Bluefish fish. Description, features and habitat of bluefish

Description and features

You can recognize a representative of the bluefish family by its elongated and flattened body, covered with small round scales. There are two fins with spiny rays on the back.

Bluefish fish

In the first one you can count 7-8 of them, and in the second you can find only one, the rest are cartilaginous and soft. Pairs of pectoral and pelvic fins are short, the tail is fork-shaped.

The color of the back is dark, blue-green, the sides are light silver, and the belly is whitish. The pectoral fins have a dark spot. Big head with a huge mouth. The jaw with sharp teeth is pushed forward. The bluefish in the photo looks like the real predator that it is.

Large fish can grow up to 130 cm in length and gain weight up to 15 kg, but commercial catches often include specimens measuring 50-60 cm in size and weighing up to 5 kg.

Bluefish spend their lives in a school. The large fish family includes thousands of individuals. In constant migration, schools of predators pose a danger to other sea inhabitants, but they themselves become prey for fishing vessels.

Schools of fish mainly stay in sea waters, at a depth of up to 200 m. In hot seasons, bluefish move to coastal zones and river mouths, but with cold weather they return to the open sea.

In hunting he shows unbridledness and passion. of bluefish schools of small fish into pieces with a rapid penetration, then marks the victims and overtakes them in a throw. With an open mouth and swollen gills, it catches prey and instantly eats it. After the hunt is over, the school of bluefish quickly unites.

Bluefish teeth

Bluefish fish for humans .
In the depths, after meeting with a scuba diver, the flock takes flight. Only caught fish that desperately resist can cause damage.


Good speed data is helped by the shape of the body - a body flattened on the sides, covered with streamlined shiny bluish scales.

The typical dimensions for most adult individuals are 40 cm in length and 3 kg in weight. In tropical latitudes there are giants with a body length of up to one and a half meters.

In the photo, the bluefish can be easily recognized by two specific fins on the back. Powerful jaw, the lower part protrudes forward relative to the upper, and has a large number of sharp teeth.

In what bodies of water is it found?

Many fishermen are sure that bluefish is a fish that is found only in the Black Sea and sometimes appears in the Azov waters and the Kerch Strait. These are, indeed, the main refuges of the predator, but large schools of bluefish live in the waters of the temperate zone and subtropics of the Atlantic. In the Pacific and Indian Oceans, schools of predators are not uncommon.

The warm waters of the Mediterranean Sea and the shores of Africa attract migrating bluefish. Under the influence of temperatures and atmospheric pressure, a marine predator can dive to depths, stay in the water column and swim near the surface.

Fishing methods

Bluefish is an object of industrial fishing. It is caught with a variety of nets. At the same time, it gets caught on hooks and longlines when catching tuna and marlin. Quite often bluefish react to trolling baits. In recreational fishing, the most popular fishing method is sea spinning. Fish are caught both from the shore and from boats. In the Black Sea, bluefish are fished using various live bait and multi-hook rigs. In addition, bluefish are caught using fly fishing gear, this is facilitated by the lifestyle of the fish.

Fishing with spinning rod

To catch bluefish, most anglers use spinning tackle for casting fishing. For gear, in spinning fishing for sea fish, as in the case of trolling, the main requirement is reliability. In most cases, fishing takes place from boats of various classes. Rod tests must match the intended baits. In summer, schools of bluefish approach the coastline, for example, they can be found near river mouths. It is worth keeping in mind that Black Sea bluefish are somewhat smaller than those found in the Atlantic or off the coast of Australia. The choice of bait and tackle is also related to this. When fishing on shore, longer rods are usually used, and do not forget that bluefish are a very active fish. To catch Black Sea bluefish, multi-hook gear, such as “tyrant” or “herringbone”, is also used. The latter differs in that several retractable leashes with decoys are placed in front of the oscillating spoon. The use of various live bait equipment is quite relevant. When searching for fish, they often focus on seagulls and the so-called. "Bluefish boilers" Reels must also have an impressive supply of fishing line or cord. In addition to a trouble-free braking system, the reel must be protected from salt water. According to the operating principle, the coils can be either multiplier or inertia-free. Accordingly, rods are selected depending on the reel system. When fishing for sea fish with a spinning rod, fishing technique is very important. To select the correct wiring, you should consult with experienced fishermen or guides.

Bluefish feeding

The food of the sea predator is small and medium-sized fish. The speed of hunting attacks is so high that scientists for a long time could not determine how exactly the bluefish catches and swallows prey. In pursuit, he quickly jumps over the water, drowning out the victim in his fall. Only modern video recordings and slow-motion viewing revealed the mysteries of his behavior.

