Fly fishing rod: what kind of tackle is it, which rod to choose and how to fish correctly

The fly rod design does not use rings or a reel. With the help of a swing, the fishing line and the rest of the equipment are thrown in a wide movement, most often from behind the head. The swing is light in weight, which is extremely important. You have to work a lot with the rod throughout the fishing, so the weight of the gear is important. Other features of this fishing method are described below.

It is interesting to know that the main difference between a fly fishing rod and a Bologna and match rigs is that it does not have rings and does not have a reel. This is both a minus and a plus at the same time. The disadvantage, of course, is that with such equipment you cannot go after large fish - there is no maneuver with the help of a reel, since the equipment is blind. Yes, and you have to carry the equipment on a reel, since it is impossible to fold such a fishing rod. But there are also advantages - the swing is very light, quickly assembles when fishing, allows you to fish all day in the most difficult conditions - from under bushes, short of a steep bank, among the reeds...

The fly rod is always without rings, it only has a tulip-type ring or a loop at the tip

History of origin

The modern fly rod comes from bamboo fishing rods. The thickest part is located at the beginning of the fishing rod - the so-called butt. And the end on which the fishing line is attached is called the tip. The links were connected using metal tubes, which gradually became loose. These rods were gradually improved and continue to be used today.

Soon they began to be made from fiberglass. This material made the fishing rods more durable. They, unlike bamboo products, were not afraid of moisture. In terms of weight, fiberglass rods were no lighter than bamboo rods.

The use of carbon fiber made the fishing rods lighter. This made it possible to use longer rods without gaining excess weight.

What is a fly rod

Fishing rods similar in design to modern fly fishing rods have been used for a very long time, but the full-fledged concept was formed relatively recently. The impetus for the formation of the concept of a fly rod was given by composite bamboo fishing rods.

Later, bamboo fishing rods began to be replaced by models made of fiberglass, carbon fiber and composite materials. And the composite design has been replaced by a telescopic and plug-in design.

The first and main difference between fly fishing rods is the absence of guide rings and a reel

. They are caught using blind float rigs. True, some models are equipped with small reels that are designed to store fishing line. Manufacturers also install 2-4 small rings on the rod of the fishing rod for the convenience of the fisherman.

Light weight is the main requirement for fly rods. The lightness of such rods allows you to cast the bait accurately, a large number of times and for a long time. A high-quality fishing rod weighs 2-3 times less than a regular one, with the same parameters.

Hand comfort of the blank is a secondary but important feature.

This type of rod is most often used when fish are actively biting, as it is capable of providing a high speed of repeated casts

. This is the main feature of fly fishing. The fish must be fed generously and then very quickly caught from the fed area. This principle is the basis of fly fishing competitions.

With the right approach, a fly rod can be used to fish for many types of fish in almost any way. But in the classical sense, a fly rod is designed for fishing at high speed and with only one tackle


Under what conditions does the swing show the best results?

If a fisherman chooses a fly rod for fishing, he will be able to take advantage of the following advantages:

  1. Mach is a light rod , working with which saves effort. This allows you to use the tackle for a long time without fatigue.
  2. Fly fishing rods have wide functionality , allowing you to engage in various types of fishing in a variety of conditions.
  3. You can make several equipment for fishing at once at home and change them as needed.
  4. You can easily choose the most suitable fishing zone , and move from fishing nearer to more distant waters.
  5. The angler has constant contact with the rod and can immediately react to a bite.
  6. Casting a fishing rod is precise and silent.

Some fishermen deliberately prefer a fly rod over all others. For beginners, the simplicity of mastering this gear is attractive. The disadvantage is the limited range of use: it cannot exceed the total length of the rod and fishing line. This limitation means that the fisherman must choose the length of the rod very carefully. For beginners, in most cases a length of 5 meters is suitable.

Another problem is the difficulty of retrieving large and energetic fish. To do this with a fly rod, the fisherman must show sufficient skill.

