of water has its own characteristics and sometimes “playing” with contrast can bear fruit.

Tiger Nut boilies tiger nut 1 kg RHINO BAITS 649 for 1 piece. Boilies attachment Tiger Nut tiger nut, 0.5 kg RHINO BAITS 419 for 1 pc. Bait Booster Liquid Food Dark Plum 1.2 liters RHINO BAITS 1,199 for 1 piece. Bait Booster Liquid Food Pineapple N-Butyric 1.2 liters RHINO BAITS 989 for 1 piece. Kraken boilies squid and fruit, 1 kg RHINO BAITS 619 for 1 piece. Boilies C-4 citrus, 1 kg RHINO BAITS 649 for 1 pc. Champion boilies bloodworm and fruit, 1 kg RHINO BAITS 649 per 1 piece. Boilies Dark Plum dark plum, 1 kg RHINO BAITS 619 for 1 piece. Banana boilies (banana), 1 kg RHINO BAITS 619 for 1 piece. Belachan fermented shrimp boilies, 1 kg RHINO BAITS 579 for 1 pc. Boilies Pop-up, roll & dumbells, White Chocolate white chocolate, 12 mm, 70 g RHINO BAITS 589 for 1 pc. Bait Booster Liquid Food Super Strawberry 1.2 liters RHINO BAITS 989 for 1 piece. Boilies Rhino Honey honey, 0.5 kg RHINO BAITS 389 for 1 pc. Boilies Rhino Honey honey, 1 kg RHINO BAITS 619 for 1 pc. Monster Rhino Black boilies monster crab and black pepper 1 kg RHINO BAITS 619 for 1 pc. Attachment boilies C-4 citrus, 0.5 kg RHINO BAITS 419 for 1 pc. Bait Booster Liquid Food Liver 1.2 liters RHINO BAITS 989 for 1 piece. Boilies Monster Rhino Black monster crab and black pepper, 0.5 kg RHINO BAITS 389 for 1 pc. Instant boilies Rhino Honey honey, 18 mm, 350 g RHINO BAITS 389 for 1 pc. Boilies Champion bloodworms and fruits, 0.5 kg RHINO BAITS 419 for 1 pc. Instant boilies Tiger nut tiger nut, 18 mm, 150 g RHINO BAITS 269 for 1 pc. DIP Belachan fermented shrimp, 120 ml jar RHINO BAITS 419 for 1 pc. Bait Booster Liquid Food Banana 1.2 liters RHINO BAITS 989 for 1 piece. Instant boilies Super Strawberry super strawberry, 2 kg RHINO BAITS 1,379 per 1 piece. Boilies Pandora sea reptiles and spices, 0.5 kg RHINO BAITS 419 for 1 piece. Boilies Pineapple pineapple + N-Butyric 1 kg RHINO BAITS 619 for 1 pc. DIP Dark Plum dark plum, 120 ml jar RHINO BAITS 419 for 1 pc. Instant boilies Monster Crab Rhino Black monster crab and black pepper, 18 mm, 150 g RHINO BAITS 249 for 1 pc. Bait Booster Liquid Food Kraken 1.2 liters RHINO BAITS 1,199 for 1 piece. Instant boilies Kraken squid and fruit, 2 kg RHINO BAITS 1,379 per 1 piece. Boilies Pineapple pineapple + N-Butyric, 0.5 kg RHINO BAITS 389 for 1 pc. Boilies Pop-up, roll & dumbells, Strawberry, 12 mm, 70 g RHINO BAITS 589 for 1 pc. DIP Banana banana, 120 ml jar RHINO BAITS 419 for 1 pc. Boilies Pop-up, roll & dumbells, C4 (citrus), 12 mm, 70 g RHINO BAITS 589 for 1 pc. DIP Monster Rhino Black monster crab and black pepper, 120 ml jar RHINO BAITS 419 for 1 pc. Liver boilies, 1 kg RHINO BAITS 579 for 1 piece. Instant boilies Pineapple pineapple + N-Butyric, 18 mm, 350 g RHINO BAITS 389 for 1 pc. Instant