Observations of the water's surface provide clues as to where the bluefish are feasting. Like freshwater perches, predators attack collectively to dissect a school, and then pursue individuals, destroying them at breakneck speed. The circling of seagulls often reveals where the bluefish are dining.

Black Sea bluefish feeding

  • anchovies;
  • mackerel;
  • sardines;
  • mullet;
  • herring;
  • Siberian;
  • anchovy;
  • sprats;
  • cephalopods;
  • crustacean inhabitants, even worms.

The speed of devouring prey has given rise to a common myth about the greed of bluefish, which kills more fish than it can eat. It was assumed that the prey was bitten by a predator, but deciphering the recordings disproved this theory.

Bluefish fish with an unusually beautiful name

Bluefish is a predatory fish with an unusually beautiful name that lives in the warm waters of the Azov and Black Seas, as well as in the Kerch Strait. The bluefish is a schooling fish; it gathers in schools and hunts in the thickness and near the surface of sea water for other fish. Schools of bluefish often come close to the shoreline, at which time they, like real hunters, drive in other fish that they prefer to eat: mullet, sardine, horse mackerel, garfish, anchovy, sprat and other representatives of the fish world. Bluefish still prefer to feed on juvenile fish and therefore hunt them at river mouths. Often, in calm weather, you can see an unforgettable spectacle of predatory hunting - this is a feast of a school of bluefish, which often jumps out over the boiling water surface in pursuit of young ones; this is reminiscent of a children's game of catch, only the end of the game is not as rosy as we would like.

Bluefish fishing

Bluefish meat carcasses are very highly prized. Contains up to 3% fat and more than 20% protein. Delicious meat with a dense consistency is classified as a delicacy that can be eaten fresh.

The fish is also salted and dried. The delicate taste of the sea predator is known to connoisseurs of the Western Atlantic, Brazil, Venezuela, Australia, the USA, and African countries. There are practically no small bones in the meat.

Bluefish fishing

Cleaning small scales is not difficult. The saturation of fish with vitamins and microelements makes it a useful product. On the Russian market you can sometimes find bluefish sold under the name “sea bass”.

Fans of fish dishes should take into account that when preparing fresh bluefish, you need to be very careful: among its fins there are poisonous needles that can cause paralysis of the limbs if damaged.

In the middle of the last century, fishermen caught hundreds of tons of Black Sea bluefish. But the population has declined sharply since then. The fish are caught in set nets, but more often they are caught for fun.

Bluefish fishing is an object of sport fishing using a spinning rod. Active biting is observed in the early morning or evening, during the predator’s hunt. Once hooked, a resilient bluefish will resist to the last of its strength, and it is extremely difficult to pull it out of the water.

The fish makes desperate jerks, plunges sharply into the depths or jumps out of the water. The fight can last for hours. It requires excellent dexterity, knowledge of fish habits, strength and patience to overcome the resistance of a predator.

Bluefish sometimes reach large sizes

Often the winner is the bluefish, which manages to get rid of the hook as a result of cunning manipulations. Experienced fishermen tend to hook the fish right away. When the hook is firmly fixed in the mouth, a brake is installed and the predator is fished out.

For fishing, a two-handed spinning rod equipped with an inertial reel and fishing line with a diameter of 0.4-0.5 mm is good. Among the inertia-free ones, you can choose “Dolphin”. The spinner needs to be elongated in shape, with a concave part present. The hollow is filled with molten tin. A weighted spoon attracts fish to a greater extent, and sinkers are not needed.

Bluefish appear off the coast infrequently, only after storms; they are usually caught from motor boats. It is difficult to guess in the vast expanses of the sea where fish live. Fishing at random rarely attracts solitary predators.

The schools are revealed by splashes above the water, the clamor of seagulls attracted by the fish feast. The chances of successful fishing are increased by baiting pieces of horse mackerel, anchovy, and garfish if you move them 70-90 meters around the boat. Fishing continues from mid-summer to late autumn, while schools of small fish circle close to the shores.

Top 3: the most interesting facts about bluefish

  1. Bluefish is a desirable object of sport fishing. The most convenient time to go fishing is evening or early morning. During this period, the predator-hunter goes hunting and is easier to catch. Once hooked, the bluefish begins to violently resist. The fish, trying to free itself, plunges into the depths, desperately breaks and jumps out of the water. Even when wounded, he fights to the end.
  2. There is no need to feed this fish. Any small fish or previously prepared pieces of sea inhabitants can be used as bait. The best tackle for bluefish: elongated wobblers, jigs, vibrotails, twisters, octopuses, spoons. It is better that these “lures” are light, shiny colors.
  3. Bluefish never attack people. When meeting a person, he tries to run away. But it can injure a fisherman if he does not follow safety precautions when fishing. You need to be especially careful when fishing and when removing fish from the hook. You need to be careful of her razor-sharp teeth.