Fly rigs have some limitations - casting range and prey size

Choosing a fly rod


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Today in stores you can find many fishing rods of different prices and quality, that is, there is plenty to choose from. Quite often, the seller selects a fishing rod at the buyer’s request. When choosing gear, a conscientious sales consultant experiences no less difficulties than a buyer, since the latter most often simply cannot accurately formulate the purpose of the purchase - what kind of fishing this rod is needed for.


First of all, the question of length arises. For catching live bait, bleak, gudgeon in a small river or crucian carp and roach in a pond, a 3 m long rod is sufficient. Fishing at a short distance is possible both in the spring, when the fish tends to the shore in warmer water, and in the summer, when it comes out to coastal vegetation for feeding.

Many people underestimate fishing “underfoot”. In my practice, there were many cases when fish were caught near the shore both better and larger than at a distance of 4 m or more. And catching bleak, gudgeon or perch with a rod longer than 5 m means admitting the inability to attract fish using bait and the inability to fish with accurate tackle.

If a 3-meter fishing rod is enough for fishing, and you take a 5-meter rod “with a reserve”, it is worth considering that if the rod is too long, an extra length of fishing line will appear and after casting you will have to drag the equipment to the fishing point. The line that is slack after pulling the float will begin to float on the wave and current, the hook will be delayed, and controlling the tackle will be difficult and often impossible. The number of overlaps and entanglements will inevitably increase both during casting and after hooking. In addition, each “extra” knee increases the weight of the rod, which greatly tires the hand. What’s even worse is that increasing the length of the rod automatically leads to an increase in the minimum weight of the equipment, otherwise it is simply impossible to cast it, especially in a headwind. Don't forget that a longer fishing rod costs more.

Optimal set

But what if you decide to go to another body of water where you need a longer rod? If you want to fish well, there is only one answer: buy the next rod, suitable for other fishing conditions. For fishing in different conditions, you need a certain set of rods that can be formed optimally.

Some fishermen consider the simplest option to be purchasing one rod as long as possible, which, depending on the fishing conditions, can be shortened by removing the required number of legs. In a number of cases this is convenient. But you will have to protect the ends of the sections after removing the butt joint and keep the rod constantly clean. The bad thing is that for long and light rods, the middle and upper sections are made without additional reinforcement, that is, the thickness and strength of the walls only require joint work with other sections. They are not designed for undistributed loads when squeezing the hand, which appear when fishing for large fish. Often, an angler simply crushes a section during the next power cast. This does not apply to rods made with a large margin of safety, designed specifically for catching large fish.

The exception is fly plug rods, which are designed to remove any section. However, purchasing a quality rod of this type is not easy. The small distribution of plugs is due to their fairly high price and the limitation in length to maintain good tuning, weight and power. If the length exceeds 7 m, the fly plug becomes excessively heavy. I know this well, since in my collection there are very good models with a length of 8 and 12 m.

If you constantly catch a variety of fish in different places, then a set of rods of unequal length will look something like this: two short rods 2.5 and 3.5 m long - for fishing near the shore, as well as 5-, 7- and 9-meter. Maybe, but only if it is really needed, a model with a length of 11–12 m will be added to them.


Having decided on the length of the rods, you can start selecting specific models based on power. Power, strength and reliability must be separated, because although they are interconnected, there is no direct relationship.

The power of a fishing rod is determined not by the size of the intended catch (for this there is strength and reliability), but by completely different factors. Taking into account the fishing conditions, you will need equipment of one weight or another: in currents and depths, in strong winds - heavy, and when fishing in shallows and in calm conditions - lighter. As the fishing distance increases, heavier and heavier equipment will be required, and not only because of the increase in depth or strength of the current. The equipment must have a certain minimum mass so that it can be accurately thrown to the chosen location. The accuracy and casting distance are determined by both the weight of the equipment and the power of the rod. A fishing rod that is too rigid and heavy, despite all the efforts of the fisherman, will not be able to send light equipment even in calm weather. A rod that is too “light” in power will not allow you to accurately place the equipment at a distant fishing point.

