What does crucian carp eat, where does it live and what does it look like?

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Before introducing fish into a reservoir, you must carefully consider this event, since it is important for the subsequent existence and reproduction of fish in an artificial reservoir.
Before filling the pond with fish, it should already contain various plants suitable for feeding it and supplying the water with oxygen. There should be food and mixtures for fish in stock in order to be able to provide it with regular nutrition. Before launching fish, the reservoir should settle and warm up properly. At the same time, the fish must be released in stages. First, you should measure the temperature of the pond and the temporary residence temperature of the fish. The temperature in the pond should be no lower than 14-16 degrees, only then can fish be introduced. The temperature in the container containing them must correspond to the temperature of the body of water into which they will be released in order for acclimatization to take place successfully.

Fish feeding

The fish needs to eat twice a day, at the same time, for which the fish must be accustomed to the regime with the same simple signals. For example, hitting a stick against a stick. Various mixed feeds and cereals are used as feed, which are also fed to livestock. It is possible to feed peas and other legumes, this is especially true for the carp family. Although fish are almost omnivorous by nature. They also feed on plants in the pond. During times of stress, for example at the time of launching into a pond, you should not give a lot of food.

Water quality

The quality of water plays an important role in ensuring adequate conditions for fish in a summer cottage pond. A normal level of acid-base balance is essential. The optimal indicators are 7-8 units. Any deviations from the norm are detrimental to the inhabitants of the reservoir. If the water in the pond is acidic, that is, the indicators fall below acceptable levels, then the acidity level should be increased using slaked lime. In the opposite situation, when the alkali increases, you need to use special peat tablets. The acidity of water can be determined using litmus papers or drop testers. It is necessary to check the balance of the reservoir regularly, as indicators may change and deviate from what should be expected. In addition, the water should be free of any tastes or odors. There should be no chlorine or various impurities.


Most fish need a good supply of oxygen, which is one of the sources of natural life. Certain types of fish are especially sensitive to the amount of oxygen in the water and for them the pond should be equipped with an oxygen circulation device.

Important! In winter, make ice holes and holes around the perimeter of the reservoir so that oxygen flows in sufficient quantities. If the fish do not have enough oxygen, the pond will become polluted very quickly.

Feeding fish in a pond

In the wild, the food of crucian carp is quite varied. This could be algae and various small animals. Therefore, if you equip a pond for breeding crucian carp, it should have a lot of food. If there is not yet such an amount of food in the pond, the question arises of what to feed the crucian carp.

The process of feeding fish is simple. Worms or some kind of larvae are suitable for this. And digging up or collecting insect larvae in a summer cottage should not cause difficulties. Also, in addition to various larvae, you can steam beans or grains.

For those who do not want to spend all the time on this, you can generally buy prepared food. Compound feed for chickens or some other livestock can easily become fish feed in a pond. Before adding food to the pond, you need to soak the food in water and turn it into dough. You can also buy separate food for crucian carp. It is specially enriched with air so that it does not litter the bottom of the reservoir.

Compound feed is an excellent solution for feeding fish

If the food is in the form of flakes, it must be fed in small portions, otherwise it will settle and spoil the water.

Crucian carp love the following types of food: algae, duckweed, steamed beans, cereals, worms, larvae, bloodworms.

Using bread for feeding is not recommended, as it can spoil the water very quickly.

If we talk about the amount of food, then it should correspond to the number and weight of crucian carp. It
is very easy to overdo it with adding food, so you need to be careful here. The weight of the added food should be 5% of the weight of the crucian carp. It is quite easy to calculate the amount of food - we multiply the number of crucian carp in the reservoir by its average weight.

Example: The weight of one fish is 300 g, the quantity is 40 pcs. Therefore, the mass of all crucian carp is 12 kg. We count 5% of the total mass - 600 g - this will be a single dose of feeding.

Fish feeder (video)

It is advisable to carry out feeding twice a day, at a constant point, at a specific time. In industrial farms, where feeding occurs, bells are installed that signal when feeding. Thus, a reflex is formed in the crucian carp. The advantages of this approach are obvious - the food is well digested by the fish, and the food is fed completely, without littering the bottom.

The amount of food consumed by crucian carp is determined by two factors - weather and temperature. Spring is a time when fish feed quite intensively, unlike summer. In extreme heat, the fish eats little; it mostly finds food on its own. In autumn, the activity of the fish decreases, and when the temperature in the reservoir reaches 10 degrees, they stop feeding it completely.

The type of food eaten by crucian carp changes along with climate and temperature changes. If you have an indoor pond and it is heated, you need to feed the crucian carp all year round.