boilies Monster Crab Rhino Black monster crab and black pepper, 2 kg RHINO BAITS 1,379 per 1 piece. Pandora boilies sea reptiles and spices 1 kg RHINO BAITS 649 for 1 piece. DIP Honey honey, jar 120 ml RHINO BAITS 419 for 1 pc. Boilies Banana banana, 0.5 kg RHINO BAITS 389 for 1 pc. Instant boilies Dark Plum dark plum, 2 kg RHINO BAITS 1,379 per 1 piece. Instant boilies Kraken squid and fruit, 18 mm, 350 g RHINO BAITS 389 for 1 pc. Instant boilies Belachan fermented shrimp, 2 kg RHINO BAITS 1,379 per 1 piece. Corn steep liquor + Pineapple N-Butyric 500 ml RHINO BAITS 289 for 1 piece. Liquid nutrition Booster Liquid Food Liver liver, 500 ml RHINO BAITS 593 for 1 pc. Boilies Super Strawberry super strawberry, 0.5 kg RHINO BAITS 389 for 1 pc. Corn steep liquor 500 ml RHINO BAITS 239 for 1 pc. DIP Pineapple N-Butyric pineapple, 120 ml jar RHINO BAITS 419 for 1 pc. Liquid nutrition Booster Liquid Food Dark Plum dark plum, 500 ml RHINO BAITS 659 for 1 pc. Instant boilies Pandora sea reptiles and spices, 2 kg RHINO BAITS 1,379 per 1 piece. DIP Pandora sea reptiles and spices, 120 ml jar RHINO BAITS 419 for 1 pc. Liquid nutrition Bait Booster Liquid Food Super Strawberry super strawberry, 500 ml RHINO BAITS 599 for 1 piece. DIP Kraken squid and fruit, 120 ml jar RHINO BAITS 419 for 1 pc. Instant boilies Pineapple pineapple + N-Butyric, 2 kg RHINO BAITS 1,379 per 1 piece. Mix for PVA STICK MIX Fish fish, 1350 g RHINO BAITS 1,159 for 1 piece. Instant boilies Rhino Honey honey, 18 mm, 150 g RHINO BAITS 249 for 1 pc. Boilies Kraken squid and fruit, 0.5 kg RHINO BAITS 389 for 1 piece. Balanced boilies, Kraken squid and fruit, 14 mm, 100 g RHINO BAITS 598 for 1 piece. Liquid nutrition Booster Liquid Food Banana Banana 500 ml RHINO BAITS 599 for 1 pc. Balanced boilies, Plum plum, 14 mm, 100 g RHINO BAITS 598 for 1 pc. DIP C-4 citrus, 120 ml jar RHINO BAITS 419 for 1 pc. Liquid nutrition Booster Liquid Food C-4 citrus 500 ml RHINO BAITS 659 for 1 pc. Balanced boilies, C-4 citrus, 14 mm, 100 g RHINO BAITS 598 for 1 piece. Corn steep liquor + Dark Plum 500 ml RHINO BAITS 289 for 1 piece. Liquid food Booster Liquid Food Monster Crab monster crab, 1200 ml RHINO BAITS 1,199 per 1 piece. Corn steep liquor + Pineapple N-Butyric 1200 ml RHINO BAITS 479 for 1 piece. Corn steep liquor + Super Strawberry 500 ml RHINO BAITS 289 for 1 pc. Instant boilies Pineapple pineapple + N-Butyric, 18 mm, 150 g RHINO BAITS 249 for 1 pc. Instant boilies Kraken squid and fruit, 18 mm, 150 g RHINO BAITS 249 for 1 pc. Liquid nutrition Booster Liquid Food Kraken squid and fruit, 500 ml RHINO BAITS 659 for 1 piece. Corn steep liquor + Kraken 1200 ml RHINO BAITS 479 for 1 pc. Liquid nutrition Booster Liquid Food Pineapple N-Butyric pineapple, 500 ml RHINO BAITS 599 for 1 piece. Corn steep liquor + Dark Plum 1200 ml RHINO BAITS 479 for 1 piece.