Each rod has an optimal weight range of equipment for which it is designed. Most anglers pay attention to the recommended upper weight limit of the equipment, but I would pay more attention to the lower one. The fact is that now there are practically no rods on the domestic market that cannot be used with equipment weighing 15 and 20 g. In other words, the issue with the upper limit has been successfully resolved, and it is marked on the marking. Moreover, just in case, they put underestimated numbers. But the manufacturers can be understood, since the lower limit depends not only on the weight of the equipment, but also on the thickness and length of the fishing line, the shape of the float, weather conditions and on such a completely uncertain parameter as the technique of using the equipment by a particular angler. A thick fishing line sails and has very significant resistance. Pot-bellied floats fly much worse against the wind than elongated ones. The shorter the fishing line, the simpler and easier it is to cast light equipment, and vice versa.

How to choose a fishing rod based on power, even having a good idea of ​​what equipment will be used, is probably the most difficult question. I am sure that it is better to take a less powerful model as it is more versatile. But here the next factor appears - the estimated size and strength of the fish. If you use a landing net and do not pull the fish out of the water over your head, the size of the trophy does not matter much, but the main thing is the resistance. Practice shows that if you catch fish weighing up to 1 kg, then any rod will hold up, but bringing a strong fish to the landing net on a soft rod can be troublesome.


The power of a rod, although not directly, is still connected with such a “slippery” concept as action. Determining the action of a fishing rod is not accurate. The reason is that flexible sections with variable cross-sections, especially those made of composite materials, cannot be accurately calculated. By the way, if you hear that a fishing rod was designed using some kind of supercomputer program, then this means that it was beautifully modeled based on existing full-scale samples. There is nothing bad in this; moreover, the Italian and English models are good because they embody a wealth of experimental material for the production of a wide variety of models. As for the action, it is important for us how accurately the rod sends the equipment to the fishing point and how the load is distributed in the sections of the rod while playing fish.

It is always more difficult to cast with a rod that is too flexible, even if the water is completely calm, but with it you can fish with the thinnest lines, exhausting very impressive specimens. A rod that is too rigid allows you to work as accurately and quickly as possible, but has limitations on light equipment. In addition, a large fish with one sharp jerk can tear off either a thin fishing line or its own lip. That is why in recent years, “bragging” about the modularity of carbon fiber in a fishing rod has lost both consumer and advertising meaning. For reference, I will say that for many years there have been carbon fibers several times higher modulus than those used in the production of fishing rods. It doesn’t occur to anyone to use them to create models that will be tougher than steel ones.


A compromise is found not only in rigidity, but also in the strength of the rods. Don’t think that a massive rod with thick walls will be more reliable. If you compare light and heavy fishing rods, then with a static load the difference will be visible and obvious. But in addition to static rigidity and strength, dynamic characteristics are more important. A more powerful and statically stronger rod is very easy to break in a strong headwind and even when sharply hooking a large fish. The rod will not have time to work and will break under the influence of its own inertia. To prevent this from happening, manufacturers have to use very high-quality and expensive materials, which means losing mass buyers. For example, elite fishing rods for sea fishing for trophy fish, made not from carbon, but from fiberglass, are really expensive. On the other hand, the lightest possible rod, made from the most modern materials, is also easy to break during a hard cast in a headwind or (which happens more often) when the equipment is caught in the bushes behind the angler’s back.

In the vast majority of cases, we choose a rod for ordinary, habitual fishing for small fish or, conversely, to catch carp, large chub or bream. The model you choose depends on what you're in the mood for. That is why all manufacturers have a line of rod offerings that differ not only in length, but also in power and rigidity. Almost all anglers sooner or later come to the conclusion that they replenish their arsenal by adding a rod for carp to the “five” for roach, a model for large chub to the “eight” for bream, and a plug, tackle for long casting or Bolognese.