What grains are best added to fish food?

Of the wide variety of cereal crops, the following are best suited for fish:

  • Wheat. It is the main diet. From 1 kg of wheat, carp absorbs about 50% of nutrients - these are the best indicators. However, the diet should not consist only of it, the fish begins to suffer from obesity, its growth slows down;
  • Rye. This is a little favorite product of fish; they eat it very poorly, although the protein is absorbed by 70%.
  • Barley. In terms of nutritional value, it is not inferior to wheat, but the vegetable protein contained in it is absorbed less well by fish, as a result of which the weight gain is less. In addition, it is poor in vitamins and elements, enzymes. Before crushed barley is given to fish, it is cleared of films (chaff), otherwise it can injure the digestive tract.
  • Corn. It is used only in crushed form and added to mixed feed, since it contains very few nutrients, but, on the other hand, is rich in carotenes;

Oats. It is used only in feed mixtures; it must first be cleared of films. This cereal is the least nutritious of all the representatives, and the fish growth on it is insignificant. Add it in small quantities. Soy. This is a vegetable protein that contains amino acids, but it contains toxic substances. They must first be neutralized by heat treatment. Peas. It is also rich in proteins and is not inferior to cereals in the amount of macro- and microelements. Cake, meal. These are products of processing of oilseeds. Sunflower and soybean meals are usually used. When using the first components, they are checked for the presence of gray rot, which is very toxic. Before use, soy components are subjected to heat treatment.

Advantages and disadvantages of raising carp yourself


Drawing up a business plan will help you calculate the volume of cash injections, assess risks at the planning stage and protect yourself from loss of expended resources. Breeding carp yourself can be a profitable business, you just need to analyze its advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of growing and breeding this type of aquatic vertebrate animals include:

  • rapid growth of fish stocks;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • high taste and health benefits of meat, low content of small bones.

Disadvantages of growing carp at home:

  • high risk of disease in individuals with excess numbers living in a reservoir or container;
  • the need for initial capital investment;
  • probability of low payback;
  • the need to find ways to sell products.

When calculating capital investments when organizing this type of business, you need to take into account 3 main expense items:

  1. Polypropylene pool with a volume of 2.7 cubic meters. On average, such equipment costs 26 thousand rubles.
  2. Fish seed material. To purchase 500 fingerlings you will need 3 thousand rubles.
  3. Feed. If you do not take into account the winter season, then feeding fish from May to September will cost about 6,400 rubles. When calculating, it is taken into account that 1 bag of feed weighs 40 kg and costs 640 rubles. enough for 1 month, and fattening the fish to marketable weight takes 2 years.

Thus, the total investment amount is 35,400 rubles. When calculating the amount of revenue, it is taken into account that:

  • If the population density of the basin with the specified parameters is not less than 200 yearlings per 1 cubic meter and there is a 50% probability of death during the first year of breeding, the next year it is possible to raise about 500 individuals weighing up to 1 kg, i.e. 500 kg of fish products;
  • the proceeds from its sale will be 65 thousand rubles. provided that carp of commercial weight (1 kg) costs an average of 130 rubles.

After subtracting the amount of the initial investment, the profit amount will be 29,600 rubles. (65000-35400). Carp breeding in this case has a profitability of 84% (29600/35400x100).

  • Breeding cyprinids is very profitable, since this fish is unpretentious and omnivorous. Among other advantages:
  • lack of cannibalistic habits;
  • they do not fight each other for food;
  • disease resistant;
  • can gain weight quickly;
  • eat inexpensive food;
  • can move and get food in different layers of water.

Most people breed fish “for themselves” as an additional source of pleasure and income. But if you decide to take it seriously, the growing population of cities will provide any farmer with reliable markets for their finished products. Additionally, you can continue to use the pond for other purposes. For example, growing crayfish.

What is needed for this

Fish that live in freshwater reservoirs will successfully grow in a plastic pool, which is placed in a polycarbonate greenhouse. This also allows you to organize a spawning pool if necessary. This method is the simplest solution if it is not possible to build a pond. It is also necessary to purchase compressor and filtering equipment, which will cost a certain amount. It depends on how powerful the units are needed.

Analyze the equipment needed for fish farming:

  1. A biofilter is a device for water purification. Its installation will take a couple of minutes. Filtration is necessary so that the fish do not die from the high content of toxins that arise during the breakdown of food residues, algae and pond animals.
  2. To organize the movement of water you will need a compressor.
  3. To eliminate blooms, you need an ultraviolet sterilizer. It purifies the water supplied by the hydraulic pump.
  4. You may also need a fish feeder so that you can reduce the waste of food and the breakdown of its residues in the pond.
  • When considering the issue of growing crucian carp in a home pond, the following advantages can be noted:
  • rational use of the pond on the site;
  • regular inclusion of fish dishes in the diet;
  • generating income if the pond and livestock are large enough.

