How to properly tie a balance beam to a fishing line

Installation of equipment for fishing on a balancer

Position of the balancer on the fishing line

The correct play of the balancer depends, in particular, on its location on the fishing line.
Purchased baits have a loop on the back of the body to which they are tied to the fishing line. The position of the balancer is considered normal when it, suspended from the fishing line, has a slight tilt. The value of the latter should not exceed 10° and be larger for small baits and smaller for large ones. Moreover, the head of the balancer should be raised up, and its tail should be lowered down.

Connecting the balancer to the fishing line

This issue is solved in two ways:

  • – tie the fishing line directly to the bait;
  • – attach the balancer to the fishing line through a swivel with a carabiner.

The last option is suitable for large (more than 5 cm) balancers. In this case, mini-swivels with carabiners corresponding in size are used. The second option is universal, but is used more for small balancers. Along it, the fishing line is tied to a loop on the back of the bait’s body. The most reliable knot in this case is considered to be the “clinch” (you can also use “clinch 2”.

Briefly about balancers

Fans of winter fishing seem to know how to properly attach a balancer to a fishing line, but there are also mistakes that negatively affect the size of the catch. Unlike other types of fishing, fishing with artificial fish requires not only reliable fastening, but also their correct, horizontal position in the water.

Let us remind you that a balancer is a bait designed for winter and summer fishing (usually in winter), imitating a small fish and equipped with two hooks in the head and tail and a tee in the lower part. Such fish look tempting to pike and pike-perch, and perch generally does not pass by an appetizing (as it seems to him) delicacy.

As a result, the striped predator ends up in the fisherman’s cage, but in order for it to attack the bait without fear, it must be as similar as possible to a live fish. As you know, fish move in a horizontal plane most of the time, and their imitation should behave the same way. This depends on the correct binding of the balancer, and we will tell you how to deal with this in this article.

Fishing rod

When buying a fishing rod for fishing with a balancer, first of all you need to pay attention to its strength, convenience, reliability of fastening the rings and the build quality in general. Carbon fiber is considered the ideal material for a whip.

It is light and clear, unlike plastic, it does not become “wooden” in the cold and does not crack. It can only break if there is a large temperature difference, so you can’t immediately put a load on it. When leaving the car, it is better to wait about ten minutes until it cools down, and then start fishing.

How long should a fishing rod be for balance fishing? This parameter depends on what predator she will catch. Pike and pike perch are usually caught standing, and since the balancer is a fairly active bait, a rod up to half a meter long is more suitable for such fishing. When fishing for perch, you can sit on a box. In this position, swinging a fishing rod that is too long is extremely inconvenient, so it is better to use a shorter fishing rod - 25-30 cm. The ideal option would be a telescopic rod that allows you to adjust the length. If you need a short rod, you can simply not extend the first knee.

Fans of winter fishing with a balance beam never cease to argue about whether such equipment requires a nod. Some put it on, others refuse it. This element smoothes out the bite, thereby reducing sensitivity in the hand

Serious minus! On the other hand, with low activity of underwater inhabitants, you still won’t feel the fish’s careful touch of the bait with your hand, so a nod is necessary

Fishing with a balance beam in summer

It is worth admitting that fishing with a balance beam in the summer and, for example, from a boat is quite an interesting and very gambling activity. This is explained by the fact that most of the fish species that fishermen go after with the above-mentioned gear are predators. And when was fishing for predatory fish boring, passive and uninteresting? Right! This has never happened before. Catching predatory fish is an extremely responsible and stressful task. However, this fishing method has its own advantages that cannot be compared with any other fishing method.

In our article today, we will discuss in detail fishing with a balance beam in the summer. In particular, we will answer the following questions:

  • What is a balancer?
  • What types of balancers are there?
  • How is fishing carried out?
  • How does summer fishing differ from winter fishing?

Types of balancers

Although balancers are produced by a variety of companies, all models can be divided into 3 types.

  1. The first type is with plastic wings at the back;
  2. The second type is with a fur tassel, in the same place;
  3. The third type is silicone, which have been sold not so long ago.