Some distrustful fishermen have a desire to test the purchased rods themselves. It's easy enough to do. A long fly rod has two critical spots - the third leg from the top and the second leg from the bottom. The third knee from the top is usually designed for a load of up to 0.5 kg, then the thicker knees begin to work actively. Therefore, first, a piece of thick fishing line about 1 m long is tied to the tip of the fishing rod. A load weighing 400–500 g is attached to the free end of the fishing line, the rod is rested with the butt on the floor and slowly, without jerking, it is lifted and placed vertically. In this case, no crunching should be heard.

Anglers often ask the question: “What kind of fish can be lifted on a fishing rod?” I can say with confidence that you simply physically cannot lift a fish weighing more than 1.5 kg from the water using a 7 m long lever. This will also be problematic because the rod will bend into an arc, but the fish will not appear from the water. You can go further and replace the load with a heavier one, for example, weighing 1.5 kg. If the rod does not break when the butt reaches a vertical position, it means that it can catch not only bream and roach, but also carp up to 16 kg. Is there any point in such testing? In my opinion, none. In such a test, at best, you will choose a deliberately heavy “stick” with a huge margin of safety.

It is more correct to test the rod in this way, using exactly the fishing line that you will use during fishing, and attaching a load slightly less than its strength. In this case, you can be sure that even pulling the fish out of the water without a landing net will not lead to damage.

Something else is more important. For example, you make a choice between two rods with the aim of using them when catching kilogram crucian carp. You are planning to use 0.14 mm fishing line (with a margin). Both rods with a length of, say, 7 m are easy to control with equipment weighing 1.5 g. For fast fishing, when the conditions require forcing fishing, it makes sense to take a more powerful model. And if the fish starts to be capricious and during the fishing process you have to use lighter equipment on a thinner line and carefully fish out the fish, then you will need a less powerful rod.


The vague and collective concept of “action” contains another component, which is called the balance of the rod. This is a quality that affects how you feel when casting, hooking and holding the rod in place. Balance depends on the distribution of the rod's mass along its length and is often interpreted as the location of the center of gravity. The closer the center of gravity is to the hand holding the rod, the more pleasant it is to work. This is correct, but in addition to static balance there is also dynamics. It often happens that when casting with different rods with almost the same location of the centers of gravity, in one case it is comfortable to make a swing, but in another - not so much. It depends on the dynamic stiffness of the middle part of the rod. Therefore, when choosing, take the rod and wave it several times, simulating a hard cast. It’s even better to do this with several models from which you have to choose. Your own feelings turn out to be the most accurate. It’s good if you can make test casts with equipment of medium weight, for example 1.5–2 g.

It is very bad if the rod begins to produce self-oscillations after casting. This is unnoticeable, but quickly leads to hand fatigue. The worst thing is if damped vibrations occur or are transmitted to the rod tip. This can also be assessed during practice swings.

Since the fishing rod cannot be accurately calculated, new models appear based on old good designs using increasingly modern technologies. The optimization process is gradual, and in some cases the old brand is retained, but when technology changes, new names appear.

Of the interesting models, I would highlight four series of Briscola fly rods. I really liked the 5- and 7-meter Fiamma when fishing for carp weighing up to 3 kg, and I recommend the 9-meter Fantasma, which can safely be classified as a sports rod, to anyone who chooses a long rod for catching bream. I did not find any shortcomings in these rods and replaced the “old” model range from “five” to “nine” in my arsenal.

In order for a fishing rod to serve for a long time, you need to take care of it, keep it clean and protect it from impacts, especially from sharp corners. Treat it like a good instrument.


Interesting article to read:

  • Feeder Concept series rods
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  • Choosing a fishing line for spinning.
  • Spinning ultralight selection and review.
  • Choosing a reel for Bolognese fishing
  • Match fishing. Setting up gear and choosing a fishing spot.

Difference from Bolognese rod and matcha

Bolognese fishing rods are equipped with rings and reels. This makes it possible to use a long line. In the flywheel, the casting range is strictly limited. The more complex structure of the lap dog requires careful care. The technique of fishing with a Bolognese fishing rod is more complex compared to a fly fishing rod.