So let's get back to preparation. It is important to note that time is a decisive factor in competitions; it is very important for athletes to minimize the time spent on each of the actions. Of course, when you go to a freestyle session, you can have a huge amount of time and create bait mixes directly on the pond. During competitions, feeds are very voluminous, a lot of time is spent on cutting boilies in order to create a composition of different factions. For the first starting feeding - the smallest fraction. Then the size and quantity gradually increases towards the last day, reaching whole boilies, if, of course, the fish gives you a response - it simply bites. Again, the program can be adjusted depending on the weather, sector, bite and neighbors, but in order not to waste time chopping boilies during the session, it is advisable to do these manipulations in advance.


On free-range fishing and when catching exclusively trophy fish, anglers prepare their leashes shortly before casting or bringing in equipment, because there is plenty of time to collect the next equipment. But for competitions it is necessary to have from one hundred, and sometimes up to two hundred, pre-knitted leashes, since hooks can become dull and break, the leash material can also become unusable, and there is practically no time for tying leashes at competitions. Also, the peculiarity of preparing leashes is that it is necessary to have different options for different fishing conditions and fish behavior: with braid, without braid, on fluorocarbon, shorter or longer, there are a lot of leash options and each is selected for certain fishing conditions.

In carp fishing, a leash is considered safe if the bait is attached to it using a “hair”. This type of equipment does not allow the carp to swallow the hook deeply and prevents injury to the fish. In other words, the nozzle is not put directly on the hook, but is fixed on the hair outlet in the immediate vicinity of the hook, going around it. The attachment itself, most often a boilie, is put on the hair using a tool - a needle.

Ready-made leash with hook No. 2 “Maruto” Specialist CARP PRO Flagman 100 for 1 pc. Carp leash GENTLEFORCE 20lb, 20cm, BROWN MUGGA No. 6 Carpe Diem 209 for 1 pack.


Sticks are pressed bags of bait, stuffed with a plunger and tube into a mesh made of PVA materials. When a stick or PVA bag (bag) gets into water, the PVA material completely dissolves, while the aromatic composition remains in close proximity to the hook. There are several opinions about sticks: some prepare them at the session, while others, on the contrary, prepare them a day or two before leaving for the session. It is important to distinguish between free fishing and competitions; nothing prevents the angler from preparing sticks while on the shore, but it should be taken into account that about two hundred sticks are spent during competitions. This is not a quick task and is often tedious. Returning to the topic of flavors, it should also be mentioned that most often two or three types of boilies are added to the sticks, without combining sweet flavors with fishy ones. At the same time, experienced athletes can use up to ten to fifteen ingredients in the stick mix, such as ground hemp, crushed pop-ups, pellets. To make knitting sticks easier, special ready-made stick mixes are created, sometimes consisting of more than ten ingredients, among which sweet and fishy flavors also stand out, such as STICK MIX (mix for PVA) FISH (fish), STICK MIX (mix for PVA) Fruit (fruit).

Package PVA Soldiz Bags 45×100 mm KPVA1 Korda 405 for 1 pc.

When preparing for a session, it is important to inspect all equipment; perhaps something needs to be purchased or replaced: fishing lines, leadcores, weights, quick releases, etc. It is necessary to analyze the equipment, ranging from consumables to furniture. Only knowledge about the reservoir can provide maximum assistance to an angler in preparing for fishing. Depending on the fishing conditions: water temperature, time of year, size of the fish, presence of grass, and so on, the fisherman selects consumables: line thickness, types of hooks, leader materials, types of installation.

It is worth noting a separate part of the preparation – the emotional mood. Just starting his journey in carp fishing, an athlete may sleep poorly before a tournament, worry, worry if he has pulled out a sector that is not promising, lack of bites, etc. It is important to understand that you can work in every sector! This time. The more you participate in tournaments and free sessions, the more experience you gain, and, in the end, three days on the pond with your team doing what you love – isn’t that happiness? To summarize, you should always be determined to fight until the last second and enjoy every moment.

We talked about preparing for the competition. Preparation for regular sessions may not be as thorough and meticulous. In a free session, you can practice different options on the spot, since you are usually not in a rush. And even if you catch one or two fewer fish, nothing bad will happen, the main thing is pleasure!

Which brand of braided line for fishing is best to choose?