The following varieties are also available:

Balancers with classic triangular tail. Fishing with a balance beam in the summer from a boat will be more effective if you resort to using classic options that differ from each other only in shape and proportions. The most important thing is the perfect balance, thanks to which our artificial fish can take a horizontal position, without significant deviations. These products may also differ in the shape of the mouth; With a big head. The use of these models must be accompanied by masterful control of the fishing rod. If you make sudden movements, the “fish” will behave unnaturally, which will scare off predators

Do not forget that the main task of the bait is to attract the attention of the fish, thanks to its natural “behavior”; Narrownose or zander. These varieties are used in winter and their properties are very similar to balance beams, which have an enlarged head

In the depths of water, the balancers make circular movements. The fisherman must carefully lower the rod so that the “fish” completes its maneuver without jolting;

Winter balancer with fur tassel. For winter fishing it is complemented with a small fur tassel. A very popular variety, which is used more and more nowadays, especially in the winter season.

Wobblers that catch 100%:

How to fish correctly with a balance beam

In summer, when it is hot, you need to look for fish in the shade of plants, because pike and perch are cold-loving creatures. Now we will discuss the question: how to fish with a balance beam in the summer? The most effective places include small openings in dense vegetation. If you use spinning rods in these areas, the fisherman will ruin the gear. Thanks to the balancer, you will be able to fully explore and fish every suitable “opening”. We recommend purchasing and using compact and lightweight boats. This is due to the fact that fish are extremely cautious in summer, which means the fisherman must be careful and not particularly attract attention to himself.

The best option is a two-seater rubber boat of some unsightly color. Never use anchors; it is better to choose areas of reservoirs where there is no current. Most effectively, fishing on a balance beam in the summer will be carried out together with a partner. One is fishing, the other is driving the boat. Fishing technique: the bait is lowered, it taps the bottom and a cloud of dust rises. Naturally, summer fishing with a balancer differs from winter fishing, since winter has its own characteristics and nuances. Now you know that the balancer was mistakenly considered a tackle only for winter fishing; it copes with the task perfectly at any time of the year!

How to attach balance beams to a perch

Recommendations for properly securing the bait are related to the purposes of its use. To interest the fish, during the game the balance bar must make uniform oscillations and constantly be in a horizontal position. There may be a slight deviation of the nose towards the top.

There are three main methods of fastening.

Tying directly to the fishing line

This method is chosen by most fishermen. As a rule, the balancer is secured using a palomar knot. To do this, a long loop of fishing line is pulled into the bow of the load, which is tied with a simple knot. Afterwards, the balancer itself is passed through the loop, a new knot is tightened and the protruding ends are cut off.

Tying the bait with a palomar knot

The main disadvantage of this option is the inability to quickly replace the bait. Also, the fishing line can rub against the metal shackle and break at the most inopportune moment when fishing for large fish.

Via non-slip loop

This option is the most competent from the point of view of ensuring the most realistic game. The load hangs freely in a blind loop. To secure the loop, some fishermen use a standard double or even a simple knot. However, these fastenings are not reliable and can fail if there is a strong bite.

It is best to use a rapala bunch. To do this, a simple knot is tied on the fishing line, the free end of which is threaded through the bait ring, and then returns, passing through the tied knot. Afterwards, the free end goes around the molar in several turns and returns to the original ligament, and then enters the formed loop and tightens.

Sliding double knot Grinner

The main disadvantage of this mount is its complexity, especially for novice fishermen. Also, this option does not provide quick replacement of gear.

Through carabiner

The weight is attached using a special fastener, which must be tied to the main fishing line. A correctly selected carabiner does not spoil the game and allows you to quickly replace the bait if necessary.

The disadvantage of this method is the risk of the hooks of the load catching on the carabiner, which can be avoided if a short fly fastener is used.

Knots for tying the balancer

There are many factors to take into account when choosing a fishing rod and related gear. These include the location of the reservoir, the average size of the perch living there and its reaction to the game

This knowledge can only be gained through practice, by hitting a lot of “bumps” while fishing.

Tying methods

Anglers use the following methods for tying balancers to the main line:

  1. directly to the base;
  2. blind hinge with free movement;
  3. with clasp or carabiner;
  4. with swivel;
  5. with a leash.

