Loban or black mullet - how and where to catch, how to cook correctly

Description of Loban fish

Loban belongs to the mullet family. Unlike most members of the family, mullet has a flatter and elongated body. The head has a flattened shape with a slightly pointed edge.

Due to its unusual color, another name for this species is black mullet. The belly of the fish is silver, the back is blue-gray, almost black. The fins of the fish are forked, and the scales have a noticeable length.

The officially registered maximum weight of the fish was 6 kilograms. The mullet can reach 90 centimeters in length.

Biological features

The Black Sea mullet is very similar to other representatives of the mullet. It has the same elongated torpedo-shaped body. The color of the back is grayish, the belly is lighter, whitish. Brownish-colored longitudinal stripes are found on the sides. On the eyes of the fish there are large fatty eyelids that reach approximately to the pupil. It is they, besides the size, that distinguish this biological species from other, more common Black Sea mullets, sharpnose and singil - they have only a small upper part of the eyes covered with fatty eyelids. The mouth is small, the lower lip has a pointed edge and is quite thin.

The body length of most representatives is up to 50 centimeters, but some individuals are also found in more impressive sizes - they caught fish just under a meter long. The mass of the mullet can reach up to 7 kilograms, so it is a large mullet, second only to the mullet.

The mullet is superior in taste to other members of the family.
There is one etymological misunderstanding associated with this. Attention! You can often find the name loban. This is by no means the second name of our hero, but a trick of the Black Sea traders, who call other mullets by this name, the meat of which is less valuable than that of a real mullet.


Such fish can be caught almost anywhere in the world: off the coast of Asia, Africa, South and North America, and of course Europe. Black mullet is rightfully considered one of the most common fish around the world.

As for Russia, this species is found in the Black, Okhotsk and Azov Seas, in the Amur River, in the Tatar Strait and in the Far East. Also, red mullet is actively grown in many estuaries and lagoons of the Krasnodar region.

Adult mule deer usually swim off the coast and can easily be found in bays, lagoons and lower reaches of rivers.


The black mullet is not a predator. The basis of fish nutrition is detritus and periphyton, that is, dead organic matter, which consists of the remains of worms and invertebrate insects, as well as plants. To a lesser extent, they feed on benthos, that is, living organisms.

The mullet scrapes the desired food from the bottom using its lower lip, which resembles a shovel, at an angle of 40-45⁰. Food collects on the gills, forming a lump, and when moving into the stomach, it is partially ground.

Feeder fishing

Although relatively rare, mullet are also caught with a feeder. The variety of these rods allows you to choose the most suitable option for each specific situation. For a short fishing distance, a length of up to 3 meters may be quite sufficient; if you need to work at the longest distances, you can use extra heavy class blanks with a length of 4.2 meters, which will allow you to achieve a maximum casting distance. Compared to a regular donkey, the feeder has an obvious advantage - the thin tip will allow you to notice the bite in a timely manner and hook a sharp mullet in time. Reels are selected for the rod; the greater the length and test of the feeder, the correspondingly larger the standard size of the inertia-free reel should be.

Photo 2. Feeder with feeder.

Loban is a fish that is perhaps the largest representative of the mullet family. It mainly lives in the basins of the Black and Azov Seas. Here this animal is not only the subject of mass fishing, but also the object of amateur and sport fishing.

Loban is a fish that is well known to residents of the Krasnodar region. Depending on the season, it can be found in different parts of the Black Sea coast.

In May, it begins its journey from Georgia, and then, moving north, it gradually enters the Sea of ​​Azov. In the fall, from the end of September, schools of fish set off on their way back to their native shores for the winter. During this migration, they become easy prey for fishing vessels.

Loban is a fish very similar to other representatives of gray mullet. She has the same silver belly and grayish-blue back. A distinctive feature of this species is its slightly flattened and slightly elongated body. This fish can reach 90 centimeters in length, and the maximum carcass weight is 6 kilograms. It feeds mainly on detritus. This is an organic substance that consists of secretions and remains of marine animals.

