What are bite activators made of? We study the composition of the revolutionary bite activator Fishhungry

Many years ago, fishing was one of the ways to feed yourself and your family. Back then, this type of activity was more of a necessity than a pleasant pastime.

But nowadays fishing is one of the most common types of recreation not only among men, but also among women. The great advantage of fishing is that it can be done all year round.

Each fisherman has his own secrets and methods for increasing the catch, because fishing is an entire art! Some people keep fishing spots secret, others invent their own recipes for bait. But modern fishermen keep up with the times, luring fish using various attractants - bite activators.

Operating principle

The main task of an attractant is to attract prey to the fishing spot. The use of pheromones included in the activator is based on the experience of many years of studying the lifestyle of fish. They are able to exchange information with each other, while releasing external secretion products into the water, which have different chemical structures depending on the situation.

But science does not stand still, and scientists, specialists and researchers in scientific research laboratories managed to synthesize artificial pheromones, similar to those substances that are formed in the body of hungry individuals.

When it enters a body of water, the bait dissolves, its smell spreads throughout the body of water and attracts fish. Due to the well-developed olfactory receptors, the feeling of hunger spreads among all the inhabitants in the area. Even well-fed fish will not be able to resist the Fish Hungry bite activator. Fish Hungry bait is that it attracts fish not individually, but in whole schools, due to physiological changes in the behavior of the fish.

Composition of the bite activator

The composition of the bite activator is currently known, but it is not possible to produce such a product at home. Worth o, the composition of which is truly unique, is one of the most effective ways to increase the bite even in places where large fish usually do not swim, for example, in shallow water. The effect of the activator is especially significant on adult individuals of large size, since after using this product they develop a very strong hunger, which forces them to eat any bait that the fisherman throws, which leads to an increase in the catch several times.

What fish is the Fish Hungry bite activator designed for?

Fish Hungry is a multifunctional tool that can be used when catching both predatory fish and peaceful aquatic inhabitants. Any fish: hungry or well-fed, peaceful or predatory, sea or freshwater, large or small, all without exception, when located in the area of ​​distribution of the Fish Hungry activator, are exposed to its effects.

Instructions for use

To be satisfied with a good catch, it is important to know how to use the product correctly. How to use the Fish Hungry bite activator depends on the type of fish, so it can be used in a variety of ways. Each package contains detailed cooking instructions.

If you are going fishing to catch peaceful fish, you need to carefully and thoroughly mix the contents of one sachet of activator with the bait. Moreover, it does not matter whether it is self-prepared bait or pre-purchased bait. The consumption of the Fish Hangry activator is approximately one sachet per 2 kg of bait.

If you want to catch a predatory fish, you need to follow the recommendation: pour half a liter of water into a container and dilute one sachet of activator in it, mix well. It is necessary to periodically keep the bait in the resulting solution for a short amount of time. When fishing with live bait, you should also adhere to this recommendation.

Most often, the positive effect of the activator occurs within 30-40 minutes , and the best results can be observed within an hour!
Attention! The Fish Hungry bite activator does not cause any harm to the fish’s body or the environment.
When using a bite activator, no harm is caused to the fish’s body, as well as to the environment, but at the same time it attracts large fish and gently stimulates their appetite. Fish caught using a bite activator is safe for humans, so in the future you can safely eat your catch without fear for your health and the health of your loved ones. You can also spray the bait without diluting it, but then it will be distributed unevenly in the water.

Components and pheromones

The components that are included in the bite activator quickly attract fish located at a great distance and provide a good bite even when fishing with a spoon. These substances directly affect special receptors found in fish, which forces them to absorb food in large quantities, which significantly increases the chances of obtaining a high-quality catch. The effect of the activator is even on those fish that were not previously hungry. When considering what components “Fishhungry” consists of, it is immediately worth noting the presence of special pheromones in this product. It was noticed that molecules of various substances spread quickly both in air and water. It is special pheromones, which were synthesized in scientific laboratories, that attract fish in large quantities and contribute to the feeling of hunger in them.

How long can Fish Hungry be stored?

An important advantage of the “hungry fish” is its long service life. If for any reason you have not used all the prepared activator solution, do not throw it away under any circumstances! Without losing its original properties, the activator can be stored for another two weeks.