The leash is placed when there is a chance that the caught trophy will cut the fishing line with its sharp teeth and leave along with the bait. Only pike are capable of such actions, so only when purposefully catching a toothy predator with balance beams does it make sense to use a leash.

But it is important to understand that tackle with a leash makes it more difficult to control the bait and make retrieves that make it look natural in the water, which in turn reduces the number of bites. So the angler will have to choose between reliability and catchability of the gear and, most likely, give up the leash.

If you are fishing for pike using a balance beam and don’t want to lose it, leashes made of fluorocarbon fishing line help out, which are also hardly noticeable in the water.

Leashes are not used when fishing:

Only the sharp teeth of the pike force anglers to tie balancers on the leash.

If there is no or weak bite on a certain balancer model, it is recommended to change baits, selecting the most catchy ones. Tying baits on a pond is difficult due to low temperatures and harsh weather conditions. Fishermen solve the problem by tying a clasp or carabiner to the base, with the help of which changing the balancers is greatly facilitated.

But this method of attaching artificial fish cannot be called optimal, because there is no hard contact with the base and the “play” of the balancer during wiring is far from ideal. Anglers who use carabiners have no idea how effective fishing would be with the bait attached directly to the base.

Unnecessary equipment, such as carabiners and fasteners, only scare away fish in clear water. In addition, the balancer on the carbine is not rigidly attached, which means that correct wiring is much more difficult. When playing with a nod, the bait dangles on the fastener, and there is no full contact necessary to control it.

The only argument in favor of a carabiner with a clasp is the quick change of bait, which is important for winter fishing, but not critical. Having spent a couple of extra minutes, fishermen who know how to properly tie a balancer to a fishing line make the tackle more catchy and an unwary predator is caught on the hooks.

Attaching the bait to a swivel is also not a good solution, although fans of this method claim that when casting, the balancer twists the line and the swivel prevents such twisting. But as practice shows, the twist is small and when it gets into the water, the bait unwinds on its own, taking on a working position.

When connected to a blind loop with free movement, the bait also “dangles” on the fishing line and it is very difficult to make the correct wiring.

Yes, when fishing, baits come off due to:

  • incorrect ratio of the weight of the balancer and the thickness of the main fishing line (thin fishing line 0.8-0.1, if carelessly fished, will break on a trophy fish, even if it is a perch and not a pike);
  • an unreliable or incorrectly tied knot;
  • rubbing the base at the point of attachment to the balancer arm;
  • poorly processed, rough surface of the bow.

After purchasing the bait, you need to make sure that the surface of the bow is smooth and, if necessary, sand it with sandpaper. Even reputable bait manufacturers don't have all their products top-notch. Therefore, in order to prevent the loss of bait, it must be prepared for fishing.

The problem of the knot rubbing against the balance bar is really serious, and this happens because at the moment of a bite on the front or tail hook, the bait shifts due to skew. The attachment point for the bait rubs against the bow, moving towards its edge, and after removing the fish from the hook, the fisherman restores the correct position of the balancer on the fishing line, again with friction against the metal half-ring.

Well, you definitely need to check the condition of the base before tying the balancer at the beginning of fishing, and cut off damaged sections of the fishing line.

Knots are most often used to tie the bait to the base:

These are one of the most reliable fishing knots and every angler should learn how to tie them, especially those who go out to water bodies in the winter season.

Fishing line classification

Fishing line is the main thing in fishing equipment.

She meets:

  • Monofilament. It is made from nylon. It can be done in several ways and each has different properties. There is multi-filament, also called braided or braided. This type also has two options: the first is a fairly common type, which consists of thin threads that move along the shape of the bundles. The next type is a sheathed cord, it is braided and covered with a sheath on top.
  • Flucarbonic. It differs in that it is not invisible in the water.

Pros of monofilament:

  • Reasonable price, therefore refers to budget options;
  • High strength;
  • Huge range of sizes, brands, manufacturers.
  • Very elastic and tough. Doesn't get tangled;

Despite the abundance of positive aspects, there is also a minus - it stretches in water

This is very important, because when fishing the main thing is constant contact between the fisherman and the bait, but this will not work with monofilament fishing line

But if the fishing line is of very high quality, then the stretching is not felt if you fish with a jig. Many professionals advise starting with this line, and only then moving on to using braid.