Loban is a fish that is a very healthy food product. It contains a huge amount of fatty acids, vitamins (A, B1, PP), as well as all kinds of minerals (zinc, chromium, molybdenum, phosphorus, nickel). That is why eating this fish improves brain activity, the condition of the skin and hair, increases immunity and reduces the risk of cancer.


With a body length of 30-40 cm, the mullet reaches sexual maturity. During the spawning period, fish move away from the shores and gather in large schools, the formation of which depends on the size of the individuals.

The minimum number of eggs that are spawned by females is more than 2 thousand, the maximum is more than 7 thousand.

The spawning time frame for musk deer is May-early September, both in open and coastal waters.

Mullet fry, almost immediately after their appearance, swim to shallow water and remain there until late autumn.

Features of the view

The loban fish is a completely typical representative of its family. However, it is also different from other mullets.


Like other representatives of the mullet, the mullet is distinguished by an elongated body in the shape of a torpedo. It does not look like a mullet only in its large eyelids, reaching to the center of the eyes. The scales are large, arranged transversely in 40-45 rows. The head is slightly pointed at the edge and has a flattened shape.

There is a fairly large gap between the dorsal fins. The first of them is located in the center of the back and has four hard rays. The second fin on the back has 9 rays and they are soft.

The pectoral fins consist of one and a half dozen soft rays and one hard one. The tail fin bifurcates. The mouth is quite small, the lips are thin, the edge of the lower one is slightly pointed.


The species is represented only by Mugil cephalus, there are no varieties.

Age and size

Loban is a fairly large representative of its genus. Usually its length is half a meter, but there are also meter-long individuals. Body weight is usually 2 kg, maximum 12 kg. The mullet lives up to 16-18 years.

Fishing tactics

You can catch red mullet using either a bottom or a float rod. The diameter of the fishing line used is 0.22 - 0.25 mm.

Best bait to use:

  • Sea or dung worms;
  • Small pieces of fish, crustaceans;
  • Shellfish;
  • Lures containing pheromones.

As for underwater hunting, this activity is quite interesting, since mullet is a cautious and agile fish. Often, representatives of this species follow the leader and swim in a flock, so knowledgeable hunters advise focusing their attention on an individual that has strayed from the flock. This specimen is slightly disoriented, so it will be easier to catch it.

You should swim to the whole flock, being as close to the bottom as possible.

You also need to know that when eating food, fish are divided into two groups: some eat, others protect.

When commercially fishing for black mullet, seines or tuzems are used. When using the second method, the catch can reach 5 tons.

Loban is very jumping and nimble. Thanks to the unusual shape of the body, it quite often escapes from nets.

In northern and western Russia, sporting competitions for mullet fishing are becoming very popular. Not only Russians, but also fishermen from abroad become participants in such competitions.

Float fishing for mullet

For catching this type of fish, float gear that is familiar to all anglers is quite suitable. Depending on the characteristics of the place, as well as on personal preferences and what gear a particular fisherman has available, the following can be used:

  • ordinary fly fishing rods;
  • Bolognese rods;

    Photo 1. Bolognese fishing rod.

  • match forms;
  • and also, although rarely, plug fishing rods.

The most popular are fly rods and Bolognese rods. Such gear often differs from the usual pond or river fishing only in length - for sea fishing, 4 and 5 meter options are not suitable; longer models are often used, which requires the least weight possible from the fishing rod. Low weight is achieved by making a blank made of carbon, but this affects the cost of the finished product, making such rods quite expensive. It should also be taken into account that graphite fishing rods do not withstand impacts well.

The advantage of the Bolognese fishing rod when fishing for mullet lies, first of all, in the presence of guide rings and a reel, which allows, in case of a bite from a fish of serious size, to pull it out using the friction brake, as well as the springy properties of the blank.

Black mullet are very careful, so there is often a need to cast long distances. In such cases, match fishing rods, which have the greatest possible fishing range among floaters, come to the rescue. Although it should be borne in mind that strong sea waves can make match fishing impossible.

Important! When catching this fish, it is important to learn to recognize the moment to hook, since it bites very carefully, almost never immediately swallowing the bait, but first carefully testing it.