If you follow all the rules and approach the issue with all responsibility, then breeding crucian carp will bring joy, and can also diversify the menu and may even add some money to your income. Read in advance all the information on how to properly build a pond, get fish and feed them, and keep them healthy and productive.

Breeding fish at home as a business

For growing fish, the most important thing is water; without it, it is simply impossible to breed any of the fish species. It is for this reason that before deciding to grow fish at home, it is necessary to build a suitable artificial reservoir for it.

For this purpose, you can rent a state reservoir, but it is better to abandon this idea. Because it will take you a lot of time to obtain various permits and approvals, and in addition to all this, your “fishing place” will also be threatened by poachers trying to catch as much fish as possible in your reservoir. For this reason, it is best to forget about renting a pond from government agencies. Moreover, the cost of a business based on state lease will be very expensive for you.

Another option is to create an artificial pond on your country or summer cottage. Creating an artificial reservoir will also not be cheap, but it will still require significantly less material and stress from you, and you will also be one hundred percent confident in the reliability of your business.

If you want to breed fish for which fresh water is suitable, then you can use a polycarbonate greenhouse with a plastic pool installed in it. It is also necessary to purchase compressor and filtering equipment, which will cost three thousand dollars. If you can create such equipment yourself, you will significantly reduce the cost of equipment for the pond. But before you start creating or purchasing it, you need to find out exactly what equipment and materials you will need.

Arrangement of a country pond with your own hands

Unlined pond

To build a pond (and the main dwelling) on ​​your site, it is advisable to invite surveyors (specialists) who will determine the presence of groundwater and its maximum proximity to the surface, so that when constructing a pond at this location, the pond is replenished with spring water. If the site in the country has close groundwater, then the most suitable option would be to develop an unlined reservoir for fish farming.

You should start by laying a clay or film trench, which in the future must be periodically cleaned and replaced. Be sure to take into account all the features of the terrain. So, if the area is sandy, then the bottom and walls of the future pond must be strengthened with clay, or rather with clay mortar, the thickness of which should be at least 12 centimeters. After which it is covered with turf or, alternatively, straw. The existence of any depression or ravine on the territory will facilitate the task of creating a reservoir. It will need to be made deeper and wider. Then you need to block the dam along the entire pond. It should rise above the surface of the water by about half a meter. You will also have to make a bypass ditch. Otherwise, the entire flood will go into the country pond, which can deteriorate the quality of the water and harm the farmed fish.

The bypass ditch is constructed using concrete gutters. And the bottom of the reservoir is usually filled with crushed stone or fine gravel. A shoreline is formed along the perimeter of the pond. It can be quite wide, up to a meter. There should not be too much sand, otherwise the entire aesthetic idea will be spoiled.

Note! Immediately after preparing the pond and filling it with water, fish should not be introduced. It is necessary to wait one and a half or two months for a muddy surface to form at the bottom and pond plants to take root. Then the water is drained and new water is poured in.

All this takes a lot of time, but to make the process faster, you can pour several buckets of water from an existing one inhabited by fish into the newly created reservoir. An alternative method is to submerge a wilted bunch of grass to the bottom of the pond.

Then the water is drained and new water is added. All this takes a lot of time, but to make the process faster, you can pour several buckets of water from an existing one inhabited by fish into the newly created reservoir. An alternative method is to sink a wilted bunch of grass to the bottom of the pond.

Pond with concrete bottom

A reliable, durable and beautiful pond on your personal plot will be achieved if you make it on a concrete base. These reservoirs can be of various shapes, both regular and irregular. The arrangement of such a pond should begin with identifying the territory and digging a pit. Then the bottom is scrupulously cleared of roots, debris and rubbish and properly compacted. Along the way, they indicate the places where the plants will be planted. Before the pit is filled with concrete, a pipe is laid for wintering fish, the so-called wintering well. Next, the bottom is covered with wire rod and the dug pool is filled with concrete so that the wire mesh is in the middle of the concrete covering. When the base of the future pond has been prepared and poured with concrete, they begin to pour the walls, which are positioned at a slope relative to the bottom. It is recommended to install waterproofing using roofing felt laid on uncured concrete. This is required for greater structural strength and improved quality characteristics. Upon completion of all the above work, when the concrete is completely dry, the pond is filled with water, for which it is possible to use a central water supply. Its pipe is disguised in stones or depicted as a fountain. It is also advisable to prepare a pipe on one side to drain excess water. The pond itself is decorated with all kinds of boulders and stones; you can add any statues and figures to suit your taste.