Important! The main condition for long-term storage of the prepared activator is a tightly closed container.

The bait is of synthesized origin, therefore it is less susceptible to decay processes. When conducting tests and studies on long-term storage of the Fish Hangry activator, no decrease in the effectiveness of its elements was detected. However, it is recommended to store it dry.

Features of fishing at different times of the year

Fishing with Fish Hungry bait will be productive wherever you are: on a river, on a lake or at sea. The same can be said about the seasons - any month of the year will bring a lot of catch. However, a slight dependence of the effect of the activator on fish on the time of year was still revealed.

It must be taken into account that the active behavior of a fish is influenced by its metabolic rate. The lower the water temperature, the less the fish needs to receive nutrients, and therefore, the less activity it has. Based on this, we can conclude that in the cold season it is much more difficult to attract fish. This problem is solved by pheromones included in the Fish Hungry bait, which quickly spread in the water and cause appetite even in a passive individual.

Reference! In the cold season, a large number of fish live on the bottom, therefore, the bait must be delivered as deep as possible, using special bottom feeders.

During the warm season, the amount of varied food for fish in reservoirs sharply increases. This variety makes the prey very sophisticated and much more difficult to lure. This situation leads to the need to use increased portions of bait. But in this case, the main thing is not to overdo it.

Experienced fishermen recommend determining the amount of additive experimentally: start with the standard preparation of bait “according to the recipe”, and then increase the dose of the activator in small portions until the bite increases.

Important! Fishing is not recommended on very hot summer days. The fact is that during the warm season, vegetation actively develops in reservoirs, which significantly reduces the oxygen content in the water. Therefore, it is advisable to fish at dawn or dusk, when the heat subsides.

Peculiarities of fishing with bait-attractant “Fish Hangri” by season

Among the main features of using the fishhungry attractant are the following characteristics:

  • An inherent advantage of using the fishhungry activator is the fact that it is designed for fishing at any time of the year, regardless of weather conditions and temperatures.
  • The use of an attractant is quite important for winter fishing, when luring fish becomes especially difficult.
  • The effect of the activator spreads throughout the entire reservoir and at the first stage attracts fish from distant backwaters and lures them out from under snags and holes.
  • It is very important that when fishing in the cold winter, when the fish is in a light sleep, fishing will be more than effective, especially if you “hunt” for large pike, catfish, perch, etc.
  • The effectiveness of the activator has been proven by numerous studies and laboratory experiments. All tests were carried out. In specially created different climatic conditions, and every time, the results were more than good.
  • Fish Hungry was specially designed by specialists for use in different types of reservoirs: canals, rivers, lakes, etc.

Thanks to the appearance of activator bait in specialized fishing stores, classic long-hour fishing turns into an excellent day with a big catch.

The FishHungry activator helps you catch your favorite crucian carp or carp, catch a trophy pike or treat yourself to a roach.

FishHungry attractant bait for fish is based on new modern biotechnical advances.

Fish Hungry – scam or not

The Internet is full of negative reviews from fishermen: some say that this is a waste of money, some prepare complementary foods incorrectly and there is no bite, some chose unsuitable weather conditions, etc. Let's figure it out.

Nowadays there are many counterfeit products on the market, and the Fish Hungry bite activator is no exception. Purchasing a counterfeit product is the first and main reason for most negative reviews. In order to avoid this, you need to pay attention to packaging. The original product is sold in plastic packaging of a bright light green color, with the inscription Fish Hungry in large white letters on a red background.

Please note that all text on the package is printed in English, so there should not be any Chinese characters in the text. One pack contains five sachets with the same dosage of the activator. The inscriptions and drawings on the package should be easy to read and free from scuffs. The packaging must not be damaged. It is also very important to pay attention to the date of manufacture. It is not recommended to buy expired goods.

You must make purchases in trusted places. It is best to do this in an official store or place an order on the official website via the Internet , since if suddenly the product you purchased turns out to be of poor quality, you will definitely be offered a replacement. Do not hesitate to ask for documents and certificates that must have seals and signatures that indicate the quality and authenticity of the products being sold.

Pay attention to the cost of the product. Often, in pursuit of low prices in order to save money, people buy low-quality products.

