Fishing tips - secrets and useful tips for fishermen
Tips on the habits and preferences of fish Color and light for fish There are fish in the water
The worm crawls out
Breeding worms for fishing at home
Collecting worms Crawlers are among the largest worms. After all, their length sometimes reaches almost
Fish biting in the rain
Where to look for fish in the cold season.
How does rain affect fish habitat? Rain performs two functions at once: 1. It has
handsome dace
Dace: description of the fish, where it is found, what to catch and how to cook
Opening a new section on my blog “Fishes of amateur fishing” I decided to start with the first one who came
Donka for zander
Fishing for pike perch using a spinning rod: tackle, equipment, bait and fishing techniques
Choosing a spinning rod for jig fishing for pike perch When fishing for pike perch, jig rods are used that can throw
Spinnerbait device
Have you tried a spinnerbait yet?
To catch predatory fish, most fishing enthusiasts use various tricks and devices that are made
Fisherman on the rocks
Donka and feeder, what is the difference: analysis of the question
Yuri 12/30/2020 1199 What active and interesting debates are fishermen having about what
How to make wheels for PVC boats with your own hands?
How to install First, stock up on tools and measuring instruments (you will need a long ruler and a square). Prepare
wobblers for asp
Wobbler for asp - ranking of the TOP 10 best models
Wobbler is the most popular and effective bait for asp. It allows you to successfully fish
Volga river
Features of catching bream on corn
Fishing for bream on a feeder in spring and summer on the river Getting ready to catch bream with
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