Braid is often used for jig fishing.

We invite you to read: How to make a donk for pike

It has the following advantages:

  • Cannot be stretched;
  • Excellent sensitivity to bait;
  • It is very durable and can withstand a load that exceeds the placed mass by 2 times.

But, like any fishing line, this one has its negative aspects:

  • Knots and beards may appear, which is natural for this material. And in this case, it looks like an ordinary thread that constantly gets tangled. There are several ways to combat this, but, unfortunately, they do not always save.
  • It is very expensive;
  • She could hurt her hands;
  • During use, it may begin to crumble into threads, which will necessarily require replacement.

The next type is flucarbonic. It is suitable for spinning rods, feeders and other equipment. This fishing line has the main advantage of being invisible in the water. The fish cannot notice the fishing line, so it strives for the bait that interests it.

But, like any fishing line, it has its negative aspects:

  • This fishing line is very expensive, but it is usually used for leashes, so a 5 meter reel will be plenty, and its price is more or less affordable;
  • Does not always withstand loads well;
  • In terms of strength, it is almost 2 times inferior to monofilament;
  • Very tough, so the knots spread;
  • It has poor elasticity, so it constantly stretches and deforms, leaving places where there are bends.

Many men love to fish. Among which there are fans of winter fishing. But the main success in fishing lies in good equipment and the correct use of all accessories. Therefore, many are interested in the question of how to properly tie a winter lure to a fishing line.

This is done like this:

  1. Choose a mounting method; this choice will be influenced by fishing conditions. There are several methods: attach the spoon to the fishing line; fix the spoon to the leash, tie the spoon by the ring;
  2. Then you need to make a knot at the end of the fishing line. Insert the fishing line twice into the hole of the spoon and close it with a simple knot. The knot needs to be firmly fixed and excess fishing line removed;
  3. If you wanted to secure the spinner with a loop, then the knot on the fishing line will weaken it. And the double line will be very noticeable;
  4. If the spoon is attached to the fishing line, then it transmits its movements to it, which will cause vibrations and they will depend on the thickness of the fishing line;
  5. Metal wiring should be used when fishing in a place where there are a lot of pike.

Also, many beginners in their search for information may stumble upon such nuances as tying a spinner with a match to the fishing line. This is done to tie the balancer - a match is inserted into the loop of the knot, after the knot is tightened it will need to be removed and then the knot will be strong.

The next question, which is also of interest, is how to tie a lure for navaga to a fishing line. The spinner for navaga is small and narrow. The hook is usually single and well sharpened. A spoon is attached to the end of the fishing line, and a weight is attached at a distance of 20-30 cm.

Is it necessary to use a leash when fishing with a balance beam?

There is also a lot of debate on this issue; many fishermen do not want to lose very expensive equipment for pike, although without the use of leashes the number of bites increases significantly.

For example, when fishing for pike perch or pike perch with a balancer, the presence of a leash is not at all necessary, especially if there is no toothy fish in the reservoir. When fishing for pike, it is best to use a leash, and the leash must be made soft and thin, for which thin leashes made of tungsten or surflon are suitable.

How to tie a Palomar knot?

This unit is very simple and does not require any special skills:

  • - you should fold the fishing line in half, and then pull it through the bow;
  • - then you need to use the free tip to tie a simple knot, but you should not overtighten this knot;
  • — double fishing line makes a loop into which you need to thread the balancer;
  • — then you should carefully tighten all four ends of the fishing line, and then cut off the excess fishing line about five to seven centimeters directly from the knot itself, so that there are no unties.


Node options

To tie fishing line and braid, several methods of forming and tightening knots are used, differing from each other in the value of the permissible tensile load. After practicing for a few minutes, a novice fisherman will be ready to tie any of the knots he likes in a real situation, directly on the shore of a reservoir. Spending a little time, he will achieve a knot no less strong than his more experienced comrades.

Shock leader knot

This knot is durable and invisible to passing fish, any of which can taste the bait on a spoon tied with the same knot. To attach the fishing line to the cord in this way, do the following.