Feeding depending on the type of fish

Different breeds of fish have different nutritional needs. To make fish farming profitable, not only its age and weight, but also its type are taken into account:

  • Catfish. By the time catfish are fed artificial food, a digestive system is formed that is capable of digesting a variety of foods. Catfish are not so picky about the composition of their feed. Usually they use mixtures of SB-1 and SB-3, flavored with calcium. The fry receive food 8 times a day. Then - 4 times. Portion depends on temperature.
  • Salmonids. The basis of nutrition is sea and freshwater fish, meat production waste, low-fat milk powder, meat and bone meal, fish meal, and krill meal. Mix the ingredients yourself or buy granulated salmon food.
  • Acne. Requires feed with a high protein content - the growth rate depends on them. Young animals receive food 10 times a day.
  • Sturgeon. These fish are fed high fat diets. The older the individual, the less often the feeding. Fry eat 10-12 times a day, adult fish - 4-8 times. Granular and paste food is suitable. The speed of weight gain and the quality of meat depend on their balance in minerals and vitamins. More information about sturgeon breeding can be found here.
  • Cyprinids. The daily rate depends on the weight of the fish and temperature. For fish weighing up to 0.5 kg it is 2.8% of the weight. Fingerlings and two-year-olds are fed granulated feed 2 times a day. Young animals - at first hourly, then less often. The number of feedings is reduced as the water cools. More about carp breeding is written here.

An experienced fish farmer in his video will tell you in detail about feeding carp in a pond:

Selection of river fish and their environmental requirements

Can any species of river fish survive in an aquarium? In theory, yes, but in practice it depends on the environment the river fish are accustomed to and how difficult it is to recreate them in a home aquarium.

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There are river fish that prefer moving water: bleak, verkhovka, roach, perch, chub, pike. They need good airflow, filtration and water circulation. There are also bottom species that live in sluggish currents. Among them are carp, tench, crucian carp, rotan, spiny loach, and loach. They tolerate relatively low oxygen saturation of water.

The chemical requirements for water in both categories are approximately the same: the water reaction is neutral or slightly acidic, hardness 4-10°.

Any soil is suitable, but river fish will be more accustomed to gravel, sand and pebbles. In addition, wild individuals tend to hide somewhere, so plants such as hornwort, duckweed, and vallisneria will come in very handy.

How to feed fish correctly?

While the feeding process is taking place, you need to observe how the fish eats the food. The amount of food should be such that there are no leftovers. If what the fish were unable to eat accumulates, then the feeders and pond need to be cleaned, otherwise the remains will begin to decompose and contribute to the development of pathogenic microorganisms.

The state of appetite is assessed about 40-60 minutes after the food has been distributed.


In order for feeding fish to give the desired result, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Don't just throw dry food on the bottom of the pond. Add a little water to it and make the consistency of a thick dough, and only then add it to the pond.
  • Feed the fish at the same time to develop their reflex.

When feeding in the evening, add lighting so that the fish begin to reflexively react to this light, which will simplify the catching process in the future. Provide the feeding area with a metal tray made of galvanized iron and equip it with a lifting device. This is necessary in order to raise and lower the tray into the pond at any time and monitor the process of eating food. You can also regulate the amount of food dispensed and ensure that the food does not begin to rot or sour, which will help maintain the purity of the water.

Compliance with conditions

Feeding fish in a pond depends on a large number of factors, which include:

  • Water temperature - in the summer months, if there is a large natural food supply, feeding occurs 2-3 hours after the sun rises. The water temperature should be from 12-15 degrees and above;
  • Age – Fledglings need to be fed twice a day – morning and evening, in small portions. Two-year-olds are fed once a day - in the morning.
  • Eatability - in order not to overfeed the fish, you need to monitor the rate of food disappearance. If the food is eaten too quickly, it means the fish are not getting the amount of food they need. If the food remains untouched for three hours, then it is worth reducing the norm.

Light and shadow

It is very important to create the correct illumination regime for the pond.
It should be sunny around it, although partial shade would not hurt for part of the reservoir. On a hot summer day, both people and fish like to hide from the sun. It is unacceptable to immerse the entire reservoir in partial shade. Without sun, fish are stunted and get sick. In the shade, in reservoirs of any size, blue-green algae carrying cyanobacteria actively reproduce. The depth of the stocked reservoir must be at least 160 cm. The fish will overwinter under the water column without loss. Although it is not necessary to deepen the entire pond this way. If you plan to grow fish and relax on the shore, then an impressive depression in the center is enough. On the remaining part, create ledges for planting plants and the opportunity to dangle legs.