Reproduction and lifespan

Bluefish mature at 2-4 years. The predator spawns only in thoroughly warmed water, from the beginning of June to the end of August. Females spawn floating eggs directly into the sea, in several portions.

High fertility saves the population from extinction, because other fish feed on eggs, and most of them simply die. Large females lay hundreds of thousands, up to 1 million eggs, from which, if they survive, floating larvae hatch within two days.

They are tiny in size, comparable to zooplankton. The larvae are carried over long distances by the current. It is extremely difficult for scientists to study all the mechanisms of reproduction.

The diet of juveniles includes small crustaceans and invertebrate organisms. When the body of the fry increases to 8-11 cm, the nutrition changes - a real predator awakens. Fish becomes the main food. Bluefish populations fluctuate significantly from time to time, with periods of extinction alternating with periods of abundance.

Bluefish baits

The following is suitable for catching a predator: 1. Pilker. The bluefish bait has an oblong shape with hooks at the end. Ideal for deep sea fishing; 1. Spoons. An excellent bait for bluefish, fishermen recommend using shiny ones. Do not forget that our predator is a stubborn fish and we must choose bait with small hooks.1. Fishing with live bait. To attract a predator you will need small shiny fish. Red mullet and mackerel make excellent baits for bluefish.

Seasonal behavioral patterns

The spring period is favorable for catching bluefish from the shore. At this time, the rainy season begins in tropical latitudes, and in more northern latitudes, due to melt water, water flow increases.

Experiencing stress from increased currents and desalination of water, schools migrate to quiet coastal bays, where fishermen are already waiting for them.

In summer, the fish, on the contrary, try to stay in deeper water areas where the water heats up less.

Autumn is the best time for commercial fishing, as this period marks the peak of activity, which continues until the onset of cold weather.

In winter, like most fish species, it is inactive and prefers to temporarily move to warmer climes.

Bluefish in cooking

Cleaning a bluefish is easy—the scales can be easily removed from the body. The only bones inside are the spine. That is why fish is so valued in culinary matters. Like other species of inhabitants of the Black Sea, the dense meat of this predator can be boiled, stewed, fried, baked in the oven or on the grill, and combined with vegetables.

Bluefish produces luxurious minced meat, which chefs use to prepare baked goods: pies, dumplings, pies, traditional cutlets and meatballs. In domestic stores you can most often find frozen minced meat. If you bought whole fish, it is recommended to cook it immediately. Fatty meat has a peculiar taste, which intensifies after a day of catching, and when lying for a long time, the fillet becomes loose and loses its shape.

Bluefish fish is a marine inhabitant, a representative of the order of perciform ray-finned fish, which we will talk about in the article. Bluefish - a fish with a beautiful name, is distinguished by the disposition of a serious predator; it quickly follows its prey and attacks it, jumping even onto the shore for the purpose of profit.

Bluefish fish is a sea delicacy and is in demand in cooking, about the advantages and disadvantages of this inhabitant of the underwater depths, about its appearance, habitat, benefits and harms right now.


It is found in almost all relatively warm, non-freezing seas and oceans of the world. Off the coast of Africa, India, China, USA, Latin American countries. It lives throughout the Black Sea, and in the summer it also enters the Azov Sea.

It is an active migrant fish; schools of Black Sea bluefish are able to travel vast distances in search of prey.

They move in large schools near the surface of the water and pose a serious threat to other species of commercial fish.

How to cook bluefish

Black Sea bluefish is a fish that is very loved by chefs all over the world. You can prepare a huge number of dishes from it, including lean, low-calorie dishes. World experts prepare bluefish fillet in batter, in a creamy sauce, on the grill, boil and stew the fish, bake it with cheese or with tomatoes, and add it to exotic salads.

Ordinary people at home bake bluefish in the oven, make fish soup (fish soups) from them, or fry them in a frying pan. Some of the meat of these fish is used to prepare minced cutlets, for filling dumplings or savory pastries and pies. Dense and tasty bluefish meat is excellent when salted, dried or canned.

In Russia, bluefish is sold frozen and the cost of such a seafood delicacy is not too high.

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