  1. Form a simple knot at the end of the “lead” monofilament without tightening it.
  2. Thread a 20 cm end of the cord through the loop remaining after forming the knot. Tighten the knot.
  3. Wrap the monofilament with the same end of the braid. Make up to 8 turns.
  4. Pass the remaining end of the braid between the fishing lines, pulling it towards the original knot. A new loop is formed.
  5. Insert the end of the cord into this loop. Tighten the knot by pulling on the main line and cord.
  6. Trim the excess ends of the monofilament and cord to a few millimeters. Use a lighter to burn the ends of the lines to prevent them from coming loose.


Tying with a “bloody” knot will allow you to attach a braided line to a fishing line with a minimal difference in thickness and maintain 85-90% of the original strength. To tie a monofilament line to a cord with such a knot, do the following.

  1. The ends of the fishing line and braid are fastened together. The end of the cord should be at least 15 cm, and the fishing line should be half that length.
  2. The cord is then wound an average of 14 turns around the nylon axis towards the main line.
  3. Holding the ends of the fastened fishing line and cord in the center of the winding turns, separate the fishing line and cord, forming a loop between them.
  4. The end of the braid is threaded through this loop.
  5. Opposite the passage of the missing end of the cord, the end of the fishing line is pulled into the same loop.
  6. The knot is wetted before tightening. By pulling the fishing line and cord, tighten the entire knot.
  7. After tightening the knot, the excess ends are cut off.


The simplicity and strength of the knot characterize it as a non-slip connection. It will not be difficult to untie it by moving any of its loops. Follow these steps to form and tighten the knot.

  1. The line is placed in a loop. In this case, the shortened end is moved forward. After being thrown over the main thread, it turns downwards.
  2. On another piece of line, follow the same steps, first passing the end of the braided line through the loop of the mono line.
  3. Moisten the knot before tightening. Pull it evenly, without sudden movements.


The Albright knot is suitable for fishing lines and cords that differ from each other in diameter (thickness). They also knit homogeneous fishing lines and cords. To shape and tie it, do the following.

  1. Fold the cord end into an open loop. Pass the end of a single line through it.
  2. Wrap this loop once with a turn of monofilament. The cord and monofilament should eventually form one loop each. Both loops are opposite, which simplifies the process.
  3. Using the free end, make up to 10 turns around the monofilament loop. Pull what's left of the end into a loop of thick cord.
  4. Moisten the resulting wrap. Remembering to tighten the ends of the lines, tighten the loops from each other.

How to knit a clinch

Every fisherman should know how to tie a clinch knot. The quality of preparation of the gear, as well as its suitability for fishing, depends on this.

Before tightening the knot, it must be moistened with water. This is the only way to securely attach the tackle.


How to tie a clinch knot will become clear the first time you read the step-by-step instructions. You need to do the following:

  1. We pass the fishing line through the eye about 10-15 cm. We twist the free end around its main part. Make 5-8 revolutions;
  2. We insert the end of the thread into the loop that has formed near the eye;
  3. Wet the bundle with water and tighten it;
  4. Cut off the extra piece.


A more reliable variation is the improved clinch fishing knot. It is often used to attach boat anchors, which indicates its high strength. It is tied in almost the same way as the simple version.

Improved clinch knot

  1. We insert the thread into the hole 10-15 cm. With the smaller end we make 5-8 turns around the main part;
  2. We thread the working end into the loop near the eyelet, do not tighten it;
  3. We pass the working end of the thread through the resulting large loop between the eyelet and the spiral;
  4. Wet with water and tighten;
  5. Cut off the extra piece.


If there is a possibility that a high load will be placed on the thread, you can tie a reinforced version. This is done in this order:

  1. Bend the fishing line in half to make a loop 10-15 cm long;
  2. We pass the double thread through the hole on the part. The working end should be 8-9 mm long;
  3. We wrap the main line 5-8 times;
  4. We pass the thread through the formed loop near the eye;
  5. We wet the bundle and tighten it;
  6. Trim off the excess, leaving about 2 mm.

Clinch knot reinforced


The main distinguishing feature of the double clinch fishing knot is the double loop. It boasts great strength, which allows it to withstand heavy loads. A double fisherman's knot can be used on monofilament and braided threads.