Stock up on nets of different sizes. They will be needed to care for the pond. You will have to regularly catch duckweed, fallen leaves, and algae. The pond is thoroughly cleaned every three years. To do this, pump out water and use a special pump to remove excess sludge.

DIY pond construction

If you already have a small pond on your property, you can successfully use it for fish farming. But, if there is no pond, you will have to build it yourself. First of all, you need to choose the right place for the reservoir: it should be in partial shade, in the lowest area (Figure 3).

To build a pond with your own hands, follow these instructions:

  1. The depth of the reservoir should be at least a meter, and the length and width are determined by the personal preferences of the owner.
  2. The soil at the bottom of the pit is carefully compacted and covered with a layer of cement.
  3. After the solution hardens, a special polyethylene film for artificial reservoirs is laid on the bottom of the pit. It will help you quickly and easily clear your pond of debris.
  4. Next, you can begin filling the pond with water. First you need to pour out a third of the planned liquid so that the film on the bottom straightens. After this, soil and river sand are laid on the bottom, and aquatic plants are planted. Only after this can the remaining water be added.

Figure 3. Main stages of pond construction

At the final stage, you can decorate the banks of the reservoir with ornamental shrubs, trees and grass. It is not recommended to introduce fish immediately after construction: the water must stand for a while so that it develops its own environment of microorganisms and temperature. To speed up this process, you can leave some wilted grass at the bottom or pour two or three buckets of water from a natural reservoir into the pond.

Preparing the aquarium, transporting fish

When preparing for the introduction of river fish into a home aquarium, first of all, you should pay attention to the soil; small pebbles are best in this case.

The development of fish in a new place will be successful if, after catching, it is placed in water from its permanent habitat. And at home, new guests should be placed in an aquarium with 50% clean water and the same amount of water should be added from the reservoir.

In order not to injure the caught fish during transportation, you need to choose comfortable dishes (it is better to use wide and low ones). It is recommended to carry 4-5 copies in a 5 liter container.

If the journey is long, take care of temporary aeration for the fish; such a device can be made from a hose, a spray bulb and a sprayer.

Functions of bait for feeder fishing

During the fishing process, feeder bait performs two important functions: it attracts the fish to the place where the bait is supplied and detains the fish at the fishing point for a long time. The performance of these functions is facilitated by the attractant, the fine fractionation of the compositions, which, when dissolved, release an abundant trail of turbidity, and the presence of high-calorie ingredients in the feed recipe.

Attractive odors, spreading in the water, give the fish the direction of approach. A turbid plume with nutrient microparticles is carried by the current over long distances, luring a trophy from distant water areas, and having approached the feeder directly, the fish ends up on a table covered with food, due to the presence of tasty larger particles of food on which it lingers at the point, not particularly saturated, but with an excited appetite, provoking competition between feeding individuals. As a result of increased competition, the fish quickly finds the main bait, trying to swallow the food faster than its relatives.

As a result of this strategy, the angler receives a stable and, most importantly, active bite from larger fish, which, in principle, is the goal of any fishing and the expectations of every angler. As a rule, abundant starting feeding during the subsequent fishing session is only supported by the supply of small portions of attractive complementary food to the point, teasing the fish and not allowing it to change its location in anticipation of the appearance of the next treat.

Types of Aquariums

In the pseudo-scientific literature, there are 5 types of aquariums:

  1. Nautical
  2. Freshwater
  3. African
  4. Brazilian
  5. Malay

To keep fish from domestic reservoirs, use a cold, freshwater type of aquarium, with both running and standing water. Creating an environment for local “natives” is a very exciting process and a topic for thought.

Unlike tropical countries, where the temperature is always the same, in our region its range varies from 0 to 40 degrees.

It is quite difficult to recreate natural conditions, but the difficulties fascinate lovers of closed aquatic ecosystems even more.

African aquarium

Freshwater aquarium

Malayan Aquarium

Seawater aquarium

Brazilian Aquarium

To study the issue, let’s briefly look at all the types and their differences from each other.

  • A marine aquarium is designed to house marine ornamental fish, mainly colorful reef creatures. The main difference from other types is the presence of salty sea water or water reduced from crystalline salt.
  • The African type is distinguished by rocky landscapes and is intended for keeping African cichlids. These fighting fish are native to the freshwater lakes of Africa and do not tolerate other species around them. There are practically no plants in it.
  • The Brazilian aquarium is a piece of the tropical forest. There are so many green tropical plants, including lileopsis brasiliensis, driftwood and branches, that it is difficult to see the native fish of the Amazon.
  • The Malayan variant is, first of all, a green expanse of water abundant in Malayan pondweed with the presence of island cockerels in it.