A good spinning rod element can be purchased inexpensively. To do this, you need to know which brands produce quality products at low and medium prices. If fishing is a hobby for which you don’t mind investing money, then premium braids from Berkley, Sufix or Varivas are suitable. The review presents the best companies producing fishing products:

  • Salmo Group is a Latvian manufacturer of goods for recreation and tourism. The product range includes all groups of goods for specialized stores for fishermen. Every year the company releases new models and improves old devices. They combine quality, innovative technology, and practicality. The principle of the company is professionalism and accessibility.
  • Daiwa Seiko Corporation is a Japanese corporation that produces fishing equipment and accessories, sportswear, travel clothing, and bicycles. The company is considered a leader in the field of innovation and technology used in the production of goods. The company's owners claim that their products will allow you to enjoy fishing to the fullest.
  • Allvega is a company founded by active athletes and fishing business professionals. Before reaching the store shelves, all products are tested under various field conditions by a team of experts. One of the principles of work is a creative approach to development. The best price/quality ratio of products is due to the use of the latest achievements of science and technology.
  • Newell Brands , an American company producing various consumer products, merged in 2015 with Jarden Corporation, which produced products for fishermen under the Spiderwire brand. The popularity of the products is due to the use of a unique technology for creating fishing cords.
  • Sunline is a Japanese company that produces several types of fishing equipment. The company leads the rating of braided cords among Japanese manufacturers. The range includes all types of products for all types of fish and fishing methods. The products are valued for their high sensitivity, wear resistance, and uniform diameter along the entire length.
  • Innovative Textiles ., Inc is an American company that owns the Power Pro brand of braided lines and cords. The quality of the products has long been appreciated by Russian spinning anglers and feeder fishing enthusiasts. The advantages include the strength of materials and the introduction of innovative technologies. The great popularity of the devices has led to counterfeits going on sale.
  • Morris Co , Ltd. – the Japanese concern is a leader in the production of equipment and accessories for extreme fishing under the Varivas brand. The company releases new models of cords more often than others; they are suitable for various fishing methods, which explains the high demand for the products.
  • Berkley is an American company that produces a wide range of fishing tackle. Over the years of its existence, its engineers have developed various innovative fishing lines and cords that best meet the needs of anglers. All products meet quality and environmental standards.
  • Aqua , a St. Petersburg company, tries to take into account the wishes of each client in its work and develop devices that take into account the peculiarities of fishing in domestic conditions. Such nuances allowed the product to be in demand among Russian fishermen in different regions.

Rating of braided lines for fishing

The market for fishing accessories is represented by various models of braids. Not all samples have good parameters; with a number of devices, fishing will become torture. When choosing, experts recommend taking into account features that affect performance, durability, price/quality ratio, reviews from amateurs and professionals. The rating of braided lines for fishing is based on an analysis of the following characteristics:

  • Diameter;
  • Extensibility;
  • Number of braided threads;
  • Strength;
  • Material;
  • Length;
  • Color.

Manufacturers often indicate breaking load in pounds instead of diameter. The value of the parameter is indicated by the symbols LB, 1 unit is equal to approximately 0.45 kg. In Japanese models, the diameter can be determined by the number. #1 symbols mean 0.165mm. The top takes into account such nuances; the nominees are divided into 2 categories for ease of selection. In each section of the top you will find a detailed description, pros and cons of each model of the best braided cords for fishing.

Selection of store baits

Let's go over the quality criteria for feeder baits. The better the area is fed, the longer the flock will stay there.

Feeder bait is aimed at the formation of a “food spot” consisting of differently dispersed particles. It must contain sufficiently voluminous particles (corn, pearl barley, peas) so that a school of bream does not move away and feed quickly. All components of the bait must be thoroughly mixed. It should disintegrate at the bottom, creating a trail of small particles of food.

If there is no school in the area, then the mixture should have enough light volatile particles that can be transported over long distances and cause the bream to swim upstream. Bream loves appetizing smells, and the further downstream these aromas spread, the more suitable the bream will be to the fishing spot. The bait mixture should be washed out of the feeder within ten minutes. It is important to pay attention to the smell when purchasing.