The benefits and harms of lobana

Loban is rich in beneficial substances that help improve human health. It is rich in protein, fatty acids, vitamins A, B, E, minerals such as chromium and phosphorus, as well as nickel and molybdenum.

It is also important that loban is low-calorie, that is, it is allowed when on various diets and if you are overweight.

Moreover, nutritionists believe that regular consumption of mullet several times a week helps improve immunity, reduces the likelihood of developing cancer and heart disease.

The only prohibition against eating loban is a person’s intolerance to fish products. If you have allergies, it is advisable to reduce the consumption of mullet. In other cases, it does not cause any harm to human health.

Features of catching buffalo

It is not difficult to catch a buffalo, because it bites on simple crucian tackle. A feeder, bottom or float equipment is used. This is especially clearly expressed when catching autumn crucian carp, when buffalo are caught in the bycatch. Since buffalo is a schooling fish, after catching the first one, the second one may bite, then the fish tank will be filled to capacity.

The use of bait is recommended only during the initial stages of fishing, and as soon as the flock has arrived, commercial fishing can be organized. For this task, bait made from toothless fish, bloodworms and chopped worms is excellent. It is better to use bait of animal origin, because buffalo are prone to animal food, and it comes across corn by accident.

The bites look calm, the float moves slightly to the side and sinks without jerking. It is better to do the cutting moment a few seconds after the jerks, otherwise the descent will be instantaneous. The hook is done sharply, with a simple movement of the bone. The fish should be lifted from the water with a landing net, otherwise the fishing tackle may be damaged.

The choice of fishing time should be taken seriously. Access to the water should be done early in the morning or late in the evening. During daylight hours, fishing will not be possible, because the largemouth buffalo’s bite stops. If you catch a small specimen, it can be used as bait.

How to cook loban fish - the best recipes

We bring to your attention several delicious and, most importantly, healthy recipes, the main ingredient of which is black mullet.

Baked fish

To cook one fish you need to use:

  • One medium sized mullet;
  • 8 potatoes;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • Half a lemon;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil;
  • Spices (salt, ground black pepper);
  • Bay leaf – 2 leaves;
  • Paprika, curry – 1⁄2 teaspoon each.


  1. Clean the mullet from fins, scales, and entrails. Rinse and dry with a napkin. Cut into pieces 1.5 cm thick.
  2. Season with spices and leave to marinate for 15 minutes.
  3. Peel and cut vegetables into rings.
  4. In order to bake fish you need a deep vessel. Place chopped potatoes in the first layer, then onions and tomatoes. Season each layer with salt or spices.
  5. Place marinated Loban on top. Spray with oil.
  6. If desired, you can cut the lemon into half rings and place it on the fish pieces, or simply squeeze out the juice of half a lemon.
  7. Cover the vessel with foil.
  8. Preheat the oven to 220.
  9. In this form, the dish should be cooked for 30 minutes.
  10. After this time, remove the foil and bake the fish for another 15-20 minutes.

Fried fish

For preparation you need to use:

  • 500 grams of fillet;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil;
  • 30 grams of flour;
  • Spices;
  • Greenery.


  1. Clean the forehead from scales, fins, and entrails. Rinse, dry slightly with a napkin.
  2. Mix flour with spices and bread the fillet.
  3. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan.
  4. Fry the fish on each side until golden brown.
  5. Place the finished dish on a plate, garnish with lemon slices and herbs.

Loban in foil

To prepare one medium-sized fish you need to use:

  • One lemon;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil;
  • Seasoning for fish;
  • Spices to taste.


  1. Clean the mullet from fins, scales, and entrails. Rinse and dry with a napkin.
  2. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and a mixture of spices, pour over oil and lemon juice.
  3. Cover with cling film and leave to marinate in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Preheat the oven to 180-2000.
  5. Place the fish in foil.
  6. Bake for 15-20 minutes.

The dish can be served with boiled rice, fresh vegetables, and, of course, lemon juice.

We hope that this article was useful to you and you were able to get all the information you wanted about the fish called mullet.

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