Match gear also allows you to fish over a long distance. Using special reels makes it easier to catch large fish. The casting range in some cases can reach 50-70 meters.

A rod for fishing with a lapdog requires the presence of rings and a reel

Fly rod length

The range of possible rod lengths is quite large: it can be as short as 3 m or as long as 10-11 m. The main factor that needs to be taken into account when choosing the length of a rod is the future fishing spots themselves, their location and natural conditions.

Often, when fishing, fishermen lift the rod a little in order to take out the slack in the fishing line, but such actions quickly tire the hand. On the other hand, due to the sailing line, all the equipment will go to the side. Therefore, if you intend to take on fly fishing “on a large scale”, then it is better to have several fly rods of different lengths in your arsenal.

For example, this could be a three-meter rod for close-range fishing, a six-meter rod for mid-range fishing, and approximately a nine-meter rod for long-range fishing.

How to choose a fly fishing rod - what to look for?

Fishermen most often use fly rods ranging from 4 to 7 meters in length, but they can range from 2 to 13 meters. Those who prefer shorter ones (4-5 meters) give the following arguments:

  1. They are convenient to use on overgrown banks of small reservoirs and rivers.
  2. If deep places start near the shore, then a short fishing rod is enough for fishing.

Fishermen using rods 6-7 meters long say the following:

  1. Often fish need to be caught near the edge, and in some reservoirs it is located far from the shore. In such cases, it is more convenient to use a longer fishing rod.
  2. This rod allows you to more effectively tire the fish when playing, since the long swing reacts more smoothly to powerful movements.

At a short distance, you can use lighter equipment, the casting will be more accurate. Using a long rod requires a heavier sinker and does not provide as accurate a hit.

The length of the fishing line is usually 10-15 cm longer than the length of the blank.

When choosing a fishing rod, you need to take into account the number of its segments. The more there are, the heavier the weight will be. But this allows you to fold the gear more compactly, which is important when transporting.

For long fishing rods the sinker should be heavier. If it is too light, casting accuracy will be reduced. This will be especially noticeable in the presence of strong winds.

The most comfortable material is carbon fiber. It provides lower weight and higher strength. But the cost, accordingly, bites. The length is selected depending on the conditions in which it is intended to fish.

Construction of fly rods

The structure of the fly rod has some differences from the spinning rods we are used to. Each spinning rod system has its own advantages, suitable for fishing in certain conditions and using the necessary gear, but with the swing, things are somewhat different.

Hard system

The rigid structure of the fly rod is considered its advantage; with this structure, only the 3 upper bends of the blank are bent. This advantage is due to the fact that you need to hook fish with this method of fishing very quickly, but not with a too powerful poke.

Soft tuning

With a soft action, the whole rod will sag during the hook, therefore, it will be a little late. A soft action also does not contribute to casting, it will only interfere. A soft fishing rod with a long length somewhat resembles a snot, which is extremely difficult to stop at the surface of the water while casting. Often, after casting, a stick with a soft action will hit the water.

With a rigid rod you can swing it well and prevent it from hitting the water after casting.

How to assemble and equip a fly rod

To equip, you need to make sure there is a connector for the fishing line and the tip of the swing. If it is not there, you need to select a suitable ring and attach it to the tip of the rod using Moment glue. This is a point that beginners in the swing do not always pay attention to, and then it creates a problem when fishing in the field.

Swing connector - the optimal solution

You will also need a fishing line, a leash, a hook, a sinker and a float. The fishing line is tied to the fishing rod connector. You can prepare several leashes with different hooks. The float is attached so that it is clearly visible and ensures the desired depth of immersion of the hook. It is attached by threading a fishing line through the rings on it. The position is fixed using cambrics.

Fly rod equipment

Below the float, a sinker is attached to the fishing line. You can also use feeders - small weights that are located in different places on the fishing line. A leash is a piece of fishing line 20-30 cm long. It is tied to the tip of the fishing line. It is chosen thinner so that the fish does not feel it when biting.