As can be seen from the text, the types of aquariums are determined based on the specialization of keeping fish and plant species characteristic of certain natural zones.

Business profitability for beginners

When calculating capital investments when organizing this type of business, you need to take into account 3 main expense items:

  1. Polypropylene pool with a volume of 2.7 cubic meters. On average, such equipment costs 26 thousand rubles.
  2. Fish seed material. To purchase 500 fingerlings you will need 3 thousand rubles.
  3. Feed. If you do not take into account the winter season, then feeding fish from May to September will cost about 6,400 rubles. When calculating, it is taken into account that 1 bag of feed weighs 40 kg and costs 640 rubles. enough for 1 month, and fattening the fish to marketable weight takes 2 years.

Thus, the total investment amount is 35,400 rubles. When calculating the amount of revenue, it is taken into account that:

  • If the population density of the basin with the specified parameters is not less than 200 yearlings per 1 cubic meter and there is a 50% probability of death during the first year of breeding, the next year it is possible to raise about 500 individuals weighing up to 1 kg, i.e. 500 kg of fish products;
  • the proceeds from its sale will be 65 thousand rubles. provided that carp of commercial weight (1 kg) costs an average of 130 rubles.

After subtracting the amount of the initial investment, the profit amount will be 29,600 rubles. (65000-35400). Carp breeding in this case has a profitability of 84% (29600/35400x100).

Conditions for keeping carp

Carp are bred at home in 3 ways:

  1. Extensive. To implement this technology, a pit is dug for a homemade pond on the plot of a private house or cottage. At the initial stage of production, even a small recess will do.
  2. Semi-intensive. It involves the use of cages and is used when it is impossible to construct a pond. When using this method of breeding, the main task is to find a reservoir for placing cages - compartments-cells for keeping fish, made of burlap and nylon netting. They are attached to a wooden frame with floats, which are 150-liter iron barrels. Then the fry are placed in the cages at the rate of 200 fingerlings per 1 cubic meter.
  3. Intense. It involves the use of RAS (recirculated water supply installation) in a hangar-type room with an area of ​​at least 30 sq.m. It is necessary to install swimming pools and equip them with a water purification and circulation system. When using RAS, the contents of the containers are in continuous circular motion. Passing through the filters and enriched with oxygen, the liquid is returned back to the container. A certain volume of it goes into the sewer system, so it is necessary to periodically replenish the contents of the pools. The video shows how fish reproduce under RAS conditions.

Location and size of the pool or pond

When designing a reservoir for carp breeding, you need to take into account that it cannot be placed near too noisy roads. The optimal location is a quiet place. It is desirable that one of its parts is located in the shade, and the other receives direct sunlight. It is not recommended to make a pond in low-lying areas, otherwise dirty melt and rainwater will flow into it.

The dimensions of a homemade pond for breeding carp for sale are from 4 to 6 m, depth - 1.5-3 m. In a pond that is too deep, the water will not have time to warm up, which will negatively affect the growth of carp. Along with this, this type of aquatic vertebrate animals is grown in pools. Such structures are round and square, as well as ceramic, concrete and plastic. The same requirements apply to their size and location as to the pond.

Water quality requirements

Carp can only be bred in fresh water. To fill a pond or pool, artesian, flowing, or water from a nearby natural reservoir is used.

It is not recommended to use tap water containing large amounts of chlorine and minerals. The reservoir must be regularly cleaned of debris and waste products of its inhabitants.

Since waterfowl are sources of infection, care must be taken to ensure that they do not settle in the pond. In stagnant and low-flowing reservoirs, it is recommended to organize a water filtration system, preferably a two-stage purification system. Such devices will help clean the pond from organic waste, fish excrement and food residues.

Temperature and oxygen content in water

Strict adherence to certain temperature requirements and the required amount of oxygen in the water will allow you to grow a healthy carp population. This type of fish is heat-loving. In too cold water, the inhabitants of a makeshift pond may die. The optimal temperature at which carp actively grows and gains weight is 24-26 degrees in summer and 18-20 degrees in spring. If the water temperature in the pond drops to 4 degrees or rises to 30, the fish will stop feeding. Moreover, in the summer it should contain from 5 to 7 mg/l of oxygen and about 4 mg/l in the winter.

Features of acclimatization of river fish

In order for the fish to quickly get used to the new habitat, it is better to catch it in reservoirs with a reduced oxygen regime, or at a certain time of the year: in the summer - during a period of intense heat, when the water is already beginning to “bloom”, in the winter - during the period of “freezing”, when fish gather near the ice holes.