The double clinch knot is performed in the following order:

  1. We pass the fishing line through the ear 10-15 cm;
  2. After this, we do a similar action again to make a double loop;
  3. We make 5-8 turns around the main line;
  4. Pull through a double loop;
  5. Wet;
  6. We tighten it.

Simple locking clinch

This option is usually knitted from wool thread or thin braid. It is intended to limit the movement of the float along the fishing line. To tie it, you need to do the following:

  1. Take a piece of braid or thread approximately 25 cm long and fold it in half;
  2. We place the piece under the main thread, matching its middle with the place of tying on the main line;
  3. We throw one end over the main thread, make 5-6 turns around it and the second half of the segment;
  4. Pass the end of the thread through the resulting loop, moisten it, and tighten it well;
  5. Trim off the excess, leaving approximately 2 mm.

To knit a stop version, you can use a thread with a cross-section equal to the main line or slightly larger.

How to tie a Palomar knot?

This unit is very simple and does not require any special skills:

  • - you should fold the fishing line in half, and then pull it through the bow;
  • - then you need to use the free tip to tie a simple knot, but you should not overtighten this knot;
  • — double fishing line makes a loop into which you need to thread the balancer;
  • — then you should carefully tighten all four ends of the fishing line, and then cut off the excess fishing line about five to seven centimeters directly from the knot itself, so that there are no unties.


Alternative nodes

To provide the bait with a greater degree of freedom, instead of the Rapala knot, you can use winding rings and clasps (carabiners) for fastening; swivels will also be in place. But due to their weight, these additional elements of equipment located in front of the bait will inevitably make it difficult to play.

Important! If for heavy wobblers and spinners some deterioration in their performance due to winding rings, carabiners and swivels is not critical, then the performance of small light baits can deteriorate noticeably. Therefore, the lighter the model used, the more justified its installation using a Rapala loop or a similar unit

There are also alternative loop knots that are not much inferior to the Rapala loop. In addition, you can use non-loop methods for mounting baits.

Tight loop

This installation method is well suited for tying wobblers and flies; they can also be used to attach other baits and equipment. Like the Rapala knot, it provides the maximum degree of freedom. As you can easily see from the diagram, the Tight loop is knitted in a similar way, but it is simpler to perform and does not require such a large consumption of fishing line.

Learn more about the Tight Loop Knot

How to knit a tight loop knot is clearly shown in this video:

Blind (corner) loop

Another loop method of attaching baits and equipment elements, which guarantees a very high degree of freedom. In terms of simplicity and speed of knitting, it surpasses the Rapala loop and is not inferior to the Tight loop.


A very simple to implement and at the same time very durable method of tying hooks, spinning lures, flies, jigs, swivels, snap hooks and other equipment elements that should be located at the end of the fishing line. Unlike the Rapala knot, it is not a loop knot.

More about the Palomar node

How to tie a Palomar knot is clearly shown in this video:


Another very strong and fairly easy to tie knot, which is a worthy alternative to Palomar.

More about the Clinch knot

How to tie a Clinch knot is clearly shown in this video:

Uni (Grinner)

Uni is not used as widely as Palomar or Clinch. But the connection strength it provides is also excellent.

Grinner knot, or Uni

How to knit a Uni knot is clearly shown in this video:


An installation method suitable for tying hooks, swivels and other end elements of equipment, the strength of which is about 90%. The process of tying it is similar to tying the Rapala knot. But, unlike it, Homer is a non-loop method of connection, like Palomar, Clinch and Uni.

Learn more about the Homer Knot

How to knit a Homer knot is clearly shown in this video:

How should you properly attach the balancer to the fishing line?

In order to attach a balancer to a fishing line on a winter fishing rod, anglers have several different methods. Direct line attachment

This is the most common method of mounting a balancer on a fishing line. In this case, the balancer, in most cases, is secured using special fishing knots - Palomar or Clinch.

But such fastening has some disadvantages, for example, the probability of the knot itself rubbing against the balance bar is too high, especially when carrying out intensive pecking and fishing.

Among other things, the fisherman does not have the opportunity to quickly change the balancer, because he will have to re-tie the knot. There is also the possibility of deterioration in the play of especially light balancers; such balancers must be equipped with winding rings and the balancer must be secured to the fishing line using such a ring.

Do I need a leash on the balancer?