The fly rod can be used for fishing in still water or in currents. In still water, you can use a lighter sinker and float. The leash should be thinner than the main line, otherwise the fish will immediately feel it.

For a stronger current, you need equipment with a more powerful sinker concentrated at one point

Sometimes during installation they use not one, but two hooks, which make it possible to simultaneously fish at different depths. Typically, a float with dough not exceeding 2 grams is used. If you plan to fish by line, then it is preferable to use an elongated float; for stationary fishing, a spherical one is better suited.

Loading the float is the most important part of collecting fly tackle

The sinker can be used in conjunction with underlays. In this case, the main load is placed 5 cm from the hook. The sheds must be the same size and weight. In most cases, a fishing line diameter of 0.1-0.12 mm is suitable. If you plan to catch carp, then 0.15-0.20 mm is better. The most popular hook sizes are NN 10-16.

Some fishermen make equipment in advance and take it with them. This is convenient so as not to waste time fishing. They are transported wound on reels. To know where each is, the necessary information is written on them with a felt-tip pen.

We assemble a fly fishing rod quickly and easily - selection of components and equipment:

How to choose a fly rod

Fly rods are the most delicate fishing tools. Modern models are made of lightweight graphite materials and are characterized by good strength. A fly rod will bring many enjoyable hours of fishing if you choose it correctly for certain fishing conditions.

In this article we will find out what parameters and features you should pay attention to when choosing a fly fishing rod. You need to know these nuances, otherwise in the store the seller will make a choice for you and say that this is the best option. Although this is not always the case.

In this article we will find out what parameters and features you should pay attention to when choosing a fly fishing rod. You need to know these nuances, otherwise in the store the seller will make a choice for you and say that this is the best option. Although this is not always the case.

How to fish with fly tackle

When a fisherman arrives at a fishing spot, he must lay out the gear and take depth measurements. To do this, attach a weight to the end of the fishing line as part of the rod test and take measurements. In most cases, the fishing rod is cast so that several centimeters of the leader lie on the bottom.

To catch roach and crucian carp, the depth is selected in a different way. In this case, the hook should be in the water at a distance of several centimeters from the bottom.

Crucian carp - a popular activity for teenagers from childhood

The depth is adjusted depending on the number of bites and taking into account possible hooks on the bottom.

Fishing with several fly fishing tackles at the same time is only possible in a body of water without a current

With the help of a fly rod, peaceful fish are usually caught. In warm weather, plant baits work well. In cold weather, live food is more attractive.

The chosen place requires feeding. At the same time, it is important to attract fish, but not to saturate them. Usually they are fed before fishing and periodically during it. You can throw food with your hands or using a special slingshot. Usually, two bait balls are thrown in every half hour.

Techniques and tactics of fishing with a fly rod:

Complementary feeding during the current has its own characteristics that must be taken into account. Usually the equipment is located closer to the shore in relation to the casting point. Therefore, they feed not at the maximum distance, but taking this moment into account.

When a bite occurs, if you immediately fish out a large and energetic fish sharply and boldly, the fisherman runs the risk of breaking the fishing line or, even worse, breaking the rod. To prevent this from happening, the first jerk after the bite (hook) should raise the float to a height from the bottom of no more than 20-30 cm. This will ensure the reliability of the hook. In the future, during sharp jerks, you need to give in a little to your opponent by feeding the tackle in the opposite direction, and then pull it again in the right direction.

Short fly rod

A short swing with light equipment has allowed anglers who have mastered this type of float fishing to literally increase their catches by an order of magnitude in recent years, primarily of roach and crucian carp, and large, “marketable” fish are often caught as well. In the sport of fishing (where they plant it and catch it), short fly rods are designed to catch small bleak and small perch. But in real fishing, fans of short-swing fishing who want to catch good fish quickly come to the conclusion that for success it is necessary to choose the right fishing location and unconditionally follow the rules of camouflage.