The most resistant to new conditions are small fish (fry) approximately 3-4 cm in size. It is better to catch large inhabitants in the spring.

To create conditions close to natural, the water must be replaced during purification with the following composition: half of the settled water and the same amount of natural water. The saturation of water with oxygen is created by blowing.

At the beginning of rehoming, you should notice changes in your pets' behavior and adjust the aeration time, making it shorter or longer (up to 24 hours)

A critical point that requires your attention is the natural increase in the temperature of the water in the aquarium during the summer.

Because in warm water the fish will lack oxygen; this problem can be solved by lowering the aquarium temperature by adding cold water. Sometimes you can even add tap water, not settled.

After about 2-3 weeks, the fish will wean themselves off natural water, so keeping and caring for them will not be so burdensome.

What to feed carp in a pond

Carp is considered an omnivorous fish. In many ways this is true. After all, the “pond pig” can feed on almost everything it finds in the pond

However, for commercial purposes, as well as for proper breeding and keeping of fish, it is necessary to pay special attention to the choice of food for carp

Therefore, we recommend the following food for this pond fish:

  1. Special feed for growing carp. As a rule, it contains fish meal, sunflower and soybean meal, wheat, bran, etc. In principle, it can be replaced with regular feed intended for feeding chickens, pigs and other animals. How to feed carp with compound feed? It is advisable to first knead it in a bucket or basin, adding water until a dough-like mass is formed.
  2. Cereal and legume grains are another option for feeding carp. True, you shouldn’t feed them to fish regularly. It is also best to feed grains and legumes after they have been soaked in water (for several hours). If you decide to feed the carp beans or peas, then you need to completely steam them. This will remove many toxic substances harmful to fish.
  3. Protein food - worms, maggots, bloodworms, raw fish, snails, shells, etc. Such food is also useful and necessary for carp. Especially in spring and autumn, when fish have a need for protein. However, carp should be given protein food all year round. Otherwise, the fish may develop serious diseases related to the functioning of the digestive system.
  4. Potato. It is given to carp as food in boiled form. However, due to their low feed efficiency, potatoes are best used as an additive to protein feeds. For example, to fish or bone meal.
  5. Cake and bread. True, they are best served together with grain or grain waste.
  6. Finely chopped young, soft grass. The same clover, lupine, alfalfa, wood lice, etc.

You can feed the carp with potato cake.
The carp also loves to eat insects. It's just that it can be difficult to catch them. But you can take advantage of the fact that midges, mosquitoes, and other insects fly towards the light. Therefore, it is enough to install lamps near the water or hang garlands above the water surface. Naturally, they need to be turned on at night. As a result, midges, arriving at the light, will definitely end up in the water, becoming food for both carp and large individuals.

Do-it-yourself universal bait for fish

The recipe for making universal bait is very simple.

You need to have the following products:

  • 1.5-2 cups sunflower seeds, pre-roasted;
  • 0.5 kg of ground corn grits;
  • 1 cup of cereal, Hercules maybe;
  • 1 glass of semolina;
  • 1 kg breadcrumbs;
  • 1 package (500 grams) of gingerbread, the main thing is that there is no filling;
  • 2 packs of ground coriander;
  • 1-2 packages of milk-based cookies;
  • 0.5 kg of dry cat food;
  • 1 pack of rye bran;
  • 4-5 tablespoons of the dry base of the Nesquik drink, however, it must be remembered that for those who are going to catch roach and bleak, this item should be excluded;
  • 2 tablespoons of fine salt, preferably sea salt, which does not contain additives;
  • 1 cup of sugar.

After you have collected all the ingredients, you can proceed to the process of preparing the food. All components must be ground in a meat grinder, except corn grits. Mix everything and put it in a dry container that has a tight lid

It is important that the bait remains dry

When fishing in summer, maggots can be added to the bait on the spot. In winter, throw the bait into the hole in small portions.

Breeding fish at home

For reproduction, when catching fish in the fall, you need to leave several large individuals of different sexes. For spawning, a number of conditions must be met:

  • creating a spawning pond with a size of at least 3 m and a depth of no more than 0.5 m and a slightly larger breeding pond with a system for supplying and draining water from a river or well;
  • at the beginning of spring, when the water warms up to 18-20 degrees, 1-2 males are transplanted into the spawning reservoir during the day, and 1 female in the evening;
  • to attach the eggs, you need to plant reeds in the pond in advance or line its bottom with fresh turf;
  • after the fertilized larvae hatch, the adults return to the reservoir;
  • after 6-8 days, the spawning pond is lowered, and the larvae are transplanted into the nursery pond;
  • young animals are fed bloodworms, mixed feed, and dry milk;
  • Before the onset of winter, the nursery pond is lowered, and the grown-up fingerlings are transplanted into a common reservoir.