This is another topic that haunts winter spinners. It is clear that a heavy metal leader makes the game worse, especially for small and light lures. In winter, the water is cleaner, so such a leash will be noticeable to the fish. Experienced fishermen know that in winter the number of pike bites on a rig without a leash is an order of magnitude higher. At the same time, you don’t want to leave an expensive (or even worse, your favorite and catchy) bait in the pike’s mouth.

The general system for using leashes in winter is as follows:

  1. A leash is not used for catching pike perch and pike perch.
  2. It can also be neglected when fishing for pike, especially in the dead of winter, if it is known for certain from other anglers that the predator does not swallow deeply in this particular body of water.
  3. When specifically fishing for pike, as well as in reservoirs where its grip is very likely, it is better to use a leash.

The winter leash for the balancer should be thin and soft. Therefore, hard steel summer options are not suitable. It is recommended to use the following options:

  • Thin tungsten leash from the store. In this case, the fittings hanging on it are removed (carefully bitten off with wire cutters). At the top of the main line it can be tied with a clinch, palomar, rapala knot or loop in a loop. Below - through a winding ring or a small carabiner.
  • Fluorocarbon twist (2-3 strands of 0.2-0.3 each).
  • Special leader material, for example, surflon.

Some fishermen advise using braided line as a leash, but in vain. Braided line can be cut by pike just as quickly and easily as monofilament. Always carefully approach the equipment of the balancing gear; all components must be neat and durable. Don’t forget, the main thing is the correct action of the bait.

Tying the balancer to the fishing line (video):

Requirements for mounting the balancer

There are anglers who believe that it is enough to tie the balancer with a reliable knot and prevent its loss when fishing or hooking a predator. There is logic in this, because a high-quality product is not cheap and its loss will entail additional financial expenses.

Only the knot with which the artificial fish is tied affects its “play” in the water column , and this directly affects the number of fish caught. In winter, the predator is especially attentive to everything unfamiliar and suspicious, so before attacking the bait, he will want to make sure that it is the desired prey.

While waiting for a bite, the fisherman imitates the behavior of a live fish with bait and, with a well-developed technique, will definitely deceive both perch and pike. But this will only happen if the balancer is positioned horizontally, that is, correctly loaded and tied.

Requirements for tying balancers:

  • the bait is securely attached to the base and will not come off even with strong pressure;
  • the game of the balancer copies the movements of a natural fish and teases the angler’s potential prey;
  • the artificial fish behaves correctly in the water and during pauses during retrieves;
  • the knot does not destroy the fishing line even after prolonged fishing.

A reliable knot is needed so that even if hooks or a tee catch on bushes or bottom debris, the fisherman, with an effort, will release the bait. Such cases are not uncommon when fishing with balance beams, and it all depends on the strength of the base and the knot with which the artificial fish is tied.

Expert opinion

Alexander Popov

Expert fisherman

The catchability of an artificial fish depends on how believably it “plays” in the water and copies the behavior of the fry. Only with a high-quality connection to the base, the balancer becomes, as it were, a continuation of the fishing line and sensitively reacts to the movements of the nod of the fishing rod, “writing” “figure eights” or circles in the water.

The basis of the bait game is a pause and most often at this moment the predator attacks its “prey”. At such a moment, clear contact and timely hooking are important, which also depends on how the balancer is tied to the main line.

The fishing rod is equipped with monofilament or fluorocarbon fishing line. Braided cord is not suitable here due to its physical characteristics, as well as insufficient camouflage in water.

Trying to firmly tie the bait to the base, the angler tightens the knot too much, and this affects the condition of the monofilament or fluorocarbon. Therefore, to tie balancers, knots are used that do not destroy the fishing line even after a long session.

Mounting a carabiner using a crimp tube

It is quite difficult to tie a small carabiner to a thick fishing line. Fishermen used many different methods for this and as a result came to the conclusion: you can use a crimp tube.

It is a metal tube, a fluor loop is inserted into it, then clamped with pliers. The connection will be strong. The loop can withstand high tensile load.

Crimpers come in different thicknesses. To determine the diameter of the crimp tube, you need to multiply the fluor diameter by 2 and add 0.1 mm. If you are making gear from fluor with a diameter of 0.45 mm, then you will need a crimp tube with a diameter of 0.95-1 mm.