This float rig is suitable for many purposes and has brought so many anglers joy over the past few years. After all, by and large, a 3-5-meter bamboo fishing rod without a reel has been successfully fished since time immemorial. Maybe it’s just that with the massive invasion of the spinning reel into our lives, the experience of this wonderful fishing was forgotten for a while?

So, short swing - the tackle couldn’t be simpler

A rod 3-5 m long (usually rods closer to five than three are used), without guide rings, that is, fishing with a fly rod is carried out without a reel. The main vein of the rig is attached to the tip of the fishing rod through a rubber shock absorber or directly. Accordingly, the fishing zone is limited to 6-9 meters from the shore, very often there is no need to cast further, because a lot of fish are in the coastal zone, or are easily pulled to the fishing point with bait. A short fishing rod allows you to use light equipment with floats with a carrying capacity of 0.3-0.7 g, which neutralize the increased caution of fish located in the coastal zone.

Rating of the best fly rods

When choosing the most suitable fly fishing rod, you can focus on options that have already gained well-deserved popularity. Next, about the most famous models.

Salmo, Blaster POLE 400

Some consider this rod to be the best for beginner anglers. It combines affordable price and high quality. The most popular are specimens designed for a test of 5-20 grams. The rods have a medium action. Their weight is 225 grams.

The model uses a telescopic design. The working length is 4 meters, when folded - 1.15 meters.

DAIWA, Compass mobile telepole 500

The carbon fly rod consists of 15 sections. Careful handling is required when fishing or transporting. Working length is 5 meters Weight is 220 grams. It unfolds and folds easily.

SHIMANO, Catana EX TE 2-600

This rod is considered ultra light. Its weight is 205 grams. The product is made of carbon fiber. Consists of 6 sections. Fishermen note the high-quality and reliable fastenings of the sections.


The fishing rod is known for its strength and durability. It is six meters long and consists of 6 sections. The rod is made of a composite that provides high wear resistance. The weight of the model is 386 grams.

Black Hole, Powerful 600

The model is made of carbon. In working condition, the rod has a length of 6 meters, when folded - 1.22. The design consists of 6 sections. The fishing rod is made with high quality, but requires careful handling, as it is considered fragile.

The choice of fishing rod depends on the specific conditions and capabilities of the fisherman.

Flying rods “Volzhanka”

Volzhanka Atlant

A very powerful fly rod, the upper test value of which reaches 50 g. It is used for power fishing and provides the possibility of forced landing of large fish, characterized by increased thickness of the knee walls. The length can be 5, 6 or 7 m, depending on the specific model.

Volzhanka Rapier

One of the most popular fly rods, which is distinguished by its moderate cost and fairly good reliability. The level of strength and rigidity was increased by the manufacturers using a special tangential winding of the butt knees. The upper limit of the test for Rapier rods reaches 25 g, the length can be 4-8 m.

Volzhanka Fortuna

Another powerful rod that is suitable for fishing in rather harsh conditions. Its test weight reaches 30 g, and its length does not exceed 0. It is used not only for classic fly fishing, but is also used as a live bait rod. Thanks to the use of high-quality composite material and a special coating, this fishing rod boasts high strength and reliability.

Volzhanka Micro

This elegant model, with a test weight of up to 20 g and a length of only 3 m, can become extremely effective with careful and skillful handling, especially the version of the rod with guides. It is used not only in fly fishing, but also in match and spinning fishing. Made from IM7 carbon fiber. When folded, the length is only 0.56 or even 0.4 m.

Volzhanka Mini

A simple and convenient fishing rod, which is suitable primarily for beginner fishermen. Depending on the model, the length varies around 3-4.5 m. The maximum transport length of a folded rod with rings is 0.84 m.

Volzhanka Universal

The name speaks for itself. A truly universal fishing rod made of IM6 carbon fiber, which can be used to catch almost any peaceful and predatory fish. The length can be 3.8, 4.3 or 4.5 m, and the upper test value reaches 40 g.

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