Feeding regimen for different fish

The differentiation of fish by species plays an important role in feeding efficiency, since each food has specific nutritional requirements.


The daily feed requirement for carp breeding is determined by the weight of the fish and the water temperature. If the weight of the carp is up to 0.5 g, then the daily norm is 100% of the weight, if 500 or more, then 2.8% of the total weight.

Fingerlings and two-year-olds are fed pellets, which are placed in special feeders. The young are fed every hour, reducing the amount of food given as they gain weight. Also, the number of feedings decreases when the water temperature drops. You can feed carp with protein food (worms, bloodworms, snails and shells), potatoes, cake and bread, as well as finely chopped soft grass and special feed (which it is advisable to pre-mix in a bucket until a dough-like mass is formed).

If the water in the pond is very warm - 23-26 degrees, then the fish's appetite increases and they need to be fed more often. Feed the young almost every hour. It is enough to feed carp weighing from half a kilo to 2 kg 4-5 times a day. If the water temperature is 22-24 degrees, then the number of feedings reaches 5-6 times a day, if 14-20 degrees, then 4 times a day, and at temperatures less than 14 degrees - 2-3 times a day.

crucian carp

Crucian carp is a fish that is considered almost omnivorous. Nothing will happen to her, even if you forget to feed her, because in reservoirs she will always find the necessary minimum of food, especially if an ecosystem has already formed in the pond.

Crucian carp eat best algae, steamed beans and cereals, worms, insect larvae, and bloodworms. It is not advisable to feed bread.

The amount of feed introduced should be no more than 5% of the weight of the fish. Calculating the norm is simple - if about 30 individuals of 200 grams each live in a pond, then the total weight of the fish is 6 kg, which means that the one-time feed norm should not exceed 300 grams.

Feed the crucian carp 1-2 times a day, at the same time.


Fish of the salmon family are fed with meat waste, low-fat dry milk, as well as meat and bone, fish and krill meal. These components can be mixed with each other or you can immediately buy ready-made feed, which differ by age group: for example, for fry weighing up to 5 grams, take RGM-6M and S-112-Lat, and for young animals - LK-5P.


Catfish is a special fish, since by the time it begins to eat properly, its stomach and intestines have already developed, which makes it possible to form special enzymes for digesting food. This feature makes the fish less demanding on the composition of the feed - for catfish, SB-1 and SB-3 are usually used, supplementing them with calcium if rearing occurs in soft water.

You need to feed catfish fry 8 times a day, gradually reducing the number of meals to 4 times. The volume of a single dose of food depends on the temperature of the water - the warmer the water, the more food you need to give.


To successfully breed young fish, you need to monitor the amount of animal proteins in the eel’s food; the more there is, the more intensive the growth of the fish. The young are fed up to 10 times a day in the shaded parts of the pond and use mainly animal feed for feeding. For fish weighing up to 2 grams, the daily norm is 16%, weighing 2-4 grams - 12%, 4-8 grams - 10% and 8-25 grams - 8%.


Sturgeon need to be given food with a high fat content, this is especially important for juvenile besters. The number of feeding times depends on age: larvae and fry are fed up to 12 times a day, and adult fish - from 4 to 8 times a day


For tilapia, feed of both plant and animal origin is excellent, and protein foods are a priority.

Grain waste, meal and mixed feed are suitable for feeding tilapia. The larvae begin to consume artificial food as soon as they switch to active external feeding and therefore they are excellent for breeding in pools and ponds.

For juveniles weighing up to 50 grams, take feed VBS-RZh-81, RZGK-1, and weighing from 50 grams and above - PK-Vr, RGM-2Ke, etc. The food supply per day is determined based on the weight of the fish.

What kind of fish can take root in an aquarium?

River fish are divided into two categories:

  • living in fast river currents: bleak, redfish, roach, perch, chub and pike;
  • living in sluggish currents: carp, tench, crucian carp, rotan, spiny loach and loach.

The first category of fish is more demanding in terms of keeping conditions. Therefore, if you want less work, it is better to choose fish from the second category.

The most unpretentious is crucian carp. It can survive 2-3 months in unfavorable conditions due to its surface layer of mud and water.

Before breeding fish, you need to decide in advance who you will keep: predators or herbivores. If you are going to keep both species, you need to prepare two separate aquariums.

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