The best flavors for bream are:

  1. Coriander. It has a sharp, but at the same time pleasant smell. You need to grind directly at the fishing site.
  2. Cumin, crushed in a mill, is liked by the bream.
  3. Dill seeds powder. Add up to three teaspoons per kilogram of bait.
  4. Liquid aromas with fruity scents (apricot, vanilla, banana, strawberry). They must first be diluted in water. Not recommended for use in wild lakes.

Bream may react to a combination of odors of cinnamon, anise, vanilla, caramel, cocoa, sunflower oil, and fruit syrups.

Bream, unlike carp, is not afraid of light-colored bait (Sensas 3000 Feeder bait)

The necessary ingredients in bait can be grouped by purpose:

  1. The base is a nutritional component. Usually these are small ingredients: dry cereal, ground crackers, cookies, cake (crushed flax, rapeseed, hemp, pumpkin seeds). The base should attract the fish with its fine particles sprayed in the water. Depending on the strength of the river current, the grinding base is partially carried away by the current. It gives the fish a taste sensation without saturation. The basic composition makes up up to sixty percent of the total volume of bait.
  2. The feed component is a filler. It, together with part of the first group of ingredients, is a nutritional base and keeps a school of bream in place. As an additive, boiled grains of cereals, peas, corn, and boiled cereals are taken. You can flavor all this with bait elements: chopped worms, maggots, as well as peeled sunflower seeds, chopped boiled pasta, and mixed feed. Thanks to the filler, the fish stays at the feeding site. This group of ingredients is especially important for large bream. It makes up about forty percent of the groundbait.
  3. Binding ingredients are everything that can bind the first two groups together while they sink to the bottom. This can be wheat flour, crushed oatmeal, water, clay, sugar, dry ground peas.
  4. Flavorings give the bait a pleasant smell for the fish. Bream loves honey, cocoa, coffee, crushed seeds, vanilla, essential oils, fruit syrups, and chocolate. They must be used carefully, as the strong smell can scare away fish, especially in cold weather.
  5. Dyes give the bait color. Clay and crackers can also serve in this capacity.

Store-bought mixtures for catching crucian carp

Fishing stores have a fairly large selection of baits for catching crucian carp. Your task is to choose the bait that is suitable specifically for your conditions. On the packs the manufacturer writes what smell the bait has. If you fish in cold water, then take better bait with the smell of anise. If you fish on the river with a feeder, then take mixtures with names like “Feeder - crucian carp”. Recently, quite a lot of groundbaits with a garlic scent have appeared. They are suitable for spring fishing and float fishing in the summer.

In general, store-bought mixtures are best used in conjunction with homemade baits. For example, undercooked millet porridge goes very well with fine-grained groundbait. This mixture is suitable for fishing with all types of gear. If we fish in a stronger current, then we make the bait more viscous by adding clay to it.

Yes, let’s also note clay and soil as important components when fishing on rivers with strong currents. The function of clay and soil is to make the mixture heavier and deplete its nutritional value when fishing in cold weather. Depending on the strength of the current, one or another amount of clay is added. The stronger the current, the more clay you need. In some cases, its amount is 50% of the entire mixture. Don't forget to take into account the color of the bottom. If the bottom is muddy, then add soil to the bait; if it is sandy, then add clay.

Preparing homemade feeder bait for bream for fishing in the current

The bait should keep the bream fed for as long as possible in conditions of strong or medium currents, so it is advisable to exclude the use of bran, hemp cake, coconut flakes or sunflower seed cake in the composition. The husk floats up easily. This attracts small fish, which can negatively affect the bite.

The bait must be viscous in order to reach the bottom intact. The bait should start working the moment the feeder reaches the bottom. If the mixture comes out of the feeder during a dive, it will be carried away by the current along with the stern. If it is not washed out for a long time, it will be more difficult to feed the bait, since for the next cast you need to wait for the feeder to be cleared.

If you fish in the current, then you need to add special glue or corn flour to the mixture (one hundred grams per kilogram of the mixture). These ingredients give the bait its viscosity. It is better to take millet as a nutrient component for bait, as it has the necessary viscosity and is very to the taste of bream.

In addition to traditional ingredients, large compound feeds are also added to the feeder bait for bream. It is best to add part of the bait used to the bait, i.e. chopped worm, maggot, large bloodworms, corn. Cereals, cake, and milk powder form an attractive cloud of turbidity in the water. Solid components of the bait (cake, crackers, bran) must be ground finely.