You can attach a fishing snap hook to any cord, regardless of its thickness. Carabiner clasps help the angler save time and create a durable structure for fishing gear for both summer and winter fishing. In winter, after attaching the carabiner, we tie the jig to the fishing line, and you can start fishing.

General rules

Let's look at how to properly tie a sinker to the main line.

  1. Attach it at the end of the tackle, and not above the hooks or in a random place between the leads.
  2. Attach this load using one of the special knots, rather than tying a simple double knot. The fact is that ordinary knots tend to quickly unravel, and the sinker can be lost in the pond forever.
  3. Do not exceed the permissible weight of the sinker. It should not overload the “lead” section of the tackle, pulling the hooks far, to the very bottom, where the fish do not always move in schools. Bottom fishing is possible only in bad weather caused by low atmospheric pressure. A sinker that is too large will overload the float and it will go under water.

  4. Do not underestimate the weight of the sinker. A sinker that is too small will not load the float enough when fishing with a float rod. It will not stretch the tackle from the surface of the reservoir to the required depth - normally this distance coincides with the length of the tackle section from the float to the sinker. Insufficient weight of the sinker when fishing in a river or during small waves in the sea or ocean will lead to the fact that the current and wind will carry the tackle far from the fisherman - close to the shore, where the fish may not go at all.

In any case, one of the universal rules is that the section of fishing line with leashes must be stretched as much as possible with a sinker and float in order to avoid twisting and tangling of the tackle during active currents and frequent bites.

Important Details

When fishing in clear, clear water, it is better to use fluorocarbon. Some predators in winter may not take the bait if they sense a catch. Fluorocarbon has less elongation, so its use when catching large pike in shallow water can end in a cliff (if the angler is inept). On the contrary, a fishing line that is too stretchy, and even at a decent depth, with a large weight of the balancer, can disrupt the performance of the bait.

The choice of fishing line for fishing with a balancer in winter is not limited to selecting the correct diameter. It is important to consider the following characteristics:

  • Strength;
  • Extensibility;
  • Invisibility;
  • Tendency to freeze;
  • Softness (lack of memory) at low temperatures.

Which line for the balancer is better, each angler decides for himself using a simple search method. Together with the fishing line, the tackle should sense the play of the bait. There are no special solutions for winter fishing with a balancer; you need to experiment, choosing the best option. Monofilament should be durable, preferably invisible in water. Frozen ice should be cleaned off well without damaging the surface.

It is better to use soft types of fishing line, with no memory, but at the same time with average elongation. Excessive extensibility, as already mentioned above, is harmful. Soft winter monofilament with low memory, after being removed from the reel or reel, completely straightens under the weight of the bait, without losing such properties even in severe frost.

At depth it is better to use fluorocarbon, as it has less elongation compared to monofilament. At such depths, heavy balancers are used; excessive springiness of the monofilament will negatively affect the correct performance of the bait. When catching large fish in shallow water, a regular winter monofilament line works better. It stretches better and absorbs the jerks of the fish.

On the other hand, depth and insufficiently clean water allow the use of thicker equipment (but not to the detriment of the action of the bait). But some ichthyologists claim that the fish “sees” the equipment in the water not with its eyes, but with its lateral line. If this is so, then the “invisibility” of thick fluorocarbon does not make sense - the fish will still detect it with their radar.

These questions will come into place only after the fisherman personally uses the gear on the pond. Depending on the conditions and certain nuances, each fisherman develops his own methods of rigging fishing rods and fishing tactics. The article provides only a theoretical basis from which to build on in practice.

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Methods for tying the weight will depend on the installation and fishing methods. The weight can be tied on a separate leash, be sliding and attached like a jig, or simply pressed motionless onto the fishing line.

If the rig uses a sliding sinker, it is attached with a small loop. The loop is inserted into the eye and the ends of the fishing line are pulled through it. This loop allows the knot to move.

If the sinker is a regular suspended one, then a fixed knot is used to attach the leash to the fishing line; you can see how to make it in the video:

In general, you don’t have to tie the sinker, but simply squeeze the line with a lead pellet using pliers.

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