How FishHungry works

The work of the FishHungry activator is based on the principle of constantly increasing the level of hunger of fish, especially large specimens of ichthyofauna. The principle of effectiveness of the product is aimed at the instinctive impulses of the fish at the physiological level.

So, the activator first lures fish from a fairly long distance, and then forces them to feed with pheromones in the chosen fishing spot.

The substance is based on secreted biologically active substances that have a specific effect and affect the behavior, sense of smell and emotional color of the fish, metabolism, etc.

The synthesized chemicals that form the basis of the activator are similar to those pheromones that are secreted by the fish themselves, and this leads all inhabitants of the reservoir to unmotivated behavior: strong hunger, crowding into schools, etc.

The activator was not developed for individual fishing, but as a main product for fisheries and large wholesale breeders. But not so long ago, this product became widespread among the masses.

Actually, FishHungry created a sensation: there was a reconstruction in fish farms, and a high level of popularity in personal, home fishing. The authors of the unique composition of the product were Italian biologists. The attractant has been on sale on the domestic market only since 2010.

Is Fish Hungry sold in stores and how to buy it

In the modern world, rapidly developing technologies have made life much easier for the population, because you can make purchases without leaving your home. In order to purchase the Fish Hungry bite activator, you need to go to the manufacturer’s official website and leave a purchase request. To submit a purchase request, you need to fill out the form , indicating your last name, first name, patronymic and leave a contact phone number.


Some time after leaving your application, an official representative of the company will call you back and clarify the details of the order. You will need to decide on the method of delivery and payment. It is recommended to pay for the purchase in cash upon receipt of the order - this is another guarantee of protection against counterfeiting.

However, if you know trusted fishing stores, you can confidently purchase “hungry fish” from them too. The price of the Fish Hungry activator is available to people with any income level. The price varies from 900 to 1700 rubles per package. One package contains five bags of bait.

Real reviews from fishermen

I, like many fishermen, at first did not believe in the miracle remedy for attracting fish, Fish Hungry, so for a long time I did not dare to buy it. But my old friend finally persuaded me to buy a bite activator. While my purchase was on its way to me, I carefully studied the information and reviews of other fishermen on various forums. Imagine my surprise when, immediately after my first fishing trip, I returned home with a catch that I could never even dream of before! I really liked the simplicity and ease of use. Therefore, I want to tell everyone who doubts - do not waste time! Go to the store and buy the Fish Hungry bite activator and you won’t regret it!

Valery, Rostov-on-Don

One day, while surfing the Internet on fishing forums, I saw a review about the Fish Hungry bite activator. The man wrote that with this activator the fish simply pounces on the bait! This surprised and interested me very much, and I began to search and study information about this bait myself. To be honest, at first I didn’t believe that this was possible. But curiosity got the better of me, and I ordered one pack of the “hungry fish” activator from the official website for testing. On the very first weekend I went fishing to try out this miracle product. 30-40 minutes after I threw the first bait into the water, fish began splashing near the boat. And then it’s a matter of little things – just have time to cast the bait. I’ll say right away that I haven’t had so much pleasure from fishing in a long time.

Denis, Tver

I am an avid fisherman and a big fan of “silent hunting,” so I managed to test the Fish Hungry activator in any weather. I went fishing in winter and summer, in rain and snow, in heat and frost, but I was always satisfied with my catch! My fishermen friends from Kuban advised me to buy an activator. Fish Hangri is effective for catching any fish. I tried to catch both predatory and peaceful fish. I was pleased with the result in both cases. I will never forget how surprised my wife was when I brought home my catch for the first time after using Fish Hungry!

Fedor, Krasnodar

My husband is obsessed with fishing, so for his next birthday I, as usual, was racking my brain for a gift on the Internet.
Having seen fishermen praising Fish Hungry bait on one of the forums, without thinking twice I decided to order it. My husband was skeptical about my gift, saying that this was another scam and a scam, but I insisted that he try the bite activator I gave him. My husband returned from fishing happy and happy. Considering that the number of fish in our river had greatly decreased, he managed to catch as many as six! Now my husband constantly orders the Fish Hungry bite activator. It lasts a long time, the cost is not high, and now there is always fresh fish in the house! Elena, Voronezh

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