Before use, the bait must be soaked for ten hours. It should be stored in a dark and cool place. Then, directly on the pond, you need to add water and clay. It is better to take clay from the same reservoir in which you plan to fish. When fishing for large bream, the color of the clay should blend in with the color of the soil in the pond.

After moistening the bait, you need to wait fifteen minutes so that each particle absorbs the water.

Recipe No. 1

A kilogram of breadcrumbs, 200 grams of steamed millet, 100 grams of Hercules flakes, 300 grams of ground biscuits, 50 grams of granulated sugar, 300 grams of wheat bran, 100 grams of corn flour.

Recipe No. 2

Two parts of mixed feed or bran, five parts of crushed confectionery products, one part of oatmeal or crushed "Oatmeal", one part of corn flour, one part of semolina.

100 grams of breadcrumbs, 50 grams of finely chopped unsalted lard, 100 grams of rye bran, 1 teaspoon of ground coriander, 100 grams of boiled rice, maggot or bloodworms, clay.

Recipe No. 4

300 grams of steamed boiled oatmeal, 300 grams of breadcrumbs, two drops of liquid flavoring, maggot, 300 grams of pumpkin seed cake, 100 grams of roasted peanuts, 200 grams of bran, clay.

Bream is quite common in our reservoirs and an avid fisherman will never refuse such a coveted prey. But unlike most species of fish, bream is a rather smart fellow, with good intuition and sheer enthusiasm it is difficult to get close to him. The key to successful fishing with it is experience, and if you don’t have it, then high-quality bait for bream with your own hands will play an important role in this matter.

Poachers who caught 317 kg of fish were not punished

A group of fishermen revealed the name of the secret bait during interrogation.

Category: regional news.

Without proper preparation, the bream may not sit on your hook at all, or its bite will be purely random, so to prevent this from happening, we will describe in more detail its daily diet, seasonal preferences and actually teach how to prepare bait.

Bream is a representative of the carp family, widely distributed in the basins of the Aral, Azov, Baltic, Black, and Caspian seas, and lives throughout almost the entire territory of the former Soviet Union, Central and Northern Europe.

Additives to bait (attractants, bite enhancers)

We can talk endlessly about additives that effectively attract fish from long distances, stimulate their appetite, thereby increasing the bite. But when adding attractants and bite enhancers to complementary foods, you need to remember that the bait used must be more attractive in order to stand out from the rest of the food. Therefore, it is important not to overdo it with bait attraction.

Since we make simple bait, the additives should be simple and affordable.

Here are a few options:

  • spices (vanilla, cinnamon, anise, garlic, cocoa, etc.);
  • monosodium glutamate (E621 - enhances taste, stimulates appetite, stimulates digestion);
  • sugar and salt (enhance taste);
  • betaine (improves appetite, stimulates digestion);
  • beet molasses (betaine is obtained from it);
  • boiled beets or beet juice (substitute for molasses and betaine);
  • amino acid complexes.

Dry spices, sugar and salt, monosodium glutamate, betaine in powder form can be added to the dry cracker mixture and be its components. But dry soluble additives (everything except spices) can first be dissolved in water, and then added to the bait along with it as a moisturizer.

Liquid additives, like cereals, are added to the dry mixture before the final moistening of the bait or together with water, which is used to moisten the mixture.

As an example, per kilogram of dry cracker mixture, you can add:

  • vanillin - 1-2 g;
  • cinnamon - 2-3 g;
  • betaine - 3-5 g;
  • sugar (powdered sugar) - 1 tablespoon;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon.

And the simplest composition may only include spices that the fish in your reservoirs love. Usually, for crucian carp - garlic, and for bream, roach and other fish - vanilla, cinnamon, anise, etc.

What are amino acid kits? These are special additives created to attract bait and bait. But their role can be successfully performed by means used to maintain the health of birds and animals. This is no less effective and economically feasible. For example: Chiktonik, Gammatonic, Vitam, Multivit + Minerals, etc.

They are added to bait along with water or other liquid additives in very small quantities.

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